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15 minutes ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

When I was a student at UT, my senior year, a week before finals, I got mistakenly raided by the police in my apartment in north campus. I had just seen some friends out and was grabbing my keys to drive to Collie station for the Texas-Aggy baseball series finale, when a battery ram came through my door. Instantly a dozen of Austin's finest were on me with assault rifles in my face and zip ties around my hands. They told me "my boy" had "flipped" on me earlier the day and that "they knew I was hiding the stuff." I was living in an efficiency by myself, like a 200 sqft tiny box. They never told me exactly what they were looking for, only that it was "mountains of drugs." The main detective which was coordinating everything brought me outside and told me to just confess and make it easy on them, and I told him that, with due respect, I had seen a lot of movies and tv shows about police and I knew that in instances like that, even if I was innocent, I should keep my mouth shut until I have a lawyer with me. The guy slammed my head into the brick wall behind me, causing me to bleed, and told me that I could watch in silence while they fucked up everything (his words). So he brought me inside, and for 4 fucking hours, they destroyed my apartment. It was very clear within 10 minutes they had the wrong guy, but they didn't care. They obliterated my mini fridge, just pulled the door straight off. They cut holes in my couch cushions and pulled out all the padding. They cut holes into the walls, pulling out the sheet rock and insulation. They fucked up my bathroom sink and pulled out pipes and plumbing. They smashed my Xbox. They even fucking cut holes in my TV dinners so they'd spoil.

So at this point, they're asking each other "want to fuck up his car?" and their superior is telling them "naw, our warrant won't allow this, let's just leave." So they all got up, and started to walk out. My place was completely destroyed, it looked like a hurricane had hit. I was obviously in the middle of a city area in Austin, it was like 8 pm and dark. I tell them as they're walking out, "Hey, what do I do? My door is off the hinge, I'm gonna get robbed like this" and they told me "you have duct tape under your sink, we saw it, just tape the door back up." One single cop took pity and took me aside and told me, "call your landlord, tell them we made a mistake, and she'll send someone out to fix the door."

At this point, the entire apartment complex was outside my door, watching the cops. When they started to walk out, my neighbors booed them and offered to help me clean up. Dude from across the street said I looked like I was in shock and got me some water and a blanket. He walked me over to the landlord's office, which was still there, and told her what happened. The police found a single adderall pill in my apartment -- it was finals, sue me. They told me if I made a stink over them fucking up my apartment, they'd make a federal case out of it because I didn't have a prescription. They threatened to destroy me if I retaliated for them coming in and fucking up an innocent person's place. For fucking *MONTHS* after that, I was paranoid. I constantly worried about people just running into my place at any time, locks be damned.

It sucked so fucking much. I hate APD with all my fucking heart, and fuck the police. I never had any problem with cops before that, but that single instance ruined police for me forever. When you're truly, seriously innocent and they come in like jackboot thugs and fuck your shit up and you can't do anything about it? Yeah, fuck off. This is why people hate the police, this is why "just cooperate" isn't a thing. ACAB.

EDIT: Incidentally, my professors were cool as fucking shit about all this. The following monday I had a final exam and completely bombed it, I was so shaken. My professor noticed my final exam grad was way, way lower than all my other grades in the class and contacted me, and I told him what happened. He let me retake the exam a week later and told me to contact my other professors and student councilor and tell them what happened, and when I did they all worked with me to give me extra time to prepare for my finals. So luckily the cops didn't tank my final semester grades.

What would be cool is if your story was an insane outlier, and surprised the shit out of people around here.

But it's not.  And it doesn't.  Most of us have stories somewhat/a lot like that.  Some more outrageous and over-the-top than others, but all reflecting a common theme - It is the BASELINE for the level of contempt cops have for the Constitution and for the general public.  And remember that there are only two kinds of cops: 1) those who do the sort of shit you describe, and 2) those who cover for them/back them up 100% to protect them at the expense of the public they (haha) purportedly serve.

If cops want to know why so much of the public actively hates them, they just need to read your story, and then look at the MAJORITY of the population nodding their heads along with you, because we have similar stories, varying only by degree.  Want to not be loathed, cops?  Stop doing this shit.

But we all know that we might as well be asking cops to stop breathing.  This shit is hard-wired into the American LEO brain.

