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WTF is wrong with people? 16-yo kid outside Houston tries to "roll coal" on cyclists, runs them over instead; walks free

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58 minutes ago, Deej said:

Haha. Lady at work got run over by a cyclist at 3rd and Colorado today, while she was crossing with the light. She's ok, aside from slamming the back of her head on the pavement. 


Good to hear she's ok. Anyone flying through a crowded intersection is a selfish asshole, Buford. 

4 hours ago, Captainant said:

Waller Co DA is out saying that rolling coal is "at minimum, an assault. That simple assault is easily elevated to a jail eligible offense if bodily injury occurs, which can be caused by entry of toxic particles into mouth, nose and eyes.” Not to mention the physical assault with a deadly weapon.

Also in the reporting is that multiple witnesses were there giving statements to the police - not just one single person as Hornbri has worked so hard to insinuate.

All I said was the original article only had one witness account. As soon as someone mentioned there was another article that had multiple witness accounts I said he should go to jail. 

now I know why so many people have you on ignore. 

  • Hook 'Em 2
7 hours ago, 'stache said:

There a huge chunk of our society for whom their ethos is "be a dick to everyone cause fuck em." That's where we've ended up in this world. 

Do you honestly think there was ever a time when this wasn’t the case?


I know it's fun to make fun of Waller County, but I can assure you there are some very wealthy people there.  It's close enough to Houston that all the CEOs and Presidents can leave their house by 9 and be at work by 10.  They can also leave work at 3 and be home by 4.  It's also a very short helicopter ride into downtown. 

  • Hook 'Em 1
Or a place where it doesn’t exist?
it’s the human condition.

Being cruel dicks has always existed. The fact that it is exalted and praised as the real American ethos now….yeah, that’s a change.
27 minutes ago, Hate said:

I know it's fun to make fun of Waller County, but I can assure you there are some very wealthy people there.  It's close enough to Houston that all the CEOs and Presidents can leave their house by 9 and be at work by 10.  They can also leave work at 3 and be home by 4.  It's also a very short helicopter ride into downtown. 

I know there’s one very rich one who owns a bunch of shit about a mile from where this happened. And I get everyone’s hate for the kid with the truck, but that would have been 1 of 20 in my high school.  It’s very likely a hand me down from dad, likely very similar to the truck my kids will get.  Asshole kid needs some serious punishment, aside from the dent this will put in his inheritance.  I can’t fucking stand cyclists, but out there they weren’t hurting anyone. Driving down 2 lane 359 at 11AM every Saturday? Gtfo. 


No one gives a fuck if you're entitled to the same piece of pavement as motorists.  All because I have a street legal golf cart doesn't mean I'm going drive it on a 2-lane state highway with a 70mph speed limit.  This is essentially what you're doing.  Take your spandex and regard helmet to a park or one of the 69,000 bike trails in this state.  Fucking nerds. 

  • Haha 1
No one gives a fuck if you're entitled to the same piece of pavement as motorists.  All because I have a street legal golf cart doesn't mean I'm going drive it on a 2-lane state highway with a 70mph speed limit.  This is essentially what you're doing.  Take your spandex and regard helmet to a park or one of the 69,000 bike trails in this state.  Fucking nerds. 

Lots of posters showing their asses in here.
  • Hook 'Em 2
19 minutes ago, Assman said:

No one gives a fuck if you're entitled to the same piece of pavement as motorists.  All because I have a street legal golf cart doesn't mean I'm going drive it on a 2-lane state highway with a 70mph speed limit.  This is essentially what you're doing.  Take your spandex and regard helmet to a park or one of the 69,000 bike trails in this state.  Fucking nerds. 

Calm down, Smails. 

Posted (edited)

When I used to take north loop to work there was always a peleton of cunts in spandex taking up the entire car lane even with a dedicated bike lane during rush hour. Everyone one layed on their horns , but cunts don't care.

Edited by MissingInAction
9 hours ago, StruggleBus said:

Is that family really the richest in the county? That truck is like a 2009 or some shit 

Rich people don't spend all of their money... It isn't Dallas.


I had a whole list of things typed in an effort to try to explain why cyclists do many of the things that drivers find annoying, but I know it's not going to make any difference to most of you.  Unless you have ever been a lycra wearing century riding fart smelling bikefag, the explanations are never going to resonate.  

Think of something that you do regularly that isn't just an occasional hobby, but is at the core of your social interaction and a main component of who you are...something that would throw you into the depths of depression if you could no longer do it.  That is what cycling is for many of us, and as someone who can no longer ride due to injury, the depression is real.  You see a group of cyclists and have feelings of disdain and possibly even rage.  I see them and feel sad because I can't join them.

It's easy to judge people for doing things that you have never done.  Sign up for a charity ride and experience cycling from the other side.  See what it is that we love for yourself.  If you need a bike, I'll happily give you a surly discount on one of mine. 

If you won't try it for yourself, then at least trust that your longhorn loving surly brethren must have valid reasons for doing something as idiotic as sharing the roads with the likes of you.  


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Rancher is a pos. Livestock and equipment can be replaced.

