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For those of you that prefer the college football game, but miss the threat of labor lockouts currently only found in the pro game....things are looking up.



A new players' association launched Tuesday with a goal to organize and represent college football players as they push for more rights.

The College Football Players Association (CFBPA), led by former University of Minnesota professor Jason Stahl, has assembled an advisory group of attorneys, academics and athletes. They plan to start recruiting and signing up dues-paying members this week. Their announcement is the most recent push in an ongoing effort to organize college athletes, which advocates see as the next logical move during a summer of transformative change in collegiate sports.

"This is the next step," Stahl told ESPN. "If players don't get organized now, it's never going to happen. There's so much we can do right now."

Stahl said the association will be open to all active college football players. They also plan to have membership groups for graduated players, parents of players and high school players who think they will eventually play at the college level. At a later date, they intend to form chapters at individual schools if they reach a critical mass of players who sign up.

Current players who join the group will pay $24 per year in membership dues. Stahl said most of the money needed to maintain an administrative staff for the new group will need to be raised via donations but collecting dues will provide the group with more legitimacy when negotiating with schools, conferences or the NCAA in the future.


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