  • Hook 'Em 1
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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

What would be cool is if your story was an insane outlier, and surprised the shit out of people around here.

But it's not.  And it doesn't.  Most of us have stories somewhat/a lot like that.  Some more outrageous and over-the-top than others, but all reflecting a common theme - It is the BASELINE for the level of contempt cops have for the Constitution and for the general public.  And remember that there are only two kinds of cops: 1) those who do the sort of shit you describe, and 2) those who cover for them/back them up 100% to protect them at the expense of the public they (haha) purportedly serve.

If cops want to know why so much of the public actively hates them, they just need to read your story, and then look at the MAJORITY of the population nodding their heads along with you, because we have similar stories, varying only by degree.  Want to not be loathed, cops?  Stop doing this shit.

But we all know that we might as well be asking cops to stop breathing.  This shit is hard-wired into the American LEO brain.

I'm well aware that it happens all the time. It's just that until it happens to you, it feels so far away, something that is obviously a problem but would never happen to you. I was a college senior, in the quieter suburban part of austin, a few days before finals. Never had any legal trouble in my life before that. I literally wasn't doing anything wrong, why should I worry about that shit?

That was decades ago and I'm still furious about it. This kind of shit makes you hate the police forever. Whenever anybody tells me that if someone "just cooperates" I lose my shit. Police are corrupt fucking pigs. They're worse than gangs because at least gangs are upfront about what they are. Police are gangs with a superiority complex. Trashiest human beings with pure immunity. Over the years, I've seen APD fuck up over and over again in the news: remember when they tackled that little freshman girl for jaywalking? APD is honestly an awful police station, one of the worst in the country. Fuck them so hard. This shit is still so raw and visceral to me years and years later, it'll never fade. They put a life-long hatred of their kind into me, nobody else did. I will never, *EVER* trust a cop at his word, they're all lying fuckwits.

Upside: This stuff has gotten me off of virtual every jury duty I've ever served on. Judge asks if there's a conflict of interest, I get to tell my story in front of the court and conclude with "and that's why I hate cops" and they always let me go.

Edited by WelfareBuysMyWeed
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  • Fuck Around and Find Out 1

That's infuriating. Hope both get fired. Buncha tiny-dicked fucksticks.

A family walk in the early morning light is NOT suspicious. He's on public property, obeying laws, and interfering with him like that is an attempt to deprive him of his civil rights. They should be facing federal charges.

Got dam, that was hard to watch. Gritting my teeth through the whole damned video.

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Article goes on to state, not that the police could know this and they were gonna be violent assholes either way, the son has autism.  Mountains of research lately is detailing how good it is for young folks with autism to spend time outside early in the morning before their day begins (school, therapy, etc.) and then later on before bed time (prepares them for better sleep). 

My point is, the young man not only had to watch that horrific brutality, he will now likely associate that quality time in nature that is so needed by his brain, with violence and anxiety.  There's no civil suit or department disciplinary action that's gonna change that for him.  

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  • Rage+1 5

The kid crying broke my heart, article says he has autism which explains the light and not speaking only crying. Kid is gonna be scarred for life because of some POS cop.

  • Rage+1 2
14 minutes ago, nineliveslost said:


It should be.  But it's just more of the same.

Say it with me, folks....there is no basis to dispute it:





All of them.  No exceptions.  How many bad cops did you see in that video?  One?  NOPE.  One cop did the bad shit.  And then the OTHER cop backed him up, providing cover so he could do it.  ALL. COPS. ARE. BAD.

  • Hook 'Em 3
44 minutes ago, Covri said:

I hope those assholes are proud of themselves for violating the rights of a citizen and traumatizing a child. I wonder if either of those morons have children of their own.

3 minutes ago, royiv said:

I wonder if either of those morons have children of their own.

That depends on whether they mix in a little sexual assault of their spouse to go with just the regular old assault of their spouse, as is the cop way.


