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Okay sure, Chinese people can be offended because they have or choose to live there and might have some national pride. Ostensibly Chinese-Americans have diaspora'ed because they also realize China (the state, not themselves) sucks. But again, in an overabundance of political correctness and caution, I can see how the most gracious and gentlemanly thing to do would be to add a qualifier for those who would be offended.
China (CCP, the political entity) Sucks Balls and is the worst. Better?
You probably aren't aware of this. Over the past year there has been a large increase in random attacks on american chinese (mostly elderly). Along with physical attacks many of my friends and family have received insults pertaining to covid and the lockdown. So while you may be critical enough to differentiate nuance you can appreciate why it's not wise to voice your dissent using generalities.

Well there are Christians in Syria.  Interesting factoid---Syria has had more Popes than any other country besides Italy and France.  

Obviously we know a lot about his background now, be curious to see what the FBI had him marked as a person of interest for the last two years.  Then again, maybe they'll never tell us.  I just know the dude looks like a very white guy I know, Kyle Kinane.  And they both always look like they just finished a Natural Light/Chipotle bender every time I see them.  


serious question---what's that one random tweet supposed to prove about this shooter?  


For you guys that go get these rub 'n tugs...does it weird you out that she's rubbing your shoulders, massaging your back, and eventually yanking on your dick with hands that just had semen on them a few minutes earlier?  Not judging.  I'm just OCD like that.  

47 minutes ago, Ridingtosunset said:

This thread is wack.

The best way to signal that you're progressive, enlightened, and not-racist, is to tie absolutely everything back to race.

And now that nothing else racial about the shooter came out, it seems those dudes slunk away. 


I think some of the stuff he posted online before the murders raised some flags about possible racial motivation.  Also the vast majority of his victims being Asian was another red flag.  Even if you're not purposely killing them because of their race/ethnicity, you have to take into account he wasn't on this shooting spree in Chinatown.  He was hunting people from one location to another to another, and Asians aren't just all out in large groups in the Georgia suburbs.  I don't care for Italians, and if I was going to act out on them violently, it'd be weird if I found 6 of them in Brownsville, TX at 3 different spots.  Notice I'm not speaking in absolutes, just a refresh of why some people say some racial motivation may have been at play here.  

Kumail Nanjiani, better known as Dinesh from "Silicon Valley" tv show.  He has a bit that kinda reminds me of some of you guys who just can't seem to grasp why some people are possibly questioning if there was a racial component to this.  Again, not speaking categorically, but some of us have some questions. 

Anyway, Kumail talks about the movie "Freddie v. Jason" and he saw it in the theaters.  There's a scene where Freddie is choosing to kill either a white girl or a black girl and Freddie eventually chooses the black girl and says, "How Sweet...Dark Meat" and the audience noticeably groaned in disgust.  As if to say, "Look Freddie, we're fine with your undead, evil ass murdering innocent children with your razor gloves, but we'll be dammed if we're gonna have some moderate racism up in here.  Not today sir, not up in here!"  Gun control measures to stop sameday red flag sales?  Mental health?  An insane, multi-point mass-murder spree qualifying as a serial killing series?  NAH, fuck that.  We gotta make sure nobody thought this guy might not like certain people.  Not up in here! 

The best way to signal that you're progressive, enlightened, and not-racist, is to tie absolutely everything back to race.
And now that nothing else racial about the shooter came out, it seems those dudes slunk away. 

Sounds like you get accused of a lot of racism.
37 minutes ago, Lobo said:

 Also the vast majority of his victims being Asian was another red flag.  Even if you're not purposely killing them because of their race/ethnicity, you have to take into account he wasn't on this shooting spree in Chinatown.  He was hunting people from one location to another to another, and Asians aren't just all out in large groups in the Georgia suburbs.

It’s a nice theory...if there wasn’t a Chinese restaurant, and a sushi restaurant, both within a 400 yard radius of the spa. 

If he was “hunting people from one location to another to another”, might he have heard of google maps?  And seen the actual Chinatown the exact same time and distance it took to drive from the first spa?

8 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

Sounds like you get accused of a lot of racism.

When your virtue signaling goes unrewarded : (  

Maybe try it over on Jezebel instead


Lotta Chinese people working at Sushi restaurants?  Where the hell you eat out?  

I don't know what Chinese restaurants you eat at, but my spots are all staffed by Mexicans.  

I don't know if he had heard of google maps, but sometimes criminals don't put dots on the all the places they're gonna shoot up on their phones before their rampage just in case they get caught in the middle of it.  I know I showed up to my first interstate murder spree with a Rand-McNally map all marked up and the fellas at the rest stop were like, "Dude, what is this amateur hour?"  