Just because he drives a piece of shit truck, and hauls shit doesn’t excuse him from driving safely.

That is one entitled asshole.

If he takes a big truck and trailer to the ditch dodging someone, he’s subject to get hurt or killed himself. Shocking that he’s picking his life and health over a stranger.
  • Hook 'Em 1
With a name like "roll coal" I was thinking this would be a lot more racist. Nope, but it's definitely a dumb name for running over bicyclists. 

It doesn’t actually have anything to do with running over people. Just means they blow soot from their diesel every damn where when they pass.

I hate it.
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They do.  They also have the same obligation to follow the rules of the road, like stoplights and stop signs.  Which they uniformly -- I'm talking about approaching 100% -- ignore here in Austin.
But that's neither here nor there for this story.  Doesn't matter how much of a dick someone may be on the road, nobody is ever allowed to try to kill them.
I drive all over Austin and I do not agree with this bullshit at all. /No Lycra

Special prosecutor assigned to the case



Warren Diepraam will be handling the case. He is the former first assistant for Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis and is an expert in prosecuting vehicular homicides. Diepraam also handled the high-profile Sandra Bland case.


Rick DeToto is representing the 16-year-old driver and sent KPRC 2 the following statement:

“The police did an investigation at the scene. This included speaking with eyewitnesses to the accident. After their investigation, they decided not to charge my client and did not even issue him a traffic ticket. Clearly, they determined a crime had not occurred. My client stopped immediately, called 911, attempted to render aid and cooperated with police.”

DeToto didn’t explain how his client could just accidentally run over 6 cyclists after harassing others.  

Also, from a friend who lives in the county, he said county leaders are not happy with how this is making them look.  It’s like “no shit, the kid was harassing people, ran over 6 of them, and the cops let him go without a ticket, and they think it makes Waller County look a little bad?”  He didn’t give specifics, but sounds like they are looking at the cops as well.  

14 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

He didn’t give specifics, but sounds like they are looking at the cops as well.  



Small town/county, rich powerful family, crooked cops......I mean, who could EVER see anything like this coming? It's just a goshdurned mystery, I tell ya!

  • Hook 'Em 1
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, StruggleBus said:

I love golf. I also love sex. I don’t do either of them on a 2 lane highway

Oh great. A fucking golfer. 

Edited by NAVY
10 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

I know there’s one very rich one who owns a bunch of shit about a mile from where this happened. And I get everyone’s hate for the kid with the truck, but that would have been 1 of 20 in my high school.  It’s very likely a hand me down from dad, likely very similar to the truck my kids will get.  Asshole kid needs some serious punishment, aside from the dent this will put in his inheritance.  I can’t fucking stand cyclists, but out there they weren’t hurting anyone. Driving down 2 lane 359 at 11AM every Saturday? Gtfo. 

The rich kid vehicle discussions are always entertaining. On a lot of high school campuses now that truck isn’t even noticed. I know multiple kids driving brand new F250’s, 2500 Rams, Cayenne’s, and the list goes on and on of the new vehicles they are rolling up in every day. Mine drives an Escape just for the record.

I think judge has this deal right a few pages ago, he was likely looking back at his handiwork when he took out the second group. Kids (and wives for the record) naturally steer to their line of sight so it would be pretty easy to be watching the mirrors to see the reactions behind him and drifting right at the same time. There is no losing control in an F250, there is only being a dumbass and the end result from it.

10 hours ago, Assman said:

No one gives a fuck if you're entitled to the same piece of pavement as motorists.  All because I have a street legal golf cart doesn't mean I'm going drive it on a 2-lane state highway with a 70mph speed limit.  This is essentially what you're doing.  Take your spandex and regard helmet to a park or one of the 69,000 bike trails in this state.  Fucking nerds. 

10 hours ago, MissingInAction said:

When I used to take north loop to work there was always a peleton of cunts in spandex taking up the entire car lane even with a dedicated bike lane during rush hour. Everyone one layed on their horns , but cunts don't care.

... and almost certainly both of these are illegal.  Most states (including Texas) have laws that say, "yeah you're entitled to the same road as motor vehicles, but only if you're keeping up speed with them."  If you can't, then you're supposed to be as far to the right (or can be to the left on a two-lane same direction) as possible, with the assumption that faster vehicles have the right of way and they expect you to make room for them to pass you, unless impossible."  And there are some exceptions, and I'm sure some slick legal work could get some slowpokes out of a fine or whatever, but yeah, 15 people riding in the middle of a lane going 20 in a 45 mph speed limit is violating the law.  If you can't keep up with traffic at all times (not just down hills), you have to get to the right (or left in the case I mentioned), single file, allowing motor vehicles.

(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person operating a bicycle on a roadway who is moving slower than the other traffic on the roadway shall ride as near as practicable to the right curb or edge of the roadway, unless:

(1) the person is passing another vehicle moving in the same direction;
(2) the person is preparing to turn left at an intersection or onto a private road or driveway;
(3) a condition on or of the roadway, including a fixed or moving object, parked or moving vehicle, pedestrian, animal, or surface hazard prevents the person from safely riding next to the right curb or edge of the roadway; or
(4) the person is operating a bicycle in an outside lane that is:
(A) less than 14 feet in width and does not have a designated bicycle lane adjacent to that lane; or
(B) too narrow for a bicycle and a motor vehicle to safely travel side by side.

