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7 hours ago, Walden Ponderer said:

What a train wreck of a culture. Can you imagine anyone here defending txtow? I suppose Russell Erxleben might be a better parallel, but 1) nobody here defends him, either, and 2) Erxleben was actually talented, so the temptation to defend him as part of the tribe would seem more plausible. A piece of shit is still a piece of shit, though, tribal connection or not.

On Texags if you’re a Longhorn and post on rivalries mods like that loser will take your personal information and doxx you.  

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After reading that thread, those maroons claim he had a history of ripping off fellow posters for legal services he couldn’t and didn’t perform. They reported him to texags who in turn made him a moderator and invited him on to their radio shows. Good job Looch!

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2 minutes ago, LW Goatman said:

After reading that thread, those maroons claim he had a history of ripping off fellow posters for legal services he couldn’t and didn’t perform. They reported him to texags who in turn made him a moderator and invited him on to their radio shows. Good job Looch!

aggy doesn’t lie, cheat or steal, but tolerates those who do. And by tolerate, I mean celebrate. And by celebrate, I also mean enable.

Most Aggies don't believe one of their own could possibly be an immoral person. It's incredibly bizarre, but they really do think every one of their own is a down-to-earth, God-fearing, righteous person.
Most New Mexico State University folks aren't immoral persons nor Utah Staters or UC Davisers but what the fuck does that have to do with aggy, aggy boy?
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Morality requires there to be a truth or standard to be held to.  Aggie delusion keeps that standard moving to whatever they can spin their current situation to in their minds.

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Morality requires there to be a truth or standard to be held to.  Aggie delusion keeps that standard moving to whatever they can spin their current situation to in their minds.
You seem stupid. We don't give a shit about NMSU delusions mr aggy sheep wanker boy.
Isn’t that the same guy that got disbarred for trafficking weed out of Arizona?

He was suspended by the Bar and reinstated once his probation for the pot ended. He’s not active with the Bar possibly for failure to pay child support (almost 75k behind I think). The theft charge, if it was for legal work, should probably garner him a long suspension and maybe disbarment, if the Bar finds out it, which it probably already knows about it or the other BS listed in that texags thread.

I knew him and know people he used to work with before he went completely off the rails. Is it weird that I hope this is a substance abuse problem which people can come out of as opposed to him just being a dirtbag? He has high school age sons who this has to be fucking up badly.

1 hour ago, markstanco said:

This conversation totally happened.


Why they feel like made up stories are post worthy is odd.

I've come to believe that they think they are psy-ops against the evil enemy. They follow a template:

Cool Ag doing something cool is confronted by a sip dressed in sip gear proclaiming sip greatness. (Projection)

Cool Ag coolly puts the sip in his place by calm Socratic method. 

Sip does slow burn.

Cool Ag just walks away.

Ags on internet applaud and begin to cook up their own fiction.

None of it ever happens.

I once took apart the Texags claim that sips threw urine on Vietnam vets in Memorial Stadium. Did the sips keep vials of urine handy for such an occasion or did they pee into a cup on the spot? Nothing. I just signed out of Texags and walked away.

Actually happened. I haven't posted there in years. 

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47 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

I've come to believe that they think they are psy-ops against the evil enemy. They follow a template:

Cool Ag doing something cool is confronted by a sip dressed in sip gear proclaiming sip greatness. (Projection)

Cool Ag coolly puts the sip in his place by calm Socratic method. 

Sip does slow burn.

Cool Ag just walks away.

Ags on internet applaud and begin to cook up their own fiction.

None of it ever happens.

so basically every millennial editorial cartoon ever


In 2010, when we played them for the last time at DKR, I was riding down San Jac in one of those bicycle taxis with my mom. Truck full of aggy pulls up and asks a question to the guy riding the bike(I think where to park) but then turns his head towards me and says, "you know we're going to beat y'all tonight, right?" My mind was on something else at the time but I shot back a confused look and simply said, "Ok?..." All his buddies started laughing and whooping and he peeled off and took a right directly into traffic and stopped roughly 15 feet away from us. 

I've only been doing this message board thing for 3 years so if anyone can recall a similar story posted over there but with the usual grandiose, macho aggy telling off the stupid sip ending, it was me. They are a special bunch, to say the least. 

1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:

I've come to believe that they think they are psy-ops against the evil enemy. They follow a template:

Cool Ag doing something cool is confronted by a sip dressed in sip gear proclaiming sip greatness. (Projection)

Cool Ag coolly puts the sip in his place by calm Socratic method. 

Sip does slow burn.

