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1 hour ago, BurntEyes said:

I'd have to say that of those, Ruger stands above the rest. They Springfield and Sig are way above what most have done in product dev, niche filling and Ruger is so far ahead on customer serice.. I can't fault anyone for bagging on Colt, see above. M&P has done very well too. Remington has lagged but nothing like Colt. Glock has been extremely consistent outside this new issue, but not nearly as comprehensive as Sig and Ruger in new/niche products. Case in point - Shield/P238 coming out WAY before the G42/43 (both of which I own). Were I forced to rank improvement in the past 15-20 years I'd probably go:

1) Ruger

2) Sig

3) M&P/Smith

4) Springfield

5) CZ

6) Glock

That's broad multiple different types of guns. 

Beretta is possibly somewhere in the top 10 and Colt would not be found.

And I own 2 Colt 1911s, a Mustang and a Colt AR, as well as 4 Glocks, multiple Rugers, and 4 Smith

Perhaps that ranking is my own bias. I'd enjoy seeing others rankings here.

I'd move CZ up higher, but agree on Ruger.  Ruger and CZ are the only two I'd go with if forced to ONLY buy the products of a single provider:  rifles, pistols, shotguns, AR's, etc.  

Colt is a mess, but so is Remington.  These legacy builders are becoming the Xerox of the industry.  Rem's BK a few years back proved that to be true.  Staying out of the booming AR market.  An entry-level 1911.  No other real pistols to look at worth a damn.  Less than stellar competency in their vunerable 700-series rifle line.  


Regarding NAA Minis. They are very well made little guns, their quality often compared to jewelry & Swiss Watches. But they are really just cool novelties as far as practicality goes for self defense and range shooting. I like my 35 year old .22 magnum as a neat “toy”, but gave the .22 LR to my son because it was too small to manipulate the single action. They can be carried as a last resort backup “get off me” gun, but even then would be difficult to employ more than one round.

Having said that, I’d love to have the recently introduced Ranger II top break .22 magnum/.22 LR model. Just because they are neat.

57 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:


1) I struggled more with these on what fits the bill and the one that kept coming toe was Lever Action in 357/38 spc. Specifically the Rossi. There are others but I chose the Rossi for it's low cost, good sights and in my personal experience great reliability. Beyond that, in a rifle length barrel 357 is a shockingly good round for hunting. No, not optimal in any world but.. as for SD and a home defense, it's mad good. 

I've been interested in buying a 357 lever rifle for a long time, but have kept spending my money on new shotguns or pistols or AR's or whatever. It keeps getting pushed down the priority list. 

Your post brings up a question: I've aware that 38 spc can be shot out of a 357 revolver. Can it also be shot out of a lever action rifle? Wouldn't the shorter casing be an issue with the lever ejection and magazine action and even the bolt? Or is that not the case? I'm not even close to an expert on lever action rifles, so I could just not know what I'm talking about. 

3 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

Not a problem at all to run 38 spl in a 357 lever. In fact, 99% of what I've run has been 38 spl for Cowboy.

Do it!!!!

Oh hell yeah.  Dude, they are so much fun.  38's for farting around.  

I'll tell you what, the ballistics of a .357 mag out of a longer barrel are insane....approaching on the lower tier simliar performance to a 30-30 (out of the same length barrels, around 16in).  It's not exact, but the point being it hits HARD for being a pistol cartridge.  Easily in the range for pigs and deer.  

6 hours ago, BurntEyes said:

I couldn't argue at all with moving CZ up some. Oddly, I don't own any of their products but certainly would. The Dan Wesson brand specifically. 

Ruger or Ed Brown and Benelli would be my two.. because Shotguns. I'm a 100% devoted Benelli shotgun fan boi and I'm not sure I could live without the option of another Ed Brown.

CZ is very underrated considering the breadth of their offerings and the quality that goes with them.  

On 1/30/2020 at 12:50 PM, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

Well there really isn't a way to make a slide out of metal and match Glock dimensions and have it still cycle .22 LR with a straight blowback action.

Multiple companies have been making Glock 19 sized drop on 22LR kits for almost 20 years now.  Granted they use lightweight alloys like aluminum but still.

16 minutes ago, Reagan1k said:

CZ is very underrated considering the breadth of their offerings and the quality that goes with them.  

Nowhere near Surly level of collecting, but I just gave my dad my CZ SP-01 and upgraded to a Shadow 2. Last 4 guns have been CZ variants (Dan Wesson Valor, SP-01, SP-01 Tactical, Shadow 2) and other than an STI, I can't think of anything outside the CZ range that I want.

  • Like 1
18 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

Heh, you might have noted that I put Dan Wesson 1911s in my underated down below.

