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Trivial Things That Make You Surly


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Haven't been in a liquor store in a while, but what in god's name happened to whiskey?  Fucking gimmicky, flavored shit is everywhere; peach, vanilla, honey, etc. That might be tolerable for something like a schnapps or a wine cooler, but whiskey? What reputable distiller of spirits would even entertain such an idea? The damage to your brand's reputation isn't worth whatever additional revenue it may bring in. Whiskey is supposed to taste like gasoline and charred wood, stop trying to fancy it up.


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16 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


when you go to a meeting, (yes, we are having in person meetings now), and the person running the show delays the start past the scheduled start time "to give everybody a few minutes to get here".



I'm going to add:


...and then the meeting goes past the time its supposed to end.


(yes, I'm in a got damned meeting that is supposed to end in 5 minutes and we haven't covered half the agenda yet. And yes, we started late because assholes were late.)




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10 hours ago, slorch said:

Brother goes by his middle name, to the point that many even in the family forget it's his middle name.  It does come in handy when someone calls and asks for dude by his first name...he knows instantly that they don't know who the hell they're speaking with.

My uncle went by Jim.  His name was Albert Owen (mylastname).

 I think I was in my 30s before I found out his real name since NO ONE ever called anything but Jim.

Turns out that his father, during WWI, was in the Army and someone in his outfit said he didn't look like an Albert, he looked like a Jim and it stuck.  So, when my uncle was born (he was the oldest), he got named after my grandpa and apparently the nickname came with it...

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2 hours ago, Paper_jam said:

Haven't been in a liquor store in a while, but what in god's name happened to whiskey?  Fucking gimmicky, flavored shit is everywhere; peach, vanilla, honey, etc. That might be tolerable for something like a schnapps or a wine cooler, but whiskey? What reputable distiller of spirits would even entertain such an idea? The damage to your brand's reputation isn't worth whatever additional revenue it may bring in. Whiskey is supposed to taste like gasoline and charred wood, stop trying to fancy it up.


@Angry Gorilla and Peanut Butter whiskey are the reason that flavored whiskey exists. Start at the post below, and read the next few pages. @Angry Gorilla gives us a blow-by-blow as he knocks back a bottle. It’s a thing of beauty. 

@Angry Gorilla, we really need a reprise.  I suggest the following for Act II of your whiskey tasting notes.  https://www.birddogwhiskey.com/whiskey/strawberrywhiskey



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3 minutes ago, Angry Gorilla said:

I told myself never again. But then I told myself I’m not a fucking quitter. 


C’mon. Things have slowed down for the holidays, it’s the off-season, Ewers is in the bag. We need that reprise.  I’m sure a number of us would find the effort. 

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I hate the proliferation of EDGE to describe a 4-3 DE/3-4 OLB type.

I don’t mind the term itself, but it annoys me that it’s all caps when all other positions are abbreviated with one or two letters. It should be Edge, abbreviated with just an E. The only potential confusion would be with DE, but it effectively replaces that anyway.

We don’t say a guy plays CENTER or SAFETY. It makes no sense.

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Speaking of phones.  WTF with gmail on my laptop?  Every time I log in now, the 2-step verification requires that I open my gmail app on my phone and click "Yes" to the other device request (my laptop) to access my email on my laptop which is where I like to do it.  I've clicked "Don't ask me this again" a dozen times this week to no avail.  What the cuss Doug? 

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15 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Speaking of phones.  WTF with gmail on my laptop?  Every time I log in now, the 2-step verification requires that I open my gmail app on my phone and click "Yes" to the other device request (my laptop) to access my email on my laptop which is where I like to do it.  I've clicked "Don't ask me this again" a dozen times this week to no avail.  What the cuss Doug? 

You're obviously a shady, and suspect person.

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21 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Speaking of phones.  WTF with gmail on my laptop?  Every time I log in now, the 2-step verification requires that I open my gmail app on my phone and click "Yes" to the other device request (my laptop) to access my email on my laptop which is where I like to do it.  I've clicked "Don't ask me this again" a dozen times this week to no avail.  What the cuss Doug? 

2FA can be turned off, boomer. 😄


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I click the fucking "Don't ask me this again" and the switch in system preferences every damn day.  But it still comes back on to ask me.  

And I'm not a boomer, I'm a late-Gen X'er.  My taste in funny movies seems to be stuck in the 1980's...along with my computer skills. 

Fuck it, I'm going back to using Bank Street Writer.  

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14 hours ago, Fudbelty said:

Two of the kids are in soccer. At the games it’s teams on one sideline and parents/fans on the other. It drives me absolutely insane when fans don’t sit across from the team they’re there to cheer on.

Shouldn’t you want to sit on the same side as your team? And if not, isn’t the setup you described ideal for you?

