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Trivial Things That Make You Surly


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1 hour ago, Okie State said:

My brother's non-stop barrage of 9/11 conspiracy theory memes over the past three days. I honestly don't understand how anyone could believe that bullshit.

So stupid and so disrespectful of the passengers and crew members who lost their lives on the hijacked planes. We understand the who, what, when, where, why, and how of what actually happened. None of the conspiracy theorists can come close to presenting a plausible alternative explanation that covers all those bases. 

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So stupid and so disrespectful of the passengers and crew members who lost their lives on the hijacked planes. We understand the who, what, when, where, why, and how of what actually happened. None of the conspiracy theorists can come close to presenting a plausible alternative explanation that covers all those bases. 
Not sure if you know this...but jet fuel doesn't get hot enough to melt steel! PROOF!
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1 hour ago, Okie State said:
9 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:
So stupid and so disrespectful of the passengers and crew members who lost their lives on the hijacked planes. We understand the who, what, when, where, why, and how of what actually happened. None of the conspiracy theorists can come close to presenting a plausible alternative explanation that covers all those bases. 

Not sure if you know this...but jet fuel doesn't get hot enough to melt steel! PROOF!

And as we all know, everything maintains the exact same physical properties  regardless of temperature right up until the melt point. Heating something up doesn't make it more pliable!

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10 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

So stupid and so disrespectful of the passengers and crew members who lost their lives on the hijacked planes. We understand the who, what, when, where, why, and how of what actually happened. None of the conspiracy theorists can come close to presenting a plausible alternative explanation that covers all those bases. 

Hey PilotsError, why are you negging these posts? Are you a 9/11 truther? Do you understand how the unique construction of the twin towers made them vulnerable to attack? I'm guessing you don't. Have you studied the design and construction of the new tower that eliminates those vulnerabilities? Again, I'm betting you haven't. 

Do you also think it was a missile that hit the Pentagon and not a hijacked aircraft? That's my favorite one. These idiots just write off a whole plane with passengers and crew as if they never even existed. No accounting for what happened to them. I once saw someone on another board post, "Show me one pic of a piece of a plane in front of the Pentagon. Just one." So I posted a pic of a piece of the plane wreckage on the lawn of the Pentagon. I received no reply. 

You seem confused. You hate the cops but you endorse the police state. And now you're a 9/11 truther on top of that? How does that happen?

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On 9/11/2018 at 12:34 PM, Vic Mackey said:

People who tell us where they were when 9/11 happened. No one fucking cares you were at history class in Wisconsin when you heard the news.

A buddy of mine didnt hear about the news (he lives just outside of Boise), and proceeded to get in his Cessna plane and fly around that afternoon.  He was escorted back to the airport quickly.

He has the best story of "where I was" that I have heard. 

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True story:  I was coming home from Milwaukee a few years ago (Dez catch game) and got to the airport really late.  Barely made the flight and was the last to board.  Plane was pretty full and I end up on the last row aisle, with an empty seat between me and the guy by the window.  

We take off and a few minutes later he breaks out the iPad, plugs his headphones in, and leans into the window to hide his screen from view.  We hit some pretty bad turbulence that startles him and he turns so that I can see the screen for about 10 seconds out of the corner of my eye.  Vintage 80’s VHS quality,  big hair, big bush porn.

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2 minutes ago, BearSchlong said:

On a related note, people who fill up and deploy sandbags around their house prior to a hurricane. . .to me this is the epitomy of pissing into the wind. . .it's the ultimate "don't just stand there do something!! move.  Seriously, when was the last time someone saved their house with sandbags?

I think it happens a lot,  if only to just keep water at bay, diverting it around, and stopping a full rush of flood surge water..

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1 hour ago, BearSchlong said:

On a related note, people who fill up and deploy sandbags around their house prior to a hurricane. . .to me this is the epitomy of pissing into the wind. . .it's the ultimate "don't just stand there do something!! move.  Seriously, when was the last time someone saved their house with sandbags?

As opposed to just letting the water rush into your home unimpeded? 

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2 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

On a related note, people who fill up and deploy sandbags around their house prior to a hurricane. . .to me this is the epitomy of pissing into the wind. . .it's the ultimate "don't just stand there do something!! move.  Seriously, when was the last time someone saved their house with sandbags?

Correct. Use bags of Quickcrete. Water hits them. Concrete hardens. Boom. Instant moat around your house.

Hit me up if you need any more tips.

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Split collegiate flags, meaning the husband went to one school and the wife another, meaning you're a "house divided". If the schools are Texas and OU, Texas and aggy, OU and oSu, Auburn and Alabama, then sure. Rivals I get. But when it's TCU/OU, anyone not OU or aggy/Texas, and so on then f right off with your manufactured household rivalry. TCU and OU have only played each other since TCU came into the Big 12. It's not some 100 year rivalry. 


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On 9/14/2018 at 7:06 AM, deadshank said:

On location weather reporters that insist on standing right next to a raging ocean in hurricane force winds  to deliver their report on weather conditions.  We get it. We've seen this before.  You just look stupid and have an increased probability of being impaled by a flying 2 x 4.

And they think they are saving lives.  They truly believe they are being valorous by congregating around a downed tree and taking turns shooting their piece with it in the background. Then there’s this:



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It's probably been said, but when you and the person in front of you are turning left into a shopping center across oncoming traffic and the guy in front approaches the slightly raised entrance and slows to a crawl and I'm left in the middle of oncoming traffic.  Get your ass into the parking lot.  The slight bump is not going to hurt your car.

Edited by HouTex
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12 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

I'm guessing you just picked something at random there because that article, holy fuck. Frinstance...

"Green caps on tire valve stems usually mean the tires are filled with nitrogen instead of ordinary oxygen."

Yeah, those oxygen filled tires are a real hoot. Great for acceleration. 

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13 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

Doesn't that signify the tires have been filled with Nitrogen? My new tundra has them as well.

if your tundra were actually a loaded up 747 or maybe an F1 car, it'd make a difference.  but it's not.  so it doesn't.  the only reason costco does it is to get people to come back to the store to put air nitrogen  in their tires.  now you're there, might as well buy 500 rolls of toilet paper and a rotisserie chicken.  

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I may have posted this before, but the ass clowns who bring their lunch to work in a soft sided cooler and then put it in the community refrigerator. Thanks asshole, now you and your 3 shithead friends have taken up the whole fridge  

Mother fucking this. I put a large sign on the fridge that said “I know it’s a hard concept but insulation works both ways. your insulated cooler keeps the cold fridge air away from your food. Unpack it if you want to put it in the fridge.”
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