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Pack of Monkeys kill 250 dogs


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On 12/18/2021 at 5:11 PM, honolulu horn said:

Was with the fam in South Africa and the kids begged to go to Monkey Jungle, an enclosed park where you wander around and check out lemurs, monkeys, etc. We knew to keep our stuff close and so we kept tight grips on backpacks, cameras, phones, etc. We were nearing the end of the walk when this sneaky little bastard starting eyeing us:


In less than 2 seconds that little spider monkey  jumped onto my wife, ripped the glasses from her face, and tore off up a tree. My wife is basically blind without her glasses, and we were leaving the country in 2 days so there was not enough time to get a replacement pair. I kept my eye on the little thief, which included him trying the glasses on and looking through them. After a few minutes of biting them, hitting them on the tree, etc he got bored and threw them on the ground from about 30 feet up. I snatched them up and miraculously they weren't broken. So my wife now wears glasses with monkey bites on the frames. Telephoto pic of the primate thief wearing her glasses: 



you need to go back to south africa and teach that fucker who is boss

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On 12/17/2021 at 2:32 PM, atomheartbevo said:

Are they just going to leave the cats alone?


those third world villages with large feral dog populations don't really have many feral cats. If you think about it, you can probably figure out why.



On 12/20/2021 at 10:58 AM, mchookem said:

well i had no idea monkeys were such purposeful assholes! they really are our closest relatives lol.


do you even phylogeny bro?


Do You Understand Evolutionary Trees? (Part Two) | Science 2.0

point u ~ 6 million years ago

point y ~ 30 mya




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On 12/18/2021 at 9:38 AM, Superhero said:

Wife and I went to Bali for our honeymoon. We heard about the monkey park and wanted to see it.

Outside the park, there was a guy selling bananas so we could feed them. We bought a dozen or so thinking we would stop to feed a few and take pictures.

As soon as we walked past the gate, about 30 monkeys charged at us. We threw all the bananas into a bush and they went after them. It was a holy shit moment for us. 


Back when I was an asshole, I smuggled a banana into the San Antonio zoo's monkey area. When the banana came out, shit got real. Good thing they were caged.


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