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If only there were an example of Herman playing Jimbo in a bowl game.

aggys are butthurt about recent coverage of our cancelled series because they’ve been outed as cowards. Again.

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33 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

I just find it hysterical that they keep forgetting the fact that Herman has already faced Jimbo in a bowl game. Already posted, and I don't care:


I like how UH ran for 200 yards.  And FSU has 23 carries for 16 yards.  

Just now, Johnny Sack said:

I like how UH ran for 200 yards.  And FSU has 23 carries for 16 yards.  

Seriously. Your starting QB goes down, and you have Dalvin Cook in your backfield, and you only run 23 times. Badly, at that.

How anyone takes Jimbo seriously as a coach is a mystery to me.

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1 hour ago, texifornia said:

They're pulling kids out of NJ because their DC is from the Northeast and knows their coaches. Otherwise people up here just don't think about them beyond Johnny Manziel.

Yeah that’s the reason their pulling kids out of the NE. It has nothing to do with Craig and money

Just now, Neonmoon said:

Yeah that’s the reason their pulling kids out of the NE. It has nothing to do with Craig and money

They're only even offering them because of Elko's connections. 


On their terms? WTF?

Those cowards ran away from us like the yankees at First Bull Run. If any UT official ever makes a concession to those yellow stripes, he should be fired. Fuck those lying deluded country clods.

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7 hours ago, TexasMan said:

I can't wait for the texags post from his point of view about how you're a damn dirty sip who disrespected God and our country this morning. 

It will go like this

So yall probly aint gonna blieve this but I ran into a godamn tsip this morning in the hotel I was stayin at, he was probably a servent there or something. I figgered he was a tsip because I could sense he was gay, but then he had the nerve to try to make fun of my Maroon Out tshirt I was wearin. He says to me, "hey, nice shirt, you NAZI FASCIST I hope you liked how our refs screwed you over in that game". I squared up every inch of my 5'7" to him like I was back in the Corps and he started to cower and I think his wife wanted to have sex with me but was hiding it by pretending not to notice I existed, and so I says something REAL cutting to him and I swear he was just about gonna cry so he gave me the middle finger and he gave it to my crippled elderly grandma who was there too that he probably wouldn't even mention if he was tellin this story, gave it to her right in the face. He practically run for the elevator knowing what I was about to do to him if he din't. I let him go because we have something over them so much bigger than the score of that last game or the all time series or Radio's national championship anything else like that, we are in the SEC. Let that sink in, we are int he SEC. That is what matters. That and loving America right.


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7 hours ago, TrashMaster G said:

As I was finishing my complimentary hotel breakfast this morning, I see a guy wearing a Maroon Out tshirt.  He turns and I see on the back it's dated 11-24-11.

I head to the elevators and he walks past me and I acknowledge the shirt and say, "That was a fun game," with a big, friendly smile on my face.  He looks at me like I just peed in his Cheerios.

I flash my Hook'em Horns and go on my way. 

He cried in the car.

9 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

The proposal or the severing/admitting? Because for big them to do either and being terrified seems like a great reason to do it. 

Hence, the reason I am trying to make it happen. I can only imagine the “wtf” reaction from the nation’s collective sports media trying to wrap their minds around how Texas A&M has been a branch of The University of Texas since 1876. The humiliation that would be healed upon the ags would be epic. 

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Hence, the reason I am trying to make it happen. I can only imagine the “wtf” reaction from the nation’s collective sports media trying to wrap their minds around how Texas A&M has been a branch of The University of Texas since 1876. The humiliation that would be healed upon the ags would be epic. 

I don’t think college sports or the media would give two shits. The ags on the other hand, would be heartbroken, because most of them don’t know or won’t admit it.

the rest of the world would give zero fucks.  the comedy would be for our entertainment alone.

nevertheless, sun tzu says, fuck the ministry of information whenever possible.

“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”

National Brand is the new Sitting Winner.


