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All Encompassing Mortgage and Real Estate Thread


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2 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

And the two weeks of improvement are now gone. 

Down 55 since Fridays open. Yikes!  Still not sure what the hell is going on after inflation came in light?  Debate and accompanying freak out afterwards?  Did a fed governor fart somewhere and I missed it?  That broke beneath some technicals that should have been acting as pretty robust support and opened up a new channel of mostly suck. 

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6 hours ago, LCHorn said:

I’ve got a $750k VA loan I didn’t lock Thursday because the buyer was overseas and generally I like to review numbers and firm up a commitment before I lock…oops.  

Same but sub in getting married in Nantucket. 
oh well- 17 of my 18 active deals are locked. So- whenever that’s the case rates going up for a couple weeks is a win- can’t get shopped/beat because of the market.  

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