Cool Ag just walks away.

Ags on internet applaud and begin to cook up their own fiction.

None of it ever happens.

I once took apart the Texags claim that sips threw urine on Vietnam vets in Memorial Stadium. Did the sips keep vials of urine handy for such an occasion or did they pee into a cup on the spot? Nothing. I just signed out of Texags and walked away.

Actually happened. I haven't posted there in years. 

Just like the inevitable post on texaggy  by first time opponent visitors to Kyle field gushing what a wonderful experience it was. Better than any other place.

All written via the identical template.

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Apparently, aggy yell leaders aren't milkmen, they're janitors.

From the aggy website:

According to legend, the Aggies were being out-scored so badly during one football game that the TWU students were threatening to leave the game due to boredom. To prevent this, the upperclassmen ordered the freshmen, or “fish,” to find a way to entertain their guests.  The freshmen raided a janitor’s closet and changed into the white coveralls they found there and began leading the crowd in yells from the track area in front of the stands. The freshmen got so much attention from the women of TWU that it was decided that only upperclassmen would be allowed to participate in this entertainment in the future.


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10 minutes ago, Born Burnt said:

Apparently, aggy yell leaders aren't milkmen, they're janitors.

From the aggy website:

According to legend, the Aggies were being out-scored so badly during one football game that the TWU students were threatening to leave the game due to boredom. To prevent this, the upperclassmen ordered the freshmen, or “fish,” to find a way to entertain their guests.  The freshmen raided a janitor’s closet and changed into the white coveralls they found there and began leading the crowd in yells from the track area in front of the stands. The freshmen got so much attention from the women of TWU that it was decided that only upperclassmen would be allowed to participate in this entertainment in the future.


So the repressed homo-eroticism started as a freshman hazing incident.  They liked it so much that it became a privilege reserved for upperclassmen.

A whole lot of stuff at aggy makes a lot more sense now...

50 minutes ago, sushihorn said:

So the repressed homo-eroticism started as a freshman hazing incident.  They liked it so much that it became a privilege reserved for upperclassmen.

A whole lot of stuff at aggy makes a lot more sense now...

Here we go again, The aggy web site claims the game where they were badly outscored was in the 1907 season. In that season, aggy lost one game - to Texas by the score of 11-6. Also, the first instance of the phrase "yell leader" in the aggy newspapers was in 1906, the year before they claim the students came down to lead the yells.

  • Like 2
4 hours ago, markstanco said:

This conversation totally happened.


Why they feel like made up stories are post worthy is odd.

Thanks for posting. I have read so many of these types of stories on texags over the years and there is a high percentage of those cult members that believe it. It's kinda like the college football version of Penthouse Forum.

"I can't believe I am sharing this, but this is a totally true story. I am recently divorced, and I just moved in to my new apartment. I got a loud knock on the door at midnight, and I opened the door and there were two gorgeous twins wrapped only in towels, claiming they didn't have any hot water and asked to use my shower...."

21 minutes ago, BurntOrangeCrush said:


"I can't believe I am sharing this, but this is a totally true story. I am recently divorced, and I just moved in to my new apartment. I got a loud knock on the door at midnight, and I opened the door and there were two gorgeous twins wrapped only in towels, claiming they didn't have any hot water and asked to use my shower...."

Is there a different forum to get the rest of this story

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  • Haha 1
29 minutes ago, BurntOrangeCrush said:

"I can't believe I am sharing this, but this is a totally true story. I am recently divorced, and I just moved in to my new apartment. I got a loud knock on the door at midnight, and I opened the door and there were two gorgeous twins wrapped only in towels, claiming they didn't have any hot water and asked to use my shower...."

You'll be hearing from my lawyer about this rather blatant attempt at identity theft.

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  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, Randolph Duke said:

Here we go again, The aggy web site claims the game where they were badly outscored was in the 1907 season. In that season, aggy lost one game - to Texas by the score of 11-6. Also, the first instance of the phrase "yell leader" in the aggy newspapers was in 1906, the year before they claim the students came down to lead the yells.

Lol. Wow...and that’s on their website. How can they not do a simple fact check?


It amazes me how not one aggy has the intellect to actually confirm or document any of these idiotic fairy tales. aggy is a culture of stories. None of the members of the culture have the capacity to frame these stories in actual historical context. Literally everything they are told, they believe hook, line and jizz jar. It is amazing. It is a culture of fairt tales and no one has the intellect to grasp the stories are fake. And they call it "higher education." Amazing. Sad, but amazing.

