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I am a racist white man.

I am. It's true.

I grew up in an alt-right cult that programmed me to believe mankind was separated by race and race was defined by color. I believed I was special because I could trace my lineage back to ancient Israel and Jesus had preserved my ancestry and race as a fulfillment of prophecy.

In the church run school I grew up in, the white boys were not allowed to dance with the black girls in our class when we had a school dance because the bible forbid interracial marriage. This wasn't back in the 50s, this segregation happened in the late 80s in Pasadena, CA and we were all so proud of it and how we were obeying our deity and his commands.

I carried these beliefs through life completely IGNORANT I WAS RACIST. I thought I was the one who was right and just and that others just couldn't see how wrong they were. I had plenty of scriptures to prove what I believed. I saw segregation as a loving and compassionate way to deal with the differing races of mankind. I didn't consider myself as a better human than another race, but definitely more in favor with God. I had no idea I was practicing racism and white supremacy, and I did it with devotion.

🛑 If it wasn't for several individuals throughout my life who had the courage to shine a light on my racism, I would have never seen it!! 🛑

In fact, those times helped me progress forward away from racism much faster than I ever would have in my own prayer and study.

Again, its important for me to point out that I was ignorant of my racism. I don't say this to excuse my behavior, but to encourage those who see racism to point it out with love and understanding. The one who you point it out to may even argue with you in the moment, but later on, your words will sink in.

 You never know, it might be the perfect time for them to hear it and grow just like I did all those years ago when I was finally ready to listen.

Even though I work hard not to be every day I am still racist! I still feel anxious around people of color I don't know. I still get that little twinge of shame when I find a black woman attractive. AND I am so thankful that I have grown and progressed further in my lifelong quest to de-program myself from my racist upbringing. I am so thankful for the other humans who have grace and compassion for me when I still think in those old ways. I have so much gratitude for the people that called me out on my bullshit right on the spot and helped me change my world view.

So why am I saying all this? Why am I outing myself as the racist individual I am? Because I see so many out there who just like me, are ignorant of their racism. This is my "It takes one to know one" moment and I hope you are willing to listen, even if you don't agree.

🛑If you believe interracial marriage is or was ever forbidden by god, you're unconsciously racist.

🛑If you have no issue putting illegal immigrants in cages, you're racist.

🛑If you find yourself judging peaceful protesters right now, you have been programmed to be racist.

🛑if you thought Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem was inappropriate, you're blind to your racism.

🛑If you are on this "all lives matter" train right now, you have an ironic relationship with your racism.

🛑If your first response to George Floyd's death was to post a bunch of stuff defaming his character to justify the actions of the police officers who killed him.. your fear clouds your racism.

🛑If you think Jesus was white and loves capitalism, you use the bible to prove your racism.

🛑 If you think the right response for white Americans right now is to intimidate others with firearms and masks in front of a government building, you're racist.

🛑If you love Donald Trump, believe he's a christian, and think Jesus put him in office to get us "right with god" ... I mean come on... just get your swastikas out.. your friends already know.

 I say these things in love, though they may seem harsh. I wish and hope for us all to shed the racism we are blind to in our everyday lives. I mean you no harm, and I love humanity enough to be honest and open with my views.

I believe we are coming closer together as a species. I see it and celebrate it every day. We still have a long way to go, but what we are all seeing now is humanity taking a huge stride forward away from racism. Yes, it is violent and bloody, it always has been and probably will be in the future, but the end result is always more integration, more acceptance, and more love.

More and more of us are shedding this lie that our skin color somehow makes us different. More and more humans want peace and not violence.

We are doing great. Just keep breathing, loving, and moving. We'll all get there together.

Namaste. 🌏🌿


pfffft. we're in a recession that's going to get worse and 3 months ago there were suddenly millions of newly unemployed on the market, most of which are still looking. i highly doubt too many cops are outright quitting their jobs right now. come on. 

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