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Lauren Boobert - Tits and a Gun


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9 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:


Yeah, at "a time when we want our country to unify,"  you were posting videos of yourself walking around the streets of DC packing heat, which is expressly against the law there. 


Here's here very next tweet, 3 hours after the "unify" tweet:Warning: This is so rage-inducingly stupid that you might not want to watch if you have hypertension.







Edited by Beau Vine
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On 1/5/2021 at 12:51 PM, aggie08 said:

Open carry laws are the stupidest fucking thing. "I want to put everyone immediately on edge for absolutely no fucking reason as soon as I walk in!" I'm sure I'll get negged for that opinion on a Texas message board, but I don't give a shit.

If you want to conceal carry, go for it. Though why you would feel the need to in a Congress building with dozens of officers far more trained than your dumb ass is beyond me. Oh wait, I know why: "Vote for me dumb rednecks; I'm your wet dream!"

you are right and I would go further to add that most of the gun culture in the US is generally just a childish obsession by small dicked dudes with Karenablers. from gun shows to open carry. these people are children. and now? well now you have a potential insurrection of 30% of the population that refuses to be governed by anyone that isn't their 10 cent head. and they can walk around town looking like these clowns. gonna be a hard time for you peeps to feel comfy I am afraid 



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On 1/8/2021 at 9:04 PM, staboner said:

you are right and I would go further to add that most of the gun culture in the US is generally just a childish obsession by small dicked dudes with Karenablers. from gun shows to open carry. these people are children. and now? well now you have a potential insurrection of 30% of the population that refuses to be governed by anyone that isn't their 10 cent head. and they can walk around town looking like these clowns. gonna be a hard time for you peeps to feel comfy I am afraid 



You just took a small subset of American gun culture and applied to to the entirety of it. Basically the equivalent of calling liberal political thought the same as Antifa. Maybe before forming an opinion you should seek an education.

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On 1/4/2021 at 7:51 PM, aggie08 said:

Open carry laws are the stupidest fucking thing. "I want to put everyone immediately on edge for absolutely no fucking reason as soon as I walk in!" I'm sure I'll get negged for that opinion on a Texas message board, but I don't give a shit.

If you want to conceal carry, go for it. 

Open Carry is SO much more comfortable.  Now slinging a rifle and taking it everywhere, yeah.  The law should treat that like brandishing.

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You just took a small subset of American gun culture and applied to to the entirety of it. Basically the equivalent of calling liberal political thought the same as Antifa. Maybe before forming an opinion you should seek an education.

Take away “small” and I agree with the rest. NRA helped radicalize many.
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56 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

You just took a small subset of American gun culture and applied to to the entirety of it. Basically the equivalent of calling liberal political thought the same as Antifa. Maybe before forming an opinion you should seek an education.

I think anyone that makes a "culture" of guns is childish. And I would say that on gun shows and other things too, not just these numbnuts in the photo. 

Dick size is for sure variable. And yes there's variance everywhere and its just my opinion. Don't get your panites in a wad

and yes, still no tits that I can see. 

Edited by staboner
edited that down. no need to be a dick
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10 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

Get on point, boys.  This traitor was live tweeting about Pelosi during the invasion of the Capitol.  Pelosi is fucking furious and she'll be lucky to keep her seat.  She a fucking Q nut and wouldn't be shocked if she was somehow involved in the planning.


I truly don’t think she’s smart enough to have been involved with the planning. 

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I hope the only job that this attention whore can obtain for this rest of her life is Waffle House night cook, but it's pretty hard to differentiate between malicious intent and just a dumb bitch vapidly "panic" tweeting what was going on without understanding the repercussions.

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On 1/5/2021 at 2:22 PM, Dr. Teeth said:

That's how it use to be. We have allowed stupid a seat at the table. We have allowed caricatures to thrive because we don't call them out. She will be a leader in the party soon. Republicans have figured out how to avoid a lot of criticism. They are putting more women and also men with military experience. Neither group having any qualifications and usually with questionable backgrounds. And if you criticize their backgrounds, then you hate women or the military.

Hell, they even put up a kid that had disabilities who said that he wanted to be in the military and got him a seat. With certain areas digging in and becoming even more partisan, Rs will only need to run a bag of shit and add a flag and heels and they will win.

And then you have MJ Hegar


(Hey, I voted for her)

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4 hours ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

You just took a small subset of American gun culture and applied to to the entirety of it. Basically the equivalent of calling liberal political thought the same as Antifa. Maybe before forming an opinion you should seek an education.

There should be no such thing as "gun culture."  Guns are tools. They are sometimes useful when used for legal purposes. If you believe they are your culture, you should be on a watch list.

If you use guns to hunt, you're a "hunter."  You may be part of "hunter culture" but in 2021, even that is a stretch since it likely isn't your day job nor is it done out of necessity. You hunt for sport, which is fine, but not a culture. If you use guns for self defense, again that's fine, but not "culture."

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30 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

There should be no such thing as "gun culture."  Guns are tools. They are sometimes useful when used for legal purposes. If you believe they are your culture, you should be on a watch list.

If you use guns to hunt, you're a "hunter."  You may be part of "hunter culture" but in 2021, even that is a stretch since it likely isn't your day job nor is it done out of necessity. You hunt for sport, which is fine, but not a culture. If you use guns for self defense, again that's fine, but not "culture."

I'm not even sure what you are arguing. I think I probably agree with what you are trying to say, but the reality is that when people speak of "gun culture" they are speaking of gun owners for the most part. Or maybe they are speaking of gun owners who don't just own guns, but also use or carry them regularly. Or maybe they are speaking of these nut jobs. It seems to me that lots of people like to equate "gun culture" with folks who openly carry handguns and long arms in places that don't warrant it. You know, the folks who post online about which plate carrier vest they should buy to protect them from centerfire rifle rounds.

