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35 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

I think there's got to be a way for Jimbo Fisher to send a message. Look, I don't have a buyout because I have all the leverage in the world. Just like I didn't have a buyout at Florida State. Just like Nick Saban doesn't have a buyout. That wasn't put in there just so I could just up and leave. If you have all the power and all the leverage you're not going to have a buyout. you know, if you're a pro athlete, certain guys can have a no trade clause and other guys couldn't. 

hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whatever gets you through your soggy nights, Looch


Looch is the best. "Sit the BOR & President of a publicly funded university and tell them that a WV hillbilly fb coach who raped the school to come work for one of his best friends, should make all the decisions"


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12 minutes ago, SwanderedTalent said:

hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whatever gets you through your soggy nights, Looch

It's still unfathomable that they gave him that contract and didn't include some sort of buyout language.

2 minutes ago, C-Man said:

It's still unfathomable that they gave him that contract and didn't include some sort of buyout language.

Oh, there was language.  Just no $$$

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

Transcription Time: (some of it at least)

Gabe: There are exactly 226 days until week 12 of the college football season in Death Valley and Baton Rouge but who's counting. Texas A&M and LSU, 226 days away. That will be Saturday November 30th. (station plug). We've got a lot to react to and talk about based on events that took place at Texas A&M and really more importantly in Baton Rouge yesterday. A jaw dropping turn of events really when you think how quickly news happened yesterday in 24 hours or less, way less. Joe Alleva, not so voluntarily steps down as athletics director at LSU and Scott Woodward, who on the surface had it rolling at Texas A&M, leaves an athletic department as rapid rising as any athletic department in the entire country to return home to LSU. He's an Baton Rouge native. He's an LSU graduate from the mid 80s. He worked there. Won a national championship there as an administrator, working very closely on the athletic side. Shockingly gone so quick after three outstanding years on the job. 

(lots of back and forth bitching, some choice quotes below)

Olin Buchanan (OB): I always say that if Billy Liucci reports it involving A&M, you might as well say that its coming form the burning bush. Yesterday he said it wasn't necessarily a money issue. So if it's not a money issue. Let's say money is of a secondary issue. What would be the first issue? Is there a friction with someone else in the power structure? And If there is friction, my question is why in hell would there be any friction with an athletic director that has done what Scott Woodward has done.  

OB: The athletic department is in a good situation. I think Reed arena needs an upgrade. The problem is, Jimbo Fisher on more than one occasion has said that Scott Woodward is the reason he is here. 

Aggy Jim from St. Louis Missouri: Oh god, this is like the meteor hit us, I knew Alleva was on thin ice over there, my phone started lighting up last night. I didn't see this going down at all. what concerns me immediately. not only did we lose an a great AD, but we might lose Jimbo to Baton Rouge?

OB: Now again, that doesn't necessarily mean that would happen, because Jimbo says he's happy, but why would you put yourself in that position. 

Gabe Bock: As Olin said the only reason he would ever leave would be because Scott Woodward is at LSU.  

(Looch finally shows up)

Gabe:  Give us your reaction Billy. 

Looch: Not a story that I wanted to have come out yesterday, I'll tell you that. I think what Scott did here speaks for itself when you look at the recent hire of The Buzz Williams and th hire the Jimbo Fisher a year and a half ago. I think its 2 of the biggest hires in A&M athletic history. modern anyway, there's some guy in a funky derby hat. That's where I'm going. I think there. Jackie, Jimbo, and Buzz. He just did things what people didn't think could be done around here in terms of hiring.  I think he changed a level of expectation. When I think of athletic directions that I'll remember that have been though here. It's a short list. I haven't been through a bunch of them. I think Bill Byrne helped ushered A&M into a certain era, a certain level of expectation we hadn't seen around here. The stephen mcgee era. But it really was. It transformed A&M across all sports. And it was like wow this what a real professional athletic director looks like and does. And then Scott Woodward came in and said I think that's what a gangsta AD does, and I mean that as a highest compliment. He did things that people said you couldn't do those here and he said watch me. And i'm gonna do it and you're not gonna even know about it. I just loved the way he operated and moved. and the results, the results, and I don't really care how you move and operate If the results are Jimbo Fisher and Buzz Williams. For a school that could only hire rising mid major basketball coaches in its history. And for a place that could only, I told Finebaum yesteray, yall would have laughed me off the air, when I first heard about Jimbo Fisher, but said that Jimbo Fisher not was only a possibility but Scott Woodward would go out and get him. And he did the same thing at UW.

