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6 hours ago, Jerry Callo said:

I suggest you take down the fence until they decide to pay their share.  They are not going to like no fence with that pool.  They are probably required to have a fence with that pool.  Maybe wait until they start filling the pool with water.  Actually not having a fence at the time of inspection is probably the best bet.


5 hours ago, crimsonlonghorn said:

Actually not a bad idea at all. Just pop off the pickets on my side.


5 hours ago, crimsonlonghorn said:

Already got one of my own. 

So, you, a guy with a pool, thinks tearing down a fence is a good idea, because your neighbor has a pool and therefore must have a fence.


That's some texags-quality logic right there.

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Parliament said:
3 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:
Yeah... not thinking killing the animal like that is especially humane.   Now a welcome wagon cake for the new neighbors, baked with a shit load of colon blow, and Exlax ???........

In case you were wondering, I'm definitely joking. That's a miserable way to die.

Well.. I was hoping.......


Wow we own a rental house in Greatwood in Sugar Land and also had a fence go down from that storm. Unlike your situation, both our neighbors were standup about contributing.

Gotta get the agreement and money up front. After the fact there is zero incentive for them to pay a dime. About 8 years ago I needed a new fence all around. I pointedly did not build the section where the neighbors refused to share the cost. Why? Because I knew I’d never get paid.
  • Like 1
On 6/13/2020 at 8:19 AM, crimsonlonghorn said:

Rather than start a new thread, I'll resurrect this one. 

Bought our house in Sugar Land 6 years ago. Original neighbors on both sides were great. Both families have since moved out and the new ones aren't as great. 

Last November a storm come through that blew over my backyard fence on both sides. Fence was almost 30 years old and original with the subdivision. It was already rickety and we knew it was about to die. 

Dog kept getting out of the yard and the fence needed to be replaced, so I just went ahead and hired someone and took care of it and then asked both neighbors to pay back their share to me. 

Motherfuckers on the north side - who knocked on our door to complain about it the day it happened and literally said, "It needs to be fixed" - have yet to pay us a dime. Said for a while they were going to, now they don't say anything. 

Motherfucker on the south side - who has pled poverty for the past six months because his Navy reserve situation makes his employment unpredictable - bought a brand new pickup in April and then construction started a week ago on this (gunnite trucks are in front of my house this morning):




I am of the mind to go find a bunch of wood waste somewhere in the neighborhood and throw it into that fucking hole tonight after it gets dark. 

We are about to start construction on a house on our farm where the neighbors are far away and polite. I can't wait to get out of this neighborhood. 

Looked at this again.   if I were your neighbor, I would have told you to go fuck yourself.   YOU chose a contractor, YOU chose the type/style/material, YOU agreed on a price, and then YOU decided that your neighbors owed you money.  

Again, I'd tell you to fuck off.   You should have talked to them beforehand, and given them a chance to say "OK".  You didn't do that, so it's on you. 



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  • Fuck You 1
1 hour ago, Gil Bang said:

Looked at this again.   if I were your neighbor, I would have told you to go fuck yourself.   YOU chose a contractor, YOU chose the type/style/material, YOU agreed on a price, and then YOU decided that your neighbors owed you money.  

Again, I'd tell you to fuck off.   You should have talked to them beforehand, and given them a chance to say "OK".  You didn't do that, so it's on you. 



I'm still processing the whole the Doors suck thing, but you're spot on here.

21 hours ago, texhorn said:

I have had nothing but issues with neighbors and fences. Commit and then back out. Claim no money and put in a detached garage. Demand money for work done before I lived in the house. Next house I’m putting in a moat.

If I have to redo fence I'm painting "FU pay me" and a mural of Mack brown on the opposite sides of the pickets.

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Gil Bang said:



So, you, a guy with a pool, thinks tearing down a fence is a good idea, because your neighbor has a pool and therefore must have a fence.


That's some texags-quality logic right there.

I have a safety fence around mine is the difference. 

Edited by crimsonlonghorn
5 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

Looked at this again.   if I were your neighbor, I would have told you to go fuck yourself.   YOU chose a contractor, YOU chose the type/style/material, YOU agreed on a price, and then YOU decided that your neighbors owed you money.  

Again, I'd tell you to fuck off.   You should have talked to them beforehand, and given them a chance to say "OK".  You didn't do that, so it's on you. 



Ok. Fair point.

He should have just said that to begin with instead of making excuses. 



