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are you able to edit players during an active career mode, or does it have to be done to the main roster before you start up a new career?

edit- never mind, i just found it.

doubt edit- i found where i can do it, but it’s not letting me do it. 

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opening drive of the next season:

 i quit the game to go and make sure my setting were correct. my settings:



again, i don’t lose, or struggle, or have close games because the settings are awesome and sometimes you just get beat, i lose, and struggle, and rage quit, because no matter how much i manipulate ea’s fucked-up ass factory settings, the game. is programmed. to fuck me. and you. and everyone else stupid enough to buy the game. 

i don’t understand how anyone can defend this game, and trust me, im looking forward to the day where i can shelf this game 100x more then you are. FAK.

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On 9/24/2024 at 9:24 PM, Derka said:

it’s impossible to explain how bad my o linemen are at blocking on screens. two guards and a tackle vs one db and my trio loses every time. three ole’s, every. single. time.


i didn’t anything wrong; i didn’t mess up; there was no user error. in fact, i called the perfect play. ea has simply told me to go fuck myself. i am not in control of this game. my play calls, and execution, and which buttons i press at which time often have absolutely nothing to do with what ends up happening on the field. this is every single ea sports game in a nutshell. seriously- stop buying these games.

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after raging so hard last night i made one change: i dropped it from varsity to freshman. here’s what happened:


that was game one of the season. i was going to drop 150 in smu. so for game two i simply moved it back up to varsity. and as you can see, on varsity, i find myself down 7-0 to miami, with the computer unabashedly boning me. that’s the difference in going up or down one difficulty level. there’s a whole gaggle of threads on the ncaa 25 subreddit telling people who play on AA to avoid going up to heisman for the sake of their mental health.

im so serious: stop buying this game. let ncaa 25 be the last one you buy/play until ea takes it seriously. they had a decade to make this game and they literally just copy/pasted the last shitty game with a newer but equally terrible game engine. ea took a huge hit a few years ago with that bullshit star wars game they tried to put out. the same thing needs to happen with this title. it’s such a slap in the face to the people who buy and play the game.

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my fumble rate has increased by 500% since turning fumbles off. btw, the computer never fumbles…or commits penalties, or misses easy tackles, or any of that fuck shit that my team spends all game doing. same as it is in fifa; same as it is in madden; same as it ever was, and same as it always will be.

stop buying this game.

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i summer my next two games against scrubs, and am now playing my game against georgia. first two drives have both ended with cj baxter fumbles. i don’t think i need to tell you that i turned fumbles off days ago, or that the cpu never fumbles. 

stop buying this game.

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pass catching is set to 100. after two straight drops, i quit. you win ea. i quit. 

but not permanently. oh no. i’ll be back later tonight. you’ve got your hooks in me, and no matter how badly you abuse me, my trick ass will keep coming back. what else am i gonna do? where else am i gonna go? you’re the only one who truly loves me.

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literally just had my fifth fumble of the 1Q, run back for a TD. four possessions, five fumbles. no exaggeration or hyperbole. just a truly evil corporation that preys on children and the mentally ill. those of you who are neither a child nor mentally ill should be ashamed of yourselves for continuing to patronize this company and defend this game.

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I just play quick games against the computer, the game is fun as hell. It took a bit to get used to, but Revamped Passing is amazing, I really like the different ways you can throw the ball in tight windows.

I haven’t messed with it much even though I’ve played a fair amount. It’s hell to stop.
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4 hours ago, Jkwellborn said:

Do you play anyone or just the computer?

dynasty mode. just the cpu.



legit question:  is it possible that turning fumbles to 0 somehow makes fumbles turn up to 100 in ea’s fucked up world? for me it’s completely feasible. i’m fumbling at an insane rate since turning fumbles to 0. 

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Yeah, I'm thinking maybe you need to stop messing with the sliders and try putting the fumble back to 50?  I have no idea why you're having that issue because I've been playing since the early launch date and I don't recall ever fumbling, I've had maybe 1 or 2 fumbles ever.  The only sliders I've slightly adjusted are CPU interceptions.  I'm just playing the moments so not playing the full games but I've still had a lot of play time. 

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