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Trivial Things That Make You Surly


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I’ll start doing self checkout when the store starts paying me minimum wage for the time I spend doing it. First they took our full serve gas stations and we did nothing, now they’re taking our incompetent minimum wage checkers and we are doing nothing. What’s next, they take our valet parking attendants and make us park our own cars?

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4 minutes ago, RPM said:

Self checkout is automation taking human jobs.


Just like ATMs and masturbation, right?  How many people do you know who have applied for a job at a grocery store/ WM and gotten turned down, who are otherwise viable candidates?

They are hiring like a motherfucker...and have been, even since the advent of the self-checkout.  For one, the curbside motherfuckers are all through the stores picking people's shopping lists for them... but let's focus on self check-out because it's so fucking scary.



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10 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Just ring up your organic broccoli as regular broccoli. 

Yeah, are we not supposed to be doing that?  Because I do that.  Only time they come over to check on things is when you're buying wine/beer.  

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3 hours ago, Iceman said:

For one, the curbside motherfuckers are all through the stores picking people's shopping lists for them... but let's focus on self check-out because it's so fucking scary.

Those store pickers push their carts through the store like madmen running over the real shoppers and further clogging up our store.  I hope all you fuckers that are too lazy to do your own shopping enjoy the meat the picker selected that has an expiration date of tomorrow and all your half wilted produce that the store needs to get rid of.  I can't wait for the apocalypse to get here.  I'll be enjoying my attic full of freeze dried emergency food buckets with a shelf life of 25 years while you fuckers are starving to death because you can't call HEB to deliver your food.

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People walking across poorly lit cross walks at night wearing dark clothes, dark shoes and a dark hat.  Especially people with dark skin.  They may have the right of way, but they'll still be dead or severely injured when someone (sober or not) doesn't see them.  Either wear light colors or something reflective if you have to walk around at night.  I came across two different people last night who were on the median about to cross the street when I barely saw them as I was making a left turn.  I didn't come close to hitting them, thankfully, but if someone was just a little behind me they could easily have run them over as they were making a left turn.  This is probably not trivial.

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Waco HEB stores were some of the first iirc to have the self checkout lanes. Then HEB decided they were inefficient and did away with them. Then they brought them back. I used 'em a lot the first time around. Now? Not so much. They've got people there doing jack shit but watching me check out. I'll just stand in a line and let the hired help bag my stuff. Might even let 'em push my cart to the car.

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Took me fucking 2 hours to go to the Bunker Hill HEB today.  And fuck you bitch, if you don’t want me staring at your ass quit going to Pilates and Zumba classes and wearing yoga pants to HEB.  Also, fuck you because in 10 years I’ll probably be putting one dollar bills in your daughter’s G string.
That's a nice fucking HEB though.
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23 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

Took me fucking 2 hours to go to the Bunker Hill HEB today.  And fuck you bitch, if you don’t want me staring at your ass quit going to Pilates and Zumba classes and wearing yoga pants to HEB.  Also, fuck you because in 10 years I’ll probably be putting one dollar bills in your daughter’s G string.

Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes...

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On 1/22/2020 at 1:03 PM, HRSchenker said:

How many of you who are preaching about looking good/professional/whatever are also disturbed by people wearing hats indoors?

Even as a construction supervisor I try to appear somewhat professional (for a construction worker).  Starched and ironed jeans and Carhartt shirt.  I have long hair and a beard, and both are well kempt.....and yep, the Resistol comes off indoors.

Edited by SHOOTER12
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On 1/23/2020 at 6:45 AM, Iceman said:

I am middle of the road-ish on professional appearance.  That being said,  take the hat/ cap/ toboggan off indoors.

Sorry, your manners ain't worth toleratin' if you don't.[/Woodrow Call voice]

I hate rude behavior in a man. I won’t tolerate it.”

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4 hours ago, Llogg said:

self checkout is 100% more efficient and faster than standing in a line of people writing checks, using coupons, arguing prices, or just talking about their lives with the cashier.

There's a Lowe's 4 miles from my homestead. I go to the Home Depot 11 miles away. Why? Because the Lowe's in BFE does not have a self-checkout. And the clerks they have manning the traditional checkouts are people who would not be able to use a self- checkout if they saw one. Their only advantage over Home Depot is that they have a really good cafe two blocks away from them. 

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5 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:

Sunday is the absolute worst day to go to HEB.

Saturday morning is the best.

And I never use self checkout. Too many idiots trying to use it.

Negative. Sunday morning, daybreak, is the best weekend time to hit the HEB. Saturday mornings early and the stockers are still clogging the aisles but on Sunday thru some miracle the shelves are stocked overnight and the place is pretty deserted.

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When there's an obvious single line servicing multiple self checkout stations, and some clueless sack-lick walks up to stand at an individual checkout station as if he/she is going to wait in line there. This isn't Vietnam, there are rules. Get in the single line and go to the first station that becomes available, genius.

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the boomer in the next office who keeps surfing questionable sites late in the afternoon setting off plenty of those browser-scam things about his computer being infected with an alarm and a voice saying that microsoft has detected malware and he needs to call the scammers to clean his system. 

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4 hours ago, smuggs said:

When there's an obvious single line servicing multiple self checkout stations, and some clueless sack-lick walks up to stand at an individual checkout station as if he/she is going to wait in line there. This isn't Vietnam, there are rules. Get in the single line and go to the first station that becomes available, genius.

NOT trivial

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Those store pickers push their carts through the store like madmen running over the real shoppers and further clogging up our store.  I hope all you fuckers that are too lazy to do your own shopping enjoy the meat the picker selected that has an expiration date of tomorrow and all your half wilted produce that the store needs to get rid of.  I can't wait for the apocalypse to get here.  I'll be enjoying my attic full of freeze dried emergency food buckets with a shelf life of 25 years while you fuckers are starving to death because you can't call HEB to deliver your food.


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