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20 hours ago, Reagan1k said:

Anybody got any of these as heirlooms or collect them?  99's have a bit of a cult following and I can now see why - fantastic feeling rifle.

I have a 99 in 300 savage that my father and I built when I was about 12.  The gun was a casualty of fire in a gun smiths home and the stock was trashed.  So we ordered one and shaped it and finished the fitting.  Very cool little gun. I’ve never shot anything but paper with it.  It’s also the only gun I’ve ever had that has “unintentionally fired”. As I was chambering a round one time, it went bang.  Had it checked by 2 smiths and no one could find an issue.  So it sits in the safe now. Pretty much reinforced the bore always in safe direction rule. It was of course, but when something like that happens, it sticks with you. 

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20 hours ago, Reagan1k said:


Anybody got any of these as heirlooms or collect them?  99's have a bit of a cult following and I can now see why - fantastic feeling rifle.


My regular shooter is a 99 in a .308.  Inherited it from my FIL.  Serial # says it was manufactured in the 1950s.  It's a great rifle.

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Hah that’d make me pause for a good long while.

I remember the only hangfire I’ve ever seen, dude had an old single action army (I’m guessing, but it looked like it from 2 bays away) along with a bunch of other firearms he and his buddy were shooting.

He fires off a few shots and then click-nothing. He points it straight up, turns to his buddy and BANG! Right into the tin roof. RSO is on his ass quick about it.

I’ve since had a light primer strike with an old .25 pistol and I sat there for probably 4-5 minutes just waiting for the bang until I quickly dropped the mag and racked it. Once I realized it was a lps my butthole unpuckered. Lol

6 hours ago, PilotsError said:

I've been shooting the P365 the past week and love it.  Anyone want to talk me out of buying one today?

I'd try but I'm getting mine here in a few weeks

5 hours ago, Speedtrucker said:

I’ll talk you outta it, you should try the p365xl now! With a sig romeo


Looking for a Romeo Zero for my XL but can't find one in stock anywhere.

55 minutes ago, DalTxHornFan said:

My regular shooter is a 99 in a .308.  Inherited it from my FIL.  Serial # says it was manufactured in the 1950s.  It's a great rifle.

The three I picked up are from '35, '46, and '47.

Still waiting on the '47. but the '46 I got in is pristine - hammer price,  plus buyer's premium, plus shipping and I still only have $560 invested in it.

I'm going to have to find a 12-step program to break me free from my Proxibid.com and LiveAuctioneers.com habit - worse than crack to a gun whore like me.

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1 hour ago, Reagan1k said:

I'm going to have to find a 12-step program to break me free from my Proxibid.com and LiveAuctioneers.com habit - worse than crack to a gun whore like me.

Thanks for linking those, I was starting to save too much money FML. 

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Those are gateway drugs to needing a new safe.  If you can think of a make and model, type it into the search function and somewhere in the next 30 days you'll find it for sale at an auction somewhere.

I've got so many older S&W revolvers, pre-64 70's, A3-03's and the like flagged, my phone is always blowing up with alerts.

I was with my wife a few weeks ago and my phone kept going off with alerts saying "x" gun I was watching was coming up in 15 lots - she assumed the notifications were all texts.  She finally said "Who in the hell is texting you so much."  It was easier on my marriage to say it was my girlfriend rather than say it was notifications on guns for which I'd placed bids.

I place a lot of standing bids with a max amount I'm willing to pay and let them auto-bid up to that point.  Most of the time I get passed over but sometimes - too many times..... I get the deal I needed wanted.  

So many baby boomers are dying or liquidating collections that the amount of stuff out there is staggering - Colt SAA and late 1800's / early 1900's Winchester lever guns are everywhere.

Also, the internet has killed a lot of small LGS's and they liquidate those too,  so plenty of modern NIB stuff is sold at a steep discount.

21 minutes ago, Reagan1k said:

So many baby boomers are dying or liquidating collections that the amount of stuff out there is staggering - Colt SAA and late 1800's / early 1900's Winchester lever guns are everywhere.

My best friends dad has SIX walk in safes full of them.  Worth a small fortune.  I'm talking Gen I revolvers with matching serial numbers.  Crazy stuff.  I covet.....

  • Like 2
11 hours ago, Armybrat said:

That would cause a considerable amount of excitement on the Colt forum if he were to post good photos of some of his nice pairs, especially those with ivory grips.

Guys one of a kind.  My best friends father.  Spent 30+ years in engneering with Exxon/Mobile.  Retired outside Jackson Hole years ago before RE prices became absurd.  Has the mentioned gun collection.  Refurbishes and rebuilds old tractors and small cannons for fun.  Became a magistrate and carries a .44mag under his robes.  Used to ride in the Rose Bowl parade decades back and do the cowboy reinactments (firing blanks, etc).  Years back buddy and I were working on his old '73 Bronco.  Dropped in a Mustang 5.0 engine in it.  Being the two football-fucking monkeys that we are, we got stuck.  He's there.  Looking over our shoulder.  Probably laughing.  But we didn't have a part.  So McGyver there just makes it.  Damn thing fit perfectly.  Still on the vehicle.  