For the umpteenth time in my post,  I was merely indicating that some people think he may have held some animosity against Chinese people for some reason based on his social media postings and his actions that day.  It's okay to possibly, maybe, kinda-sorta think a mass murderer hates certain kinds of people.  The evil shithead's life as he knows it is over, he'll probably die via lethal injection, but we'll be goddamned if people think he may have held some ill-placed opinions on China and its people.  Not today sir, not up in here!  


6 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Lotta Chinese people working at Sushi restaurants?  Where the hell you eat out?  

I don't know what Chinese restaurants you eat at, but my spots are all staffed by Mexicans.  

I don't know if he had heard of google maps, but sometimes criminals don't put dots on the all the places they're gonna shoot up on their phones before their rampage just in case they get caught in the middle of it.  I know I showed up to my first interstate murder spree with a Rand-McNally map all marked up and the fellas at the rest stop were like, "Dude, what is this amateur hour?"  

For the umpteenth time in my post,  I was merely indicating that some people think he may have held some animosity against Chinese people for some reason based on his social media postings and his actions that day.  It's okay to possibly, maybe, kinda-sorta think a mass murderer hates certain kinds of people.  The evil shithead's life as he knows it is over, he'll probably die via lethal injection, but we'll be goddamned if people think he may have held some ill-placed opinions on China and its people.  Not today sir, not up in here!  


Is it supposed to be an anti-Asian thing? Or just an anti-Chinese thing? Would he be able to discern a Chinese from a Cambodian from a Malay? (Maybe that’s why he shot those other non-Asian folks as well)

If in Georgia and you want to find an Asian person, chances are a smidgen better finding them in Sushi restaurant than a Mexican restaurant. (Or, you know, perhaps the Chinatown mall)

One of the reason it’s apparent it wasn’t racially-motivated, is because nothing suggested such has been brought forth from his social media/internet history. In the year 2021 with digital sleuthing, all that information would’ve surfaced 3 weeks ago. 

If you have evidence of his social media posting - share it?

You’re right - he’s evil and he’s gonna die. So whether the general public thinks he’s a racist or not doesn’t matter.  the question is - what motivation does HE have for trying to deny it?  His background is already as embarrassing as bradintx, there’s nothing left to salvage.


That’s all just seems common logic.  If exercising logic is a racist thing to do, then most of us must be Walt fucking Disney.  


When your virtue signaling goes unrewarded : (  
Maybe try it over on Jezebel instead

I don't know what Jezebel is. Sounds like something you're sensitive about, much like the fact that you're constantly getting called a racist.

You know the old saying...you can't swing an AR-15 in a Boulder grocer without hitting a bunch of white people. 

I've spent a lot of time in that area and it would have been weird if he hit somebody who wasn't white.  

I've never categorically stated that the Georgia shooter was only targeting Chinese people because of some ill-placed hatred he has/had for them.  What I said numerous times is, it's not that unreasonable for some people to ask some questions about what the shooter's motives were based on some of the red flags raised before and during his murder spree.  And it's just a weird thing to defend this guy about.  Nobody would bat an eye if it came out he tortured small animals as a kid, if he molested younger neighbor kids as a teenager, if he assaulted elderly people at night and stole their wallets/phones.  But for some reason, we can't ask questions about his racial motivation, if any?  We're not on the fucking jury, it's okay to skip around the investigation process.  I bet if the shooter had some illegal drug in his system, we'd be ready for him to get dropped by the cops during the initial stop.  


4 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

You’re right - he’s evil and he’s gonna die. So whether the general public thinks he’s a racist or not doesn’t matter.  the question is - what motivation does HE have for trying to deny it? 

Can't blame the cheeto if the dude wasn't a Maga, alt-right, anti-immigrant, wuhan-flu insurrectionist. 

But now that we have had more than one Asian poster admit that simply saying fuck China for the response bother them, I will gladly ensure that all future post reference the Chinese Communist Party...and if my posts to that end did offend them, I sincerely apologize.  

5 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

I don't know what Jezebel is. Sounds like something you're sensitive about, much like the fact that you're constantly getting called a racist.

One day when you grow out of your fear of the boogie man, somebody might give you a lolli. 


  the question is - what motivation does HE have for trying to deny it?  

Same motivation that every racist has for being in denial about their racism. It's a bad look. Most racists know that and are very sensitive about being called racist.

Again, not saying I know his motivation for sure.  But the choice between getting multiple handjobs to establish precedent for venue knowledge/sex addict status behind one door and behind the other door, failing to establish some other motive for your pending crime spree and facing federal hate crime charges where your goofy ass will be beaten to a pulp...I'll take the handjobs and be out of state prison in 10-15 years due to mental treatment advances.  

After decades of dealing with sociopaths, what you're watching him say and do is not a live human being in the now.  You're watching a well-rehearsed play unfold.   