I like CZ, and have no issue with some moving them up higher. The M&P shield changed the small handgun world, and Sig has altered the gun land scape for a longer period of time which I why I ranked them ahead of CZ personally. 

I don't even own an M&P, Sig nor CZ which is remarkable given the volume in my gun safe. Though the Sig preprepped for an optic is real high on my to-do list. After a new Leupold scope, ATN Thor, Omega can and something else I'm forgetting. Dan Wesson Valor will be the next 1911 I buy.

No qualms with your list,  and not saying your list ranked them too low....simply agreeing with you that they are often overlooked by the average shooter walking into a local shop or surfing gunbroker.

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26 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

Looking at concealed carry but I’m left handed. I don’t like Glock because of the lack of a manual safety. Other options?

An XDs is what I carry. I also have an old hammer fired LC9 that I sometimes carry from back when there wasn't a lot of options for single stack 9's, but I had to remove the manual safety because it would get bumped on just from normal carrying. It's basically like a double action revolver, so the safety is kinda redundant. 

Looking at concealed carry but I’m left handed. I don’t like Glock because of the lack of a manual safety. Other options?

I carry an X D. I had a Springfield Ultra with an oversized ambi safety that I used to carry. It got knocked off one day while I was giving my kid a piggyback ride. I quit carrying it.

5 hours ago, BabaYaga said:

Oh hell yeah.  Dude, they are so much fun.  38's for farting around.  

I'll tell you what, the ballistics of a .357 mag out of a longer barrel are insane....approaching on the lower tier simliar performance to a 30-30 (out of the same length barrels, around 16in).  It's not exact, but the point being it hits HARD for being a pistol cartridge.  Easily in the range for pigs and deer.  

I’d buy a Ruger PC carbine .357 in a heartbeat.

3 hours ago, BurntEyes said:

Not that I have heard of but lack of knowledge aka ignorance is not equivalent to awareness. I best leave that to Brat as he probably knows the actual answer.

No, I don’t. Maybe someone who owns a Henry or a Marlin could answer that one.

I’d buy a Ruger PC carbine .357 in a heartbeat.

They would print money with that, and similar guns in 44 Mag and 44 LC.


Re: companies that mess up as often/bad as Colt, I think Remington should be part of the conversation. They passed on the right to build some rifle that became one of the major firearms of WW1. The Enfield I think? And they're known to introduce some new hot cartridge only to not support it.


Overrated firearms

1) Desert Eagle. Similar to the Judge, it's cool, but has no real application. Other than in the Matrix movies.

2) Lever guns chambered in non-cowboy cartridges. What can they do that you can't do better with a modern semi-auto pcc?

3) M14. It was obsolete the day it was new.


Underrated firearms

1) 480 Ruger revolvers. The 480 Ruger is loaded rather mild and it shoots like a puppy dog.

2) Springfield xD pistols. Better factory triggers, narrower 45's and factory match pistols.

3) Colt Lightning carbine. A repeater like a lever gun, but faster and more ergonomic to cycle.


The PPK was mentioned upthread as being overrated. By modern standards, no question. You can get a 45 today of the same size and capacity. But back in the day, it was one of the more reliable pocket pistols. You gotta evaluate it against its era.



Reloading .38s for the .357 is fine and the same load can be used for rifle and pistol. One must ensure that the overall length of the .38 round matches the .357 OAL for proper lever operations.

Changing “bullet” shapes can alter the overall length, which I made a whole batch (200-300) without measuring. After a little range time, those became “pistol only” rounds.

My son used to use a Rossi .357 lever and Ruger .357 Vaqueros for Cowboy Action and I was the reloader. Still have the Rossi.

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Jim Wilkinson’s personal collection is up for sale next month- including Jack O’Conner’s personal Model 70 .270 that Wilkinson bought from O’Conner.  

Wilkinson made his custom “Ranch Rifles” in AZ and they are works of art from tip to tail.  They were selling for $1000’s even in the 70’s. 

I’m drooling and have no business even looking at these but the collection of his own personal Ranch Rifles plus his Holland and Holland, SAA’s, Westley Richards, Griffen and Howe etc. is beyond incredible. 

Look up Reata Pass Auctions if you dare. 


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19 minutes ago, Rumblefishstix said:

Question. Has anyone built their own bolt action rifle on something different then a Remington 700 action? I really want to build a 338 lapua but curious the best starting point.

Can’t help with a Lapua but you can use a HOWA barreled action up through .300 Win and build a very accurate, reliable and affordable rifle.  HOWA actions (as well as their complete rifles) are underrated IMO for moderately priced rifles.


