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Trivial Things That Make You Surly


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Wearing a helmet on the slopes is just good fucking sense. TBI is not a gotdamn joke. Wear a helmet and maybe you look dorky (like everyone else). But there is nothing cool about shitting in diapers. 

It’s like seatbelts and bike helmets for kids— it’s amazing we ever thought not doing it was OK. 

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On 12/23/2022 at 4:08 PM, Fudbelty said:

It’s been brought up about tree fiddy times, but fuck you if you think you own the road and left lane specifically. If I’m driving and clearly passing the cars on the right of me there’s no need to get so close you can touch my asshole. I 10000% percent agree if you aren’t passing get over. However, use your brain for half a second and give me time to get out of your way at my pace. Not yours.


I remember my sister in law telling me when she had to take a driving course to drive in Germany that they taught people to think of everyone as ~"driving partners" oppose to other drivers.  Everyone is driving somewhere different at different speeds with different priorities.  No need to dictate how fast anyone else should drive or have to drive but if you can be aware of what others are trying to do and everyone tries to help facilitate that, everyone is better off.

Hard to replicate the situation you're referring to, but clearly were driving slower than the other guy.  If you took a second to slow down, move over let him pass and then resume your passing, maybe that would have been better?  Too many variables to account for in a message board past and it's very possible/probable that the other guys was totally in the wrong but there is a possibility you contributed as well.

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51 minutes ago, pied06 said:


I remember my sister in law telling me when she had to take a driving course to drive in Germany that they taught people to think of everyone as ~"driving partners" oppose to other drivers.  Everyone is driving somewhere different at different speeds with different priorities.  No need to dictate how fast anyone else should drive or have to drive but if you can be aware of what others are trying to do and everyone tries to help facilitate that, everyone is better off.

Hard to replicate the situation you're referring to, but clearly were driving slower than the other guy.  If you took a second to slow down, move over let him pass and then resume your passing, maybe that would have been better?  Too many variables to account for in a message board past and it's very possible/probable that the other guys was totally in the wrong but there is a possibility you contributed as well.

Tailgating is asshole behavior, even if the other person is “wrong” you’re doing something dangerous and escalating the situation. Flash the lights a few times and if the message doesn’t compute, work on your own blood pressure and not the other driver. It’s the flip side to assholes who appoint themselves traffic cop and squat in the passing lane at the speed limit. 

Getting in the car, the only priority is to get to the destination safely and without damaging your ride. Once that light goes off, it’s transformative to your commute. It makes you not just a safer driver, you miraculously encounter fewer assholes (because you’re being courteous and avoiding conflict). The ones you do encounter, you get over quicker because it doesn’t make a shit to you if they drive like a dick as long as you get some distance from them. Some people never have that light go off. 

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58 minutes ago, pied06 said:

Hard to replicate the situation you're referring to, but clearly were driving slower than the other guy.  If you took a second to slow down, move over let him pass and then resume your passing, maybe that would have been better?

He said he’d move over, just not do it at a breakneck speed to match the tailgater. 

Edited by ImissWallyPryor
Grammar isn’t a fucking game
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1 hour ago, pied06 said:

If you took a second to slow down, move over let him pass and then resume your passing, maybe that would have been better?

Better for whom? Why should I slow down for them? Let them slow down for me. If I’m driving 70 in a 65 mph zone and passing slower traffic on the right, I’m not slowing down and getting over for someone who comes racing up behind me at 90 just to let them pass. And what makes you think there’s going to be room to get over without cutting off someone else? How would that be “better?”

I’ll get over when I’ve passed the slower traffic. They don’t get to dictate to me how I should drive. If it adds 60 seconds to their drive time then that’s just too tucking bad. I’m on cruise control, I’m following the rules, I’ll get over when proper procedure dictates, then they can be on their merry way. That would be best. 

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1 hour ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

He said he’d move over, just not do it at a breakneck speed to match the tailgater. 

Breakneck speed is a relative term imo. 

Speaking a little in general.  Without seeing what the rest of the traffic pattern is, how many cars, average speed, etc. it's almost impossible for me to say one or the other is at fault or who should slow down.  For some 70 in a 65 is breakneck and for others it's higher.

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26 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Better for whom? Why should I slow down for them? Let them slow down for me. If I’m driving 70 in a 65 mph zone and passing slower traffic on the right, I’m not slowing down and getting over for someone who comes racing up behind me at 90 just to let them pass. And what makes you think there’s going to be room to get over without cutting off someone else? How would that be “better?”

