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Realignment talk not going away

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1 minute ago, Telegraph_it said:

Does Bamachick represent most Bama fans? My only interaction with SEC folks is along 30A. They seem alright but I’ve never tried talking to any of them. 


You think Bama fans who congregate along 30A represent the majority of the fanbase? Bless your heart.

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46 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

Credit to A&M for how quickly they realized they were making themselves look like idiots and also making an even bigger laughingstock of themselves. The good thing about being a fanbase full of sheep is that Liucci will tell them they were excited about Texas coming the whole time and they'll believe it and act like the last 48 hours never happened. 

Quickly?  It took 48+ hours.

Then again, Leon does play DB for them.

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1 minute ago, Telegraph_it said:

Does Bamachick represent most Bama fans? My only interaction with SEC folks is along 30A. They seem alright but I’ve never tried talking to any of them. 


I was there for the second loss to Miss St. and heard a lot of how superior the SEC is, from non-Miss St. fans, so there’s that.

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Just now, DCLonghorn said:
4 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:
And he thinks UVA is not "Old" South. As in, Tom Jefferson's Academy for Promising Young Plantation Gentlemen.
He obviously meant to type "Deep South" instead of Old South, if it matters.

Well to be fair, Texas joined the confederacy earlier than Virginia, despite VA being the capital. So Virginia led like aggy, but demanded HQ like UT.

Username checks out.


1 minute ago, Gatorubet said:






It is gonna be a fun fucking ride.

Thanks, I think it'll be fun, too.  And that's the point-- entertainment.

I wasn't a proponent of a potential move to the SEC, but I did feel like it was inevitable.

I grew up with and liked the old SWC.  I was sad to see it end but had no voice in the matter, so I embraced the new B12 and enjoyed it in its first incarnation as well.  TX-OU has always been one of the best rivalries in college football, but when it turned into not just a conference rivalry, but a divisional rivalry, the intensity ramped up to 11.  And I also enjoyed the creation of the new sort-of rivalry with Nebraska.

Now that the original B12 is done, and it looks like we're probably moving on, I still don't have a say in it.  All I can do is make the best of it, and it'll be cool to play A&M and Arkansas again, and to play LSU more regularly, and get in some games against Florida and Alabama, too.  Again, the entire point is entertainment.  So let the games begin.

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Sitting in Birmingham where the prevailing attitude is "of course they want to be in the SEC, so welcome!" 

From my completely self-centered perspective, I'm happy I'll no longer have to spend three hours every week figuring out how/where I can watch my beloved Longhorns play.

So nice to see Texas take a forward-thinking, proactive step in athletics instead of being caught flat-footed. Hook 'em!

Edited by Junior Bonner
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2 minutes ago, DCLonghorn said:

The Big 8 took the four best schools from the SWC (which we still call a merger) and I recall we did push for HQ location, commissioner, CCG locations, and of course no partial qualifiers.

I'm not gonna say our football program is a paragon of virtue, but the fact that we demanded fairly minimal standards regarding Prop 48 AND THE OTHERS ACCEDED is proof positive which program was the big swinging dick.  Nebraska had something like a couple dozen Prop 48 players when the conference was announced and the rules ended up limiting Prop 48 to two male players per school.  Add in the location of the conference headquarters and the first commissioner . . . well, they wanted Texas, and they got Texas.  Complaining after the fact is chickenshit.

I don't expect those kind of sea changes in academic or athletic culture this time around.  The most obvious reason is the fact that this is not a new conference.  We'll be the new kid, not one of 12 new kids, and that's just a different paradigm.  I do expect we will flex a little muscle, most likely around how the LHN gets folded into existing (or new) SEC TV & media contracts, but that's business.  One thing's for sure:  we can't use the Big 12 as leverage.  The Big 10 or the Pac 10?  Sure, maybe, but everybody knows those aren't #1 on the list.  It's a new day.

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3 minutes ago, Telegraph_it said:

Does Bamachick represent most Bama fans? My only interaction with SEC folks is along 30A. They seem alright but I’ve never tried talking to any of them. 


I grew up in East Texas, all the SEC fans that I know are the ones from rich families that didn’t have the grades to go to Texas so they went to Miss, Arkansas, or Bama. 

Good guys, but bro-y as hell and came back with Deep South accents they didn’t have when they left. Texas girls that left for an SEC school were invariably very hot. 

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8 minutes ago, HenryJames said:

Heaven forbid they move it to a place with direct flights.

We would never push for Dallas.  The Texas way is to push for something logical and central like Nashville all while making Vandy our inside puppet.  

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John sharpe is in a real pickle here. Either he knew about it before but didn’t tell aggy so he gets burned at the stake by the mob, or he didn’t know about it and looks like a total idiot (which he is).

I bet the SEC told him about it the day after the regular session ended and not a minute before. 

Edited by JimmyJames
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Does Bamachick represent most Bama fans? My only interaction with SEC folks is along 30A. They seem alright but I’ve never tried talking to any of them. 

Well, if there was an insufferably arrogant fan contest, Texas, Bama, Notre Dame and Ohio State would meet every year in the finals.

I can see a Bama/Texas rivalry becoming a real thing. Shit, I look forward to it. Something something, two toughest kids….