I've got hunting rifles in 7x57 and 8mm on WWII actions.  Beautiful guns.  I need to either re-scope them and start shooting them or sell them.  Natural selection has moved them farther back in my safe than they deserve and someone (maybe me) needs to enjoy them.

Posted (edited)
On 1/31/2020 at 4:10 PM, NYTransplant said:

Nowhere near Surly level of collecting, but I just gave my dad my CZ SP-01 and upgraded to a Shadow 2. Last 4 guns have been CZ variants (Dan Wesson Valor, SP-01, SP-01 Tactical, Shadow 2) and other than an STI, I can't think of anything outside the CZ range that I want.

This guys fucks. CZ and in particular Dan Wesson are very underrated. That’s quite a lime up


Speaking of old firearms I have a Gartman custom 270, WW2 Mauser action, with attached brake.it has to be almost 70 years old. Still with the original 4x scope. Did some research on it, apparently Gartman was quite a skilled barrel maker in the 40s and 50s







Edited by 4th and 5
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Meh, most Colt Single Action Army Commemoratives (except mine 😘) are not really worth a premium.  In fact a lot of the 2nd generation ones like that auction piece above are usually valued much less than a standard model in equal condition.

Quite a few are being bought at good prices, then the owners removing some of the gaudy embellishments to use them as shooters. However, the 2nd gen SAAs are quality Colts and considered better than the early 3rd generation production. The serious Colt collectors do not chase after them as collectables, but a lot of us may like certain issues because of sentimental reasons.

1 hour ago, 4th and 5 said:

my old 270 I mentioned above has the same scope as the Jack O'Connor 270

My old .270 looks very similar to that one.  Pre-64 Model 70 featherweight that was my g-fathers, my fathers, and now mine.  Rocked a fixed x4 Weaver scope for most of it's life.  Still have the scope in the original box when I finally replaced with a modern Leo scope.  

3 hours ago, Armybrat said:

Meh, most Colt Single Action Army Commemoratives (except mine 😘) are not really worth a premium.  In fact a lot of the 2nd generation ones like that auction piece above are usually valued much less than a standard model in equal condition.

Quite a few are being bought at good prices, then the owners removing some of the gaudy embellishments to use them as shooters. However, the 2nd gen SAAs are quality Colts and considered better than the early 3rd generation production. The serious Colt collectors do not chase after them as collectables, but a lot of us may like certain issues because of sentimental reasons.

Obligatory reposting of first gen SAA. I have posted before on other forum. still haven't had it worked on though


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On 1/28/2020 at 7:39 PM, Armybrat said:

You will find that the SR45 is a pretty soft shooting .45. I gave mine to one of my sons for Christmas, then bought two SR9 pistols. I paid $430 for my SR45 about 7 years ago, so the current prices are just about giveaways. Nice value for a quality Underrated plastic gun, IMO. Ergonomics are very comfortable.

Finally got to shoot it this afternoon and yessir, it is the most soft shooting 45 I've ever shot. Much softer than my P320 or my XDS and a whole lot more pleasant than the Colt 1911, too. Thank you again for the tip. 

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Glad to hear you like it so far.

One thing a lot of the owners do with their new SR pistol is to remove the magazine disconnect, as it is a negative feature to them. It is supposed to be a very easy 5 minute job and you can clean out the striker channel while the slide is off. There’s several Youtube how-to videos online. Never have done it with any of mine though.


Buddy in the process of booking an Alaska trip.  Primarily fishing, but will be in remote areas.  So naturally I'm getting in his head as much as I can that he's 100% going to wind up as bear scat and to go ahead and give me all his remaining guns to save the famliy anguish from having to sell them.

In order to go out a Spartan's death and go down swinging as the bear eats him arse-first, I'm trying to see if he'll get one of these (in lieu of a 45-70 rifle).  I'm going with the "it's so much lighter" andgle, and adrenalin > felt recoil.

'Cuz I just want to shoot it....




Just read a review on shooting that short one - BFR by Magnum Research.   May have been some general BFR discussion in pages back.

The design for that snubbie started with...."Hey, hold my beer....."  

3 hours ago, BabaYaga said:

Buddy in the process of booking an Alaska trip.  Primarily fishing, but will be in remote areas.  So naturally I'm getting in his head as much as I can that he's 100% going to wind up as bear scat and to go ahead and give me all his remaining guns to save the famliy anguish from having to sell them.

In order to go out a Spartan's death and go down swinging as the bear eats him arse-first, I'm trying to see if he'll get one of these (in lieu of a 45-70 rifle).  I'm going with the "it's so much lighter" andgle, and adrenalin > felt recoil.

'Cuz I just want to shoot it....



Where are the wheels & trailer hitch?

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