My mom and step dad bought some land in Hayes county years ago when they retired. After my step dad died, she sold the land and bought a house in a subdivision near my sister's family.

A few months after she moved in, an old couple moved in next door who owned a German Shepherd that would bark all the fucking time, day and night. If you went into her backyard, it would aggressively bark at you through the fence. One Christmas my wife and I stayed in her guest room and it would wake us up at night it was so loud. Really really fucking annoying. She complained politely to the neighbors. When that didn't work, she bitched to the neighbors. When that didn't work, she complained to the HOA, then finally she started calling the cops.  She even bought one of those dog whistle alarm siren things that goes off whenever a dog barks and put it right next to the fence. Of course, that didn't work. It got to the point where she had spoken to an attorney and was about to file suit against them. Then one day the dog dug under/chewed its way through the fence into her back yard (trying to get her cat I assume). She yelled at it from inside her house and it came up onto her back porch and started barking at her through the door. So she shot it with my step dad's O/U 12 ga Mossberg.

She opened the glass door and gave it the first barrel right through the screen door. Then went outside and finished it with the second barrel.

She called the neighbors and told them to come get their dog out of her yard. She was hosing the blood off the porch when the cops showed up. Cops charged her with unlawful discharge of a firearm or some shit, but the county attorney or somebody ended up dismissing it. Probably didn't hurt that this occurred in Williamson county where my BIL is a detective with the WILCO sheriffs dept.

Neighbors moved away a few months later.




  • Like 5
7 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


My mom and step dad bought some land in Hayes county years ago when they retired. After my step dad died, she sold the land and bought a house in a subdivision near my sister's family.

A few months after she moved in, an old couple moved in next door who owned a German Shepherd that would bark all the fucking time, day and night. If you went into her backyard, it would aggressively bark at you through the fence. One Christmas my wife and I stayed in her guest room and it would wake us up at night it was so loud. Really really fucking annoying. She complained politely to the neighbors. When that didn't work, she bitched to the neighbors. When that didn't work, she complained to the HOA, then finally she started calling the cops.  She even bought one of those dog whistle alarm siren things that goes off whenever a dog barks and put it right next to the fence. Of course, that didn't work. It got to the point where she had spoken to an attorney and was about to file suit against them. Then one day the dog dug under/chewed its way through the fence into her back yard (trying to get her cat I assume). She yelled at it from inside her house and it came up onto her back porch and started barking at her through the door. So she shot it with my step dad's O/U 12 ga Mossberg.

She opened the glass door and gave it the first barrel right through the screen door. Then went outside and finished it with the second barrel.

She called the neighbors and told them to come get their dog out of her yard. She was hosing the blood off the porch when the cops showed up. Cops charged her with unlawful discharge of a firearm or some shit, but the county attorney or somebody ended up dismissing it. Probably didn't hurt that this occurred in Williamson county where my BIL is a detective with the WILCO sheriffs dept.

Neighbors moved away a few months later.




Holy smokes.  That's bad ass. Feel bad for the improperly trained dog but the idiot neighbors got what was coming.  

7 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


My mom and step dad bought some land in Hayes county years ago when they retired. After my step dad died, she sold the land and bought a house in a subdivision near my sister's family.

A few months after she moved in, an old couple moved in next door who owned a German Shepherd that would bark all the fucking time, day and night. If you went into her backyard, it would aggressively bark at you through the fence. One Christmas my wife and I stayed in her guest room and it would wake us up at night it was so loud. Really really fucking annoying. She complained politely to the neighbors. When that didn't work, she bitched to the neighbors. When that didn't work, she complained to the HOA, then finally she started calling the cops.  She even bought one of those dog whistle alarm siren things that goes off whenever a dog barks and put it right next to the fence. Of course, that didn't work. It got to the point where she had spoken to an attorney and was about to file suit against them. Then one day the dog dug under/chewed its way through the fence into her back yard (trying to get her cat I assume). She yelled at it from inside her house and it came up onto her back porch and started barking at her through the door. So she shot it with my step dad's O/U 12 ga Mossberg.

She opened the glass door and gave it the first barrel right through the screen door. Then went outside and finished it with the second barrel.

She called the neighbors and told them to come get their dog out of her yard. She was hosing the blood off the porch when the cops showed up. Cops charged her with unlawful discharge of a firearm or some shit, but the county attorney or somebody ended up dismissing it. Probably didn't hurt that this occurred in Williamson county where my BIL is a detective with the WILCO sheriffs dept.

