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16 minutes ago, Longboard Horn said:

Speaking of aggy Galveston, here's a throwback from Mardi Gras 2014. It never gets old. I will always share this because it's too damn funny and is a perfect representation of aggy.

The fake Navy showed up late for the parade and still marched after it was over. Oh aggy, never stop being you! 


Amid a street littered with castoff trash.


1 hour ago, Longboard Horn said:

aggy corp turds celebrating Mardi Gras in Galveston 




Could you imagine a marine Sargent coming up on a group of Marines wearing beads over their best dress?  

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On 2/8/2024 at 8:23 AM, Tigersnake said:

If you have to say you're the flagship...is that even a term that is used anywhere else? Like does Michigan say they are the flagship university in their state?

Michigan is absolutely crawling with hotties, under all that fleece.

13 hours ago, Armybrat said:

Well foo, I just missed those doodads while purchasing this item at our CVS on Parmer. 



Should have gone with the Cougar 9000 model.

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Posted (edited)

Nah, we bought it to keep on hand in case of an emergency. 
It is a big hassle to get wheels on the spur of the moment if needed…and cheaper than renting.

I had bought a regular wheelchair from harbor freight in 2007 after Mrs. Brat broke her ankle prior to a game at DKRTMS. After that it was loaned out several times to friends & family when needed, then finally gave it away to someone who required it for long term.

Edited by Armybrat
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1 minute ago, Armybrat said:

Nah, we bought it to keep on hand in case of an emergency. 
It is a big hassle to get wheels on the spur of the moment if needed…and cheaper than renting.

Moms is 84 years old and don't take no shit from no one  Only lived this long from being cheap.

1 hour ago, Mittens said:

Bunch of games will get pushed to ESPN+

Don't they have some branch of ESPN+ that's branded as SECN+?

They already have more baseball games than slots, so I'm assuming it's already happening, and that some existing SEC baseball fans could tell us how it's currently working.

4 hours ago, markstanco said:

Could you imagine a marine Sargent coming up on a group of Marines wearing beads over their best dress?  

It could happen.


But not as likely as some other branches







5 hours ago, utee94 said:

First and only school to leave the SEC would be A&M.  Nobody else in the SEC cares what Texas does.  Nobody else in the SEC lives in fear 24/7 of Texas.

Which is great-- I'm really looking forward to playing a bunch of competitive schools in competitive games when it's not complete jihad for their infantile fan base. 

At least for a few years - but if Texas starts beating these teams on the reg - jihad games will begin and let’s hope so 

6 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

Speaking of aggy Galveston, here's a throwback from Mardi Gras 2014. It never gets old. I will always share this because it's too damn funny and is a perfect representation of aggy.

The fake Navy showed up late for the parade and still marched after it was over. Oh aggy, never stop being you! 


to be fair, they are used to having nothing better to do 

  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, utee94 said:

First and only school to leave the SEC would be A&M.  Nobody else in the SEC cares what Texas does.  Nobody else in the SEC lives in fear 24/7 of Texas.

Which is great-- I'm really looking forward to playing a bunch of competitive schools in competitive games when it's not complete jihad for their infantile fan base. 

winner award GIF

7 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

Speaking of aggy Galveston, here's a throwback from Mardi Gras 2014. It never gets old. I will always share this because it's too damn funny and is a perfect representation of aggy.

The fake Navy showed up late for the parade and still marched after it was over. Oh aggy, never stop being you! 


Lol, I had totally forgotten about that. 

On 2/13/2024 at 2:33 AM, ButtFumble said:

and Texas State is not actually a flagship for several reasons.....the main reason being that the Texas State University System is what is known as a "weak system" they do not have a flagship and all of the universities in the system lobby the legislature on their own for their funding needs instead of the system doing it for them....all of the other systems in Texas are "strong systems" with a flagship university and the system lobbies the legislature on behalf of the universities for funding needs

strong systems lobby on behalf of their constituents

weak systems don't have a flagship that lobbies for their constiuents

let's go clockwise around the state

the amount of lobbying done by aggy on behalf of:

aggy texarkana: 0

aggy commerce: 0

aggy prairie view: 0

aggy corpus: 0

aggy kingsville: 0

aggy laredo: 0

aggy san antonio: 0

aggy kileen: 0

aggy stephenville: 0

aggy canyon: 0

the aggy lobbying score stands at zero, point, zero.

