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Industry (HBO)


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Watched it this week. Can't say I loved it. It feels like they are trying to create a Mad Men for millennials, but Mad Men was a character driven show and Industry hasn't created that so far. 

[spoiler]Am I supposed to like Harper? The show has suggested that she's a badass, but we haven't really seen evidence of that other than Eric pumping her up for no apparent reason. We've seen Harper shoot herself in the foot several times, followed by her having emotional breakdowns and begging people for help out of desperation. She made a pass at Nicole out of desperation, then later tried to play the sexual assault card. We've seen her lie to cover her own ass several times. I'm not sure what her redeeming qualities are supposed to be.

Eric comes across as very creepy. I got the vibe that he once used Daria in a similar way to his current relationship with Harper, which is why Daria resented him. The scene with Eric's wife was also very strange and made me wonder if they were the type of couple that would seduce a new young employee. 

Robert is somewhat likable but only because he's a carefree fuckup that somehow manages to skate through life. He doesn't appear to bring anything to the table in the workplace.

Hard for me to understand why Yasmin was ever with Seb in the first place. I want to like Yasmin for reasons, but she's seems like she'd be a better fit as a nurse or a teacher. Maybe that's the point of her character.

Maybe this is just what the banking industry is like and that's not a culture that suits me.[/spoiler]


Edited by wild_turkey
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  • 1 year later...

Only through three episodes in the new season but I dig it, despite most of the financial maneuvering being mumbo jumbo to me.

The musical score is very cool. Gives it a unique and tense vibe. And Yasmin. Got damn.

Also I think I probably wouldn’t like it as much if it was the same show but in New York. 

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On 9/2/2022 at 11:39 PM, LonghornSean said:

Only through three episodes in the new season but I dig it, despite most of the financial maneuvering being mumbo jumbo to me.

The musical score is very cool. Gives it a unique and tense vibe. And Yasmin. Got damn.

Also I think I probably wouldn’t like it as much if it was the same show but in New York. 

I pretty much watch it for this.

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Finale was great. I enjoyed most of season 2 and went from being lukewarm on this show to really liking it.

Harper finally got what she deserved. There’s only so many times you can stab your coworkers in the back and not have it come back to bite you.

The ending was brutal, from Rishi’s “I had to get the poison out” to Eric’s “I found the head count.” I’m pretty sure Rishi knew what was going on during the bathroom scene and that was his final “fuck you”.

Eric plays the game so well. He laid in wait for the perfect opportunity to come along, acted like a washed up old guy in front of his younger coworkers, convinced them he wasn’t a threat, and then struck when he saw his chance. Terrible miscalculation by Harper.

Yas and Robert are finally learning some adult lessons about how the world works. If there’s a season 3, I would expect them to each have a role, but right now they seem to be on the outside looking in.

  • Hook 'Em 1
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/14/2022 at 3:59 PM, kingkoopa6 said:

picked this up.

1 1/2 episode in for season 1

6 titties so far... noice

the brunette is hella fine in her workout gear.

Marisa Abela seducing with her tight ass leggings-Industry Episode 02-1080p

I will keep this going.

It's such an awesome show. I've seen every episode. Agreed on Yas. 

  • Hook 'Em 1
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50 minutes ago, kingkoopa6 said:

watching season 2 finale today...

This show addicting 




you are going to love the season 2 finale if you have liked the show so far.

maybe a slight spoiler so i will hide it ^

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As someone working in finance, I fucking hated season 1. Season 2 got better with every episode. Finale was nails. Spoiler comment below. Do not read if you haven't seen finale. 


I think when Eric says "I'm doing this for you" to Harper, he's finding a way to force her back to the States, which will inevitably help her career. He clearly cares about her despite the appearance of backstabbing. 


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  • 1 year later...

You have to fire someone..

1) you got a guy crying on the desk and hardly says two words to his client

2) shallow party girl who is name is splattered all over the tabloids

3) a boorish middle aged manager who who doesn't exactly inspire, but was nice to you in a time of need


Eric works in mysterious ways.

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man, pretty crazy to see the consensus on this thread do a 180.  but everybody was pretty consistent: show sucked at first but then picked up steam and now it's kick ass.

my wife started watching this show.  not sure how far she got into the first season.  the show looks like it has a really cool London look/feel to it. i definitely saw some T&A.  the only thing i remember was seeing some hot piece filming herself having sex and then sending the video to another dude. 

now that Dragons is over, i may need to watch this from S1 E1 and catch up so i can finish this season in real time. 

Edited by Jive Turkey
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