Ten percent of the spouses reported being physically abused by their mates at least once; the same percentage claim that their children were physically  abused. The officers were asked a less direct question, that is, if they had ever gotten out of control and behaved violently against their spouse and children in the last six months.  We did not define the type of violence. Thus, violence could have been interpreted as verbal or physical threats or actual physical abuse.  Approximately, 40 percent said that in the last six months prior to the survey they had behaved violently towards their spouse or children.  Given that 20-30 percent of the spouses claimed that their mate frequently became verbally abusive towards them or their children, I suspect that a significant number of police officers defined violent as both verbal and physical abuse.



Whenever I’m looking to commit crimes, I always take no equipment, no bag, and no vehicle. All I take is my 6 year old son and his bright red light toy to maximize stealth. Kudos to the Watonga police for being vigilant.

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5 minutes ago, MissingInAction said:

Next time I have to deal with pigs, my survival tactic is to scream my fucking lungs out.

I'm talking about a volume of shit that will be recorded somewhere.

You're not wrong.  Seriously, you want to 1) make a record (microphone somewhere may pick it up), and 2) draw attention.  They may be a bit more hesitant to shoot you dead if a crowd gathers to watch (they'll show up when they hear your screams).

And yes, the appropriate tactics for dealing with the cops are pretty much the same tactics that are recommended when dealing with someone trying to kidnap/assault you.

Ain't that a helluva thing.

1 hour ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

Of course the fucking pig goes to hug the kid. Dipshit, he's terrified of you, he doesn't want your hug. Get the fuck off the kid, you're a bad guy.

Dude doesn’t really even try to hug him . He just pulls him in and says “quit cryin’”

D bag. You just assaulted his father. He’s alone. He’s scared. 
Quit crying?! 
Fuck you.

Cop #1 seems lost in this endeavor completely. Probably would have let the guy go if not for Detective Dickface. 

4 minutes ago, Dnaguy said:

Cop #1 seems lost in this endeavor completely. Probably would have let the guy go if not for Detective Dickface. 

Maybe.  But see, that's where the horrific, tragic truth comes in.  Cop #1 isn't just supposed to "let the guy go."  He is supposed to fucking PROTECT people from things like, oh, I don't know, getting your ass slammed onto the concrete.  An actual cop doing the job that cops are actually supposed to do would have protected the guy FROM being assaulted by Detective Dickface.  

Keep looking for a cop that will step in and protect a citizen and even arrest a "fellow cop" committing a crime.  Keep looking.....I won't wait up for you.

49 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

You're not wrong.  Seriously, you want to 1) make a record (microphone somewhere may pick it up), and 2) draw attention.  They may be a bit more hesitant to shoot you dead if a crowd gathers to watch (they'll show up when they hear your screams).

And yes, the appropriate tactics for dealing with the cops are pretty much the same tactics that are recommended when dealing with someone trying to kidnap/assault you.

Ain't that a helluva thing.

cops will also go through your phone and delete evidence on them. So A) put a password on your phone, and B) use apps that livestream to youtube or twitch or something similar the moment you start recording. There are apps specifically setup to automatically upload and live stream police interactions, so they are immediately on a separate sever and can't be deleted.

  • Hook 'Em 1
2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

It should be.  But it's just more of the same.

Say it with me, folks....there is no basis to dispute it:





All of them.  No exceptions.  How many bad cops did you see in that video?  One?  NOPE.  One cop did the bad shit.  And then the OTHER cop backed him up, providing cover so he could do it.  ALL. COPS. ARE. BAD.

Happy Season 4 GIF by The Simpsons

24 minutes ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

cops will also go through your phone and delete evidence on them. So A) put a password on your phone, and B) use apps that livestream to youtube or twitch or something similar the moment you start recording. There are apps specifically setup to automatically upload and live stream police interactions, so they are immediately on a separate sever and can't be deleted.

I personally recommend that people do NOT set their phone up to be accessed solely by biometrics (face recognition, fingerprint).  It should ALWAYS require a password that only you know.  Cops will force you to put your finger on a phone, or will hold it up to your face (warrant be damned).  Indeed, even WITH a warrant, you generally cannot be compelled to give up a password.  But the case remains -- they will force access to your phone with your biometrics, and they will 100% both delete things that are incriminating to them, and insert things that are incriminating to you (yes, cops fabricate evidence....THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME).  Don't give them the chance to do so.

  • Hook 'Em 1

Circling back to the Sonya Massey murder, here are a couple of articles that give background on the murderer as well as the industry's penchant for recycling flunkies who are unfit for the job.



