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Daughter had a suggestion for the aggys, one that we may use it for the joint graduation party at our house (with her friend that its going to A&M). We will likely have an inflatable "Sully" in our back yard decorations. It will just be Sully from Monsters Inc.

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Its gonna get ugly in gomerville. From what I can tell from a quick drive by at Texags, most of their fans have kicked their starting black QB to the curb. I suspect most black football players are going to feel less than welcome as the political circus comes to a close this fall.

Quite a conundrum  they have going on over there. They so badly want to even compete for an SEC championship in football, but can't quite bring themselves to acknowledge black lives matter. Let's see how that works out for them. And I say that acknowledging UT has some number of like minded individuals....just not 98%.

5 hours ago, Blotto said:

Its gonna get ugly in gomerville. From what I can tell from a quick drive by at Texags, most of their fans have kicked their starting black QB to the curb. I suspect most black football players are going to feel less than welcome as the political circus comes to a close this fall.

Quite a conundrum  they have going on over there. They so badly want to even compete for an SEC championship in football, but can't quite bring themselves to acknowledge black lives matter. Let's see how that works out for them. And I say that acknowledging UT has some number of like minded individuals....just not 98%.

It would be beautiful if they take down the statue, and then Pyle Field boos Mond when he took the field.  Would be a great message for recruiting.

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5 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

Too bad that wasn’t posted in the Battalion or TexAgs “This Day in History” thread two months ago. Lol

"i've hired historians on both sides to find the reasons to remove him and brother it ain't there"


John Sharp <john@johnsharp.com>
Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 10:12 PM
To: telco <telcoag@gmail.com>
well the only problem with that is he didn't kill thise people u r talking about! i've seen the facts and the footnotes. if you or any person open to the real history would read it there is simply no way u would come to the conclusion that we should disgrace this guys legacy. i've hired historians on both sides to find the reasons to remove him and brother it ain't there . when the most prominent black man in texas at the time of his death eulogized him and said he was the best friend black texans had , don't you think maybe someone is trying to give a false version of history . yes this school and prairie view would not be here except for him but the real history shows a lot more . time after time he sided with black texans and was heavily criticized by whites. suffice it to say for me to remove him i need facts that he was a racist and i haven't found those accusations to be true. i'm still looking however but it ain't there yet except for some revisionist history with no basis .... so far .

Sent from my iPhone



1 hour ago, Randolph Duke said:

"i've hired historians on both sides to find the reasons to remove him and brother it ain't there"


Primary sources = revisionist history with no basis?

3 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

t would be beautiful if they take down the statue, and then Pyle Field boos Mond when he took the field.  Would be a great message for recruiting.

Oh no, I want them to fight over this for the next 20 years and even then I don't care who wins!

My daughter's best friend chose A&M. Complicated story, but I can see some of why she made that call. It has less to do with A&M than with her situation. So, while we do the online orientation for UT (6 weeks of videos on the parent side!). Daughters friend is getting e-mails telling her that they will still have "fish camp" but that they are looking into moving it to campus. WTF? We can't possibly have a new group of freshmen come in without putting them through (reeducation) camp? They are willing to take the risk of making a bunch of kids sick (I can see a sovereign immunity claim on the horizon), or even spreading it to the whole university/ local community for the sake of indoctrination. This girls mom has a serious underlying health issue, yet the kids are led to believe that this is not optional. 
Just when I think I'm jaded to them and they can't surprise me, there they go again.
Why I am siding with them on this is beyond me, but....

If the football teams across america can get together why can't anybody else? I'm sure the protocol will be different on distancing.
35 minutes ago, markstanco said:

Why I am siding with them on this is beyond me, but....

If the football teams across america can get together why can't anybody else? I'm sure the protocol will be different on distancing.

“If the football teams across america can get together why can't anybody else? I'm sure the protocol will be different on distancing.“

aggy def backs have no problem with distancing.

  • Like 2
Why I am siding with them on this is beyond me, but....

If the football teams across america can get together why can't anybody else? I'm sure the protocol will be different on distancing.
If a student in my class gets sick, or tests positive, will I be notified? Will the other students in the class be notified?

Now ask the same questions for the football team.
2 hours ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

“If the football teams across america can get together why can't anybody else? I'm sure the protocol will be different on distancing.“

aggy def backs have no problem with distancing.

