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If you want to save your sanity, go laser, B&W. One $18 cartridge will get you 1500 pages, something like that. I bought a Canoscan Imageclass D530 8 years ago and never looked back. The half-cartridge that came with it lasted about 6 years. Popped in a replacement cartridge (toner) that had been sitting in the closet for five years and it took right off. Never skipped a beat. Sharp scans. This one looks like it but for some reason is a bit cheaper: https://www.amazon.com/Canon-imageCLASS-MF232w-Direct-Printer/dp/B01LZKJGTX/ref=sr_1_10_mod_primary_new?dchild=1&keywords=canoscan+imageclass+d530&qid=1635303953&qsid=133-6701322-3320222&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sr=8-10&sres=B002OEBMRU%2CB084NVRHYQ%2CB07FPQZ6H8%2CB08P41Q9SS%2CB07YNK4S9Y%2CB07FRBFVDN%2CB01LZKJGTX%2CB07WVF56VB%2CB0757WLDSL%2CB07RQB5WJW%2CB07N22V2L5%2CB01K1KUQHK%2CB06XY4B179%2CB00O2BU8PK%2CB008HBFADQ%2CB08NSJQ65L&srpt=SCANNER

At $200 its a steal, IMHO

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