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Tell Me About Texas a&m


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If you don't care about the recruiting mumbo-jumbo, at least read the final three paragraphs. The coaster is climbing, nay, hurtling to the top now.




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3 hours ago, GreenspointTexas said:

Everyone wanted to know about the flag they couldn't  see hanging from the back of Chinook helicopter over the spring game. All across America, people wanted to know the story. The writing is as good as the story itself. Thanks for sharing this tear-jerker with the rest of us. Pretty cool, indeed my friends. Pretty cool.


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18 hours ago, Machinator said:

If you don't care about the recruiting mumbo-jumbo, at least read the final three paragraphs. The coaster is climbing, nay, hurtling to the top now.


"And in a matter of six months we've inked every top recruit we locked on in blood."

Somebody want to tell this sheep cum dumpster that the  NSDs aren't for about five and seven more months and that A&M hasn't inked anybody yet?

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20 hours ago, Machinator said:

If you don't care about the recruiting mumbo-jumbo, at least read the final three paragraphs. The coaster is climbing, nay, hurtling to the top now.


This just reads to me like they started paying players off again and are once again going to get busted. If there's anything Aggy is good at it's getting busted while being mediocre at cheating. Gig em Woop!

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1 hour ago, ousux said:

This "Karen" has to be one of you guys, no way that's a real person.


Where are our wins?  Where?

Why did you flush those wins down the toilet?  I was counting on them!  We left the Big XII for this!

I knew that we'd lose to them!  They would have beaten us!  They were all over us!  We will always lose!

Karen, we were going to win the SEC!!!  Why did you do that?  No we're nothing like we've always been...


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4 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

"And in a matter of six months we've inked every top recruit we locked on in blood."

Somebody want to tell this sheep cum dumpster that the  NSDs aren't for about five and seven more months and that A&M hasn't inked anybody yet?

Just means they've tattooed those recruits names on their junk.

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9 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

Yeah, that Karen account is fake




if its not............ god help us all

Would it be the first time aggy made you say to yourself, "


No fucking way that is real..."



No it would not.

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8 hours ago, Machinator said:

Crazy Karen puts her ovaries on the table.


They always have to show how retarded they are.  Forget the asinine statement itself, she had to go ahead and put Mr. in quotes.  What a dumbshit. 

Edited by ChiTownDoc
Or is Fisher a tranny?
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So just so we are clear: Karen’s official twitter handle is Karen Key Largo. Her Facebook (Hamm) user name is Karen LovesNorman Johnson. Someone (likely from Surly) created a mock twitter handle with her FB/Hamm name and profile pic? I just want to make sure the FBI doesn’t put an innocent man on their watchlist. 

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