(loochy sucks off Woodward more. for a LONG TIME)

Looch: Its a big loss for A&M, it's not something they can't recover from. I'm frustrated that I don' tthink it's something it had to happen. A lot of that has to do with the foundation that Scott had layed. But it's a big loss and I'm frustrated because I don't think it had to happen. I don't know with 100% percent certainly that he wouldn't have gone back to LSU, but I don't think it would have been just now. 

Gabe: What could A&M could have done differently?

Looch: I think a lot of it...here's the thing...and Scott would cringe. The money wasn't an issue , like hey I have to have more money, but you've been in a professional locker room before, but sometimes it's about respect, and feeling appreciated, for what you've done. And you look up in the SEC and you 5th or 7th in the conference and your looking  at the names ahead of you. And don't think in the profession he doesn't know what that guy has done and who that guy has hired. And you look down the road in Austin, they give Chris Del Conte a raise to about twice as much as you make. I'm not saying it's about the money, because it's not. Not by Aggie fans, lord knows, let me tell you, I was at a 12th man champions council event. One of my good friends Jim Wilson was inducted, so I attended it as his guest, so a close friend of mine won the most prestigious award.  So I'm there. Scott Woodward rand his relationship with the 12th man foundation. Everyone knows how good that all was. It's above him. And your bosses, you have to feel appreciated and valued. I think there is some level of...he once told me a long time ago. I'm not the type that's gonna go back and forth. I would never ask for more money and do that thing, I'm never going to be like that. If he ever left, the situation wasnt the way he felt it should be.  

(looch rambles on about stuff)

Looch: Here's the deal. It's not that hard here anymore. They have to spend more wisely now because of buyouts. The money is there. The support is there. I don't think the 12th man and the athletic department has ever been more in lockstep then they are now. Again you have to credit (who gives a fuck). There's no problem with the 12th man and the athletic department. you have all that stuff. It's not that hard now. Get great coaches. Give them what they need to succeed. Step back and let them do their jobs. Get a great AD. Let them do what they do. And this place will win. And I feel like letting a piece like Woodward go is really frustrating. Because of how good a job he did, and how good a job this is still. You can really mitigate this loss and you can come out of it and go, and if you make the right hire, you can roll out of it and be fine. 

(Long winded question and joke from OB)

OB: Do we need to become big Ed Orgeron fans? 

Looch: I think Scott Woodward is walking into a clown show in Baton rouge. I think he's fully eyes wide open more so than anyone would be. Which is even more just blows your mind that he left for that.  He knows exactly what's he walking into and still left. He knows what he walking into and it's a clown show. That's just frustrating. And I think Ed O. just from talking to people in the profession. he may have won 10 games last year, but god he has got zero on the respect meter from the college football world. And I think even college football fans and their media. That's kinda of a wait an see because its' never going to last type of thing. And Will Wade, that's a whole nother bag of worms right there. I don't see how Scott will walk in there and keep him. I really don't. So those two things, which is interesting because LSU fans love Will Wade. But the AD and the professional AD in Scott Woodward is better than Joe Alleva times 100. I think the move you got to make is to get rid of that guy, so that will be interesting, but getting back to Ed. O. Look I get it. I think there's got to be a way for Jimbo Fisher to send a message. Look, I don't have a buyout because I have all the leverage in the world. Just like I didn't have a buyout at Florida State. Just like Nick Saban doesn't have a buyout. That wasn't put in there just so I could just up and leave. If you have all the power and all the leverage you're not going to have a buyout. you know, if you're a pro athlete, certain guys can have a no trade clause and other guys couldn't. 