Sometimes mentally fucked up people forget some of their worst attributes as a coping mechanism.  It'd be weird if they didn't bury that shit.  

8 minutes ago, Lobo said:

You know the old saying...you can't swing an AR-15 in a Boulder grocer without hitting a bunch of white people. 

I've spent a lot of time in that area and it would have been weird if he hit somebody who wasn't white.  

I've never categorically stated that the Georgia shooter was only targeting Chinese people because of some ill-placed hatred he has/had for them.  What I said numerous times is, it's not that unreasonable for some people to ask some questions about what the shooter's motives were based on some of the red flags raised before and during his murder spree.  And it's just a weird thing to defend this guy about.  Nobody would bat an eye if it came out he tortured small animals as a kid, if he molested younger neighbor kids as a teenager, if he assaulted elderly people at night and stole their wallets/phones.  But for some reason, we can't ask questions about his racial motivation, if any?  We're not on the fucking jury, it's okay to skip around the investigation process.  I bet if the shooter had some illegal drug in his system, we'd be ready for him to get dropped by the cops during the initial stop.  


there was no red flag before the accident. there was a single Facebook post that was debunked as a photoshop, and absolutely nothing else surfaced or reported on  

it’s absolutely not unreasonable to pose questions and go through all the clues objectively to form a reasoned answer. 

it’s unreasonable to already be fixated on an answer, and attack other peoples motive for doing the above.  (obv not pointed @ you)


but if all a person posseses is a smooth brain and a race card, they gotta play the hand they have ....


Fair points, but I would contend that a red flag did occur.  He bought the gun just hours before his murder spree.  The path of his 3 venue targets and then his high-tail to Florida indicate planning, pre-meditation, and malice aforethought.  But his weapon acquisition seems kinda last minute and hap-hazard.  And thankfully, he wasn't anywhere near a proficient marksman as the Boulder shooter.  He wasn't training at the range with the weapon of choice for months ahead of time.  That is a strange paradox to me.  He goes and plans the spree out based on his "sickness", but just grabs the coolest looking gun at the last minute with not the best grasp on how to use it.  I dunno, seems strange.  I just think he's got the best rub-n-tug backstory in the prison yard. 

15 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Again, not saying I know his motivation for sure.  But the choice between getting multiple handjobs to establish precedent for venue knowledge/sex addict status behind one door and behind the other door, failing to establish some other motive for your pending crime spree and facing federal hate crime charges where your goofy ass will be beaten to a pulp...I'll take the handjobs and be out of state prison in 10-15 years due to mental treatment advances.  

After decades of dealing with sociopaths, what you're watching him say and do is not a live human being in the now.  You're watching a well-rehearsed play unfold.   

Sometimes mentally fucked up people forget some of their worst attributes as a coping mechanism.  It'd be weird if they didn't bury that shit.  

You’re saying he used his sex issues as a cover to kill people on the grounds of race ?

He would be pretty wily then....but bad at math.  Doesn’t Georgia rank top 5 in executions along with Texas and Alabama?  (Better than our football and bball team can say....)

Killing a plurality of people is a pretty surefire recipe to land in death row even if you had planned on a mental defense. 


I think if he can stick the landing on sex addiction, he'll avoid the death penalty, show improvement in prison counseling, and be out in 15 years.  

It's quite likely he doesn't have the foresight and/or intellect to pull it off, but it's not out of the realm of reasonable doubt.  

His prep-work somewhat suggests calculating serial killer rampage.  And somewhat suggests day-of mental breakdown.  He may have gambled too heavily on that delta being convincing enough to jurors.  

2 minutes ago, Lobo said:

I think if he can stick the landing on sex addiction, he'll avoid the death penalty, show improvement in prison counseling, and be out in 15 years.  

It's quite likely he doesn't have the foresight and/or intellect to pull it off, but it's not out of the realm of reasonable doubt.  

His prep-work somewhat suggests calculating serial killer rampage.  And somewhat suggests day-of mental breakdown.  He may have gambled too heavily on that delta being convincing enough to jurors.  

If he had crossed into Fla and killed people there, would that make it a federal case? Or will he just be tried in both states? 

I just know the generalization that feds house the more white-collar stuff, whereas state pens have the more violent criminals. 

15 minutes ago, Lobo said:

I think if he can stick the landing on sex addiction, he'll avoid the death penalty, show improvement in prison counseling, and be out in 15 years.  

It's quite likely he doesn't have the foresight and/or intellect to pull it off, but it's not out of the realm of reasonable doubt.  

His prep-work somewhat suggests calculating serial killer rampage.  And somewhat suggests day-of mental breakdown.  He may have gambled too heavily on that delta being convincing enough to jurors.  