After being discharged from the Army for serious misconduct and a history of driving under the influence, Grayson was employed since 2020 by six Illinois law enforcement agencies – at three of them, as a part-time officer, employment records show.

Grayson is part of what law enforcement officials and experts call America’s legion of “wandering officers” who drift from police department to police department – sometimes even after having been fired, forced to resign or convicted of a crime.



In a separate statement, Campbell said no law enforcement agencies had reported problems with Grayson prior to his being hired in Sangamon County, though prior employers had commented he “needed more training.” Grayson received 16 weeks of academy training after being hired, Campbell said.

“This is not unusual for deputies with Grayson’s experience, and is standard procedure for Sangamon County deputies,” Campbell’s statement said. He also said Grayson’s personnel file included “references from people I know well,” adding those “insights are invaluable in making informed hiring decisions.”


  • Rage+1 2

Police Tragically Shoot Four-Year-Old Boy

August 2, 2024 by David Jones

Public outcry has been reignited in western Illinois following the release of a new police body camera video this week. The footage documents the tragic shooting of a four-year-old boy, Terrell Miller, by local law enforcement in March. This incident took place roughly 84 miles from where Sonya Massey was fatally shot, another event also recorded on body camera footage and made public just over a week ago.

On the evening of March 16, Macomb police responded to a domestic violence call. Upon their arrival, officers heard screams coming from inside an apartment, leading them to force their way into the residence. Inside, they found a woman with stab wounds and a man, later identified as 57-year-old Anthony George, brandishing two knives.

The body camera footage reveals George briefly disappearing from the camera’s view, only to reemerge with young Miller in his arms. George was seen holding a knife to the boy’s throat, which led one of the officers to fire a shot. The single bullet tragically claimed the lives of both George and Miller.

The incident has led to protests across Illinois, with demonstrators demanding justice for Miller. The boy’s mother expressed her devastation over the decision not to press charges against the officers involved. A special prosecutor conducted a thorough review and determined that there was no basis for criminal charges against the officers. The prosecutor’s office stated that Miller was being used as a human shield by George at the time of the shooting.

Additional information has surfaced suggesting a potential familial link between Miller and Massey, the woman killed in the earlier police shooting. Reports suggest that the two may have been cousins or shared some other form of kinship. Investigations are ongoing to confirm this potential family connection.

  • Rage+1 4
On 8/2/2024 at 3:05 PM, Covri said:

of course jason whitlock has a completely retarded, self important take on the situation:


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On 2/18/2024 at 3:04 PM, Brisketexan said:

People who rape and murder (criminals) are their own problem. A problem that should be addressed.
This thread is about the fact that the solution that society has chosen to address that problem (i.e., police) is its own fucking problem.
I don’t like that I need a gallon of water a day when walking through the desert. That sucks. But when your solution to my thirst is to give me a bucket of wet sludge scooped out of a septic tank, damn right I’m going to object, and it’s stupid of you to respond “but you said you were thirsty! You need water! What are you complaining about!”
Criminals suck. We want them dealt with.
We don’t want the mechanism we’ve chosen to deal with criminals - cops - to be a huge fucking problem.
We want both of those things. But here’s the thing: I didn’t hire the criminals. I don’t have any control over them. They work for themselves, not for me. But the cops? I hired them (through the officials I elected). I control them (same route). And they work for me. So, yeah, I spend more of my political energy holding my employees accountable than I do worrying about outliers I have no control over (criminals).

Also, let's face it, cops don't do that much to prevent violent crimes.  It's pure-dee "luck" if cops happen to be in the right place at the right time to prevent a rape or murder, and/or don't murder someone innocent in the process.

Community policing has its place though with respect to property crime and more minor offenses.

We also rely on cops to "solve" crimes they failed to prevent.  And their rate of solution is pretty abysmal.

So, are cops a necessary evil?  Maybe.  I think their necessity or at least ubiquity could reasonably be questioned.

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3 hours ago, Derka said:

of course jason whitlock has a completely retarded, self important take on the situation:


Why this dumbfuck even felt the need to bring his shitty uninformed bullshit opinions to non sports stories is beyond me. He’s the fucking worst.