Oh, and recently, the old turd got struck by lightning.  Or rather his house did, while we was in the middle of a reloading session.  Took out half his reloading station, and half of one of his ears.  I joked with him if he'd had trimmed the lions mane's worth of hair growing out of the damn thing it would't have burned for so damn long.  Love that guy.  Grew up near Mason, then lived in Midland most of his life.  Good people.  

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On 1/23/2020 at 7:56 AM, PilotsError said:

I've been shooting the P365 the past week and love it.  Anyone want to talk me out of buying one today?

I will try:

If you like that micro compact, try out the Springfield Hellcat too. I have both and like the Hellcat better and it has become my everyday carry pistol.

26 minutes ago, crimsonlonghorn said:

I will try:

If you like that micro compact, try out the Springfield Hellcat too. I have both and like the Hellcat better and it has become my everyday carry pistol.


What do you like better about it?  The problem with the Hellcat is none of my friends own one and the range that I rent guns from doesn't have one to rent.  I don't want to buy without shooting.  But I'm willing to listen.

9 minutes ago, PilotsError said:


What do you like better about it?  The problem with the Hellcat is none of my friends own one and the range that I rent guns from doesn't have one to rent.  I don't want to buy without shooting.  But I'm willing to listen.

The primary reasons are that I like the sight picture better and the extended magazine fits my beefy hands better.

I bought the extension for the P365 but don't care for it as much as the Hellcat's grip. 

There is also a trigger safety on the Hellcat which, because I pocket carry (in a pocket holster), I like having for safety reasons. 


I've never understood the point of a trigger safety.  If the trigger is pulled, it's going off even with a trigger safety.  As far as a thumb safety, the last thing I want to be messing with when shit is going down is a safety.  As long as you have a holster that covers the trigger, that should be all the safety one needs.  

53 minutes ago, cabowabo said:

I've never understood the point of a trigger safety.  If the trigger is pulled, it's going off even with a trigger safety.  As far as a thumb safety, the last thing I want to be messing with when shit is going down is a safety.  As long as you have a holster that covers the trigger, that should be all the safety one needs.  


And I say that even though I own two Ruger SR pistols. 
ain’t any such animals on my Kahrs though.


FYI these are on sale right now:


I have the non-Bluetooth version and they are amazing, nrr 26db.

I bought my xcel 100 for $60 with my LEO discount, the 500 are $75 with my normal discount.

Just a heads up for y’all looking for electronic hear pro.

Having the ear cups solid and moving the mics to the headband helped make them have a higher nrr


I haven’t shot in months. Yesterday I took off work early, went out to a buddy’s land and shot hundreds of rounds out of my Glock 22 26 30 and 43, my Sig p365 and 229, Dan Wesson 1911, 1873 peacemaker, and M&P. It was a beautiful day to shoot. 

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On 12/26/2019 at 1:55 PM, Armybrat said:

I ordered another new Ruger SR9 from Sportsman’s Warehouse (Slidell, Louisiana) December 14th, and was notified that it had been shipped to my FFL - GT Distributors in Austin on the 19th. Have not gotten the call yet to go down to do the transfer.

Anyone else having a slow time with their orders?

I finally found the time to drive to BFE NW Harris County to pick up my SR45 today. Looking forward to shooting it. Kind of like a Glock but feels more substantial in the hand and prettier, especially w/ the stainless slide. 

For $249 + transfer it seems to be a heck of a deal. 

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Grabagun (Coppell, Texas north of Dallas) is about the cheapest place online I’ve found for extra Ruger magazines. They have the SR45 mags for $27.39, plus tax and shipping. You might look around locally to see if you can find a better price.

You will find that the SR45 is a pretty soft shooting .45. I gave mine to one of my sons for Christmas, then bought two SR9 pistols. I paid $430 for my SR45 about 7 years ago, so the current prices are just about giveaways. Nice value for a quality Underrated plastic gun, IMO. Ergonomics are very comfortable.

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I’m not a Glock fanboy but this is very interesting to me as I love smallbore firearms.

Anybody have one or seen one in the wild?


Once you start with perfection – you stay with perfection. The G44 is the ideal pistol to start or enhance your shooting experience. The innovative design of the hybrid steel-polymer slide chambered in our first .22 caliber round provides a lightweight and low recoil functionality for optimal control.
The G44 was thoroughly tested with a wide variety of ammunition to ensure maximum performance and redefine what small can do.
The G44 is a compact size pistol with the ability to adapt to nearly every hand size by using the different backstraps supplied with the pistol. The G44 comes standard with the GLOCK Marksman Barrel (GMB) for increased accuracy and precision.
The right equipment is essential. The G44 comes with adjustable rear sights and two load-assist magazines. Everything that a well prepared shooter needs.

