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15 minutes ago, SwanderedTalent said:

would that be your final solution, per se?

I think all Aggies should be fixed. Spayed, neutered. Whichever.

My "final solution" is an amendment to the state Constitution terminating aggy's status as a branch of The University of Texas, and a segregation of the financial assets of the PUF.

That aggy can be so adamantly against anything that entails segregation baffles me.

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5 minutes ago, MrPhlegm said:

why u hate ucdavis utah state nmsu?

aggy can't be fixed because you can't fix stupid.

you are proof of this aggy boy.

Evidently stupid is offering a program where stupid can be fixed for free, if the A&M student being fixed is receiving Pell grants, or other types of government student aid.


Who qualifies for an appointment with the AgHS Mobile Unit?

If you live in Brazos County and are currently receiving any form of government assistance, you may qualify for a low-cost spay/neuter procedure! You are required to show proof of government assistance on the day of your scheduled appointment. 


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19 minutes ago, po elvis said:

Aggy could have paid $200k to a HS coach and got the same results so far. Arkansas is going to end up as one of aggy's top 3 wins of the season.

Hell, this guy woulda done it for free (or at least for a case of bad beer), and would have been right in keeping with their traditions and values:


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speaking of pell grants one of my roomates (who looked like Mexican Jesus) was on a Hansel hazelwood grant. once a month when his check came he would take it to George's Get It And Go and cash it and buy as many kegs as he could with it and go sit out at the pool and we had a party. good shit.


ps he's a lawyer now.






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Schadenfreude,  thy name is aggy. lol


Zach Evans back in town this weekend

Assuming this is true, the visitor list just got even better. Let's show these guys a great atmosphere this weekend.

There is more to school than just national championships. Not every player is just worried about trophies.
A&M destroys Bama in a million ways. Our traditions, atmosphere, student population, academics, fanbase, alumni network, etc etc.
It's also worth mentioning that Evans has a great relationship with Jimbo and Demas.



Rivals reporting RB Zach Evans will head to Baton Rouge this weekend instead of heading back to A&M for the Alabama game.



Edited by Randolph Duke
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7 minutes ago, Spawn of Cthulhu said:

"Final solution", 1939 was the pinnacle, etc. Not liking the parallels.

The single most bizarre experience I've ever had was walking into aggy Chabad and seeing all these black and white photos of aggy Jews in Corps uniforms. It's bad enough seeing the aryan dorks dressed up as storm troopers; seeing Jewish cosplayers looking like Mussolini's finest was just too much. I mean, what the actual fuck.

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6 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

There is more to school than just national championships. Not every player is just worried about trophies.
A&M destroys Bama in a million ways. Our traditions, atmosphere, student population, academics, fanbase, alumni network, etc etc.

This is great.  Alabama's tradition is winning championships.  A&M's traditions involve dogs and toy soldiers and nut squeezing.  

Alabama has put a lot of money into recruiting top students from other states in the last decade.  A&M has turned their university into a diploma mill to the point that East Texas A&M has a lower acceptance rate.  

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"Final solution", 1939 was the pinnacle, etc. Not liking the parallels.

remember swanny is aggy and so likes all that goosestepping final solution shit.


btw I have been at the rally grounds in Neuremberg. very creepy. ultimate aggy jizz jar location.


very seig whoop!


aggyland, aggyland über alles,

Über alles in der Welt,

Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze

Brüderlich zusammenhält.

Von der Maas bis an die Memel,

Von der Etsch bis an den Belt,

 |: aggyland, aggyland über alles,

  Über alles in der Welt! mellow.png


aggy Frauen, aggy Treue,

aggy Wein und aggy Sang

Sollen in der Welt behalten

Ihren alten schönen Klang,

Uns zu edler Tat begeistern

Unser ganzes Leben lang.

 |: aggy Frauen, aggy Treue,

  aggy Wein und aggy Sang! mellow.png


Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit

Für das aggy aggyland!

Danach lasst uns alle streben

Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit

Sind des Glückes Unterpfand;

 |: Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,

  Blühe, aggy aggyland! mellow.png









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Not every player is just worried about trophies.

Put THAT on the fucking stadium wall, that epitomizes Aggie football.

A&M destroys Bama in a million ways. Our traditions, atmosphere, student population, academics, fanbase, alumni network,

The first two are fully subjective and it's loser talk to puff yourself up saying your nebulously defined "traditions" or "atmosphere" are superior to Alabama's. Neither do I believe the atmosphere one; I haven't been to a game at Alabama yet but I seriously doubt it's in any way lacking compared to the shitty experience of College Station. 

In what way does A&M's "student population" "destroy" Alabama's? Same question for fan base. Does this guy think that, simply because the student population is larger? He can't possibly think A&M's fan base is larger than Alabama's. It seems counter-intuitive that a fan base that denigrates "t shirt fans" would also insist it's larger than Alabama's, but then, Aggie self-awareness is a tautological pun.

Alumni network-- again, in what way? The overrated Aggie Network exists in a few industries in a few Texas cities. I doubt anyone in Alabama fucking cares. I

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4 minutes ago, SwanderedTalent said:


Put THAT on the fucking stadium wall, that epitomizes Aggie football.


The first two are fully subjective and it's loser talk to puff yourself up saying your nebulously defined "traditions" or "atmosphere" are superior to Alabama's. Neither do I believe the atmosphere one; I haven't been to a game at Alabama yet but I seriously doubt it's in any way lacking compared to the shitty experience of College Station. 

In what way does A&M's "student population" "destroy" Alabama's? Same question for fan base. Does this guy think that, simply because the student population is larger? He can't possibly think A&M's fan base is larger than Alabama's. It seems counter-intuitive that a fan base that denigrates "t shirt fans" would also insist it's larger than Alabama's, but then, Aggie self-awareness is a tautological pun.

Alumni network-- again, in what way? The overrated Aggie Network exists in a few industries in a few Texas cities. I doubt anyone in Alabama fucking cares. I

Someone in a position of responsibility within the Texas A&M System needs to start insisting a greater importance be placed on promoting the mental health of the students. 

I’m serious. 


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21 hours ago, Jersey Man10 said:



21 hours ago, gyroprotagonist said:

only maroon and white in the stands.  alittleracist.jpg


17 hours ago, Duval Street said:

I assumed the white was all the empty seats.


17 hours ago, Jkwellborn said:

No, the maroon is the empty seats.

Is that big yellow section in the lower bowl between the 5 and 45 the LSU band? No wonder the swamprat ags were so upset with us putting their band in the  upper deck.

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