  • Hook 'Em 1
This right here is the problem. No one believes how brutal cops are until they turn on you. I was the recipient of the boot many times when I was younger and it quite frankly makes you the kind of anger that tears are streaming out of your eyes. Being violated like that. Until you experience it you just can't put it in words. You felt it one time. Imagine this being the reg in your youth. 

It’s not just the rage of being victimized by those in power who gleefully abuse that power. It’s the rage of being abused BY THE VERY PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT YOU.
It’s why we naturally get angrier when a child is beaten by their parent as opposed to punched by a stranger (both are crimes…but FFS, how can a parent hurt the child they are supposed to protect?)
To match that baseline of human morality, my proposal has always been that any crime committed by a cop against a civilian should be enhanced by a degree.
  • Hook 'Em 3
16 hours ago, Bevo said:


Police Tragically Shoot Four-Year-Old Boy

August 2, 2024 by David Jones

Public outcry has been reignited in western Illinois following the release of a new police body camera video this week. The footage documents the tragic shooting of a four-year-old boy, Terrell Miller, by local law enforcement in March. This incident took place roughly 84 miles from where Sonya Massey was fatally shot, another event also recorded on body camera footage and made public just over a week ago.

On the evening of March 16, Macomb police responded to a domestic violence call. Upon their arrival, officers heard screams coming from inside an apartment, leading them to force their way into the residence. Inside, they found a woman with stab wounds and a man, later identified as 57-year-old Anthony George, brandishing two knives.

The body camera footage reveals George briefly disappearing from the camera’s view, only to reemerge with young Miller in his arms. George was seen holding a knife to the boy’s throat, which led one of the officers to fire a shot. The single bullet tragically claimed the lives of both George and Miller.

The incident has led to protests across Illinois, with demonstrators demanding justice for Miller. The boy’s mother expressed her devastation over the decision not to press charges against the officers involved. A special prosecutor conducted a thorough review and determined that there was no basis for criminal charges against the officers. The prosecutor’s office stated that Miller was being used as a human shield by George at the time of the shooting.

Additional information has surfaced suggesting a potential familial link between Miller and Massey, the woman killed in the earlier police shooting. Reports suggest that the two may have been cousins or shared some other form of kinship. Investigations are ongoing to confirm this potential family connection.

Police Tragically Shoot Four-Year-Old Boy

August 2, 2024 by David Jones

Public outcry has been reignited in western Illinois following the release of a new police body camera video this week. The footage documents the tragic shooting of a four-year-old boy, Terrell Miller, by local law enforcement in March. This incident took place roughly 84 miles from where Sonya Massey was fatally shot, another event also recorded on body camera footage and made public just over a week ago.

On the evening of March 16, Macomb police responded to a domestic violence call. Upon their arrival, officers heard screams coming from inside an apartment, leading them to force their way into the residence. Inside, they found a woman with stab wounds and a man, later identified as 57-year-old Anthony George, brandishing two knives.

The body camera footage reveals George briefly disappearing from the camera’s view, only to reemerge with young Miller in his arms. George was seen holding a knife to the boy’s throat, which led one of the officers to fire a shot. The single bullet tragically claimed the lives of both George and Miller.

The incident has led to protests across Illinois, with demonstrators demanding justice for Miller. The boy’s mother expressed her devastation over the decision not to press charges against the officers involved. A special prosecutor conducted a thorough review and determined that there was no basis for criminal charges against the officers. The prosecutor’s office stated that Miller was being used as a human shield by George at the time of the shooting.

Additional information has surfaced suggesting a potential familial link between Miller and Massey, the woman killed in the earlier police shooting. Reports suggest that the two may have been cousins or shared some other form of kinship. Investigations are ongoing to confirm this potential family connection.