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11 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Shouldn’t you want to sit on the same side as your team? And if not, isn’t the setup you described ideal for you?

    TEAM A            TEAM B
|                                     |
|                                     |
|                                     |
|                                     |
|                                     |
     Parents A       Parents B
  Dickhead B


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On 12/13/2021 at 8:31 AM, mininghorn88 said:

When you are at a public toilet and you line the toilet ring with toilet paper or the pre-made sheet and the auto flush feature comes on and sucks the barrier away before you have a chance to sit down.

We have those demon powered toilets at work along with "you'll never get hot water" motion activated sinks.

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    TEAM A            TEAM B______________________________________|                                     ||                                     ||                                     ||                                     ||                                     ||_____________________________________|    Parents A       Parents B Dickhead B


This ensures that...
1. The parents aren't jacking around with their kids & being an ass to the coach.

2. They can simply walk sideways 20 yards to fight the other parents vs. having to walk across the pitch & get in the way of their kids.

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I prefer kids on one side and parents on the other. Especially at the younger ages. Helps kids stay focused on the game and not farting around with parents or siblings. Also helps coaches instructions being heard better and not lost in the asshole parents who want to coach from the sideline. I’ve been guilty of such so I keep my mouth shut now.

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5 hours ago, 52-80 said:

And weak ass public bathroom air dryers like what the fuck is up with that shit

Would you prefer the turbo model germ blower, forcibly fusing fecal matter to your hands instead of the weak bond caused by the lesser model?  Either way you’re getting crap blown into your pores with heat and force. 
Skip the air dryer and dry your hands on your pubic hair. It’s cleaner. 

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1 hour ago, nnm said:

Would you prefer the turbo model germ so trader, forcibly fusing fecal matter to your hands instead of the weak bond caused by the lesser model?  Either way you’re getting crap blown into your pores with heat and force. 
Skip the air dryer and dry your hands on your pubic hair. It’s cleaner. 

Those things gross me out like nothing else for the above reasons. Mmmmm nothing like a warmed, fecal matter coating on my hands....

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14 hours ago, ROFL BOX said:


This ensures that...
1. The parents aren't jacking around with their kids & being an ass to the coach.

2. They can simply walk sideways 20 yards to fight the other parents vs. having to walk across the pitch & get in the way of their kids.


Yes.  I think there's more thought that went into the design of this than Fudbelly anticipated.

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On 12/15/2021 at 10:13 AM, formermav43 said:

I hate the proliferation of EDGE to describe a 4-3 DE/3-4 OLB type.

I don’t mind the term itself, but it annoys me that it’s all caps when all other positions are abbreviated with one or two letters. It should be Edge, abbreviated with just an E. The only potential confusion would be with DE, but it effectively replaces that anyway.

We don’t say a guy plays CENTER or SAFETY. It makes no sense.

Still going to be confusing:


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Yes.  I think there's more thought that went into the design of this than Fudbelly anticipated.

Maybe you’re reading too much in to this. My original post simply was that when all parents are on the same sideline it drives me nuts when other parents sprawl down the entire sideline. You should sit on the side across from your team. Make mid field the split.
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On 11/28/2021 at 12:52 PM, Prepuce of Doom said:

Maybe I'm underestimating the degree of staining, but isn't that kind of part for the course for tea and coffee mugs? Seems like an overreaction to toss a mug you care about. 

And a denture cleaner tablet can do wonders. 

I’m happy to report that the denture cleaning tablets worked. There was an ugly dark brown spot in the bottom ‘corner’ of the mug. I first soaked it in a little bit of vinegar and that showed some improvement. I didn’t want to fill the whole mug repeatedly with vinegar even though plain white vinegar is cheap. That might have been more cost effective but I went out and bought a box of Polident and gave it a try.

This is after four treatments. There’s still a little bit of a tinge on the sides so I wouldn’t say it’s like new but this is very acceptable. My mug is saved and I’ve got plenty of cleaning tablets left for future use. Thanks for the tip!


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On 7/8/2021 at 12:03 PM, Hanrahan said:

People who wait in drive-through lines that extend into the street.  The first guy to do this has got to be thinking, "fuck everyone behind me, I ain't moving."

fucking starbucks near my house will have 6 or 7 cars backed up into the street. 

And don't get me started on the Costco gas station...dumbfucks  will be 6 or 7 deep in the center lane waiting to turn left into the station.  I always drive past a block or so, make a U turn, and then go right in front of all of them to turn in. 

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10 motherfucking cherry cordials in a box...

when there should be a dozen.  I wanna see them do it with eggs... hell, at least you can open the eggs and see them though... i mean yeah, it says "10 pieces" on the box, but who has time for readin?  look at all that deception with the "2 trays of 5" bullshit.   


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