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Ukraine War

BehoId, The Underminer!

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"A Russian-installed official in the Kharkiv region said Ukrainian forces outnumbered Russian troops by 8-to-1 and had broken through to the Russian border. Vitaly Ganchev told the state-owned Rossiya-24 television channel on Monday “the situation is becoming more difficult by the hour.”"


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16 minutes ago, Scheiss Meister said:

What color is the sky in their world?  That's just first class delusion.

It's incredibly sad and eye opening.  We have folks with such high ranking us military pedigree straight up engaging in Baghdad Bob level propaganda.  A quick perusal of his bio shows he's got a history of this stuff and was rewarded with a nomination to be the ambassador to German at the end of the Trump era. 

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1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:


It's deeply fucked up just how dishonest this is. Even Russian propaganda isn't saying shit like this. 

If you were to post this on the DT thread, it would be reported and removed within the hour. Because a talk show host interviewing a military expert is somehow political.

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27 minutes ago, Foosters said:

If you were to post this on the DT thread, it would be reported and removed within the hour. Because a talk show host interviewing a military expert is somehow political.

it's political just like the laughing at california is political.  all that shit should be here, not there. 

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34 minutes ago, Woland said:

Wouldn’t it be nice if troops were being pulled out of Ukraine and being sent to Moscow to protect the regime.

I am sure there are some troops Putin would rather keep as far from Moscow as possible.  I can't fathom what moral must be like.  Keep in mind, a decent percentage of them actually thought they were being deployed for war games, not war.  They weren't mentally prepared for a tough fight.  Add in the wide spread incompetence, the failing equipment because of corruption, the failing supply lines, and the frequent killings of high ranking officers, and I am not sure Putin would be comfortable with his options of the military protecting his control. 

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6 hours ago, Goredho said:

Has there ever been a better ROI for any foreign policy like there has from our policy to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia?  I can’t think of one.

Way to go, Brandon, indeed.

Probably the only comparable policy and end effect is the cold war which was so much more expensive especially when accounting for inflation.  Senile Brandon >>> senile Reagan

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9 hours ago, wildcat09 said:


It's deeply fucked up just how dishonest this is. Even Russian propaganda isn't saying shit like this. 

Did anyone catch his reference to a "kill list" and him saying he was on it?

Google it.  It is an amazing figment entirely of rw "media" imagination.

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5 minutes ago, Horn Dog said:

Probably the only comparable policy and end effect is the cold war which was so much more expensive especially when accounting for inflation.  Senile Brandon >>> senile Reagan

SDI was a monumental waste of money and really wasn’t as instrumental in bringing down the Soviet Union as the Reagan mythologists would have you believe. Read Perestroika by Gorbachev (and imagine Reagan trying to ever write a dissertation on political philosophy like that).

Funding the mujahideen against the Russians in Afghanistan was a good deal. Until it wasn’t when we walked away and let the religious nut jobs take over.

Never let the religious not jobs take over. That always leads to bad outcomes  


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9 hours ago, Goredho said:

Has there ever been a better ROI for any foreign policy like there has from our policy to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia?  I can’t think of one.

Way to go, Brandon, indeed.


The Deep State has been killing it


3 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

When this shit started, Bill Maher had some woman on the show that has worked in the intelligence sector.  Maher expressed surprise about the shitty Russian equipment, commenting that it was unexpected.  The woman laughed at him and called bullshit.  She said there's an old joke about it.  Maher asked to hear the joke.  She said OK.

"What doesn't fit up your ass and doesn't buzz".  "I don't know, what?"


"A russian-made ass buzzer". 



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7 minutes ago, Goredho said:

What are you even trying to say?  Elaborate sensically.


That the unelected part of the Government made up of career employees, the CIA, DOD, JSOC, etc, have been doing a great job of helping Ukraine and advancing our national interest in the war. As incompetent as our politicians and bureaucracy often seem to be, the foreign policy "deep state" has done a good job this year. If the politicians would stay out of the way, imagine what they could do.

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1 hour ago, 956 Worldwide said:

There is no such thing as the deep state in the United States. It’s a made up concept pushed by the right wing so they can avoid responsibility for actually governing when they are in power and duck responsibility for losing when they aren’t. 

All the people you mentioned are federal employees hired to do jobs, namely, to implement and advise policy of elected leaders.  They’re just “the state,” nothing deep about them. 


1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

If you use the term “deep state” as if it’s a thing, you’re probably a moron. 


20 minutes ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

"Deep State" and "MSM" are the two biggest tells I'm talking to a moron. 


Condescension acknowledged. I know it's used by the populists, but I just meant it as the gears of the machine. "Deep" because it's less followed than the surface politicians. The term existed far before it was co-opted by populists on both sides, any moron knows that. No nefarious conspiracy. No Q.

Edited by MagicSoccerSpray
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3 hours ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

"Deep State" and "MSM" are the two biggest tells I'm talking to a moron. 

I’m a moron, which you already knew, because I’ll use the term MSM when talking about broadcast news orgs in the US (CBS, ABC, etc.), as well as cable orgs like Fox News, CNN (especially with their recent changes).  Basically the places my older relatives get the news from, and where the news is packaged up in decidedly short-form soundbites, for people who don’t care to spend much time digging into it.

I will still give CNN some credit for having boots on the ground in a lot of places.

I’ve got an Apple News subscription, and it’s great to have a lot of access to a helluva lot of periodicals, and when configured right, you can stay up on a lot of stuff with minimal effort.  It’s kind of what I hoped magazines and other long-form periodicals would become, something easily accessed and searched from one app (I subbed to the predecessor, Texture, that Apple bought and folded in).

These days, when I want local news, I obviously hit the local channel websites or newspaper sites, and a few social media accounts (local reporters), and at the state level, I’ll hit up a few select news orgs (Texas Tribune, Dallas Morning News, etc.) as well as a few aggregators on social media.  At the national level, I’ll hit up some news aggregators, Reuters, AP, a few newspapers that have a national reach, occasionally CNN.com (theses days I can’t fucking stand CNN the channel).  International, Reuters, BBC, a few others.  Oh, and I’ll still take a look at Drudge occasionally, just as I will look at FoxNews.com and a few others just to see what they are pushing as the top news (good to know what the relatives maybe yammering about).

Ukraine is making me rethink and use social media a lot more (I came late to Twitter, etc.).  I’ve used RSS feeds for 15+ years, have played with Google News (but always ended up with shit), but if you are following certain Twitter, Reddit, etc., accounts for Ukraine coverage, you’ll find that they are way outpacing the MSM, and your are getting a much better picture.  Also, British orgs like the BBC, Sky News, Telegraph, etc, (and a few other European orgs) are doing amazing coverage with lots of good interviews, while Tucker interviews Russian shills, and too many American orgs are glossing over things  

Shir, I have relatives who still think Russia is pushing Ukraine around, but at least the MSM like ABC, CBS,and NBC are starting to cover Ukraine’s gains 

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