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Trivial Things That Make You Surly


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2 hours ago, 52-80 said:

When the cooking pan isn’t large enough to fit all the bacon you want to eat

Just gonna assume you meant frying pans, thus the funny pic.    On a serious note, if you haven't tried a foil lined cookie sheet full of bacon at about 400F in the  oven, well, pardner, it's time you did...


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24 minutes ago, slorch said:

Just gonna assume you meant frying pans, thus the funny pic.    On a serious note, if you haven't tried a foil lined cookie sheet full of bacon at about 400F in the  oven, well, pardner, it's time you did...


Agreed. Air fryer is fine, but everything that comes out of the air fryer tastes pretty much the same. Bacon isn’t as bacony, French fries aren’t quite as French fry-y, etc.  the oven on a foil-lined cookie sheet is the best way to go. 

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8 hours ago, ztejas said:

Tangential but fits the thread. I've been driving Lyft and Uber a lot lately because I don't feel like getting a "real" job right now/yet/maybe ever. 

I have done hundreds of rides and received almost as many ratings. I have received nothing other than 5 stars for every single rating except for one. One fucking person on Uber gave me a 1 star rating. I don't know why or who it was. 

I don't REALLY care because (to the thread title) it is extremely trivial - but man I'd be lying if I said it didn't annoy me. It would probably annoy me less if I had a mix of ratings but I sit there and check my shit occasionally and it's still just that one God damn rating getting in the way of perfection.

I totally get the feeling. My first year out of pharmacy school I got a patient comment that went like this: This pharmacist went above and beyond what I expected of him. He not only got the refills I couldn't get from my doctor's office but he found a coupon that saved me lots of money. I cannot give him 5 stars because only Jesus is perfect. 4/5. That drove me crazy for years!

The early days of uber you got to see your rating update almost instantly after a ride. I used to date this girl who had such an ego that if you made her score drop from 4.6 to 4.59 she'd give you 1 star in retaliation. Obviously that relationship didn't last long lol

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This whole rating shit drives me bananas. For my employer it's off the rails. Not only are respondents presented a scale of 0-10 that is treated as binary (0-9 == 0) but the responses are also only used in relative statistics. So if everyone figures out how to game the system and is getting 10s across the board and you get a couple 9s tossed in, you drop to 80th percentile.

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The "only Jesus gets a five" is obviously the handiwork of a stone-cold moron, but it does illustrate the problem that these "rate on a meaningless numerical continuum" questions have no logical or consistent anchor points. 

Is a one-star Uber a ride in which you were permanently injured and your companion was killed due to an avoidable accident with an oncoming freight train? Or is it one where you had to explain your simple pick up location to the driver over the course of five texts and three calls, the car smelled like cigarettes and BO, the driver had to stop and use the bathroom at a gas station en route, and you wonder if maybe he was drinking from a hip flask while shitting? Or is it the one where the driver ignored your local knowledge and got you stuck in a traffic jam for five or ten minutes but everything was otherwise acceptable?  And does a five-star ride only end with an orgasm? 

There's a pretty funny episode of Corporate ("Good Job") that deals with the whole "thirsty for a review" phenomenon and the tremendous overreliance on this shitty metric that the whole rating thing has launched. 

Edited by Prepuce of Doom
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I worked for a long time for a Scandinavian company. In Scandinavia, there is the concept of Janteloven, which roughly means that no one should think himself better, smarter, etc., than the others. It’s all about the good of the collective, not the individual. 
Our corporate ratings system was 1-5. You would get two ratings, one for behavior, one for delivery. No one got a 5/5. No one. They were like unicorns—you heard that they existed, but you never actually saw one. Instead, a 3/3 was to be considered an outstanding score—“you met the high expectations we had for you!”  
Try selling that to a group of high-achieving Americans. All of whom are used to being the best and brightest in their class. They go from being an “A” player their entire life to being, in their translation, a “C” player. Ridiculous. Led to massive problems and demoralization every year. 

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5 hours ago, Llogg said:

This whole rating shit drives me bananas. For my employer it's off the rails. Not only are respondents presented a scale of 0-10 that is treated as binary (0-9 == 0) but the responses are also only used in relative statistics. So if everyone figures out how to game the system and is getting 10s across the board and you get a couple 9s tossed in, you drop to 80th percentile.

For my employer, we use a 5 point scale with 5 being exceptional and 1 meaning you'd better start looking for a job...  With that being said about the "one" rating, you can hit 9 out of 10 metrics and get a 2( a fucking two!!!)  Then there have been years when I crushed it, but allegedly so did everyone else, so I get a 3, for "achieving your main objectives."   No motherfuckers, you banked off my ass and hosed me on my fucking assessment.  They say it is a 1-5 scale, but in reality, it is a 1-3 scale.  5's are for unicorns and fast trackers. 4's are extremely limited.

