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Texas Recruiting Notes 2022 - Idiotic Slapfights Unrelated To 2022 Recruiting

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Youā€™re being an aggy and distorting reality. Look colt should have won the heisman over Bradford rightā€¦Vince over bush right? You think Mack ever sat anybody down and said listen son we should have won a heisman so come here because we win imaginary heisman awards? The reality is Jimbo gets to sell 4 years of stability, a 9-1 record playing all secsecsec teamsĀ and ending the year in the top 4. 18 year old kids will eat that shit up. It doesnā€™t matter that you think they donā€™t deserve it lol.Ā 

Ok, cool. Hook em
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3 minutes ago, Burntcowboy said:

I saw Nick Harris like liked Andersonā€™s commit to aggy, WTF. He can DM congrats, but why like the video of this kid picking aggy over us? Ā It doesnā€™t make sense to me. If you donā€™t pick Texas, youā€™re dead to me.Ā 

Are you joking? Those guys have to maintain relationships with everyone to do their job.

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31 minutes ago, Burntcowboy said:

I have an avid aggy friend who thinks Banks is overrated as a recruiter. He said he was always in the top 2 or 3 for recruits but never closed while he was at aggy

that's what happens when they assignĀ you toĀ a bunch of top recruits.Ā  you can't close them all, especially not to college station.

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34 minutes ago, Burntcowboy said:

I saw Nick Harris like liked Andersonā€™s commit to aggy, WTF. He can DM congrats, but why like the video of this kid picking aggy over us? Ā It doesnā€™t make sense to me. If you donā€™t pick Texas, youā€™re dead to me.Ā 

Heā€™s playing the long game. Ā Heā€™sĀ really recruited Bryceā€™s future kid. Ā Chess. Ā 

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I saw Nick Harris like liked Andersonā€™s commit to aggy, WTF. He can DM congrats, but why like the video of this kid picking aggy over us? Ā It doesnā€™t make sense to me. If you donā€™t pick Texas, youā€™re dead to me.Ā 
Time to mass unfollow these kids going elsewhere. No NIL deals for kids with 100 followers.
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58 minutes ago, Burntcowboy said:

I saw Nick Harris like liked Andersonā€™s commit to aggy, WTF. He can DM congrats, but why like the video of this kid picking aggy over us? Ā It doesnā€™t make sense to me. If you donā€™t pick Texas, youā€™re dead to me.Ā 

Because heā€™s not a ā€œfanā€ heā€™s a ā€œjournalistā€ these 995ers make connections with these kids and become friendly. Last thing they should and will do is cold shoulder or shit all over them

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1 minute ago, RGBIII said:

Because heā€™s not a ā€œfanā€ heā€™s a ā€œjournalistā€ these 995ers make connections with these kids and become friendly. Last thing they should and will do is cold shoulder or shit all over them

Ok, I thought he was more like Roach and was a fan of UT. Iā€™m just pissed these freakin kids pick them ags over usĀ 

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8 minutes ago, Burntcowboy said:

Ok, I thought he was more like Roach and was a fan of UT. Iā€™m just pissed these freakin kids pick them ags over usĀ 

I think he might be but itā€™s still deeper than that. They canā€™t give a fuck where the kids go as to not burn any bridges

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2 hours ago, SquishMitten said:

Iā€™ll admit thereā€™s a difference between HC and non-HC, but if Meyer or Saban had come here in one of the last cycles, would you be making the same point of ā€œwell they havenā€™t done shit at Texas yet?ā€ Youā€™re stating and buying in to the same negative recruiting that the HS players are. Unfortunately, Sark does have to prove himself to get over that argument, but someone over the age of 18 should be able to acknowledge that itā€™s not a well founded selling point.

You kind of just proved my point - you can't compare the pull of Sark to that of Saban and Meyer (of course it would be different with either of those two). So, you can't just automatically assume that with a coach like Sark, who I very much like, but who has not had tremendous success as a head coach, to change the perception of the program overnight. He's going to have to develop that perception.