Orson Welles Clapping GIF - OrsonWelles Clapping Applause GIFs

  • Like 1
If a student in my class gets sick, or tests positive, will I be notified? Will the other students in the class be notified?

Now ask the same questions for the football team.
You would think that would be protocol.
Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Valmy77 said:

Primary sources = revisionist history with no basis?

We know there is no question that when Sul Ross took leadership of Texas A&M, the school was a virulently racist institution where the students were being taught such garbage as the recognition of citizenship of former slaves was an abomination and that Jefferson was not a traitor but rather "the noblest paladin of liberty."

We also know (from the aggys) that Sul Ross was individually responsible for perpetuating Texas A&M when many in Texas wanted the branch college shuttered and instruction in agricultural sciences transferred to the main university.

Considering the level of racism being taught at Texas A&M when Ross took over, weren't the people who wanted the perpetuation of such horrific instruction ended correct? Wasn't Ross wrong in working to perpetuate the virulently racist Texas A&M of the 1890s? At the very least, if Ross was an honorable man, shouldn’t there be some shred of evidence Ross worked to end racist teaching and fired racist instructors? The students at the A&M college of Sul Ross were being taught racial hatred Allowing that to carry on into the future would only lead to a more racist institution and to the spread of racial hatred throughout the state well into the next century. Ross made sure exactly that came to be.

And for that, the aggys praise Ross to this very day and hold him in the highest esteem.

Sul Ross was a despicable individual on so many levels. A traitor to his country. Celebrated as a "negro killer." A man who so hated African Americans their murder was not beneath him. Unquestionably, he committed war crime when acting a traitor against his country. As governor he oversaw laws passed segregating rail transportation in the state. During the Jaybird-Woodpecker war he established a system of disenfranchising former slaves that stood until the Supreme Court dismantled it in the latter half of the next century. Should I go on?

And John Sharp can't find a single reason that a statue of him in the center of the campus should be removed. Not one reason.

I've got a question for John Sharp, John Adams, an dthe rest of the "aggy nation" - Exactly when were the teachings on the Texas A&M  campus during the Sul Ross era repudiated and declared an abomination against decent society? I'll hand up and take my answer off-line.

The people of Texas deserve better than John Adams, the people of Texas deserve better than John Sharp, the people of Texas certainly deserve better than Sul Ross, and the people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.

jeff davis sublime.jpeg

anonymous aggy robes.jpeg

sul ross negro killer.jpeg

Edited by Randolph Duke
10 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:


sul ross negro killer.jpeg

For those who don't know their Civil War timelines, the Siege of Vicksburg ended in July of 1863. Ross' supposed accomplishments enumerated in the Memphis newspaper here amounted to muledick. It was a year later, and he skirmished with some supply wagons, basically. "Gallant" my ass. In reality, the dude was a pretty pathetic officer, in addition to being a war criminal.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
47 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

For those who don't know their Civil War timelines, the Siege of Vicksburg ended in July of 1863. Ross' supposed accomplishments enumerated in the Memphis newspaper here amounted to muledick. It was a year later, and he skirmished with some supply wagons, basically. "Gallant" my ass. In reality, the dude was a pretty pathetic officer, in addition to being a war criminal.

The war crimes that lead to Ross being lauded as the south's "negro killer" are well documented. He was not given that name for just one isolated incident. Ross was quite active in the Vicksburg area in the first half of 1864.

ross consent to murder.jpeg

Edited by Randolph Duke
Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

I’d love to watch RD and Sully sit down and have a couple of beers together.

Randolph Duke doesn’t sit down for beers with piece of shit racists.

Now the African American cook who slipped Sul Ross the biscuits laced with rat poison and killed him....

The aggys are today practicing the exact same racism as Sul Ross did when he “refused to recognize” African Americans serving in the US Army as soldiers. 

There is sufficient information that from military records, the names of at least some of Sul Ross’ victims can be found. Americans who died serving their country. But just as Ross, the aggys today do not recognize Ross’ murder victims as soldiers. They remain nameless and the aggys worship at the shrine of their murderer. The aggys refuse to give those American military heroes who died serving their country any recognition. Because they were black.

Ive talked to a few individuals and there is a general agreement to my strong suggestion that if Texas A&M doesn’t remove its shrine to the man directly responsible for the racially fueled war crimes against American soldiers in uniform, that Texas A&M’s status as a Senior Military College should be revoked. 

