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How is it that we hear the British accent during normal speech and yet when they sing it comes across without the accent?

Written like someone who has never listened to the kids singing “we don’t need no education, we don’t need no thought control” on Another Brick in The Wall.
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32 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

That’s Hobson’s Choice, don’t get married.

Hobson's Choice is when there is essentially only one choice truly available ("take it or leave it"). 

Superhero gave us a false dilemma, where there are other options besides the ones presented. 

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Would you rather, marry a:
5 who’s been with ~3 partners;
9 who’s a known playa / slut and has been with 100+ people.

Zero interest in a 5.

If the rules are you HAVE to get married, give me the hot girl who likes to fuck. At least it will be somewhat fun until her issues lead to the divorce.
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beisbollers pls explain why the stolen base is so significant that 50hr/50sb (or 40/40) is such a big deal?

is it merely the fact that power and speed are contradictory traits that its rare to see a player achieve both? because the sb itself doesnt seem that valuable...? home run obviously is a crowd pleaser and guaranteed 1+ scores.  but a stolen base alone isnt that spectacular or valuable?  50sb means you gain 1 extra base for every 3 games. 

if we're making arbitrary round-number combos, seems to me like .350BA/50HR would be a more impressive benchmark.  (achieved 6 times, 3 by babe ruth)

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6 hours ago, 52-80 said:

beisbollers pls explain why the stolen base is so significant that 50hr/50sb (or 40/40) is such a big deal?

is it merely the fact that power and speed are contradictory traits that its rare to see a player achieve both? because the sb itself doesnt seem that valuable...? home run obviously is a crowd pleaser and guaranteed 1+ scores.  but a stolen base alone isnt that spectacular or valuable?  50sb means you gain 1 extra base for every 3 games. 

if we're making arbitrary round-number combos, seems to me like .350BA/50HR would be a more impressive benchmark.  (achieved 6 times, 3 by babe ruth)

So by your own admission the ‘more impressive’ benchmark has occurred more frequently than 50/50…

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25 minutes ago, Ignatius said:

So by your own admission the ‘more impressive’ benchmark has occurred more frequently than 50/50…

Rarity != Impressive. 
95% season free throw percentage is rarer than 50% 3pt percentage, but doesnt make it more significant

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Had my daughter drop off a little sheep toy to her friend.  When I'm on the road, I tend to buy stuff for my friend's kids, just little trinkets whatever.  Daughter knocks on door, friend isn't home, but grampa from overseas is.  Daughter gives him the sheep. 2 hours later my wife gets a text from friend's mom with a picture of the sheep, decapitated.   Turns out, my daughter had twisted the head off, was too afraid to tell me and gave it to the grampa and told him to fix it.  😁

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On 9/14/2024 at 7:59 AM, Bevo&Pevo said:

and yet when they sing it comes across without the accent?

I mean sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't. British rappers don't hide the accent. A lot of punk/rock bands don't hide it. 

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9 hours ago, 52-80 said:

is it merely the fact that power and speed are contradictory traits that its rare to see a player achieve both?

Basically this - but you didn't quite hit the nail on the head.

First - 50 bags in 2024 is a lot. Like - a lot a lot. Guys just don't rack up SBs as much as they used to. Last season 3 guys cracked 50 but that was kind of a modern outlier. Acuña's league-lead 73 was a massive number that we rarely see these days. Two years ago the MLB LEADER finished with 41. In 2021 it was 47. In 2019 it was 46. (2020 was covid shortened)

Second - more to what you wrote - yes, the guys racking up steals are typically rangy position players and are more batting for OPS and singles/doubles than jacking 50 homers in a season. For a big motherfucker like Shohei who DHs and PITCHED 130+ innings the last 3 seasons to steal 50 bases is just fucking absurd. 

Take an all-star level pitcher - then imagine that guy (who is already cranking 40 homers a season while pitching) decides "you know what - I'm just going to hit this season" and proceeds to hit a combination of numbers we've never seen in the history of the game.

It's frankly astonishing - but he's been nothing but for 3 or 4 seasons now.

Now - could someone else do it? Absolutely. Acuña Jr. went 41/73 last season. Which - to your other point - is just as if not more impressive. Six guys have had 40/40 seasons - but none of them have done it more than once. Someone may replicate it within a few years or it may take awhile before we see it again. 

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On 9/19/2024 at 7:13 AM, Superhero said:

Would you rather, marry a:

5 who’s been with ~3 partners;

9 who’s a known playa / slut and has been with 100+ people.

9 with a bunch of partners every day of the week and twice on Sunday. points at wife for proof


In other news, my daughter's friend's mom is just too pure for this world. The classic D&D 18 INT and 5 WIS character. How a woman can be so smart, in her 50s, and so... well. Lemme explain.

Today, in church, Jane and Sharon announced that they were celebrating their 10th official anniversary that day, and 35 years of being together. And afterwards, said lady asks me, "So... they are roommates?"

Shame Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

I mean technically, yes, they are also roommates...


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When I was young I always found the concept of fundraising fitness events so foreign.