Police Tragically Shoot Four-Year-Old Boy
August 2, 2024 by David Jones
Public outcry has been reignited in western Illinois following the release of a new police body camera video this week. The footage documents the tragic shooting of a four-year-old boy, Terrell Miller, by local law enforcement in March. This incident took place roughly 84 miles from where Sonya Massey was fatally shot, another event also recorded on body camera footage and made public just over a week ago.
On the evening of March 16, Macomb police responded to a domestic violence call. Upon their arrival, officers heard screams coming from inside an apartment, leading them to force their way into the residence. Inside, they found a woman with stab wounds and a man, later identified as 57-year-old Anthony George, brandishing two knives.
The body camera footage reveals George briefly disappearing from the camera’s view, only to reemerge with young Miller in his arms. George was seen holding a knife to the boy’s throat, which led one of the officers to fire a shot. The single bullet tragically claimed the lives of both George and Miller.
The incident has led to protests across Illinois, with demonstrators demanding justice for Miller. The boy’s mother expressed her devastation over the decision not to press charges against the officers involved. A special prosecutor conducted a thorough review and determined that there was no basis for criminal charges against the officers. The prosecutor’s office stated that Miller was being used as a human shield by George at the time of the shooting.
Additional information has surfaced suggesting a potential familial link between Miller and Massey, the woman killed in the earlier police shooting. Reports suggest that the two may have been cousins or shared some other form of kinship. Investigations are ongoing to confirm this potential family connection.

He had it coming. The cops will almost certainly release his preschool record, which will show that he was repeatedly disciplined for not fully participating in “sharing time,” and once took one of his classmate’s cheerios. Don’t want to be shot, don’t be a criminal!
3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

It’s not just the rage of being victimized by those in power who gleefully abuse that power. It’s the rage of being abused BY THE VERY PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT YOU.
It’s why we naturally get angrier when a child is beaten by their parent as opposed to punched by a stranger (both are crimes…but FFS, how can a parent hurt the child they are supposed to protect?)
To match that baseline of human morality, my proposal has always been that any crime committed by a cop against a civilian should be enhanced by a degree.

Hard to argue with this take.

  • Hook 'Em 1
4 hours ago, Brisketexan said:


i posted an extremely long video about this a few days ago, but this hits close to home right now. i was involuntarily put into a mental health facility where they immediately took me off several of my meds (including benzos), and when i went through withdrawals and couldn’t sleep or eat for days they refused to help me. i literally was screaming a crying at them, “i’m looking at a bunch of people wearing scrubs, who all call themselves medical professionals, and you’re all acting like you can’t hear or see me!” their response was to grab five nurse techs who all look like myles garrett, have them surround me and tell me that i need to calm down. the trauma of being trapped in a building surrounded by people whose job/training says they’re supposed to help me, but who instead are getting off on my suffering, was a special kind of torment. the images and feelings from that place still run through my head when i try to sleep at night, and i imagine they will for awhile.

6 hours ago, Thatguy said:

This right here is the problem. No one believes how brutal cops are until they turn on you. I was the recipient of the boot many times when I was younger and it quite frankly makes you the kind of anger that tears are streaming out of your eyes. Being violated like that. Until you experience it you just can't put it in words. You felt it one time. Imagine this being the reg in your youth. 

you condescending fucking prick, get fucked loser. You think because I only tell one story from 20 years ago that I have only felt it "one time"? This isn't a misery contest you emotionally stunted piece of shit. I hope the police run on you like they did me so you can finally get your wish fulfillment and can stop pretending like you're some goddamn badass.

  • Fuck You 1
7 minutes ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

you condescending fucking prick, get fucked loser. You think because I only tell one story from 20 years ago that I have only felt it "one time"? This isn't a misery contest you emotionally stunted piece of shit. I hope the police run on you like they did me so you can finally get your wish fulfillment and can stop pretending like you're some goddamn badass.

Yes, he's the one pretending ...

11 minutes ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

you condescending fucking prick, get fucked loser. You think because I only tell one story from 20 years ago that I have only felt it "one time"? This isn't a misery contest you emotionally stunted piece of shit. I hope the police run on you like they did me so you can finally get your wish fulfillment and can stop pretending like you're some goddamn badass.

Nbc Brooklyn 99 GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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  • Haha 3
1 hour ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

you condescending fucking prick, get fucked loser. You think because I only tell one story from 20 years ago that I have only felt it "one time"? This isn't a misery contest you emotionally stunted piece of shit. I hope the police run on you like they did me so you can finally get your wish fulfillment and can stop pretending like you're some goddamn badass.

