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"This image is of two white idiots from my former hometown (Russell Springs, KY). They decided to go to a Halloween party (at a place called the Red Solo Cup) dressed as black people. They won first prize. I knew my hometown was behind the times, but this takes the cake. This should go viral. Give them the attention they deserve. Make it happen!"



"Tired of having to deal with these niggas sis? Here’s the fix. Say hello to your new best friend for the winter lmao Multi Speed Remote included AND it holds up to 300 pounds so big girls you included too! Comes with 0 headaches, no bullshit, no side pieces none of that! and it’s just in time to put it on your Christmas list 🌲Thank me later




11 hours ago, BurntEyes said:

Who is Don Lemon? Why is there a pic of a non-white when talking about whites with a texting white in the background on the beach?

What does the why guy texting have to do with Don Lemon's paranoia?

I'm so fucking confused. Can we go back to English word jumble?

CNN race baiter.  That is his white boyfriend behind him. 

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