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When is the next Indiana Jones


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Shrinking has given me a new appreciation for old man Harrison Ford. I think he has still got it. And he loves playing Indiana Jones. I'm also going to hazard a guess that this one involves a lot of time travel.

Edited by mdmost
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2 hours ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

that looked a lot better than i expected.  he didn't look like the broken down old man from the last one.  and of course nazis are the best bad guys.

17 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:

Fuck it. I’m all in. Folks who hate these movies, or can’t even appreciate the first one are fucking losers. 

That trailer sold me.  It looks so much better than the last movie.

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8 hours ago, Red Five said:

I'm not sure what it is, but this doesn't really look or feel like an Indiana Jones movie to me. It's like they tried real hard to recapture the feel of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. 

Because its not Steven Spielberg and Douglas Slocombe its James Mangold and Phedon Papamichael

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I'm in of course.  I'm probably one of the only people that didn't mind Crystal Skull because I went in with low expectations.  I'm a bit of an Indy fan boi though.  Thirded with the bring back Short Round idea.  Feels like it's probably too late for this one (unless it's a massive surprise, which would be awesome), but they could do a 6th and bring him in before Harrison is too far gone.

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15 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

I'm probably one of the only people that didn't mind Crystal Skull because I went in with low expectations. 

I refused to watch the whole thing.  I caught one scene on HBO where he hid in a refrigerator to survive an atomic bomb.  it seemed... not good.  as long as I expect it to suck you recommend a viewing?  I trust your opinion of what constitutes acceptable entertainment.

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1 hour ago, futureman said:

I refused to watch the whole thing.  I caught one scene on HBO where he hid in a refrigerator to survive an atomic bomb.  it seemed... not good.  as long as I expect it to suck you recommend a viewing?  I trust your opinion of what constitutes acceptable entertainment.

I mean, yes?  I've seen it probably twice.  The ending was fun I thought.  Shia Labouf or whatever his name is can never be in another movie, for all I care.  But if you just want a popcorn flick that isn't as good as the first trilogy, yes, it's decent enough.  Some good callbacks.  I don't really see how this next one looks any better or worse.

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32 minutes ago, futureman said:

I refused to watch the whole thing.  I caught one scene on HBO where he hid in a refrigerator to survive an atomic bomb.  it seemed... not good.  as long as I expect it to suck you recommend a viewing?  I trust your opinion of what constitutes acceptable entertainment.

It's been shit on so thoroughly for so long now, it's probably underrated. 

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I mean, yes?  I've seen it probably twice.  The ending was fun I thought.  Shia Labouf or whatever his name is can never be in another movie, for all I care.  But if you just want a popcorn flick that isn't as good as the first trilogy, yes, it's decent enough.  Some good callbacks.  I don't really see how this next one looks any better or worse.

The scene with Shia swinging from vines over the army ants was horribad.
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  • 1 month later...

I thought the first 20 minutes of Crystal Skull were pretty cool. I was impressed how they shifted the villain aesthetic from Nazis to Cold War Soviets…. Then it became ridiculous and sucked. 

We got a glimpse of the future of Indiana Jones in the prologue to Last Crusade and it was River Phoenix. He would have been a fantastic continuation for the franchise. 

Edited by Bender Bending Rodriguez
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3 hours ago, Bender Bending Rodriguez said:

I thought the first 20 minutes of Crystal Skull were pretty cool. I was impressed how they shifted the villain aesthetic from Nazis to Cold War Soviets…. Then it became ridiculous and sucked. 

We got a glimpse of the future of Indiana Jones in the prologue to Last Crusade and it was River Phoenix. He would have been a fantastic continuation for the franchise. 

Need to revamp Young Indiana Jones to save the franchise. And it’ll take an actor on the same level as River.

Good luck Lucasfilm. 

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Disney+ is getting all the Young Indy Chronicles shows. I don't think I ever watched it fully so that could be some decent summer content.

As far as this one, it's like going to see the aging rock band that you loved growing up. You're not expecting them to break new ground with their new songs and you're really there because of how they made you feel and you want to hear the hits you grew up living. Harrison Ford loves playing Indiana Jones and I'm fine with going to see him do it one final time. It's not going to be Raiders or Last Crusade but there's no way it can be as bad as Crystal Skull.

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I would think with an 80 year-old Indiana Jones, simpler would be better. I've seen a lot of jumping from airplanes, jumping from car to car, dodging bullets, etc. The director also directed Logan, which is what in my head this would be more like. 

The de-aging looks pretty good. I wonder how long it will be until we get a complete Indiana Jones prequel using that. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I’m watching Young Indiana Jones right now. Jesus, how much did this thing cost? The first 2 episodes are over 90 minutes and almost certainly filmed on location in Egypt and Africa. 

I remember it being a Saturday morning kids show. Seems like a shit ton of money to drop on something that would have served the same function as a cartoon. 

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On 5/19/2023 at 12:01 PM, Bender Bending Rodriguez said:

I thought the first 20 minutes of Crystal Skull were pretty cool. I was impressed how they shifted the villain aesthetic from Nazis to Cold War Soviets…. Then it became ridiculous and sucked. 

We got a glimpse of the future of Indiana Jones in the prologue to Last Crusade and it was River Phoenix. He would have been a fantastic continuation for the franchise. 


On 6/7/2023 at 6:20 PM, Eskimohorn said:

Really looks bad. Like Sharknado special effects. Cash grab, lazy filmmaking on green screens.

One thing that made the trilogy fun was that the action scenes were largely believable.  If any of Indy's stunts used special effects I did not notice.  OTOH one of the chase scenes in Crystal Skull looked like a video game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Critics scores are climbing now that it is past most of the early release snobs.  I expect audience scores will be well over 80%.  Got my tickets for Thursday night and finished the marathon rewatch of the first four over the weekend.  This is my favorite movie series of all time, so I am ready for whatever they toss my way.

I had not watched Crystal Skull since seeing it in the theaters 15 years ago.  I didn't hate it as much as I remember.  The story wasn't horrible and the inter-dimensional alien angle wasn't as jarring.  The things that still sucked: 1) LaBeouf's tough guy, 2)the stunt sequence in the jungle chase, especially Mutt Tarzan'ing through the trees with an army of monkeys, and 3) the refrigerator.   

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Saw it last night.  My wife said she like it better than Last Crusade and a buddy of mine said he liked it better than Temple of Doom.  Don't know about all that but I liked it and definitely miles better than Crystal Skull.  My biggest complaint is its bloated runtime (2.5 hours) as it kinda drags in the middle.

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1 hour ago, mdleast said:

My wife said she like it better than Last Crusade

Having a real hard time with this one.  Only reason I put Raiders over Crusade is because it was first.

The well-known MacGuffin with a mystical backstory.  The smoking hot female lead (your wife may be jealous).  The betrayal. The third party protecting the MacGuffin.  Stunt sequences and settings on par or even better than the first.  

I’m talking myself into putting Crusade at the top of the series.  It’s an incredible movie.  

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On 4/7/2023 at 10:27 AM, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

that looked a lot better than i expected.  he didn't look like the broken down old man from the last one.  and of course nazis are the best bad guys.

that and Sympathy for the Devil makes any movie trailer good.

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