Looch: Do I think that LSU and Scott Woodward will make a run at Jimbo if Ed O in an year or two, I think the bad part of that, I think you'll probably have to weather that and that sucks. But I also think, if he's making 7.5 million now. hell I don't know the number.  I'm not trying to spend more of the 12th man's money and such.  In a year or two, and this thing's still going up and college football salaries are going up. Maybe it's 8.5 million. And too get someone away from an 8.5, and I don't care there's not a buyout, to get someone away from a 8.5 million job and all this. Because no matter what, there's still more to offer here. The only thing about LSU I would say, there's history with Jimbo, and it's easier to recruit there. Certainly to get the players you need. But that's not enough in my opinion. And I very confident in saying that. I'm very confident in saying that. With everything he's gonna have here. With it going like a year from now, I think he's going to have it rolling here and you're not going to want to leave. And here's the other part of it Olin and the biggest part. He had an AD that he likes. I promise you that Scott Woodward is not the only, he may have been the only guy who could have gotten him here. He's not the only guy in college athletics that can make for a very happy for a college football coach and can keep him here. I think its important Olin, that they sit down, the board of regents, and whoever else has anything to do with this. Today, yesterday, last night, whatever. And you need to sit down with the board of regents and you go to that head football coach of yours. And you say we want you heavily involved as anyone in any AD we hire and give me your list. Because It is what it is, Jimbo has all the leverage in the world and he should. If you're trying to win a national championship in football here. You got to keep him happy, but Give him even more tools for success that he had under Scott Woodward. I think he's going to have a big of a voice in who they hire as anyone in the process now. 

So, it wasn’t about the money but that the money was disrespectful low? That’s a hell of a contortion. 

Edited by ShaggyBevo RIP
21 minutes ago, jinx said:

Oh, there was language.  Just no $$$

It was such great legalese too. "Coach agrees that we think he's really swell, and if he left us, it would fuck us up the butt and not in a good way like when two Ags is out in the woods huntin', so he agrees he will think real long and hard before he does anything like that"

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2 hours ago, MAUFRAIS said:

Aggy to Jimbo: you can have any ad you want. Give us the list.

Jimbo: Scott Woodward

aggy: he gone

Jimbo: I can haz a raise?

aggy: ok

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

So what if in the next year or two Orgeron rolls into the last game of the season needing a win to keep his job.  Since that game is against Aggy do they have to root against their own team to try and keep their 75 million dollar man?

Edited by chemHORN
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26 minutes ago, chemHORN said:

So what if in the next year or two Orgeron rolls into the last game of the season needing a win to keep his job.  Since that game is against Aggy do they have to root against their own team to try and keep their 75 million dollar man?

It’s not a ridiculous hypothetical 

Posted (edited)


" I was at a 12th man champions council event "

How can that actually be a thing? There's no way that's real, right? Is that code for glory hole time or something?

Edited by Dennis Taylor
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3 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

I don't have a buyout because I have all the leverage in the world.

no, dipshit....he has all of the leverage in lit station...that is it.....no other University anywhere would have entered into this type of arrangement with Jimbo....aggy HAD to offer over "all of the leverage" (manifest in that ridiculous contract) to get him to show up  there.  It wasn't Woodward's mad skilz as an AD or his affection for his "friend"....it was aggy necessarily ceding all leverage to that very average coach.


the comparisons  of Jimbo to Gene Chizik seem plausible to me....one time national championship winners who otherwise have has shitty teams with cultures that rotted from the inside but were able to ride the coattail of that one superstar QB who was only playing for his team because of his personally running interference from the NCAA.  (and law enforcement) for his gift horse.

Gene Chizik isn't garnering any contract without a buyout clause and neither would Jimbo any fucking where else. 