Is this really what you think?  Dude will live the rest of his life in prison at worst and be fatally injected with a dose of pentobarbital at best.   He's going to be alive for at least the next 15-20 years. Hopefully if they don't inject him, he chooses the Epstein maneuver and checks out early.  There is a zero percent chance this guy ever sees freedom again.

  • Like 1

We have plenty of attorneys on here (I went to law school but I'm not a lawyer).  I'm pretty sure if he gets convicted of a federal hate crime and it involves murder, he does the time in a federal max lockup.  If he had gone into Florida, I would think the states would have to work it out where he's tried/sentenced.  Same day multi-state serial killings are pretty damn rare, but there is precedent for it. But he never made it there, although the plans for what he would have done in the Sunshine State may prove relevant.  

I think the safest thing for him is "I'm sick, I snapped, I'm mentally ill...I became remorseful once I realized the scope of my actions on my way to Florida so I surrendered without incident.  I did not know what I was doing though during the Atlanta-area rampage, that was not me in the sense that I was outside my mind in the hours between buying the weapons and the first three shootings.  The sex addict in me took over most of that day until I was arrested and I obviously cooperated shortly thereafter."  

25 minutes ago, Lobo said:

I think if he can stick the landing on sex addiction, he'll avoid the death penalty, show improvement in prison counseling, and be out in 15 years.  

It's quite likely he doesn't have the foresight and/or intellect to pull it off, but it's not out of the realm of reasonable doubt.  

His prep-work somewhat suggests calculating serial killer rampage.  And somewhat suggests day-of mental breakdown.  He may have gambled too heavily on that delta being convincing enough to jurors.  

Sex addiction isn't accepted as an actual addiction so he may have that roadblock.


In every state?  It's likely very different for criminal trials.  I know it's been used in family law and civil cases to get outta shit.  I know because I was subpoena'd to discuss it on behalf of a former colleague.  

1 hour ago, 52-80 said:

there was no red flag before the accident. there was a single Facebook post that was debunked as a photoshop, and absolutely nothing else surfaced or reported on  

it’s absolutely not unreasonable to pose questions and go through all the clues objectively to form a reasoned answer. 

it’s unreasonable to already be fixated on an answer, and attack other peoples motive for doing the above.  (obv not pointed @ you)


but if all a person posseses is a smooth brain and a race card, they gotta play the hand they have ....

It seems pretty important to you to prove to this internet board this killer wasn’t a racist. Why is that? Maybe you should focus on other issues in your life.

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

It seems pretty important to you to prove to this internet board this killer wasn’t a racist. Why is that? Maybe you should focus on other issues in your life.

I know I shouldn't do this, but I'm about to start drinking so what the fuck.  Why is it so important to you this shooter be racist? 

  • Hook 'Em 3
  • Haha 1

Because it'll make more sense of the world and make us sleep safer at night.  Asshole racist guns down 6 Asians.  It's godawful and we should help protect our fellow citizens of Asian descent.  But there's a path forward there to a better society that honors their lives and punishes the racist assholes among us.  

Man kills 8 because he likes getting anonymous handjobs without a lot of talking before and afterwards?  Well, that's pretty much all of us...so who the fuck knows what happens next if suddenly we all become self-aware like some kinda boner-jam skynet?  Look at the photos of this murderous assclown.  You want another 25 million male versions of his generation running around the country with access to the internet, assault rifles, and pent-up sexual frustration?  

Between enacting laws that say "You harm an Asian American, you go to jail for life" and weeding through tens of millions of idiots with no game and no possibility of getting laid shooting up any building with nipples or soft grips...I'm going with "Fuck you...I assume your racist...have fun in jail."  At least that doesn't break the social fabric.  

You guys really wanna sort out his sexual angst?  Good luck with all that shit.  I never conflated his racism with MAGA or Trump, y'all did that---a curious projection IMHO.  I'm saying we don't need a case precedent to show "Boys, murder can be an outlet for your urges.  In fact, according to case precedent shows you may be entitled to public deflection."  How about "Not having luck with the ladies fellas and feeling like a shooty Mcshooty?  Well guess what, you're a racist asshole...and the next whisper in your ear will be the sound of a paralyzing agent pulsing through your veins."  


Personally, I would sleep better thinking this was some mentally ill dude that snapped for some reason than he was an asshole racists.  I know there are a lot more asshole racists than there are dudes that have hang ups about the morality of getting a hand job. 

  • Hook 'Em 1
6 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

It seems pretty important to you to prove to this internet board this killer wasn’t a racist. Why is that? Maybe you should focus on other issues in your life.

This is a discussion board, discussing the shooting event.

I wrote why the race hypothesis clearly does not stand to reason.  You and your atx pal only write obsessively about people who share that conclusion.  Sounds like you two are the ones with personal issues that needs to be resolved.  Maybe you should lock yourselves in a room and give eachother handjobs until you figure it out.

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