Wanna raise money to support a good cause? Sure. Im with you so far. How?

By running a marathon.  


Yeah, just pay some money, and then you can run, and the money is donated to charity. 

OK, I get the money part, but whats running (or biking or whatever) got to do with it? And like, even without the charity component, people pay money so they can do something — exercising in group — that they can already do freely? Bizarre. 

And related to this, the idea of fancy charity balls and concerts and dinners and events. Those things dont seem cheap to host. Maybe you’ll net more donations for the charity simply by asking people for money, without having to pay for a musician, catering, and space at the marriott? 

It kinda seems like the running the event is the main purpose, and the charitable component is just a sidenote. 

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On 9/22/2024 at 3:54 PM, 52-80 said:

When I was young I always found the concept of fundraising fitness events so foreign.

Wanna raise money to support a good cause? Sure. Im with you so far. How?

By running a marathon.  


Yeah, just pay some money, and then you can run, and the money is donated to charity. 

OK, I get the money part, but whats running (or biking or whatever) got to do with it? And like, even without the charity component, people pay money so they can do something — exercising in group — that they can already do freely? Bizarre. 

And related to this, the idea of fancy charity balls and concerts and dinners and events. Those things dont seem cheap to host. Maybe you’ll net more donations for the charity simply by asking people for money, without having to pay for a musician, catering, and space at the marriott? 

It kinda seems like the running the event is the main purpose, and the charitable component is just a sidenote. 

It's just a rich/white people virtue signaling thing. 

With the marathon/10k for charity deal at least you're taking care of yourself and getting in shape/getting some exercise. 

The charity gala/ball thing is just high-society garbage. Those people don't actually give a fuck - they ain't in the trenches doing the real work.

And then - the other layer on top of the fees associated with holding the event - is that the money is just dumped to some shitty charity that maybe uses the funds slightly more effectively than the government would.

Go buy a homeless person a meal and talk to them for 10 minutes or go volunteer and do some actual work. 

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32 minutes ago, ztejas said:

go volunteer

At a charity that is supported by fundraising. 
I took a soft retirement after 25 years in O&G and am now helping my second faith-based nonprofit. I’m not a fundraiser, but fundraising is challenging and necessary part of helping people.

If the banquets, etc., aren’t your speed, fine, there are other ways to help. But they serve their purpose.

You can easily do research on the thousands of worthy nonprofits out there and make sure your funds are going to one that is maximizing its funds for beneficiaries. Some are good at it, some aren’t. 

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8 minutes ago, nnm said:

If the banquets, etc., aren’t your speed, fine, there are other ways to help. But they serve their purpose.

I'm sure some of them do. Some of them are assuredly just BS grandstanding. Just like some charities are actually doing good and some are a scam. 

Similarly, some gala attendees might be doing more behind the scenes. But plenty of the attendees are just writing checks and putting on a tux for the status involved - whether or not the money then winds up being used in a useful manner. 

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2 hours ago, ztejas said:

It's just a rich/white people virtue signaling thing. 

With the marathon/10k for charity deal at least you're taking care of yourself and getting in shape/getting some exercise. 

The charity gala/ball thing is just high-society garbage. Those people don't actually give a fuck - they ain't in the trenches doing the real work.

And then - the other layer on top of the fees associated with holding the event - is that the money is just dumped to some shitty charity that maybe uses the funds slightly more effectively than the government would.

Go buy a homeless person a meal and talk to them for 10 minutes or go volunteer and do some actual work. 

Years ago I was adopted by a homeless guy. My son befriended him through a church outreach and I got to know him because I was nervous about my son being around him. He was pretty harmless except for being an alcoholic and making up stories about his life. He'd never ask for money, just rides. Taught me some things about the homeless, who to trust, who was going to steal from you etc. He also told me how to hop a train and where to hide so you don't get caught, though I never tried it. We used to get him a hotel room when it was going to be freezing outside. He went to dinner with us a few times. He would work when he needed money. He even bought my wife and kids Christmas presents one year. I lost track of him when he went back to live with his dad for a while. Found out later that he died in the parking lot after a few nights in the Brownwood jail. He wasn't the only one which always caused me to wonder what was going on. Sorry for all the babbling on but I really miss Weasel. 

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Few things cringier from the early 00s than that entire culture subgenre of 'pick up artists'.

remember this fucking doofus?



And also, not to pick on peoples looks too much, but the main character in that universe who had to have been wealthy from all the books and media deals, these were his 2 long-time partners.  He could at least try seducing a Pflugerville 6 maybe?




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54 minutes ago, Underdog said:

Morning coffee and burning wood… ‘murica! 

Morning coffee and a quiet peaceful lake. ‘Murica!


And yes, the leaves and acorns have started to fall. Part of the afternoon’s list is taking care of that for the day. 

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On 9/26/2024 at 7:47 AM, 52-80 said:

gigabit fiber internet finally became available at my house and now benching a steady 700mbit/s and i dont know what to do with myself

Why is a dog’s sound called a “bark” instead of an “ark?”  Dogs don’t make a “b” sound when they ark. 

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