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3 hours ago, Michael Knight said:

Its almost as if kids are fucking stupid and will believe anything anyone tells them. Texas has a bad record the past 10 years! In the past 10 years Texas has gone 74-52 while Aggy has gone 84-43 besides their magical season of losing to Alabama their best record was 9 years ago at 11-2 with a Heisman trophy winner and then followed it up with 8Ā years of Ā averaging 8.25 wins. They've won 3 bowl games in a row we've won 4. We won 10 games 3 years ago they won 10 games 9 years ago. We do nothing with highly ranked players they do nothing with highly ranked players. They had 4 players drafter we had 5 players drafted. Aggy has sucked just as much as we have yet no one cares because no one cares about Aggy and all their recruiting pitch amounts to is come play in the SEC.

Thanks for the reminder that no matter how shitty things get we arenā€™t aggy. Ā I chortled and now I feel better.

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3 hours ago, D3zii said:

Unfortunately weā€™re gonna lose more recruits because of thisā€¦..

we have to show up on the field this year to get away from this stigmaĀ 


Yea, it's going to take a bit to put the last few years behind us. Jimbo has been there a while now. Win on the field, and start building rep. Until then we're going to lose a lot of close recruiting battles.Ā 

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1 minute ago, Mo Horn said:

Yea, it's going to take a bit to put the last few years behind us. Jimbo has been there a while now. Win on the field, and start building rep. Until then we're going to lose a lot of close recruiting battles.Ā 

Jimbo has been there 3 years and has had literally 1 season where they didn't lose 4 games

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1 minute ago, Michael Knight said:

Jimbo has been there 3 years and has had literally 1 season where they didn't lose 4 games

And Sark has been at Texas 0 years and has nothing to show. As others have said, jimbo has been developing relationships with these recruits, and even if they don't have a lot of wins, nobody knows what Sark is going to do.Ā 

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Like many of you said, time to win on the field if we want recruiting to pick up. We can no longer sell hope. Weā€™ve had 10 years of Instability dating back to bad Mack. Revolving door of just not head coaches but assistants and coordinators. We need some continuity (and wins). No need to overthink.

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6 minutes ago, Michael Knight said:

You mean the poll that doesn't even count for anything anymore?

donā€™t be fatuous. aggy finished 4th inĀ the AP and coaches polls. it matters to recruiting. does that make you uncomfortable?

Edited by futureman
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You know things are bad when Machinator disappears.

You know things are really bad when Satya has stopped trying to tell us how much we suck.

You know things have hit the rock bottom when Texifornia stops posting recruit tweets, starts policing the boards instead.Ā 

Only Lord CTJ can lift our spirits now with some fairytales.


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Its almost as if kids are fucking stupid and will believe anything anyone tells them.

Almost? Theyā€™re 17/18. Weā€™re not recruiting against Harvard or Ivy League schools. These kids all have an eye on the league and will believe whoever seems ā€œrealā€ to them.

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The reality is that the 2022 class is likely upside capped at this point, probably to the 5-10 rank range CTJ mentioned earlier this year. That too, only likely to be reached if we deliver on the field (meaning the only game we possiblyĀ lose is RRS during the season)Ā and close some remaining high ranked prospects later this year. Otherwise this class is probably doomed to be a worse than 10th ranked class.

The good news is that the foundation for 2023 class relationships seem to be laid well, even with some top OOS prospects. So if Sark and Co. do execute this year, 2023 could easily be a top 3 class.

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51 minutes ago, Michael Knight said:

Jimbo has been there 3 years and has had literally 1 season where they didn't lose 4 games

Jimbo fisher for all his short comingsĀ and all our anger towards him has a 109-33 overall head coaching record man with a title to show off.Ā I donā€™t know if I can get you to set your Texas bias aside for just a second but Sark canā€™t even attempt to bring up his head coaching past.Ā You love Texas but to a kid and his fatherā€¦thatā€™s not even an arguable point. In fact it made me sad typing that shit out. There are so many negatives right now itā€™s amazing we have a top 15 class. Iā€™m proud of these bastards.Ā 