Calm Down Chill Out GIF

2 hours ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

you condescending fucking prick, get fucked loser. You think because I only tell one story from 20 years ago that I have only felt it "one time"? This isn't a misery contest you emotionally stunted piece of shit. I hope the police run on you like they did me so you can finally get your wish fulfillment and can stop pretending like you're some goddamn badass.



3 hours ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

you condescending fucking prick, get fucked loser. You think because I only tell one story from 20 years ago that I have only felt it "one time"? This isn't a misery contest you emotionally stunted piece of shit. I hope the police run on you like they did me so you can finally get your wish fulfillment and can stop pretending like you're some goddamn badass.

The fuck are you going on about? I was agreeing with you jackass. I was saying that what you went through cannot be explained unless you've experienced it, and yes, there are people out there that get this treatment on the regular. That is not to say that anything to lessen your experience, it's just pointing out hard fact. You went full Derka for no damn reason at all and everyone knows you never go full Derka.

Also, you throw a full 3 year old tantrum on a message board on someone you don't know and you have the nerve to call ME emotionally stunted? Fuck outta here.




I've seen/ been:

A cop plant weed on my friend and take him to jail for it. 

Assaulted/beaten by police for not talking/ratting out people. 

A cop confiscate my weed and say they're keeping for themselves because it looks amazing. 

Had over a grand taken while being arrested for possession and not reported. 

Had over $1400 taken but only $600 reported for civil asset forfeiture. 

1 of the first dealers I ever met was introduced by friends (as in a bunch of 14/15 year olds), and later on we found out he was in the HPD.

Friend shot in a drive by and taken to jail for disturbing the peace. 

Got completely fucked up in jail by 2 COs for trying to get one of them to fight me after talking shit about my mom after a visit (17 at the time.)

Had 2 COs watch on as I was being jumped by 3 gang members but managing to not completely get my ass kicked. 

My vehicle be searched without my consent after being detained in the back of a squad car, because the cop said "after calling the judge, they said I can search it."

Arrested 7 times in total and not once been read my rights. This one doesn't bother me as much just because cops are fucking shady, and I don't expect them to follow their own rules. 

More and a hell of a lot more in court, but this isn't meant to be an exhaustive list, or a misery competition. The main point is that none of the above was done by the same cop, and all but 2 of those were in different jurisdictions. I've overgrown a lot in my teenage/early 20s and can recognize and accept my responsibility, but the state of affairs in law enforcement has not changed. In fact, it's gotten worse as technology has evolved, and cops have to be (most of the time, at least) more careful with cameras everywhere. 

Fuck. The. Police. ACAB.


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3 hours ago, BigHorn'13 said:

I've seen/ been:

A cop plant weed on my friend and take him to jail for it. 

Assaulted/beaten by police for not talking/ratting out people. 

A cop confiscate my weed and say they're keeping for themselves because it looks amazing. 

Had over a grand taken while being arrested for possession and not reported. 

Had over $1400 taken but only $600 reported for civil asset forfeiture. 

1 of the first dealers I ever met was introduced by friends (as in a bunch of 14/15 year olds), and later on we found out he was in the HPD.

Friend shot in a drive by and taken to jail for disturbing the peace. 

Got completely fucked up in jail by 2 COs for trying to get one of them to fight me after talking shit about my mom after a visit (17 at the time.)

Had 2 COs watch on as I was being jumped by 3 gang members but managing to not completely get my ass kicked. 

My vehicle be searched without my consent after being detained in the back of a squad car, because the cop said "after calling the judge, they said I can search it."

Arrested 7 times in total and not once been read my rights. This one doesn't bother me as much just because cops are fucking shady, and I don't expect them to follow their own rules. 

More and a hell of a lot more in court, but this isn't meant to be an exhaustive list, or a misery competition. The main point is that none of the above was done by the same cop, and all but 2 of those were in different jurisdictions. I've overgrown a lot in my teenage/early 20s and can recognize and accept my responsibility, but the state of affairs in law enforcement has not changed. In fact, it's gotten worse as technology has evolved, and cops have to be (most of the time, at least) more careful with cameras everywhere. 

Fuck. The. Police. ACAB.


I want to party with you.