Saw that G44 in some stuff the other day. I get it, but it's not for me. 
On a different note, saw this the other day. It the Venom optic, which I don't have personal exp with but understand it's a damn solid pistol optic. Could mount it on a PDW too. The price, for what I know second hand on the quality is damn affordable.
Vortex Optics Viper Red Dot Sight 1x 6 MOA Dot Picatinny Mount Matte

Me rikey
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11 hours ago, davidg said:

I’m not a Glock fanboy but this is very interesting to me as I love smallbore firearms.

Anybody have one or seen one in the wild?


Once you start with perfection – you stay with perfection. The G44 is the ideal pistol to start or enhance your shooting experience. The innovative design of the hybrid steel-polymer slide chambered in our first .22 caliber round provides a lightweight and low recoil functionality for optimal control.
The G44 was thoroughly tested with a wide variety of ammunition to ensure maximum performance and redefine what small can do.
The G44 is a compact size pistol with the ability to adapt to nearly every hand size by using the different backstraps supplied with the pistol. The G44 comes standard with the GLOCK Marksman Barrel (GMB) for increased accuracy and precision.
The right equipment is essential. The G44 comes with adjustable rear sights and two load-assist magazines. Everything that a well prepared shooter needs.

WTF is a backstrap?

WTF is a backstrap?

It’s the piece of meat running down both sides of an animals backbone. Makes great eating. Also the piece of the grip that goes in your palm on a pistol. See also, strap the NowThis uses for his adventures.
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12 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

Saw one of the new pythons on gunbroker went for $3700. Think I’ll just take an old one. 

Hickock did a video review, and his new Python failed miserably. The cylinder would not turn - and it wasn’t the ammo. There is a possible recall in the works already.

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Just FYI on the Glock 44 - 

There are already multiple reports of cracked slide (the made it out of fuckin plastic) and firing out of battery, which causes the extractor to explode out of the plastic slide.   There are videos and pics all over the place about it.  

Posted (edited)

This is why it's very difficult to try and adapt an existing frame (or design) to 22LR. The rimfire action isn't the same. 

Smith & Wesson had a similar issue with their (AR) 15-22 and issued a huge recall last year. The bolt would occasionally be out of tolerance and caused the gun to shoot unintentionally when it closed and crushed the rim. Not a problem with a centerfire cartridge. 

Edited by crimsonlonghorn
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Hickock did a video review, and his new Python failed miserably. The cylinder would not turn - and it wasn’t the ammo. There is a possible recall in the works already.
Has any gun company ever pissed away more opportunities, in a better sales climate, than Colt?

It seems to me like that company could've been printing money for the last 15 years and they can't get out of their own way.
2 hours ago, krevo said:

Just FYI on the Glock 44 - 

There are already multiple reports of cracked slide (the made it out of fuckin plastic) and firing out of battery, which causes the extractor to explode out of the plastic slide.   There are videos and pics all over the place about it.  

Well there really isn't a way to make a slide out of metal and match Glock dimensions and have it still cycle .22 LR with a straight blowback action.

46 minutes ago, bigshark88 said:

Has any gun company ever pissed away more opportunities, in a better sales climate, than Colt?

It seems to me like that company could've been printing money for the last 15 years and they can't get out of their own way.

No kidding, but the corporate owners are a bunch of screwups.

Hey, Sam Colt went bankrupt with his first try.

6 hours ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

Well there really isn't a way to make a slide out of metal and match Glock dimensions and have it still cycle .22 LR with a straight blowback action.

And they should have accepted this and taken the position that they can’t make a quality product due to rim fire limitations in spite of public demand.

Sometimes the best business is the business you avoid for good reason. 

Posted (edited)

Does anybody recommend a Colt 1911? It was their toy originally, but you never hear anybody really recommend one unless we are talking C & R type stuff. 

Until recently, the Italians were making a better SAA than Colt. USFA probably made some of the finest Colts Colt never made. Colt got their act together recently, but they put out a lot of crap before that.

And when was the last time you heard someone recommend getting a Colt AR-15? They owned the patent on that one as well, but nobody even gives them a second glance anymore.

We should orchestrate a surly buyout of Colt. It can't be too expensive. It's not like we could manage the company any worse.

Edited by NotActuallyALonghorn

I own both a 1911 Government Model and an LE (Law Enforcement) AR15 Carbine. Both are great guns that are well built. You could do worse than to buy either one. 

But to your larger point, I agree. I wouldn't necessarily recommend either one over something like a Wilson (for quality) or PSA (for affordability). Colt is just kind of middle of the pack. Nothing special to distinguish them. 


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