4 hours ago, Vertigo said:

It is the recreation of the battle of Kyle Field. 


Thanks for posting. I'm gonna create my version of a statue commemorating this incredible historical moment titled The Battle of Kyle Field.  

  • Haha 2


Guy on left: to be cast in The Addams Family

Two dorks on the right: two dorks on the right.

Guy circled in red: WTF? Scholarship? Passerby coincidentally dressed like an Aggie? 

Uncircled guy in middle: Fourth generation.

Thumb: Ideal for finding your own anal g-spot.

  • Haha 3
3 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

strong systems lobby on behalf of their constituents

weak systems don't have a flagship that lobbies for their constiuents

let's go clockwise around the state

the amount of lobbying done by aggy on behalf of:

aggy texarkana: 0

aggy commerce: 0

aggy prairie view: 0

aggy corpus: 0

aggy kingsville: 0

aggy laredo: 0

aggy san antonio: 0

aggy kileen: 0

aggy stephenville: 0

aggy canyon: 0

the aggy lobbying score stands at zero, point, zero.

I realize to a degree you are poking at aggy, but sadly that is in fact a reality

aggy at one time was doing some OK things for TAMU-K with the Kleberg Institute, but then they started to pull some of that back....they have taken things from them with horticulture, and they have screwed them in engineering too.....they straight fucked them on the Erma Lerma Derma Herma Rangel Pharmacy School

they ignored WTAMU until Tech went for a vet school and then suddenly they tried to pour money up there for a "collaboration"

they do jack shit for Commerce and Laredo......now that SA is open and they got a campus for it they have done jack shit for it.....TAMU-CT was just a grab for "area" and was never needed

PVAMU just plods along and as long as they do better than the shit show that TSU is well then PVAMU is "doing just fine"

Texarkana is a fucking after thought......they are fucking off masses of money in another "area grab" for Fort Worth and whatever "system center" bullshit they put there

Tarleton was an after thought too, but for some reason they are getting some resources......Corpus is the only one that really gets major attention it seems and I believe that is because it would be easy for the politicians there to look and say "Kingsville aggy" and "this area nothing UT"......well except the UT Marine Sciences Institute that is right there in the area and the Harte endowment is a lot of money they do not want to lose access to....it would be easy for them to fuck that off, but the citizens of Corpus have called them out before and with Galveston already there as a marine facility for aggy and with the UT Marine Sciences right there by Corpus and Kingsville as an aggy system campus.....well fuck around too much and it could be UT-CC

really where aggy fucked up badly there was not-so-sharp failing with a merger of Kingville and CC  which would have made a really nice university with a lot of quality and complementary programs.....it really would have been a better merger than UT-B and UT-Pan Am when it came to fit and future possibilities........but not-so-sharp is a fucking idiot and did not sell it and of course did not offer shit to incentivize it and the Kingsville residents saw it as a way they were definitely going to get fucked like they always do and the Corpus residents saw it as a way they would start getting fucked like Kingsville

the problem is not-so-sharp is not a system chancellor he is a fucking cock gobbling college station idiot that looks over the shoulder of presidents of college station and fucks around and stifles them and runs them off....and all the other system schools get "promotions from within the system" which means loyal yo college station people that even if they are good people they just take the "title" the money, and ride the job into retirement and repeat 

the second shittiest run system is UH for some of the same reasons on a smaller scale.....including the dual "chancellor/president" position

the third shittiest is north Texas state that has been hijacked by city of dallas fuck heads that steal state higher ed dollars for "spend in our area hey look some janitor jobs in dallas proper" bullshit.....and they fuck the Denton campus over in the process and they leave TCOM alone, but they also do not do jack shit for TCOM......the UT System would be well served to make a move on TCOM and take it away and merge it in with UTA and also offer a MD degree in addition to the DO degree and ramp up the research and them merge UTSW in with UTD

I believe sooner than later the UT System will be lobbying The State of Texas to amend the funding formula for medical schools so that there is not a funding penalty for a medical school being under the administration of a 4 year university

