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Dickie V has cancer


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A friend of mine got married over 20 years ago. His brother is a sportscaster and put together a video of Jordan, Nicklaus, Rodman, Ditka, Vitale and others wishing him a happy marriage. Vitale went crazy like he always does. Mad props.

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1 hour ago, Bevo said:

A friend of mine got married over 20 years ago. His brother is a sportscaster and put together a video of Jordan, Nicklaus, Rodman, Ditka, Vitale and others wishing him a happy marriage. Vitale went crazy like he always does. Mad props.

Somewhere buried in the depths of my phone is a 2 minute video of drunk Bill Murray sending his condolences to a friend’s girlfriend who shredded her knee skiing.

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My mother was diagnosed with stage 3 non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in June of 2014. She is still here seven years later going strong and this includes a 2018 diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia. I believe Dickie V can kick cancer in the behind. College basketball owes that man a lot for the amount of people he brought to the game. He loves his job and it easily shows.

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We played Notre Dame in South Bend in 1995.

The best friend of Ex Mrs. Lid the First was working in a bank in Chicago. She had a friend in the Notre Dame athletic department. Her friend got us tickets to that game... in the Notre Dame alum section ... pretty much on the 50 yard line.

Dickie V has a daughter who was then on the Irish tennis team.  Apparently, the night before the game, he gave an inspirational speech to the football team.

So, we show up to the game. The pomp. The campus. The kickoff was just after 11:00 a.m.  Well, we were pounding bloody marys on the drive from Chicago to South Bend. Go get our seats... and then, from one row behind me... I hear THAT voice.

Turn around and see... its Dickie V. And for the rest of the game, he is just going after me. (I'm dressed in a burnt orange shirt, jeans, boots.) I couldn't get pissed because he was fucking hilarious. "TEXAS FANS... BABEEEE... GET BACK ON THE BUS BABEEEE!" I was being a good sport as the Irish just prison raped us beginning about half way through the 3rd quarter outscoring us 36 - 7 in that span.

But, one thing that Dickie V said that stuck with me was ... "That Rickie Williams. He is going to be something special!"

Had a great time at the game. Shook his hand at the end of the game.

What an experience.

Love, love, love that he announced he is cancer free now.

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  • 9 months later...
2 hours ago, Wally Pryor said:

Sad to hear indeed. I almost hit the Rage button but it occurred to me that Dickie V’s probably the least ragey guy there is. No doubt he is grateful for the time he’s had and would want others to do the same. It’s all about the love- of basketball, other humans, and life itself. What a legacy

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Like many have said, whether you like him or not you cannot deny the impact he's had on college basketball.

I've probably told this story before on one of the sites but I bumped into Vitale on my way out of DKR after Notre Dame beat us on the last-second FG back in 1996. If memory serves, one of Vitale's kids was a ND student at the time. I was a bit boozed up and excited to see him so I started talking to him about what a great game it was, etc. I still had the warm fuzzies about ND fans from my trip up to South Bend the year before for that game.

He was very nice and engaged in a conversation about the game. He was essentially "college basketball" Dickie V in his recounting of the game. Then he pulled a newspaper clipping out of his pocket. It was one of the Chicago papers, probably. He scrolled through it with his finger and got to the end where Dickie V predicted the final score: Notre Dame 27, Texas 24. Fucker nailed it.

Fuck cancer

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