I’ll get over when I’ve passed the slower traffic. They don’t get to dictate to me how I should drive. If it adds 60 seconds to their drive time then that’s just too tucking bad. I’m on cruise control, I’m following the rules, I’ll get over when proper procedure dictates, then they can be on their merry way. That would be best. 



I think you're kinda proving my point.  You said what YOU'RE going to do seven times in that short response, because you feel you're right.  Experience tells me everyone thinks they're right when it comes to driving.  


To @956 Worldwide point, getting you and your vehicle to the destination safely should be your priority.  Sometimes letting a faster, perhaps unsafe driver go ahead is the safest bet for you, opposed to enforcing your what you think a safe speed is on the other guy.


Better for everyone imo.  In your example, you say you're going 5mph over the speed limit, but later sat you're "following the rules".  Well technically you're not, you are speeding, just not as fast as the other guy.

Just using your example an numbers, it is entirely possible for you to slow down slightly to 65, merging over, letting the 80 mph guy go through, and then move back over.  

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1 minute ago, pied06 said:



I think you're kinda proving my point.  You said what YOU'RE going to do seven times in that short response, because you feel you're right.  Experience tells me everyone thinks they're right when it comes to driving.  


To @956 Worldwide point, getting you and your vehicle to the destination safely should be your priority.  Sometimes letting a faster, perhaps unsafe driver go ahead is the safest bet for you, opposed to enforcing your what you think a safe speed is on the other guy.


Better for everyone imo.  In your example, you say you're going 5mph over the speed limit, but later sat you're "following the rules".  Well technically you're not, you are speeding, just not as fast as the other guy.

Just using your example an numbers, it is entirely possible for you to slow down slightly to 65, merging over, letting the 80 mph guy go through, and then move back over.  

I absolutely agree with you, and didn’t give an example where I enforce the rules. In fact, I said that tailgating is the flip side to assholes who squat in the left lane and act like self-appointed traffic cops.  I will pull over for a faster driver, even a tailgater as soon as it’s safe to do so, it’s part of my “get away from assholes” philosophy. 

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1 hour ago, 956 Worldwide said:

Tailgating is asshole behavior, even if the other person is “wrong” you’re doing something dangerous and escalating the situation. Flash the lights a few times and if the message doesn’t compute, work on your own blood pressure and not the other driver. It’s the flip side to assholes who appoint themselves traffic cop and squat in the passing lane at the speed limit. 

Getting in the car, the only priority is to get to the destination safely and without damaging your ride. Once that light goes off, it’s transformative to your commute. It makes you not just a safer driver, you miraculously encounter fewer assholes (because you’re being courteous and avoiding conflict). The ones you do encounter, you get over quicker because it doesn’t make a shit to you if they drive like a dick as long as you get some distance from them. Some people never have that light go off. 


Don't disagree and am not advocating for, or dismissing tailgating as a a valid thing to do.  I think avoiding it can be best though.  

If I'm driving 70 and passing someone doing 65 and I see an emergency vehicle (cop/ambulance) coming behind fast, I'm either speeding up to complete the pass quickly to get out of the way, or slowing to 65 and moving over then.  I certainly wouldn't wait until I'm ready to get over, and would be breaking the law if I did so. All I'm saying is that in many circumstances, I can apply the same logic even if I think the guy is a jerk and driving too fast.  



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7 minutes ago, pied06 said:

Breakneck speed is a relative term imo. 

Speaking a little in general.  Without seeing what the rest of the traffic pattern is, how many cars, average speed, etc. it's almost impossible for me to say one or the other is at fault or who should slow down.  For some 70 in a 65 is breakneck and for others it's higher.

You’re right, breakneck is a relative term. Going 70 on a residential street is breakneck, but not on a freeway… unless you’re going 70 on the shoulder during slow rush hour traffic. In the scenario described, I’d always bet that someone driving aggressively enough to draft like it’s NASCAR is probably going closer to 90 than, say, 80. I’d still call that breakneck speed although I might choose another description. 

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Just now, ImissWallyPryor said:

You’re right, breakneck is a relative term. Going 70 on a residential street is breakneck, but not on a freeway… unless you’re going 70 on the shoulder during slow rush hour traffic. In the scenario described, I’d always bet that someone driving aggressively enough to draft like it’s NASCAR is probably going closer to 90 than, say, 80. I’d still call that breakneck speed although I might choose another description. 

There is a strong correlation between tailgaters and people who are trying to be the fastest dickhead on the freeway. Most people who come up on a car going a bit slower than them in the fast lane can resolve the issue without driving up the other driver’s asshole. 

