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Ukraine War

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2 hours ago, Horn Dog said:

I conventional war with NUCS completely off the table between Russia and NATO??



Russia has shown zero ability to mount anything other than squad-sized attacks.  Their ability to even mount company-sized assaults is questionable right now.

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

China and India will have already communicated to Russia that nuclear weapons including the threat of, are off the table. Russia still has other available threats including attacks on NATO countries. 

China and India would 100% bail on Russia if Russia attacked a NATO member.  Russia has very little impact on them versus the US/NATO and all of our Pacific Allie’s that would crater their economies and dump hundreds of millions of their people in the streets.

15 hours ago, YGIFS said:

They don't deploy tactical battlefield nukes, but do in fact invade or at least aerially attack a Balkan or Baltic member of NATO.  Article 5 is invoked.  U.S. Military boots/assets hit the ground and air in the Autumn and Biden gets blamed for starting us off into another bloody war.  Trump wins, Russia withdraws from whichever NATO country because he can't maintain two theaters.  And then refocus on Ukraine which gets no further assistance from the United States, which results in its demise.  

Putin would get even more of his military hardware wrecked, including even more stuff he can’t replace, and it would happen pretty fast. Poland will be on the other side of Belarus before anybody realizes it. 

Putin has a fear of dying though, and telling the populace he’s going from protecting them from Nazis (who he claims are just their Russian brothers from another mother) to taking on the West is a huge leap that he couldn’t sell, especially since targets inside of Russia are being hit daily.

But at the end of the day he’s a bully with a KGB background who is terrified of being killed.  He wouldn’t do anything that would give the West a reason to go after him.

Edited by atomheartbevo
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/3/2024 at 1:01 PM, Horn Dog said:

I conventional war with NUCS completely off the table between Russia and NATO??



Within 48 hours they would effectively have no Air Force or Navy. Assuming NATO has no interests in having boots on ground inside Russia, what else can they do but launch nukes?

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18 hours ago, TeeDubya said:

These people are such fuckers.

(Shows orc killing another orc)

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came here to talk about this one. glad you spoilered it. pretty hard to watch. I have no doubt this is pretty common on any battlefield, especially where certain death is likely for all of them. but to have actual footage of it is pretty devastating. gonna be hard to spin this one with the home crowd. you know it's going to be shared far and wide - no way Russia can suppress this one. will be interesting to see what, if any, impact it has on the outcome.

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3 hours ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

came here to talk about this one. glad you spoilered it. pretty hard to watch. I have no doubt this is pretty common on any battlefield, especially where certain death is likely for all of them. but to have actual footage of it is pretty devastating. gonna be hard to spin this one with the home crowd. you know it's going to be shared far and wide - no way Russia can suppress this one. will be interesting to see what, if any, impact it has on the outcome.

The Russians have rotted souls.  Always have. 

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On 6/23/2024 at 8:41 AM, TeeDubya said:

These people are such fuckers.

(Shows orc killing another orc)

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He checked his frank and beans with his hand, got some bad news, and after that he points to his head.  These guys are demoralized. The guy that shot him is just walking slowly down the road. He has no fucks left to give about living or not.

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Putin is done. It's just a matter of when. Amazing to think that about 3-4 years ago some were thinking he is the richest man in the world.  He could have just abdicated and lived the rest of his life on a South Pacific island that he owns.

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They are thousands of NATO officials, both military and civilian/political pouring into offices from at this very moment as their workday begins.  They are reading the news and watching clips of our POTUS debate.  And they are shitting themselves.  From Libson to Adana, from Bergen to Athens.  There isn't an unclenched butthole in the whole of NATO leadership right now.  Moldova and the Baltic Nation-States are next.  All he needed was a tiny bit of propagandist inspiration to draw more troops and more TacOps support.  And now he has it.  Going to be a long summer in theater.  

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On 6/23/2024 at 11:55 PM, Hornius Emeritus said:

Putin is done. It's just a matter of when. Amazing to think that about 3-4 years ago some were thinking he is the richest man in the world.  He could have just abdicated and lived the rest of his life on a South Pacific island that he owns.

That's what happens when you get high on your own supply and start believing your own propaganda.  Started thinking he was going to put together the old team and lo and behold, fucks were given.  I wonder how much he can juggle overseas puppets like Trump and his election vs real time fafo scenarios like Ukraine and paranoia about current cabinet assassins while retaining his sanity.   Some people gotta touch the stove and some people gotta turn it on and still touch it.  In the end, Putin is looking more and more like a meat head.  

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The infection is spreading.

Hungary's Orban announces plan to form new far-right bloc in European Parliament

Orban launched the "Patriots for Europe" on Sunday, an alliance with Herbert Kickl, the leader of Austria's far-right Freedom party, and Andrej Babiš, the former prime minister of Czechia.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Sunday presented a new alliance with Austria's far-right Freedom Party and the main Czech opposition party, which hopes to attract other partners and become the biggest hard right-wing group in the European Parliament.

Orbán travelled to Vienna to present the “Patriots for Europe” alliance of his Fidesz party with Herbert Kickl's far-right Freedom Party and the former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis's ANO party, a day before Hungary takes over the European Union’s rotating presidency for six months.

The European Parliament elections in early June strengthened far-right parties, though their performances varied from country to country, but left unclear to what extent they would manage to work together. Until now, they have been spread across two groups in the EU legislature, plus a large number of unaligned parties.

Orbán in recent years has appeared to relish opportunities to block, water down or delay key EU decisions, routinely going against the grain of most other leaders on issues like the war in Ukraine relations with Russia and China. His public opposition to EU policies and stances has long frustrated other governments in the bloc and pushed him to the margins of the continent’s mainstream.

“What Europeans want is three things: peace, order and development,” Orbán said through an interpreter at Sunday's event. “And what they are getting from the elite in Brussels today is war, migration and stagnation.”

Orban also posted about the launch on X. "Three political parties joined forces today: the strongest Austrian party, the strongest Czech party and the strongest Hungarian party. Our aim is to become the strongest right-wing group in European politics," it read.

But the three partiers will need to attract lawmakers from at least four more EU countries to successfully form a group in the new parliament.

Freedom Party leader Herbert Kickl noted that the new European Parliament will meet for the first time in Strasbourg on July 16. He said that “starting immediately ... all political forces that want to join in our political and positive reform effort are very welcome."

Kickl added that “from what I have heard in recent days ... there will be more of them than some of you probably suspect right now.” He didn't name any potential partners, and the three party leaders didn't take questions.

The Freedom Party narrowly won first place in the European Parliament election and hopes to win Austria's national election on Sept. 29.

All three parties are pro-Russian; none of them support Ukraine in its fight against Russia which launched a full-scale invasion in 2022.

"We will prefer national sovereignty to federalism, liberty to orders, and peace to war," Babis posted on X, referring to the war in Ukraine.

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They also don’t want hard right-wingers in power, because it went poorly for most countries not named Germany the last time it happened (and it eventually went poorly for Germany as well). 

And the Hungarians were in on that with Germany. Perhaps they think this time it’ll work better for them?
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