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Negative Recruiting Your Own School: The aggy Screenshot Megathread


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You're dreaming if you think anybody is still thinking about it today, sport, but Howdy!


Oh, Olin. Thanks for this erudition:


Two out of the last three years, you got to the MCWS under Schloss. Good start, Olin. Accurate. Obvious but accurate.

1 A&M with facilitiesfacilitiesfacilities and all the other shit they say they have can make a good coach elite. Okay, let's see you prove this, buddy.

2 Schlossnagle never made the Finals prior to coming to A&M. Therefore, being at A&M actually made the coach better rather than vice versa. We're deep into the premise. What follows will show that the Aggies are regulars in the finals, and it's just plug and play with all them fine facilities. Lay it out for me, Olin.

3 A&M reached the college world series 2 times and almost, so very close, 2 other times in the prior 10 years. Well, there it is. Olin proves his point-- wait. A&M supposedly got Schloss to the finals? Olin must be leaving out a bunch of A&M history where they make the finals and maybe even win a couple of times. Let's go to wiki:


Olin, you fast-drivin' baby, you listed four of the only eight appearances in more than 70 years. It was all futility until Schlossnagle showed up. Don't you think it's just possible maybe he raised A&M? Even a Judas or a clumsy Brutus can be a fabulous coach, ya know.

Here's your award for brilliant argument.


Pretty good likeness!

Edited by RomaVicta
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6 hours ago, Whitewater Horn said:

Those butthurt goobers can make a coach waiting until the season was over to move on to another opportunity sound like Cold War era international intrigue, rife with double agents, complicated and secretive planning, traitors and betrayal. A coach who never attended that school took another job. He was never one of them.  Also, where was all of the outrage about the this pathetic man of low character whole they were enjoying that historic run? 

But but but that's different, don't you see?

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59 minutes ago, Dewey said:

More on Dave Roberts, as it stands right now, it's between managing the Dodgers and his deep respect for the 12th man. I'm being told he his torn. Before you scoff and say no way, remember,  this is an AD with something to prove and I'm being told money is not an issue, if we have to, the university is willing to sell off Hitlers gold and other artifacts. More on Roberts later.

As for the DBU coach, he was never ever a potential hire, so any reports of Albert's interviewing him and he turning the job down are false. 

Again, this is a huge opening in the baseball world and the world is watching.

Switching over to the investigation, I'm being told the ncaa has asked theFBI to step in (due to burner phones and currency crossing state lines). At this point it doesn't look like tu will have to dismantle their athletic program, but don't sleep on the fed not seeing the 12th man disrespected in this manner. General Pattons words still ring throughout Washington. 



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Irony deafness is never amusing.


Thanks for this, William:


Sooo, they were all leaving because a coach left. Now, some may stay if you retain a coach. They just love A&M, I guess. Just throw in some precious NIL money from your limited budget, and you have proof positive that these guys are true Ags! See you at muster!


William, you better not let your mother upstairs catch you peddling the same lies about coach searches. No more eggplant lasagna.





The world is watching and pulling for the fearless on every front guys.



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8 hours ago, Longhornfrenzy said:



Oh, Lord! Mama is gonna protect her little boy. 

How did a team of pussies make such a deep run? Guess it’s no surprise that the Beta males are the ones staying behind. The “true Ags.” 

I’d be irate that my mommy felt the need to speak up publicly. “Mom…shut up! You’re showing the world I’m a bitch!” Little boys can’t stand up for themselves and need Mommy to step in. I would never hire one of these pussies, given an opportunity. 

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I’ve seen coaches literally kill kids and not have former player parents get this mad. Genuinely, this reaction is one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever witnessed.
Boo hoo, this coach led all of your children to the greatest athletic achievement of any of their lives but was sometimes kinda mean to them. Give me a break.
I’d be mortified if I was any of these players, but instead they’re all just emboldened by the most pathetic fanbase in college sports.

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If someone can find the thread where the Aggies are sure we'll end up with an assistant or up and comer because we're just not elite anymore, I would be grateful. 




Top of Texags Baseball board:


If they announce Earley, I'm sure we'll get posts of how much better he is than one of the unnamed prominent MLB managers interested in the job.

I'm guessing Buzz's assistants are getting excited.

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26 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

I’ve seen coaches literally kill kids and not have former player parents get this mad. Genuinely, this reaction is one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever witnessed.
Boo hoo, this coach led all of your children to the greatest athletic achievement of any of their lives but was sometimes kinda mean to them. Give me a break.
I’d be mortified if I was any of these players, but instead they’re all just emboldened by the most pathetic fanbase in college sports.

When I played HS football, we would occasionally beat the fuck out of players who messed up and made the rest of us run or whatever for punishment. Not saying that’s how it should be, but competitive athletics aren’t for the faint of heart. Mommy whining about a coach being a dick is little league bullshit. 

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12 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

I guarantee "MLB interest" = Cliff Pennington, who's now DBU's recruiting coordinator.


I mean, that's a good thought... Or maybe, just maybe, he's completely making up interest from fake people.  Just like the have fake army credentials, they also have fake journalist credentials.  

Aggy as a collective is blissfully stupid and able to create entire false narratives which the masses will parrot because it fits how they want to perceive the world and their place in it.  It's a desperate narcissism born of incredible insecurity.   


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12 hours ago, Hank_Hill said:

Where’s this beating in the media we’re taking? Outside of Texags.

This is exactly what I’ve been wondering. Has a single national media outlet criticized UT, Schloss, or CDC?  Everything I’ve seen is complimentary of all three. 

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1 hour ago, nnm said:

This is exactly what I’ve been wondering. Has a single national media outlet criticized UT, Schloss, or CDC?  Everything I’ve seen is complimentary of all three. 

Texas takes an alleged beating in the media. *crickets*

Aggy takes an actual beating from Texas. *much cry*

Advantage aggy. 

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