When you say "culture," it can have a lot of different meanings, but most folks would probably associate it with those who more than casually own guns. Basically the people who post on the gun owner's thread. Even the more trumpy members of the forum aren't on there talking about tacticool stuff without any relation to hunting or competition shooting. In fact, one of y'all's favorite whipping boys went out and bought a replica of a rifle who's design came out nearly 150 years ago after asking what he should buy for his first rifle.

Nobody is denying that the kind of gun culture of which y'all speak doesn't exist, but pretending it is normal is nothing short of sensationalism. 

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4 hours ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

You just took a small subset of American gun culture and applied to to the entirety of it. Basically the equivalent of calling liberal political thought the same as Antifa. Maybe before forming an opinion you should seek an education.

I like guns. I have several. I once paid dues to the NRA. 

I would really appreciate it if I was not called part of any gun culture.


4 hours ago, Parliament said:

Open Carry is SO much more comfortable.  Now slinging a rifle and taking it everywhere, yeah.  The law should treat that like brandishing.

Goddamit. I had to rep you. 

3 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

Very very racist, but also kind of hot


And same

3 hours ago, staboner said:

I think anyone that makes a "culture" of guns is childish. And I would say that on gun shows and other things too, not just these numbnuts in the photo. 

Dick size is for sure variable. And yes there's variance everywhere and its just my opinion. Don't get your panites in a wad

and yes, still no tits that I can see. 

Serious lack of titties on this thread.

Some people just like to take a firestick and make go boom. It's fun. Some dumbasses like to walk around Walmart with them until the minions of House Walton told them to get the hell out.

Horse culture people.

Golf ball chasers

Lip jerkin fishers

They don't shoot things as a matter of their hobby. 


3 hours ago, staboner said:

She should be arrested, tits and all


1 hour ago, Patrick Bateman said:

Get on point, boys.  This traitor was live tweeting about Pelosi during the invasion of the Capitol.  Pelosi is fucking furious and she'll be lucky to keep her seat.  She a fucking Q nut and wouldn't be shocked if she was somehow involved in the planning.


That ditz better have a good attorney. This is liable to be a pretty eventful Monday.

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1 hour ago, Patrick Bateman said:

Get on point, boys.  This traitor was live tweeting about Pelosi during the invasion of the Capitol.  Pelosi is fucking furious and she'll be lucky to keep her seat.  She a fucking Q nut and wouldn't be shocked if she was somehow involved in the planning.


I think a warrant for electronic communications with planners of the march and militia's would be something the FBI would be interested in.

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2 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

Get on point, boys.  This traitor was live tweeting about Pelosi during the invasion of the Capitol.  Pelosi is fucking furious and she'll be lucky to keep her seat.  She a fucking Q nut and wouldn't be shocked if she was somehow involved in the planning.



kick her out 

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6 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

Get on point, boys.  This traitor was live tweeting about Pelosi during the invasion of the Capitol.  Pelosi is fucking furious and she'll be lucky to keep her seat.  She a fucking Q nut and wouldn't be shocked if she was somehow involved in the planning.


This vile cunt needs to be removed from Congress immediately.

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No, it wasn't two 8-year olds dude, it was one 16-year old.  

POS REP though!  Well done, first laugh I've had all morning.  

I'm guessing Jayson is a few years older than his wife, so he was well into his 20's when the incident with a 16-year old occurred.  Got a little bit of Wooderson in him, it would seem.  And of course he goes to work for Chesapeake Oil after the incident.  And she marries him less than 18 months.  Slow justice means the ink wasn't dry yet on the court documents of his sexual assault when they put ink to paper in that same courthouse to sign their marriage license.  You stay classy Congresswoman.  I like that the story involves a Thumb, a Minor Girl, and a Bowling Ball..............in an order that would surprise you.

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9 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

Get on point, boys.  This traitor was live tweeting about Pelosi during the invasion of the Capitol.  Pelosi is fucking furious and she'll be lucky to keep her seat.  She a fucking Q nut and wouldn't be shocked if she was somehow involved in the planning.


Well, if Pelosi is furious, she's fucked.

She'll be the subject of a press conference today announcing a potential censure on Thursday, and if she doesn't apologize, Nancy might have an expulsion vote at some point in the future.

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I wouldn't underestimate this gal, though.

Just spitballing for a moment: I haven't done the super deep dive into her background beyond wiki and a few news articles you all have rounded up, but essentially she and hubby were just business owners who had a niche (the God and gun angle) and then the pandemic provided further opportunity. She perhaps had some political aspirations in mind, she had gained attention speaking out against Beto when he was campaigning, but when COVID hit and the various mitigation measures, boom. She files to run. She is a Freedom Caucus member and so if I had to guess, Elise Stefanik reached out to her because they've been attempting to reform the boys' club wing of the GOP to claw back some voters. That gave her some access to funding and tips that probably didn't hurt. In other words, they took a chance on her that she might actually win and that investment paid off. That doesn't mean she is cunning enough to mastermind a coup, but people have various ways of coping with how the world works. If you've ever read of Joan Crawford and her rise to fame and fortune, and you start to see how someone can navigate the system well enough to make it work. If they force her to resign, then just as any other state, there are rules about how one replaces the representative and again, it's a gamble that can pay off in some of the states--if it's an appointment state, replace with someone still Republican but not so 'out there' and see if the incumbency holds. With the GOP fracturing the way it is, it could go either way (if the governor was a Qnut for example).

So, she may be a little more canny than realized, as opposed to completely clueless.

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