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a second study shows.



MDMA can help treat PTSD, yet another study shows

The active ingredient in Ecstasy, MDMA, is safe and can help to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, a new clinical psychotherapy trial shows.

Encouraging results from previous therapeutic trials of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) led to the new study, which was published Tuesday in the journal The Lancet Psychiatry.

"We obtained FDA approval for our first clinical trial in 2001," Mithoefer says. "We began our first phase two clinical trial here in Charleston in 2004 treating mostly crime-related PTSD such as childhood abuse or rape in individuals who had failed to respond to psychotherapy and medications."

From CNN:

More research is needed to fully assess the drug, caution the authors of the US Food and Drug Administration-approved experiment. The study included just 26 patients, all of them veterans, firefighters and police officers who developed PTSD as a result of trauma in the line of duty.

MDMA -- or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine -- has been illegal in the United States since 1985. "MDMA has some stimulant effects as well as psychoactive effects," said Dr. Michael C. Mithoefer, lead author of the study and a psychiatrist in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina.

The drug is sometimes described as an "empathogen" or "entactogen," he added, because it "rarely causes hallucinations or disorientation and tends to increase feelings of empathy and trust and increased awareness of inner experience."


Bottom line, from the study text:

Active doses (75 mg and 125 mg) of MDMA with adjunctive psychotherapy in a controlled setting were effective and well tolerated in reducing PTSD symptoms in veterans and first responders.

Link: '3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-assisted psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder in military veterans, firefighters, and police officers: a randomised, double-blind, dose-response, phase 2 clinical trial'



One participant in the MAPS study "was a Marine Corps veteran who served two tours in Iraq," reports Military.com.



He received treatment for PTSD at the Department of Veterans Affairs but continued to have severe symptoms, including fits of "uncontrollable rage," during which he would yell at his wife and punch holes in the wall, according to the study.

During the psychotherapy, the veteran thought of the part of himself that's full of rage. "I realized I have that part of me locked up in jail," he is quoted as saying in the study. "I went and opened the door and hugged him, and his evil eyes faded away."

After his first session, his wife confirmed the veteran's rage attacks stopped. Other symptoms improved over the following weeks, according to the study.

These results are further evidence that MDMA, used just two times at monthly intervals, can make psychotherapy much more effective and better tolerated," [lead investigator Michael] Mithoefer said.



Posted (edited)

speaking from experience. Both MDMA and mushrooms are awesome. Not in a sense that I want to do them all the time but in a sense that they actually change the way you think. I took shrooms back in my senior year of college (one time only) and that was the moment that took away my arrogance and made me realize that opinions are opinions and opinions aren’t ever wrong, they are just opinions. Completely changed how I approached other people. 

I took MDMA once after college. That experience made me feel very free but also very vulnerable during the trip. Made me find joy in the smallest things during the trip. I will never do that drug again but it changed the way I deal with negativity (rather than let negativity brew or develop I remove myself from it ASAP). 

I will never take those drugs again because the trip is too intense (I took doses that mattered) for too long but I think it should be maditory for people to take those drugs. I personally feel that we have a very large communication gap between citizens and society because no one is willing to feel vulnerable. Sfter taking these drugs not only have I felt pure vulnerability that you literally cannot do anything about for 5-8 hours but it changed something in me physically to where I approach every interaction in real life trying to identify who is vulnerable in the interaction and how can I make them comfortable.  For example, I was working on a deal with my business partners the other day and both had differing opinions and both wanted to be “right.” They turned to me and bitched that I never take a hardline stance. I just pointed out the merits of both scenarios and offered thoughts from the 3rd party we were going to approach with the deal (I have had multiple interactions with that group). Once the two partners came to an agreement I showed them a draft email and it was exactly the numbers I had drafted a week prior. I told them they are too busy trying to be right instead of doing what is right for the deal. These guys are very straight laced and they didn’t get it at all. In the end I got exactly what I wanted without ever sharing an opinion or needing to bow up and tell anyone what I thought was necessary.

I truly believe these drugs in a controlled environment with big enough doses to matter should be mandatory in today’s society. 

Edited by Jhawk
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4 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

The comedown from MDMA is harsh. 

Suicide Sunday. I’ll never forget when I was ending the trip I text my guy and asked for more to go round two the next night (would have been Friday/Saturday) and he said to ask him again in 12 hours and he’d get it for me. I told him i don’t need to experience that again. 

4 hours ago, huge said:

Let me know when the hot chicks with PTSD take their twice monthly dose and I will chaperone them to Etro.

ha...i haven't lived in houston for quite a few years, but good to hear etro is still alive and well.

12 hours ago, Cheeseweasel said:

The comedown from MDMA is harsh. 

If it is, you are doing it wrong. 

You have to prepare prior and properly take care of your body during and after. Way too many people party on top of it, drink alcohol etc., don't hydrate and or snack properly, not to mention way too many folks think they are doing MDMA but are actually doing mixed pills of amphetamine and god knows what. You need a good connect for pure MDMA and you can enjoy safely both going up and coming down.

I've done it quite a bit and only ever had issues when I first started and would foolishly just party through it at concerts/festivals.


27 minutes ago, DreadHead said:

If it is, you are doing it wrong. 

You have to prepare prior and properly take care of your body during and after. Way too many people party on top of it, drink alcohol etc., don't hydrate and or snack properly, not to mention way too many folks think they are doing MDMA but are actually doing mixed pills of amphetamine and god knows what. You need a good connect for pure MDMA and you can enjoy safely both going up and coming down.