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On 8/2/2024 at 2:22 PM, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

When I was a student at UT, my senior year, a week before finals, I got mistakenly raided by the police in my apartment in north campus. I had just seen some friends out and was grabbing my keys to drive to Collie station for the Texas-Aggy baseball series finale, when a battery ram came through my door. Instantly a dozen of Austin's finest were on me with assault rifles in my face and zip ties around my hands. They told me "my boy" had "flipped" on me earlier the day and that "they knew I was hiding the stuff." I was living in an efficiency by myself, like a 200 sqft tiny box. They never told me exactly what they were looking for, only that it was "mountains of drugs." The main detective which was coordinating everything brought me outside and told me to just confess and make it easy on them, and I told him that, with due respect, I had seen a lot of movies and tv shows about police and I knew that in instances like that, even if I was innocent, I should keep my mouth shut until I have a lawyer with me. The guy slammed my head into the brick wall behind me, causing me to bleed, and told me that I could watch in silence while they fucked up everything (his words). So he brought me inside, and for 4 fucking hours, they destroyed my apartment. It was very clear within 10 minutes they had the wrong guy, but they didn't care. They obliterated my mini fridge, just pulled the door straight off. They cut holes in my couch cushions and pulled out all the padding. They cut holes into the walls, pulling out the sheet rock and insulation. They fucked up my bathroom sink and pulled out pipes and plumbing. They smashed my Xbox. They even fucking cut holes in my TV dinners so they'd spoil.

So at this point, they're asking each other "want to fuck up his car?" and their superior is telling them "naw, our warrant won't allow this, let's just leave." So they all got up, and started to walk out. My place was completely destroyed, it looked like a hurricane had hit. I was obviously in the middle of a city area in Austin, it was like 8 pm and dark. I tell them as they're walking out, "Hey, what do I do? My door is off the hinge, I'm gonna get robbed like this" and they told me "you have duct tape under your sink, we saw it, just tape the door back up." One single cop took pity and took me aside and told me, "call your landlord, tell them we made a mistake, and she'll send someone out to fix the door."

At this point, the entire apartment complex was outside my door, watching the cops. When they started to walk out, my neighbors booed them and offered to help me clean up. Dude from across the street said I looked like I was in shock and got me some water and a blanket. He walked me over to the landlord's office, which was still there, and told her what happened. The police found a single adderall pill in my apartment -- it was finals, sue me. They told me if I made a stink over them fucking up my apartment, they'd make a federal case out of it because I didn't have a prescription. They threatened to destroy me if I retaliated for them coming in and fucking up an innocent person's place. For fucking *MONTHS* after that, I was paranoid. I constantly worried about people just running into my place at any time, locks be damned.

It sucked so fucking much. I hate APD with all my fucking heart, and fuck the police. I never had any problem with cops before that, but that single instance ruined police for me forever. When you're truly, seriously innocent and they come in like jackboot thugs and fuck your shit up and you can't do anything about it? Yeah, fuck off. This is why people hate the police, this is why "just cooperate" isn't a thing. ACAB.

EDIT: Incidentally, my professors were cool as fucking shit about all this. The following monday I had a final exam and completely bombed it, I was so shaken. My professor noticed my final exam grad was way, way lower than all my other grades in the class and contacted me, and I told him what happened. He let me retake the exam a week later and told me to contact my other professors and student councilor and tell them what happened, and when I did they all worked with me to give me extra time to prepare for my finals. So luckily the cops didn't tank my final semester grades.


Holy shit thread is ----->

5 hours ago, SamsCorner said:

Doesn't sound like his parties end too well.

There were mistakes...

5 hours ago, Steel Shank said:

Just the ones where Johnny Law got involved. I'd imagine there were plenty more sans popo.

Ironically, none happened while partying. I could plan accordingly and safely if I had a big night ahead of me, but damn if I could blend in during the middle of the day lol. 

15 minutes ago, royiv said:

I think the cops were looking for @BigHorn'13 and got him mixed up with @WelfareBuysMyWeed. Classic case of mistaken identity. 

It's been known to happen, and with me on the other end. 


police chief acts like the unhinged psycho that he is, local pastor/residents are “shocked” that a police officer would act this way:


the video of the cop is infuriating enough, but then you follow it up with people who normally worship the police being “shocked” that this everyday occurrence happened and you just throw roll your eyes, throw your hands, and wonder what world they’ve been living in.

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