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Trivial Things That Make You Surly


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World Chase Tag. NBCsports is televising a bunch of idiots playing tag. This despite college football, college basketball and I'm sure some type of soccer being played. This is no Channel for Old Men. Sometimes we don't deserved to be free.


Yeah, Yeah. I know I can change the channel and did. But that's what this thread is for. Stupid trivial shit. 

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QB hit as he throws it, ball goes backwards. There’s always a few idiots saying “I think his arm was going forward, incomplete pass!” If the ball goes backwards, it’s either a fumble or a backwards pass. Live ball either way, you hopelessly stupid piece of shit. 
It's like rain on your wedding day...
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When you make an obvious stop/ yield right of way, trying to convey courtesy and caution...
and they fucking piddle their way across in front of you.  Gotdammit, move your ass, motherfucker... my good nature is not infinite.
Anyone not moving their ass to get out of the way in parking lots make me surly. Completely oblivious to their surroundings with no fucks given.
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9 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

Staying on South Padre Island (not making me surly).  Several cross streets are named after planets in this order, driving north from the causeway:





Would it have been that damn hard to put them in the correct order? Makes my OCD kick in every time I pass them. 

Careful on Uranus street. 

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On 12/16/2020 at 6:28 AM, VolenteHawk said:

If you’re in Dallas and have an ultra strict no beverage policy, it was me a few weeks ago.

Now, I’m cool with the policy if they feel like they need it. If I’m swilling a to go beer at 2:15 and you’re dropping me at Waffle House, stand firm. Rules are rules. If you’re picking me up outside a hotel at 8am for a morning of meetings, dressed in office attire, and wearing a watch that’s worth more than the car I’m about to get in...take a context clue and be flexible. Ultimately it’s up to the driver, but if I’m ditching this coffee and he’s a dick about it...that’s 1 star and part of his tip is replacing the coffee 11 minutes from now. Driver’s choice.


can afford expensive watch but not manners...


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40 minutes ago, Player said:

Trying to put fresh produce in the little plastic bags at HEB, but not being able to get the bag open because you’re wearing a mask and can’t lick your fingertip.

Two hacks:

1) Go over by the produce that has the misting on it. There’s always condensation you can use to wet your fingers. 
2) Wet your fingers by moving your mask and licking your fingers. It has the added benefit of freaking out the Karens around you. 

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11 minutes ago, nnm said:

Two hacks:

1) Go over by the produce that has the misting on it. There’s always condensation you can use to wet your fingers. 
2) Wet your fingers by moving your mask and licking your fingers. It has the added benefit of freaking out the Karens around you. 

3. Run two fingers real quick up and down your ass-crack, smile at people while you do this. 

Edited by 956 Worldwide
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59 minutes ago, deadshank said:

Lazy ass mofos that don’t pick up after themselves.  Just got up and walked away with a trash can 5 feet away.   

I hope your Christmas sucks, Ahole. 


you have human rights. you also have human responsibilities.  one of those is to clean up after yourself.  and your dog. 

Edited by elfenix
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Call people out on that shit. Politely so it leaves them a graceful exit, framed in a way that makes it seem you’re confident they will do the right thing.

”Hey sir, I think you forgot to throw that away.”

”Ma’am, did you notice this is an express checkout.”

Not worth escalating beyond that for sure, but it is worth making an asshole come to grips with who they are if even for a moment. 

Edited by 956 Worldwide
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Two hacks:
1) Go over by the produce that has the misting on it. There’s always condensation you can use to wet your fingers. 
2) Wet your fingers by moving your mask and licking your fingers. It has the added benefit of freaking out the Karens around you. 

I’ve started getting 4 or 5 bags at once and opening them while my hands are still wet from the foam sanitizer.
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Two hacks:
1) Go over by the produce that has the misting on it. There’s always condensation you can use to wet your fingers. 
2) Wet your fingers by moving your mask and licking your fingers. It has the added benefit of freaking out the Karens around you. 

#1 is what I do.

I’ll try #2 next time I see a Karen in the produce section.
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Lazy ass mofos that don’t pick up after themselves.  Just got up and walked away with a trash can 5 feet away.   
I hope your Christmas sucks, Ahole. 
I stop and point this shit out to my kids. See those people? They're pigs. Don't be a pig.

Now they point it out to me when they see it so mission accomplished.
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7 hours ago, deadshank said:

Emotional support dogs.  There are 3 boarding my flight leg from Love to NC 

WTH?  Real deal or hoax? The people look eerily normal.  What gives?

Not Trivial!!!!

Fuck that shit. Get that shit out of here. If you can't survive a few hour flight without it, stay home.

Thank god the regs changed just this month and many airlines are banning them completely:


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Why is it so fucking hard to make simple plans for a meeting or event with some people? I'm a "meet at location X at time Y" kind of guy. I'm reasonably flexible on time and location, so if what I suggest doesn't work for the other party, I'm cool with that -- but then it's incumbent on them to propose a SPECIFIC alternative time and/or location. Some people act like divulging their schedules and itinerary, or agreeing to a simple appointment, would be a breach to fucking national security.


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6 minutes ago, Paper_jam said:

Why is it so fucking hard to make simple plans for a meeting or event with some people? I'm a "meet at location X at time Y" kind of guy. I'm reasonably flexible on time and location, so if what I suggest doesn't work for the other party, I'm cool with that -- but then it's incumbent on them to propose a SPECIFIC alternative time and/or location. Some people act like divulging their schedules and itinerary, or agreeing to a simple appointment, would be a breach to fucking national security.


Maybe they just don't like you ?

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6 minutes ago, Paper_jam said:

Why is it so fucking hard to make simple plans for a meeting or event with some people? I'm a "meet at location X at time Y" kind of guy. I'm reasonably flexible on time and location, so if what I suggest doesn't work for the other party, I'm cool with that -- but then it's incumbent on them to propose a SPECIFIC alternative time and/or location. Some people act like divulging their schedules and itinerary, or agreeing to a simple appointment, would be a breach to fucking national security.


Can I get back to you some other time on this?

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