So they think it would cost Herman his job if he loses to aggy? Well, Charlie lost his job after losing to Kansas so I guess aggy considers a loss to them to be equal to a loss to Kansas. And they'd be right.


But I doubt very seriously we'll ever meet aggy in a bowl. We'd both have to be in the CFP for that to happen and aggy isn't getting there any time soon. aggy will continue to duck us in the other bowls.



6 hours ago, Modessit said:

So they think it would cost Herman his job if he loses to aggy?

of course, because in their minds:

1) losing the A&M-Texas game is that important

2) they're going to win it 77-0 so the humiliation will be so great we will only fire Herman because hanging him isn't lawful

6 hours ago, Modessit said:

But I doubt very seriously we'll ever meet aggy in a bowl. We'd both have to be in the CFP for that to happen and aggy isn't getting there any time soon. aggy will continue to duck us in the other bowls.



Nope. Meeting in the playoff is a pipe dream for aggy. So they duck us twice for the Texas bowl, and hide behind their bs OOC scheduling as reasoning for not wanting to play such an inferior bdf team.

No clue what the fuck that agroid is talking about but it's aggy, so...

Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Machinator said:


Oh please...    These knot heads in Collie Station are something else.   Using the Miami loss in 1991?   Really I bet this idiot wasn't even born or was just a small child when that shit storm hit us in Dallas.   Besides what relevance does it have with anything today.   The U is shadow of it's former self and probably will remain there for the foreseeable  future too.

Whatever goodwill  Orgeron had when given the job has expired or will this year, especially if we "upset" LSU.   

Saban is not invincible but certainly looks  like it thanks to the rather soft SEC schedule they play and of course the mandatory four game non SEC games each SEC school gets to pad their schedules and poll slots.    If anything the four team playoff has done the college football world a favor and kind of took the shine of Bama.  

And Jimbo....  Whatever aggy...  Whatever you fricken dunces.....       When you dolts decide to fire him after another season or two of 7-4 or 6-5, he'll be collecting his severance and appearing on ESPN as an analyst the next week.     He'll be your Mack Brown but without the hardware.   

Edited by Nueces River Rat
32 minutes ago, markstanco said:

Due to being in the sec, South Carolina and Missouri are a national brand, said nobody from South Carolina or Missouri ever.


Or Ark, Miss st, Ole Miss, vandy, tenn, and kentucky (in football)


Has aggy considered what will happen to Jimbo if he ever loses to Herman?

In their minds, it will only be in the playoffs and most likely the championship game, so they can live with it because #nextyear #injumbowetrust
Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, Longhornfrenzy said:


What the hell am I looking at? Is this the fire recruiting pool party and bbq? Being sandwiched between two duplexes is about right.

Edited by Vertigo
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12 minutes ago, Vertigo said:

What the hell am I looking at? 

From my experience, most embarrassing photos from aggy are a function of that town being boring as shit combined with a bunch of dorks congregating there. Then they do some really gay, drunken stuff and get photographed.

19 hours ago, Machinator said:


Go in any sports bar in the Northeast and the SEC Network is on. I have several friend[sic] [every one of these friends is quite fond of him and hate tu!] from New England [and they always ask why tu didn't go with A&M to the SEC].

Shall we set the scene? A sports bar in New England. Several real yankees watch hockey on the TVs. An icy whoosh of wind sweeps through as a man totally clad in A&M clothing from cap to parka to sweat pants to  socks steps into the doorway and keeps it open as he surveys the place as though he owns it.

Brigid (from pool table): Close the fucking dahr, ya moron. It's wicked cold.

Ag: Not if you're wearing Yeti's new fiber-fill $5,000 Aggie Parka from Texas where I'm from.

Brigid: Close the dahr, or I'll pull off ya tiny penis and shove it in your eye!

The Ag, laughing as though Brigid was kidding, lets the door close.

Yankee 1 watches the hockey with Yankee 2. They frown at each other.