Edited by WinningIsHard
English is real hard
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6 hours ago, WinningIsHard said:

That any attempt to compare our recruiting to Oklahomaā€™s is disingenuous. They have been successful for 20 years now with very few hiccups between two great head coaches. They play the semi bags game when necessary and they turn all their offensive talent into draft picks while also sending a few defensive players to the nfl here and there. Texas losing its momentum or not gaining any is because we suck assā€¦until we donā€™t. Jimbo just finished the season ranked 4th. The hill has never been steeper for a Texas coach. Thatā€™s all lolĀ 

My original post was going to say ā€œusername checks out,ā€ but then I decided to get cute.

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5 minutes ago, SL Xpress said:

I'd argue it was steeper in 1957 when OU had Bud Wilkinson, A&M had Bear Bryant. And while we didn't realize it at the time, Arkansas was about to hire Frank Broyles.Ā 

I'd for sure say it was steeper in 1998. Texas had had some limited success, but football had successfully been deemphasized (by the way, some of the same forces are still at work within the athletic department to this day). People who weren't around prior to Mack Brown have no real concept of how apathetic the powers that be were about football, including the athletic department itself. I do not consider myself a huge Mack Brown fan, but almost as important as that 2005 season (and nothing will ever top that for me) was him making it apparent almost immediately after being hired how valuable having football front and center was to UT as a whole.Ā 

What's going on with NIL currently (or not going on) is criminal towards UT's ability to compete in football in the future. But at least the head of the BOR, the president, and the athletic director consider winning in football important enough that they fired a 7-3 coach coming off a blowout win in the Alamo Bowl mostly because his recruiting had fallen off a cliff. And through some impressive maneuvering, they have us on the brink of getting out of the Big 12, which absolutely had to happen.

I have no doubt that at some point NIL will be delivering impressive results for Texas athletes, because the competitive pressures are too immense. But the longer that takes to get going, the farther behind Texas is going to be. If the NIL part can be answered, even if it's done outside the athletic department, it makes the head coach job at Texas a lot more competitive, regardless of who it is.Ā 

Really, the hill has never been more downhill for a Texas coach. Texas is in one of the largest college cities in the country that has zero professional presence. They have arguably the most valuable and recognized brand. They have one of the wealthiest alumni bases with an intense personal, emotional investment in the success of the football team. The NCAA no longer exists as an effective enforcement organization. There's almost no limit on transfers. There's no real limit on paying athletes. They're about to get out of the albatross of a conference they've been in (which was in large part of their own making).Ā 

There's no excuses left. Either you want to compete among a select few programs who can afford the uncappedĀ payroll for fielding an elite football or men's basketball team or you want to drop out and play in the Championship League instead. There's truly no other program in the country better situated for the new wild wild west of college sports. I am not sympathetic to any kind of bullshitĀ about what other programs can offer. I've been as righteous about the white hat approach that I feel like UT has embodied in many waysĀ as anyone. But the white hat approach no longer exists.Ā 

So no. The hill being steeper is a load of crap. That's not on you, WinningIsHard, because you make good points. It's simply not the correct mindset. It's focusing on how other programs have performed vis a vis Texas, which is fair to a degree. But what it's really about is the incredible incompetence surrounding the football program since 2009 (really before, when Mack Brown decided he had college football all figured out and didn't have to work so hard any more), and how much we've handcuffed ourselves in the name of trying to do it cleanly. Well, there is no dirty, and there is no clean any more. There's only paying players what you're willing to as a collective, managing to get a head coach who can win at the highest levels, and then keeping that coach.


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39 minutes ago, 6th Street said:

I wouldn't worry about missing out on this dude. I remember we were all excited about landing highly recruited DBsĀ like Anthony Cook andĀ Caden Sterns and they didn't do shit. BJ Foster can't even tackleĀ 

I remember when Caden Stern's nickname was "Baby Earl" before he had all that badassedness coached out of him...I'm guessing the other guys; especially Foster,Ā  didn't get developed right either...Or, they just got tired of losing and had no motivation.

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