Fuck those racist pieces of shit.

The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. 


Edited by Randolph Duke
  • Like 6
Posted (edited)
On 6/19/2020 at 3:41 PM, nnm said:

Why any POC would go there is beyond me.   And yet their strategy to take over big brother by massively increasing enrollment means that their student body is more diverse than ever. But they can’t understand why that increased diversity is changing the face of their beloved university, or why those diverse people are raising questions about their beloved ass-backwards “traditions,” born in an era of exclusion. 

My thoughts exactly. A girl I work with is finishing up her Assoc. degree and was thinking about going to aggy. I told her that as a person of color, she most likely wouldn't be welcomed there. She thought I was full of shit until I had her read through the #racismatTAMUfeelslike and #hateishtehiddencorevalue hashtags on Twitter.

Long story short, she thanked me for the heads up and will be enrolling at TCU instead.

Edited by Longboard Horn
Fuck everything about aggy
  • Like 5
Posted (edited)

what kind of sides does he thinks historians have? like an aggy historian and then a regular historian? a union historian and a confederate historian? 

Edited by Viper
Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, Colonel Sanders said:

Is this really how he writes?  It seems like this guy is highly regarded.  

That was a painful thread to read through.  There's no way that's Sharp...it looks like a teenager texting!!...................


.........Well, he's a very busy man and he just wants to get his point across quickly!

Edited by OU Sucks
  • Like 1
19 minutes ago, campcrunk said:

Somehow, this gem from texags got missed in the whole #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike discussion. aggy said the quiet part loud. Again.


texags is cross referencing their databases trying to see how they'll blame it on Austin. 

My thoughts exactly. A girl I work with is finishing up her Assoc. degree and was thinking about going to aggy. I told her that as a person of color, she most likely wouldn't be welcomed there. She thought I was full of shit until I had her read through the #racismatTAMUfeelslike and #hateishtehiddencorevalue hashtags on Twitter.
Long story short, she thanked me for the heads up and will be enrolling at TCU instead.
Aggies secretly thank you as well.

Friend of mine is an anthropology prof at aTm. He says he can't wait for his next expedition in the deepest recesses of the Amazon, because he's tired of having to deal with a more primitive culture on a day to day basis.


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29 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

Now, you know aggy ain’t that smart!


27 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

Soooo.... We're waiting on another data dump from TexAgs?


Fear not, Lucci is on the case. He's never failed us, why start now?

1 hour ago, Walden Ponderer said:

Soooo.... We're waiting on another data dump from TexAgs?


They're going to give us "facts" this time. John Sharp is personally taking charge of the situation.

When the ags get done defending their shrine to their beloved "negro killer," the real fun will begin. Imagine the negative recruiting Jimbo is going to have to deal with.


John Sharp <john@johnsharp.com>
Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 8:02 AM
To: telco <telcoag@gmail.com>
battle is not what they are accusing him of. you are simply wrong. and you obviously have not read the history. the real history. soon you will be able to.



"i've hired historians on both sides to find the reasons to remove him and brother it ain't there"

both sides, like agricultural and mechanical?  country and western?  hulabalu and canek canek?  

seems all the bases are covered.

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On 6/21/2020 at 7:57 PM, Randolph Duke said:

"i've hired historians on both sides to find the reasons to remove him and brother it ain't there"



9 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

I think he means both sides as in historians who favor keeping the statue and historians who are against removing the statue

so he found historians who want to get rid of the statue, but can't come up with any reason why they want to remove it? Also, why is he talking like Hulk Hogan? 

59 minutes ago, gyroprotagonist said:

both sides, like agricultural and mechanical?  country and western?  hulabalu and canek canek?  

seems all the bases are covered.

Both sides of the glory hole.

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46 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

I think he means both sides as in historians who favor keeping the statue and historians who are against removing the statue

NMAS, you're going to screw around and hurt yourself trying to understand what those idiots mean/intend/think.

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That's what happened to my wife's cousin. Tour weirded him out. It probably didn't help that he was about to graduate HS in Westchester County, NY.

Well if we’re piling on, and why wouldn’t we, my niece had the same reaction. Way too cultish for her.
  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Go Pokes said:

Well if we’re piling on, and why wouldn’t we, my niece had the same reaction. Way too cultish for her.

...and she grew up as a Branch Davidian.

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