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On 12/23/2022 at 11:08 PM, Fudbelty said:

It’s been brought up about tree fiddy times, but fuck you if you think you own the road and left lane specifically. If I’m driving and clearly passing the cars on the right of me there’s no need to get so close you can touch my asshole. I 10000% percent agree if you aren’t passing get over. However, use your brain for half a second and give me time to get out of your way at my pace. Not yours.

100.  On highways people often have a long line of sight.  If you’re flying fast on the left - to which you are entitled - you would have foreseen if the car ahead had been camping, or actively passing people.

If camping, sure, deploy your rage.

If they’re making a pass, hold yer fucking horses.  

Yesterday had a lady in a Jag F-pace fly up my ass and flash her lights while I was passing a semitruck at a decent +20kph differential.  I sure as hell didn’t quicken it up after she did that, and took my sweet ass time sliding back to the right. 

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2 hours ago, pied06 said:

I think you're kinda proving my point.  You said what YOU'RE going to do seven times in that short response, because you feel you're right.  Experience tells me everyone thinks they're right when it comes to driving.  


To @956 Worldwide point, getting you and your vehicle to the destination safely should be your priority.  Sometimes letting a faster, perhaps unsafe driver go ahead is the safest bet for you, opposed to enforcing your what you think a safe speed is on the other guy.


Better for everyone imo.  In your example, you say you're going 5mph over the speed limit, but later sat you're "following the rules".  Well technically you're not, you are speeding, just not as fast as the other guy.

Just using your example an numbers, it is entirely possible for you to slow down slightly to 65, merging over, letting the 80 mph guy go through, and then move back over.  

I don’t think you have much of a point. You’re suggesting I should inconvenience myself for the convenience of someone else. I should slow down and get out of the way for faster moving traffic. Let me ask you something. Have you ever slowed down and moved over only to have that fucker slow down and sit next to you (or in your blind spot) so now you’re stuck in the right lane going slower than you want?  I have. I’ll bet you have too. Fuck that.

I can’t control what others do, I can only control what I do. As long as I’m following the rules of the road, I’m fine. Technically I’m already breaking the law if I’m going 5 mph over the speed limit. Nobody gets to dictate to anyone else what is the proper amount over the speed limit they should drive. If I only drive the speed limit and always stay in the right lane unless I’m passing then nobody gets to complain. That’s all I’m obligated to do. 

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5 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

Wearing a helmet on the slopes is just good fucking sense. TBI is not a gotdamn joke. Wear a helmet and maybe you look dorky (like everyone else). But there is nothing cool about shitting in diapers. 

It’s like seatbelts and bike helmets for kids— it’s amazing we ever thought not doing it was OK. 

I'd say it long ago went the other direction. Not wearing a helmet makes you look like a dinosaur, or just a sad act of rebellion. I remember going on a trip years back with guy who is probably 6-7 years older than me, he was a single again around 40 and clinging to youth. We hit the slopes and he rolls out in a beanie thinking he was looking hip and all I could think was how it made him look ancient and dated the hell out of him.  

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33 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

A cupholder full of change and an open sunroof will take care of most tailgaters

Aggressive tailgaters are already demonstrating lack of judgment and narcissism. Add a cracked windshield from change flung out the sunroof and you’re probably looking at road rage. No traffic situation is worth getting shot.  

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29 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

I don’t think you have much of a point. You’re suggesting I should inconvenience myself for the convenience of someone else.  - Yes


I should slow down and get out of the way for faster moving traffic. - Yes


Let me ask you something. Have you ever slowed down and moved over only to have that fucker slow down and sit next to you (or in your blind spot) so now you’re stuck in the right lane going slower than you want?  I have. I’ll bet you have too. Fuck that. - Yes I have.  There are inconsiderate people for sure.  


I can’t control what others do, I can only control what I do. - Correct.  You can choose to be considerate, or a jerk, or dangerous or whatever.


As long as I’m following the rules of the road, I’m fine. Technically I’m already breaking the law if I’m going 5 mph over the speed limit. - It's interesting that you acknowledge breaking the law but also that you are following the rules of the road.


Nobody gets to dictate to anyone else what is the proper amount over the speed limit they should drive. - Yet you seem to be ok with you driving 5 mph over but opposed to those driving faster.  I am pretty sure I can find some that think driving the speed limit is fine, and they are passing slower moving traffic that people driving anything over the speed limit are the wrong ones.  I 


If I only drive the speed limit and always stay in the right lane unless I’m passing then nobody gets to complain. That’s all I’m obligated to do. 