When I fill out a survey, knowing what many posters have shared on here, I give them either a 10 or a 1.  it's a 2 point scale.  Pass-fail

All that mumbo-jumbo about not deserving a 10 is horseshit.   If they took care of you and earned your business, give em 10's.

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On 12/5/2020 at 11:26 PM, ztejas said:

Tangential but fits the thread. I've been driving Lyft and Uber a lot lately because I don't feel like getting a "real" job right now/yet/maybe ever. 

I have done hundreds of rides and received almost as many ratings. I have received nothing other than 5 stars for every single rating except for one. One fucking person on Uber gave me a 1 star rating. I don't know why or who it was. 

I don't REALLY care because (to the thread title) it is extremely trivial - but man I'd be lying if I said it didn't annoy me. It would probably annoy me less if I had a mix of ratings but I sit there and check my shit occasionally and it's still just that one God damn rating getting in the way of perfection.

The system discourages anything other than a 5 star rating, at least in my opinion. I had a driver who was less than stellar and iirc wouldn't take directions or something. Anyway I doled out a 4 and then the system wanted to know why, why would you do that? Did they kill a pedestrian? Rape your grandmother? The questions! The questions!!! It's just easier to give a 5 and get on with my day. 

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6 minutes ago, El Diablo said:

The system discourages anything other than a 5 star rating, at least in my opinion. I had a driver who was less than stellar and iirc wouldn't take directions or something. Anyway I doled out a 4 and then the system wanted to know why, why would you do that? Did they kill a pedestrian? Rape your grandmother? The questions! The questions!!! It's just easier to give a 5 and get on with my day. 

I mean, yes. It works that way on my end too. I'm not sure I've ever rated any passenger below 5 stars except for a couple that completely deserved it. 

Ultimately nothing is getting in the way of anyone giving me a shitty rating, though. 

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As much of a virtual asshole as I am, I'm quiet and polite in real life.  Still holding onto my 4.98 rating on Uber after about a couple thousands rides.  I think I got 3's and 4's in there at the start because I didn't wear my seatbelt.  You can't tip your way to a 5-star rating, but I will give away one 5-star tip via Jedi Mind Trick (gotta still be polite and treat the car nicely):

When you get out of a cab or Uber, even if you've been silent or on your phone or whatever...it's customary for even the biggest assholes to say something like, 'Thanks for the Ride', right?  One simple turn of phrase, and you too can have a 4.98 and get picked up anywhere in Boston at 3am with a dead body.  When you get out of the Uber, say, "Thanks for the five-star ride.'  meaning you're giving them five stars for the great ride.  It's a little thing that some of my regular pickup drivers tell me makes a big difference.  It's a non-douche way of saying "I'm giving you five stars for your drive today, hope you feel the same way."  Also, be nice.  That sometimes helps I'm told. 

And if you're using Uber now, wear a fucking mask.  I've seen more than one person get into the back seat of a car downtown or on campus (with the logos in the front window), with no fucking mask on.  Maybe they're gonna put it on once they get their seatbelt on, but before you touch that outside door handle, put your fucking mask on.  I can only assume it's even more inconsiderate in suburbs and smaller cities around Texas where mask denial continues.  I'm not completely sure how the Uber algorithim works, but I hope it takes points off for transmitting a deadly virus within the confines of a Honda Civic.  

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On 12/2/2020 at 1:27 PM, Brisketexan said:

Godfuckingdammit.....our microwave (not that old, maybe 5-6 years) just flat-out died.  Granted, it's been getting a workout in the Rona times -- we are all at home, we've heated up frozen dinners and leftovers a lot.

Fortunately, we have a shitty backup microwave downstairs, so it's now being pressed into first string duty.  And we've been talking about a kitchen remodel, so I'm not inclined to buy a new one until we decide what we're going to do there.  So, we'll have a half-assed kitchen setup with a shitty, old, smaller microwave for a while.  So be it.  But...annoying.

When a $200 microwave turns into a $20k remodel bill.  