(b) A person operating a bicycle on a one-way roadway with two or more marked traffic lanes may ride as near as practicable to the left curb or edge of the roadway.

(c) Persons operating bicycles on a roadway may ride two abreast. Persons riding two abreast on a laned roadway shall ride in a single lane. Persons riding two abreast may not impede the normal and reasonable flow of traffic on the roadway. Persons may not ride more than two abreast unless they are riding on a part of a roadway set aside for the exclusive operation of bicycles.


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1 hour ago, Jkwellborn said:

If he takes a big truck and trailer to the ditch dodging someone, he’s subject to get hurt or killed himself. Shocking that he’s picking his life and health over a stranger.

And if he knowingly drives an unsafe vehicle that cannot stop or maneuver safely on the roads, then he is a POS.   Shocking that entitled people expect others to make way for them.   

Bikeys can be annoying, but they are not risking other people's lives and they are not causing people to dodge around them in your fantasy story.   I have exactly dodged zero bikeys in my 30+ years of driving, and have seen my parents dodge zero bikeys before that.  

They typical ride to one side of the road.  I have seen a few of them sit in the middle of the road when at a traffic light.  It makes sense because if they were to sit on the right side, some car will turn into them.   Cell phones slow down traffic more so than bikeys in my experience.   Or dickhead drivers who do not pull up to close the gap between cars (staring at phones again).  

There is this weird pathology that some people have when they interact with a smaller vehicle (car, bike, motorcycle).   

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3 minutes ago, Nivek said:

Bikeys can be annoying, but they are not risking other people's lives and they are not causing people to dodge around them in your fantasy story.   I have exactly dodged zero bikeys in my 30+ years of driving, and have seen my parents dodge zero bikeys before that. 

Obviously you don’t routinely drive through downtown Austin during rush hour.

  • Hook 'Em 1
23 minutes ago, Nivek said:

Bikeys can be annoying, but they are not risking other people's lives and they are not causing people to dodge around them in your fantasy story.   I have exactly dodged zero bikeys in my 30+ years of driving, and have seen my parents dodge zero bikeys before that. 

Bikers don't tailgate, swerve, flash highbeams, make erratic turns, or do any of the other hundreds of things that other annoying things motorists may do.  They go at a predictable pace, take less space, are easier to see beyond, and are a much safer and easier pass than getting around a UHaul, 18 wheeler, truck trailer, etc. 

They should be as bothersome as 5 ants at a campsite.  Take the 3 seconds out of your life to drive around them and move on.

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I suspect that men roaming the roads in spandex is the real issue with the anticyclist crowd. If they are roaming around in cargo shorts things would be different.


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21 hours ago, nineliveslost said:

I hate the folks that have loud motorcycles, trucks or cars. Screams look at me I am an asshole 

Motorcycle asshole here.

If car assholes would stay off their fucking phones, I'd be more comfortable having a stealthy bike.  Until then, fucking deal with it b/c that's the only way cars know I'm around half the time. 

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1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:



Small town/county, rich powerful family, crooked cops......I mean, who could EVER see anything like this coming? It's just a goshdurned mystery, I tell ya!

zoom in patrick swayze GIF

1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

Special prosecutor assigned to the case


DeToto didn’t explain how his client could just accidentally run over 6 cyclists after harassing others.  

Also, from a friend who lives in the county, he said county leaders are not happy with how this is making them look.  It’s like “no shit, the kid was harassing people, ran over 6 of them, and the cops let him go without a ticket, and they think it makes Waller County look a little bad?”  He didn’t give specifics, but sounds like they are looking at the cops as well.  

My policing knowledge comes from Law & Order or The Wire but the Waller sheriff/police seem like they just didn't do their job in initially investigating a crime. At a minimum they should take the suspect in for a alcohol/drug test. I wouldn't normally have a problem allowing a 16 year old to avoid a jail stay after an arrest but it's eyebrow raising to not even apply those tests.

Comes across like "we all know the Smith (or whatever) family. Their boy wouldn't have done this intentionally. And we all know those cyclists ride dangerously."

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5 minutes ago, F250 said:

I suspect that men roaming the roads in spandex is the real issue with the anticyclist crowd. If they are roaming around in cargo shorts things would be different.


The real problem is that they are attractive to some of you isn't it.  


34 minutes ago, TKthunder2 said:

Obviously you don’t routinely drive through downtown Austin during rush hour.

I live in Houston.   I enjoyed my time in Austin, but that time was over.   The Austin rush hour traffic was a shit show when I lived there in the early 2000s.  Removing every cyclist wouldn't make it less of a shit show.    You would just shift your rage to something else probably.  

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, DaggerHorns said:

I’ve done some serious fucking on a busy highway before.

Which Pilot do you work out of?

Edited by Nivek
  • Haha 3
Just now, Nivek said:

The real problem is that they are attractive to some of you isn't it.  

Why would that be a problem? Are you personally struggling with something you want to share?


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