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2 hours ago, ButtFumble said:

I realize to a degree you are poking at aggy, but sadly that is in fact a reality

aggy at one time was doing some OK things for TAMU-K with the Kleberg Institute, but then they started to pull some of that back....they have taken things from them with horticulture, and they have screwed them in engineering too.....they straight fucked them on the Erma Lerma Derma Herma Rangel Pharmacy School

they ignored WTAMU until Tech went for a vet school and then suddenly they tried to pour money up there for a "collaboration"

they do jack shit for Commerce and Laredo......now that SA is open and they got a campus for it they have done jack shit for it.....TAMU-CT was just a grab for "area" and was never needed

PVAMU just plods along and as long as they do better than the shit show that TSU is well then PVAMU is "doing just fine"

Texarkana is a fucking after thought......they are fucking off masses of money in another "area grab" for Fort Worth and whatever "system center" bullshit they put there

Tarleton was an after thought too, but for some reason they are getting some resources......Corpus is the only one that really gets major attention it seems and I believe that is because it would be easy for the politicians there to look and say "Kingsville aggy" and "this area nothing UT"......well except the UT Marine Sciences Institute that is right there in the area and the Harte endowment is a lot of money they do not want to lose access to....it would be easy for them to fuck that off, but the citizens of Corpus have called them out before and with Galveston already there as a marine facility for aggy and with the UT Marine Sciences right there by Corpus and Kingsville as an aggy system campus.....well fuck around too much and it could be UT-CC

really where aggy fucked up badly there was not-so-sharp failing with a merger of Kingville and CC  which would have made a really nice university with a lot of quality and complementary programs.....it really would have been a better merger than UT-B and UT-Pan Am when it came to fit and future possibilities........but not-so-sharp is a fucking idiot and did not sell it and of course did not offer shit to incentivize it and the Kingsville residents saw it as a way they were definitely going to get fucked like they always do and the Corpus residents saw it as a way they would start getting fucked like Kingsville

the problem is not-so-sharp is not a system chancellor he is a fucking cock gobbling college station idiot that looks over the shoulder of presidents of college station and fucks around and stifles them and runs them off....and all the other system schools get "promotions from within the system" which means loyal yo college station people that even if they are good people they just take the "title" the money, and ride the job into retirement and repeat 

the second shittiest run system is UH for some of the same reasons on a smaller scale.....including the dual "chancellor/president" position

the third shittiest is north Texas state that has been hijacked by city of dallas fuck heads that steal state higher ed dollars for "spend in our area hey look some janitor jobs in dallas proper" bullshit.....and they fuck the Denton campus over in the process and they leave TCOM alone, but they also do not do jack shit for TCOM......the UT System would be well served to make a move on TCOM and take it away and merge it in with UTA and also offer a MD degree in addition to the DO degree and ramp up the research and them merge UTSW in with UTD

I believe sooner than later the UT System will be lobbying The State of Texas to amend the funding formula for medical schools so that there is not a funding penalty for a medical school being under the administration of a 4 year university

You used a lot of words to say fucking aggy sucks...

  • Hook 'Em 6
15 hours ago, SHOOTER12 said:

Lol, I had totally forgotten about that. 


Its been a rough ten years. 


14 hours ago, TreatyOak said:

Thanks for posting. I'm gonna create my version of a statue commemorating this incredible historical moment titled The Battle of Kyle Field.  


That calls not for a statue, but a gotdang di-orama. 

  • Hook 'Em 1
On 2/16/2024 at 8:47 AM, Longboard Horn said:

Speaking of aggy Galveston, here's a throwback from Mardi Gras 2014. It never gets old. I will always share this because it's too damn funny and is a perfect representation of aggy.

The fake Navy showed up late for the parade and still marched after it was over. Oh aggy, never stop being you! 



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21 hours ago, 83Horn said:

This reminds me, what ever happened to MrPhlegm?  Did I miss something?

People sure bitched about his crazy posting a lot and at some point, he may have gotten banned.

I’m concerned that he may have had a serious health issue…or worse. I appreciated that his crazy rambling was unique and had been a presence on Texas boards for a couple of decades. 

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