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" I was at a 12th man champions council event "
How can that actually be a thing? There's no way that's real, right? Is that code for glory hole time or something?
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I've heard a couple college basketball "insiders" say over the past few weeks that Buzz Williams hated VTech and it was widely known since January that he was going to get out of there as fast as he possibly could. I'm sure he's grateful to atm for money whipping him so he could get out of there.


Aggy delusion at its best - let's just get Kirby Hocutt from Tech. Done deal.

directors at Texas Tech, Texas and Oklahoma are among the highest paid at their positions and account for three of 17 Power Five athletic directors that make at least $1 million, according to a database released Monday by AthleticDirectorU.com.

Texas Tech’s Kirby Hocutt ($1.45 million) is the Big 12’s highest-paid athletic director and ranks fifth nationally, while Texas’ Chris Del Conte ($1.44 million) comes in one spot behind. Oklahoma’s Joe Castiglione ($1.15 million) ranks No. 9 on the list. The numbers, obtained in partnership with USA Today Sports, reflect the 2017-18 fiscal year.

47 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

How much talk is there around RC Slocum being the next AD? Anything credible anywhere?

Tarp is saying they will probably promote someone within the system to AD

1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

How much talk is there around RC Slocum being the next AD? Anything credible anywhere?

Word is that athletic shoe sales are up among the aggy secretarial pool, so there may be something to it.

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Looch: I think Scott Woodward is walking into a clown show in Baton rouge. I think he's fully eyes wide open more so than anyone would be. Which is even more just blows your mind that he left for that.  He knows exactly what's he walking into and still left. He knows what he walking into and it's a clown show. That's just frustrating.

47 National Team Championships

Men's Basketball (1) 
Boxing (1)**
Football (3)* 
1958, 2003, 2007
Men's Golf (5)
1940, 1942, 1947, 1955, 2015
Men's Indoor Track (2)  
2001, 2004
Women's Indoor Track (11) 
1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004
Men's Outdoor Track (4) 
1933, 1989, 1990, 2002
Women's Outdoor Track (14) 
1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2008
Baseball (6) 
1991, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2009

Overall NCAA-Sponsored Championships * (Division I only , through 2014-15 season)
1. UCLA 112
2. Stanford 107
3. Southern Cal 100
4. Oklahoma State 51
5. Penn State 46
t6. LSU 43
t6. Texas 43
t6. Arkansas  43


If LSU is a clown show, what does that make aggy?

2 hours ago, closetojumping said:

How much talk is there around RC Slocum being the next AD? Anything credible anywhere?

My sources are saying Mack Brown.  

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

Tarp is saying they will probably promote someone within the system to AD

Please let the days and weeks of “we have the money” and “big time names will be lining up to come here” end with promoting from within. 

  • Like 1
Looch: I think Scott Woodward is walking into a clown show in Baton rouge. I think he's fully eyes wide open more so than anyone would be. Which is even more just blows your mind that he left for that.  He knows exactly what's he walking into and still left. He knows what he walking into and it's a clown show. That's just frustrating.

47 National Team Championships

Men's Basketball (1) 
Boxing (1)**
Football (3)* 
1958, 2003, 2007
Men's Golf (5)
1940, 1942, 1947, 1955, 2015
Men's Indoor Track (2)  
2001, 2004
Women's Indoor Track (11) 
1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004
Men's Outdoor Track (4) 
1933, 1989, 1990, 2002
Women's Outdoor Track (14) 
1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2008
Baseball (6) 
1991, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2009
Overall NCAA-Sponsored Championships * (Division I only , through 2014-15 season)
1. UCLA 112
2. Stanford 107
3. Southern Cal 100
4. Oklahoma State 51
5. Penn State 46
t6. LSU 43
t6. Texas 43
t6. Arkansas  43
If LSU is a clown show, what does that make aggy?

A shit show

With clown shoes

And scared sheep

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