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As much of a virtual asshole as I am, I'm quiet and polite in real life.  Still holding onto my 4.98 rating on Uber after about a couple thousands rides.  I think I got 3's and 4's in there at the start because I didn't wear my seatbelt.  You can't tip your way to a 5-star rating, but I will give away one 5-star tip via Jedi Mind Trick (gotta still be polite and treat the car nicely):
When you get out of a cab or Uber, even if you've been silent or on your phone or whatever...it's customary for even the biggest assholes to say something like, 'Thanks for the Ride', right?  One simple turn of phrase, and you too can have a 4.98 and get picked up anywhere in Boston at 3am with a dead body.  When you get out of the Uber, say, "Thanks for the five-star ride.'  meaning you're giving them five stars for the great ride.  It's a little thing that some of my regular pickup drivers tell me makes a big difference.  It's a non-douche way of saying "I'm giving you five stars for your drive today, hope you feel the same way."  Also, be nice.  That sometimes helps I'm told. 
And if you're using Uber now, wear a fucking mask.  I've seen more than one person get into the back seat of a car downtown or on campus (with the logos in the front window), with no fucking mask on.  Maybe they're gonna put it on once they get their seatbelt on, but before you touch that outside door handle, put your fucking mask on.  I can only assume it's even more inconsiderate in suburbs and smaller cities around Texas where mask denial continues.  I'm not completely sure how the Uber algorithim works, but I hope it takes points off for transmitting a deadly virus within the confines of a Honda Civic.  

If my Uber comes when they promise, the car is clean, we take a reasonable route to get where I’m going, and no weird conversation— five stars. What else can you really expect.

Oddly enough, the driver in Long Island who dropped me off at my sisters place and lamented that he wanted a different job but couldn’t get one “because of the felonies” also got five stars, but the motivation was entirely different there.
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On 12/6/2020 at 8:26 AM, ztejas said:

Tangential but fits the thread. I've been driving Lyft and Uber a lot lately because I don't feel like getting a "real" job right now/yet/maybe ever. 

I have done hundreds of rides and received almost as many ratings. I have received nothing other than 5 stars for every single rating except for one. One fucking person on Uber gave me a 1 star rating. I don't know why or who it was. 

I don't REALLY care because (to the thread title) it is extremely trivial - but man I'd be lying if I said it didn't annoy me. It would probably annoy me less if I had a mix of ratings but I sit there and check my shit occasionally and it's still just that one God damn rating getting in the way of perfection.


90% of my uber rides are for work, going to/from airport, etc.  im dressed clean.  im on time.  i greet.  i dont chitchat.  got a rating of 4.8 or thereabouts.  never get to see the individual ratings right?  so dont know where the non-5s came from or how many.  fuck em.


we also have an online classified here where i get rid of lots of non-junk stuff (electronic equipment, hobbies, etc).  i hate haggling, so my sales item are already the most favorably priced.  items perfectly described and photographed, in original condition.  answer all messages instantly.  have had all straight-forward transactions , so i gave everyone 5s. 

2 of them gave me 3s in return, without a justifying comment.  they, and the few other low ballers, have a unifying ethnicity based on their names.  not gonna say what, but im a little disinclined to deal with them going forward...



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Lazy-assed, inconsiderate meatheads that just can’t seem to put forth the effort of placing a new roll of TP on the TP holder or doing the same with paper towels and paper towel holders.  

The TP holder is right there next to the crapper at knee level where you sit but NO you contort yourself to put it on top of the tank behind you.

Don’t even start with me on actually going to the Herculean effort of getting a new roll of out of the cabinet in the BR to replace the roll you just used.  


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7 hours ago, deadshank said:

Lazy-assed, inconsiderate meatheads that just can’t seem to put forth the effort of placing a new roll of TP on the TP holder or doing the same with paper towels and paper towel holders.  

The TP holder is right there next to the crapper at knee level where you sit but NO you contort yourself to put it on top of the tank behind you.

Don’t even start with me on actually going to the Herculean effort of getting a new roll of out of the cabinet in the BR to replace the roll you just used.  

If the toilet paper roll is at knee level when you're sitting on the toilet then it's getting splattered when anyone is standing up to urinate. 

Edit: That reminds me of a Little Johnny joke. The teacher asks Little Johnny to use the word "urinate" in a sentence. Little Iohnny says, "Urinate. You'd be a ten if your tits were bigger."

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If the toilet paper roll is at knee level when you're sitting on the toilet then it's getting splattered when anyone is standing up to urinate. 
Edit: That reminds me of a Little Johnny joke. The teacher asks Little Johnny to use the word "urinate" in a sentence. Little Iohnny says, "Urinate. You'd be a ten if your tits were bigger."
Maybe i am wasteful, but the 1st 2 feet of tp i always reel off and throw out when i am not at my house when out in public. For your reason partially, but mostfully for cleanliness.
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17 hours ago, deadshank said:

Lazy-assed, inconsiderate meatheads that just can’t seem to put forth the effort of placing a new roll of TP on the TP holder or doing the same with paper towels and paper towel holders.  

The TP holder is right there next to the crapper at knee level where you sit but NO you contort yourself to put it on top of the tank behind you.

Don’t even start with me on actually going to the Herculean effort of getting a new roll of out of the cabinet in the BR to replace the roll you just used.  


Is this the wives thread??

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