We all, well most of of, do things over and above what we're obligated to do.  There is no law about waiting in line to get in a movie theater or sporting event, yet nearly all of us respect that.  When leaving a crowded parking lot, we are not obligated to let one person from each converging lane but almost all of us do.  


There are plenty of examples like this where we observe fair play, but when we get on the road, many of us leave those back.  We determine what the appropriate speed is to pass or how to get someone to get over.  


Not every situation is the same, but if someone is trying to go faster than you, the best course of action just might be for YOU to slow down, get over and then pass.  

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(Following post is not to ignite a debate on whether religion sucks, so please take that to shit to CR or DT)


We go to church. My wife is obviously the more religions of the two of us, so she takes care of the tithing. Every month I see the equivalent of a car payment for a NICE car go out, but we've been doing it for a long time, and it no longer hurts.

I guess giving is a thing between us and the guy in the sky regardless of what others do.

But I'm surly that with over 100 members in our church, seeing the church's end of year financial statement, and realizing we contributed more than 10% of the church's income. 



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I feel like I could fill up a page, but here are three from this week:

  • HEB not accepting Apple Pay.
  • Associates cc-ing themselves on every fucking email they send me. Dude, if you really can't stay organized enough to not need two copies of every fucking email you send, then bcc yourself.
  • Waiters who offer to "curate" a menu for me. I can read and pick from the handy sheet that the hostess gave me when I sat down, asshole.
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22 hours ago, BearMace said:

I'd say it long ago went the other direction. Not wearing a helmet makes you look like a dinosaur, or just a sad act of rebellion. I remember going on a trip years back with guy who is probably 6-7 years older than me, he was a single again around 40 and clinging to youth. We hit the slopes and he rolls out in a beanie thinking he was looking hip and all I could think was how it made him look ancient and dated the hell out of him.  

This.  I start skiing in the 70’s when practically no one wore a helmet.  I probably started wearing a helmet in the early to mid 2000’s when most people started wearing them.  I had a bad fall last year and I was wearing a helmet and I still had a mild concussion.  I would have been pretty fucked up without a helmet.  Now I can’t imagine skiing without wearing one.  

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I went to the dentist this afternoon because I had to make a claim to my dental insurance company before the new year. My regular dentist's office is closed until next Tuesday, so I went somewhere that could fit me in.

HOLY SHIT, my mouth feels like it's been raped. The entire teeth cleaning process lasted maybe 15 minutes. He just took that pick and assaulted me like I owed him money. It probably looked like Normandy Beach in my mouth while he was working on it. Fuck that guy.

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14 hours ago, Superhero said:

I went to the dentist this afternoon because I had to make a claim to my dental insurance company before the new year. My regular dentist's office is closed until next Tuesday, so I went somewhere that could fit me in.

HOLY SHIT, my mouth feels like it's been raped. The entire teeth cleaning process lasted maybe 15 minutes. He just took that pick and assaulted me like I owed him money. It probably looked like Normandy Beach in my mouth while he was working on it. Fuck that guy.


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15 hours ago, Superhero said:

I went to the dentist this afternoon because I had to make a claim to my dental insurance company before the new year. My regular dentist's office is closed until next Tuesday, so I went somewhere that could fit me in.

HOLY SHIT, my mouth feels like it's been raped. The entire teeth cleaning process lasted maybe 15 minutes. He just took that pick and assaulted me like I owed him money. It probably looked like Normandy Beach in my mouth while he was working on it. Fuck that guy.

Sounds like you may want to change dentists . . .

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22 hours ago, Superhero said:

I went to the dentist this afternoon because I had to make a claim to my dental insurance company before the new year. My regular dentist's office is closed until next Tuesday, so I went somewhere that could fit me in.

HOLY SHIT, my mouth feels like it's been raped. The entire teeth cleaning process lasted maybe 15 minutes. He just took that pick and assaulted me like I owed him money. It probably looked like Normandy Beach in my mouth while he was working on it. Fuck that guy.

I hadn't gone to the dentist in a couple of years because I didn't have dental insurance at the time.  when I finally went it hurt for several hours.

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16 hours ago, NYTransplant said:

Sounds like you may want to change dentists . . .


Sounds like you should re-read my previous post...


I went to the dentist this afternoon because I had to make a claim to my dental insurance company before the new year. My regular dentist's office is closed until next Tuesday, so I went somewhere that could fit me in.


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I dont know what class of spam this is, but ifs the first one to consistently elude Gmail for me. 

For maybe about a yead, ive been getting these once a week up to once a day, interchangeably about CVS gift cards, walmart prizes, or what the fuck ever.   Same formatting and scheme tho



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