Yankee 1 (to bartender): Put the old analog in back on the SEC channel. Maybe the yokel will go back there and leave us alone.

Bartender digs through a drawer to remove a gigantic, ancient remote which he points at a dusty Zenith near the toilet. It comes to life with an elephant-eared baldly leering at us through glasses.

Yankees 1 & 2 jostle as the Ag squeezes in between them with a thumbs-up. See you boys are watching the SEC. Whoop!

Yankee 2: We can't get enough of the seck. Watch it ahll day. We like scrawny elephant men talking to guys named Boogah.

Yankee 1: Aftah you pay fah that beah of mine you just spilled with that purple blimp ya wearin, maybe you'll tell us again about how you hate that college you didn't go to.

Yankee 2: UT isn't it?

Irony-dear Ag laughs: It's maroon! Nice to be here with some regular heterosexual guys like myself who get it. It's tee ewe, you'll catch on.

Yankee 1: What's the difference?

Ag: Big difference. We have a tradition...

Both Yankees slap their foreheads. Ag is oblivious.

Ag: ...you see they call themselves the University of Texas, but we say that they're just a Texas university.

Yankees lean forward to look around the dirigible Yeti coat. They squint.

Yankee 1: That's a difference? The University of Texas isn't a Texas university?

Ag laughs: We're the university of Texas, they're just a Texas university.

Yankee 2 scratches head: So you went to the University of Texas.

Yankee 1: Which we hear is actually a good school.

Ag gets ruffled: No! I'm a Texas Aggie!

More head scratching and squinting.

Ag: Texas A&M University Fighting Texas Aggies

Brigid: I'm comin' ovah theah to pull that cawk of yours clean off if ya don't lowah that irritatin' voice!

Ag smiles and winks as though she jokes.

Yankee 1: Rolls right off the tongue. I think you need to add some more Texases to that name.

Yankee 2: Absolutely. So when do you play the University of Texas that's, ironically, just a Texas university?

Yankee 1: Yeah. You really hate those guys. I bet the game is a pissah every year.

Brigid: He's the pissah! Loud mouth Texan.

Ag: We don't play them. We went to the SEC where we have bigger fish to fry. It's the best conference in the world!

Yankee 1: You're a Texas university

Ag: We're thee university of Texas!

Yankee 1: Whatevah. You're A&M. You hate UT- wait! Tee Ewe. You hate TU, but you ran off to the SEC without 'em?

Ag: We didn't run off, we chose to leave.

Yankee 2: Interesting distinction there, cowboy.

Yankee 1: And they didn't "choose" to follow? So they chickened out!

Ag: They chickened out, but we moved away. You guys finally get it!

Yankees peer around the Yeti parade float and squint again. They shake their heads.

Yankee 1 to Yankee 2: I can't imagine why UT didn't follow a bunch of tossers like you to the SEC.

Ag: People often ask that question. I'm sure a tosser is a fun local nickname. 

Brigid: Get out!

Ag stands, brings his hands together over his head and hooks a foot behind the opposite calf: WHOOP! See you guys! 

Ag struts across the floor and squeezes his hot-air balloon-sized self out the door.

Yankee 1 looks back to hockey game: Geez we missed a goal!

Yankee 2: Fawk! Turn the analog back off. I see the word Booger on screen one more time, I'll puke.


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1 hour ago, Vertigo said:

What the hell am I looking at? Is this the fire recruiting pool party and bbq? Being sandwiched between two duplexes is about right.

I think it's Looch's own neighborhood "pool" party.

Should have consulted Taylor Hamm when getting his pool. Chin Pubes fail.
Maybe that pool was an Aggy network hookup

I bet there's a jizz jar somewhere as well
4 hours ago, Vertigo said:

What the hell am I looking at? Is this the fire recruiting pool party and bbq? Being sandwiched between two duplexes is about right.

“Insert dick here mouth”.  SMH LOL😂😂

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