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Mail Order Brides with their Happy Husbands

Hugo Stiglitz

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there was some show awhile back that documented these "love trips" to eastern europe. basically, a good number of the old dudes just go for sexy time every year or so. the group would travel from shitty town to even more shitty towns for arranged meet-n-greets. one guy who was probably just shy of 90 bragged about all of his conquests throughout the years. probably vice.

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I'm pretty sure this one has done porn before.



For some reason this looks like a decent match. They will enjoy Comic Con together.


I think that's my pharmacist. Chick will dump him once the citizenship papers clear.


Cute chick but dude is creepy as fuck. This won't end well.



LOL just no.


 I thought this chick was into 6th graders.



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Back around '99 the place I was working at would need us to pull overnight shifts to babysit equipment. Place would be deserted except for a couple of us guys checking on these tests that were being run. We couldn't full on surf the porn so we got our kicks reviewing the Russian chicks on aprettywoman.com . 


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