Neighbors moved away a few months later.




Screw those cops, because she was defending herself and her own pet. They were probably just pissed because they didn’t get to shoot the dog themselves.

And the dog owners were the kind of Grade A shitstains that give us olds a bad rep.

+rep for your awesome mom. (pics? And the gun too?)

  • Like 2
7 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:

She opened the glass door and gave it the first barrel right through the screen door. Then went outside and finished it with the second barrel.

She was hosing the blood off the porch when the cops showed up.

Remind me to never bark at your mother.

  • Like 2

So was the dog breaking thru the glass doors or just Standing there barking its head off ?    Dogs don't know property lines.  Shooting the dog was wrong in my opinion, unless there was imminent danger the animal was coming thru that glass door.  

Call animal control (not the cops !!!!!), and have them remove the animal, then tell the owners the next time time the dog comes to their back door the dog may be shot.  This is a human issue, not a dog issue. The dog is doing what it knows, no more no less.


I really like the idea of popping off every other picket then staining and painting their side of them a variety of colors. Mix in some neon pink, green, yellow, and a few different shades of stain. Make it hideous for them to look at from their pool. Tell them that if they remove said pickets, you will be filing a police report for destruction of property.

Just now, SquishMitten said:

I really like the idea of popping off every other picket then staining and painting their side of them a variety of colors. Mix in some neon pink, green, yellow, and a few different shades of stain. Make it hideous for them to look at from their pool. Tell them that if they remove said pickets, you will be filing a police report for destruction of property.

That's some nice passive aggressive shit right there, kudos.....


just had a big tree split that basically straddles the property line between neighbor and me.  It's right between our (detached) garages at the back of the lot.  The the side that split away hit our garage.  I told him we were getting someone out today to take the tree down;  if he wanted to chip in and pay half, great, but we need this taken care of pronto.  Showed him how if other side of the split shifted it would probably hit his garage.  

Dude venmo'd me same day

Craziest neighbor story is that I had been draining my pool a little bit and set up a hose to siphon the pool water back through the alley.  Well, this lady who was preggo apparently came by while my wife was working from home and just started going off on how this little trickle of chlorinated water  running through the alley (which is designed to carry away storm water) was going to cause the whole neighborhood to come down with Zika and malaria and that she did not appreciate it.  She said her peace then left.  Not sure if there was a followup post on nextdoor or not from her.

Told my wife we should knit her a tiny beanie for her Zika headshrunken baby.   


Generally have had decent neighbors.  Couple of shitty one have essentially ruined humanity(exaggeration) for me.

A1 POS neighbor chained his dog up outside and then left for the night on 4th of July.  That dog was apoplectic.  No one from animal control could be bothered on a holiday.


I bought a house in Spring Valley in the 80's.  The survey showed that the back fence was two feet on the inside of my property line.  The fence was in very bad repair so I told the neighbor that I would like to take it down and build a new one.  He went absolutely apoplectic and told me that he would spend $100,000 in legal fees before he ever let me move the fence.  I had no intention of moving the fence, I just wanted a new one.  I told him never mind, but if the fence ever fell down my Husky might eat his little yappy dog. My Husky was a sweetheart that never barked, jumped against the fence, or even acknowledged the little fucker.  One day I came home from work to find that my she had been poisoned.  I was sure it was poison because I sent the body to aggy for autopsy.  Police couldn't do anything because no proof and probably just sad they didn't get to shoot her.  Just to top it off the fucker was also President of the HOA.

3 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

I bought a house in Spring Valley in the 80's.  The survey showed that the back fence was two feet on the inside of my property line.  The fence was in very bad repair so I told the neighbor that I would like to take it down and build a new one.  He went absolutely apoplectic and told me that he would spend $100,000 in legal fees before he ever let me move the fence.  I had no intention of moving the fence, I just wanted a new one.  I told him never mind, but if the fence ever fell down my Husky might eat his little yappy dog. My Husky was a sweetheart that never barked, jumped against the fence, or even acknowledged the little fucker.  One day I came home from work to find that my she had been poisoned.  I was sure it was poison because I sent the body to aggy for autopsy.  Police couldn't do anything because no proof and probably just sad they didn't get to shoot her.  Just to top it off the fucker was also President of the HOA.

Tell the next part where he ends up with concrete boots.

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