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I used to post on Texags way back when (joethiesmansanke or something similar) and remember that txjortsagent guy. He was a smug cunt and thought pretty highly of himself. I don’t wish ill of anyone in real life but if bad shit had to happen to someone I’m glad it’s him.

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2 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

It amazes me how not one aggy has the intellect to actually confirm or document any of these idiotic fairy tales. aggy is a culture of stories. None of the members of the culture have the capacity to frame these stories in actual historical context. Literally everything they are told, they believe hook, line and jizz jar. It is amazing. It is a culture of fairt tales and no one has the intellect to grasp the stories are fake. And they call it "higher education." Amazing. Sad, but amazing.

Like a lot of pre-literate tribal cultures, aggy relies on spoken word mythology sometimes glorified as "oral history."  This is a key element of both Fish Camp maoist re-education as well as their jizz jar traditions.

23 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

It amazes me how not one aggy has the intellect to actually confirm or document any of these idiotic fairy tales. aggy is a culture of stories. None of the members of the culture have the capacity to frame these stories in actual historical context. Literally everything they are told, they believe hook, line and jizz jar. It is amazing. It is a culture of fairt tales and no one has the intellect to grasp the stories are fake. And they call it "higher education." Amazing. Sad, but amazing.

Are these repugnant make-believe stories? Crosses between flatus and fantasy?

On 1/26/2019 at 8:04 AM, texaslong said:

Every time they say “we have Jimbo”, it’s them reassuring themselves that everything is going to be okay.  It’s the same thing as them telling everyone that they are in the SEC after every big Texas win. I still laugh every time I see that video of Jimbo getting off the plane in College Station for the first time. They went crazy without him having done shit for them yet. That’s how they celebrate everything. When the results come in it’s nothing like they expected. 

I hate to tell the dumb little bastards, but it's more like Jimbo has them. And there are 75 million reasons to back that up.

On 1/26/2019 at 8:04 AM, texaslong said:

Every time they say “we have Jimbo”, it’s them reassuring themselves that everything is going to be okay.  It’s the same thing as them telling everyone that they are in the SEC after every big Texas win. I still laugh every time I see that video of Jimbo getting off the plane in College Station for the first time. They went crazy without him having done shit for them yet. That’s how they celebrate everything. When the results come in it’s nothing like they expected. 

This. We are very critical of Herman, sometimes maybe too much. Not necessarily a “negative Nancy” but always being realistic is a thing we do. Aggy on the other hand can’t fathom jimbo being a mistake or him making crucial errors. Their delusion with “in jimbo we trust” is comical.

“If that ain’t delusional aggy, it’ll hairlip the pope” 

1 hour ago, Hanrahan said:

I used to post on Texags way back when (joethiesmansanke or something similar) and remember that txjortsagent guy. He was a smug cunt and thought pretty highly of himself. I don’t wish ill of anyone in real life but if bad shit had to happen to someone I’m glad it’s him.

All the Horns left rivalries.  Once you post some facts that own them they just dox you.  

Just in case you guys run into him in real life.

Holy shit I’ve actually run into this guy while bar hopping in Longview a few times. He’s always decked out in aggy gear and is one of the biggest douchebags I have ever met.
Apparently, aggy yell leaders aren't milkmen, they're janitors.
From the aggy website:
According to legend, the Aggies were being out-scored so badly during one football game that the TWU students were threatening to leave the game due to boredom. To prevent this, the upperclassmen ordered the freshmen, or “fish,” to find a way to entertain their guests.  The freshmen raided a janitor’s closet and changed into the white coveralls they found there and began leading the crowd in yells from the track area in front of the stands. The freshmen got so much attention from the women of TWU that it was decided that only upperclassmen would be allowed to participate in this entertainment in the future.
Actually they are TDCJ escapees.
Thanks for posting. I have read so many of these types of stories on texags over the years and there is a high percentage of those cult members that believe it. It's kinda like the college football version of Penthouse Forum.
"I can't believe I am sharing this, but this is a totally true story. I am recently divorced, and I just moved in to my new apartment. I got a loud knock on the door at midnight, and I opened the door and there were two gorgeous twins wrapped only in towels, claiming they didn't have any hot water and asked to use my shower...."
Wut? You fap to threads on texags?

This. We are very critical of Herman, sometimes maybe too much. Not necessarily a “negative Nancy” but always being realistic is a thing we do. Aggy on the other hand can’t fathom jimbo being a mistake or him making crucial errors. Their delusion with “in jimbo we trust” is comical.
“If that ain’t delusional aggy, it’ll hairlip the pope” 
Wood eye! Wood eye!

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