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On 4/11/2021 at 1:08 PM, clapclapclap said:

Not his fault, many of you are somehow someway still to blame.



White supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the US

Jennifer Ho, Professor of Asian American Studies, University of Colorado Boulder

Thu, April 8, 2021, 7:02 AM

...The point I’ve made through all of those experiences is that anti-Asian racism has the same source as anti-Black racism: white supremacy. So when a Black person attacks an Asian person, the encounter is fueled perhaps by racism, but very specifically by white supremacy. White supremacy does not require a white person to perpetuate it.

It’s not just white people

White supremacy is an ideology, a pattern of values and beliefs that are ingrained in nearly every system and institution in the U.S. It is a belief that to be white is to be human and invested with inalienable universal rights and that to be not-white means you are less than human – a disposable object for others to abuse and misuse.

The dehumanization of Asian people by U.S. society is driven by white supremacy and not by any Black person who may or may not hate Asians...


...White supremacy as the root of racism can be seen in the Latino man in Texas stabbing a Burmese family in March 2020, claiming he did so because they were Chinese and bringing the coronavirus into the U.S. Though the suspect may have mental health problems, his belief that this family posed a threat is driven by the white supremacist ideas of Chinese people being to blame for COVID-19...


...Stories of individual harassment and violence perpetrated against Asian Americans by white assailants don’t always get the same attention as the viral videos of Black aggression toward Asians... (LOL wut?)


...But underlying all these incidents is white supremacy, just as white supremacy is responsible for Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd’s neck for over eight minutes: White supremacy made Floyd into a Black male threat rather than a human being.

Understanding the depth and reach of this ideology of racism can be challenging, but doing so brings each person, and the nation as a whole, closer to addressing systemic inequity. It’s not Black people whom Asian Americans need to fear. It’s white supremacy....


18 hours ago, 52-80 said:


these sound like the perfect candidate for "yeah i have a girlfriend.  she goes to another school.  youve never heard of it"

Someone needs to read up more on private colleges, if that's what these sound like to you.  In fact, Elon's transformation into a prestigious university merited an entire book.  Good reading.  I recommend it to you - no matter whose girlfriends go there.


Or it could simply be a case of "yeah I don't really know much about the oldest, established private colleges in the United States - most of which existed way before many of the current Top 100 universities.  So therefore they must suck or have some asterisk with them, you know, because they don't sound too cool to me."

Anyway, the overall point remains - this guy was a hateful idiot and did something both criminal and wrong.  And it's not the college's, town's, or anyone else's fault - but his.

There is enough racial hatred going around without some doofus contributing to it.  Okay, "work out your own mental issues" and all that - but he's still a shithead for doing what he did, and no amount of justification will change that.

16 hours ago, Samson's Wig said:

I've know more than a few folks from Albion, thanks to extended family by marriage.  I've spent time there, albeit as short a time as I could manage.  I don't even remember seeing the campus beyond one main building, but I believe you.  In spite of the AA population, the town is awash with redneck militia idiots, including the aforementioned extended family.    I didn't mean to imply that the college or town was responsible for this, as they clearly are not.  There aren't a lot of well educated folks populating that town, that's for damn sure.  I assume the students overpaying for their prestigious degrees move on elsewhere where jobs exist.   Albion is a depressing backwater with no opportunities.  There's some pretty county around it, though.  The extended family included a doctor, a nurse, and a police officer.  Doctor and nurse both lost their license, and the police officer went to jail and is no longer a cop.  Even the educated folk in that town seem to struggle with basic functioning. 

As do I (know a few folks) plus I've been there a few times myself, having gotten my master's at UM (I had friends at Hope, not far away.

No doubt that Albion, like many places - including those in blue states - has its share of idiots and goofballs.

And my only point about the town was that many great little colleges are in towns that otherwise aren't exactly beacons of light, nor very big.  We agree on that.  But the colleges themselves aren't necessarily lousy (some are, granted), but Albion is rated well enough in most college rankings system to measure up (about #107 in US News, and the #7 institution in Michigan - no, not stellar numbers, but certainly not bottom of the barrel.

Nevertheless the main point is that even if a guy is at a shitty location or whatever, that's his choice most likely.  And be it the best or worst college in the country, it's his fault, and his alone, for perpetrating a hateful message, especially in the current climate of racial tension.  Doing this does nothing but add to it, and there's no amount of anything to justify doing that.

Anyway, yeah Michigan has pretty parts - but I ain't never going to live there again - too damn cold.

21 minutes ago, phdhorn said:

Someone needs to read up more on private colleges, if that's what these sound like to you.  In fact, Elon's transformation into a prestigious university merited an entire book.  Good reading.  I recommend it to you - no matter whose girlfriends go there.


Or it could simply be a case of "yeah I don't really know much about the oldest, established private colleges in the United States - most of which existed way before many of the current Top 100 universities.  So therefore they must suck or have some asterisk with them, you know, because they don't sound too cool to me."


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