I've done it quite a bit and only ever had issues when I first started and would foolishly just party through it at concerts/festivals.


That’s right kids, always be responsible and safe when you do drugs (in McGruff voice)


Told 2 different buddies yesterday about this study.


They are ready to sign up...LOL.

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Larry T. Spider said:

That’s right kids, always be responsible and safe when you do drugs (in McGruff voice)

Absolutely, when you and the female/s you are with are doing it with are doing it responsibly, everyone has a much more enjoyable time ;)

Edited by DreadHead

Abusing anything is going to be bad. I abused it when I used it. I would guess the study probably has controlled doses that are far below what o took which made me feel the cold winter wind blow through my body and made me drink ice water because I could feel it going coldly through my digestive tract and made me press my face against a cold window for about an hour. Oh yeah... if fucking danced like a jackass and had the fattest fucking smile on my face the whole time. 


Haha I don’t know. It has been about 7 years since I took mdma. I remember I did an eighth of mushrooms because I wanted to hallucinate. With mdma I took 2 pills. Have no idea the concentration or size. I was told to take 1 but when my buddy took both of his I didn’t want him to be more fucked up than me so I popped the second one. I felt absolutely awesome and was having the best time. I started with a couple of red bull vodkas (probably not smart) but then just drank ice water the rest of night. It was like an IV drip. I could feel the cold fluid throughout my body. It was awesome. 

With shrooms I was doped up for a solid 7 hours. I was told they taste like shit no matter what so just get 2 glasses of water and toss a few in your mouth and chew and drink like kobiyashi on a hot dog. I knocked it out and was playing pool until they kicked in. About 30-45 minutes later I go down to line up a shot and the surface of the table is waving like a flag spread across a football field. At that point I quit playing because I couldn’t focus. Sat down and watch a movie called the waking life and then watched the Johnny depp version of willy wonka. That movie scared the shit out of me. I’m not too proud to admit that shrooms had a big effect on me. I cried for at least an hour (off and on) of the trip. It was at night so I was too afraid to go outside in the dark. It was almost like I was a kid again with all of my insecurities and fears standing right in front of me for 7 hours. There was also pure laughter and joy about stuff that only a kid could find funny or entertaining (I was 22 at the time). Looking back I would equate it to having the knowledge of an adult but being between the age of 5 and 7. A great thing about the trip is that when you focus on things stuff starts to get intense. Then when you’ve had enough you just blink (literally) and the visuals go away and your mind resets to the next subject you want to think about. It’s very humbling and eye opening experience that makes you realize that you haven’t grown out of what you have been in the past, you’ve just stored those thoughts, feelings, memories and you need help to bring them out. It’s like if you were to challenge yourself to feel or thing about something you haven’t felt or thought about for 20+ years and then it’s just there all of the sudden right in front of you. It is a very special experience if you let it be. 

Posted (edited)

I think the stuff I took was beads in a clear capsule. I believe I opened it up and dropped them in my mouth and took a drink to wash it down. I can’t remember though. I was buzzed and excited and then fucked up. I remember being in awe of the girls in the bar we were at in KC. People were swinging from the ceiling. It was incredible and walking to the hotel after (didn’t want to drive and pre-Uber) was absolutely frigid. But not like painful cold. It was like a very brisk day and having shorts and t-shirt on. Except windy. As mentioned it felt like the wind was literally blowing through me and I could feel each gust incrementally cool my insides millimeter by millimeter until the wind finally exited my body out my back. 

That was a wild trip and we left the public eye early because the 3rd person in the group started to freak out. Of course he has never done hard drugs before so I shouldn’t have even allowed him to join the party knowing we weren’t going to be in a controlled environment. 

I don’t think I’ll ever do either again but do think both were of the more important experiences of my life. If mushrooms only stayed in your system for 2-3 hours I would probably do them a few times a year. 

Edited by Jhawk

LSD gave me Nam flashbacks the first and only time I took it and I was born several years after the end of Vietnam.

The first time I took ecstasy, was Winter break my freshman year in college. I was back in San Antonio and took a pill which had a slow burn. Took another one thinking it was weak shit. I showed up at a party as it was kicking in. I walked into the house and ran into a bunch of high school friends that came up to me as I walked in the door. I could have sworn I was walking a Hollywood Red Carpet affair. Ended up at a strip club with a bunch of people which took shit to 11. Fucked around with a stripper after forcing my buddy to give her some X. Shit was awesome.

Strippers and X > LSD





On 5/4/2018 at 2:42 PM, Liquor and Poker said:

That article does not address the use of EEG neurofeedback for treating PTSD.  It also mischaracterizes the state of research on the use of EEG neuroefeedback for treating ADHD.  There has been a lot of studies published on this particular topic in the last few years in particular, but even back in 2012 (predating the linked blog post):


Prac­tice­Wise, the com­pa­ny that main­tains the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Pedi­atrics “Evi­dence-based Child and Ado­les­cent Psy­cho-social Inter­ven­tions” (see cur­rent edi­tion here) has just announced it will ele­vate biofeed­back to “Lev­el 1 — Best Sup­port” as an inter­ven­tion for Atten­tion & Hyper­ac­tiv­i­ty Behav­iors in the next edi­tion.


I've seen this dynamic play out a lot over the years.  Psychologists/psychiatrists are threatened by EEG neurofeedback as it's a treatment modality for their patients that they are not trained to deliver.  It's competition for their patients.  Bear that in mind when you read a blog post from a psych doc.  There is a bias and he's (author of L&P's linked blog) not representing an honest or complete assessment of the topic.

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