What I look forward to is for Texas to finish higher in its division year one than Aggy did the last 10 years. That will be glorious.
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The wanting things their way on us not being admitted to the SEC and being the only Texas SEC school, all while warning about the dangers of "special exemption" Texas is just too much of a self-own for me to not be in awe of. 

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18 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

I'm negging the next motherfucker who posts pod shit in here. There's a separate thread for that. This thread is moving so fast and is difficult enough to follow. 


Why do you think I started the thread? The history of the realignment thread is rife with eventual posts about pods. It's everyone's favorite future toy. 

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3 hours ago, Tex Long said:

West Pod - Texas, Aggy, LSU, Arkiesaw

North Pod - 0U, Mizzou, Kentucky, Vandy

South Pod - Bama, Auburn, Ole Miss, Miss State

East Pod - Tennessee, SC, Georgia, Fla



I think we need to appease aggy and go ahead and make you the commish.  Solid work. 

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14 minutes ago, Junior Bonner said:

Sitting in Birmingham where the prevailing attitude is "of course they want to be in the SEC, so welcome!" 

From my completely self-centered perspective, I'm happy I'll no longer have to spend three hours every week figuring out how/where I can watch my beloved Longhorns play.

So nice to see Texas take a forward-thinking, proactive step in athletics instead of being caught flat-footed. Hook 'em!

Were you walking along US31 a few weeks ago in burnt orange when a dude beeped the horn?

Hope you didn't need a lift because you totally had an axe-murderer vibe going and no way was I stopping.

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So, anything to the rumor that aggy plans to filibuster when the votes are taken to try to prevent it from happening? Supposedly they are looking for Wendy Davis' sneakers and soiled underwear she wore during her 11 hour filibuster 8 years ago.

Poor aggy

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5 minutes ago, runthebone said:

The amazing part is watching them injure themselves while still totally failing to keep Texas out.  Only Aggy is aggy enough to misread the secsecsec and fuck this up.

It would be sad to me (if I had not dwelt among them in their home hive) how much they have an unrequited SEC love. They are the 40-year-old dude drinking up their paycheck at the strip club because the girls are their "friends."

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36 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

we don't have fans that call in to tv shows that sound like zoo animals

2 things not going for you:

- we will get the opportunity to avenge the cheap shot on colt more often than a once-a generation home-and-home

- we are preparing to weaponize the new landscape, and a fully functional deathstar is not something saban wants to stick around in his 70s to coach against

What cheap shot?  He tackled him.  When he had the ball. 

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27 minutes ago, Telegraph_it said:

Does Bamachick represent most Bama fans? My only interaction with SEC folks is along 30A. They seem alright but I’ve never tried talking to any of them. 


If they have a tie to the school, they’re fine. The T shirt fans are deranged and invent ways to signal their fandom.

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41 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

Hopefully not peeking through the venetian blinds.

Postgame at DKRTMS under the NEZ..

When she was in high school she would invite her cheerleader teammates over to her backyard to jump on the family’s trampoline in their bikini swimsuits. (Yeah, just like the Man Show). No pedo here though, sorry.

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4 hours ago, WinningIsHard said:

The portrayal of aggy football players as quasi closet homosexuals on their way to a whore house is a national treasure. We should find a way to play that on an endless loop in the visitors locker room of DKR the first time we play them lulz 

I would show all those “rap” videos and this showgirl performance to the first large gathering of recruits every year. Then I’d say look to your left, then look to your right. Is this what you want to represent one day? One of you will. Now who wants to be a Longhorn?!!

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40 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

I'm negging the next motherfucker who posts pod shit in here. There's a separate thread for that. This thread is moving so fast and is difficult enough to follow. 



38 minutes ago, clapclapclap said:

Ags are so upset, they now want the Tide pods.


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15 minutes ago, utee94 said:

You can't leave Michigan out of this.  When Texas went to the 2005 Rose Bowl, I was astonished and dismayed that the Michigan fans actually out-arroganced us.  It was really surprising, and I vowed to personally up my arrogance-game in a big way, but I still don't think I can compete with the Maize n Blue.  And they've sucked even more than WE have in recent years.


Are you forgetting the game the following year against USC? Those dudes were way more arrogant than Michigan. A friend was there so I went up to one of their tailgates and later asked some dude for a shrimp skewer on the grill and you would have thought I had asked him to fuck his wife. He did eventually reluctantly give me one though (a shrimp skewer, not his wife). 

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You can't leave Michigan out of this.  When Texas went to the 2005 Rose Bowl, I was astonished and dismayed that the Michigan fans actually out-arroganced us.  It was really surprising, and I vowed to personally up my arrogance-game in a big way, but I still don't think I can compete with the Maize n Blue.  And they've sucked even more than WE have in recent years.

I guess tOSU and Michigan are sorta Big-10 thing one and thing two.

Like Texas/OU, their conference is imploded if they left. And arrogance itself does not mean there are no valid grounds for that arrogance. Except in Michigan’s case - yeah - they have not done shit in a while.
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Heaven forbid they move it to a place with direct flights.
I once overheard a blue-blood SEC president gently rib Slive about this exact point. Slive even more gently shot that right down. It was a sight to behold.

This little anecdote should serve as fair warning that our apparent new home is very different that our current and past homes. SEC HQ is smart, forward thinking, well run, formidable, and not a sock puppet for any single/pair of schools.

Flame bamachick all you want but "one of 14 (or more)" is a real thing and a part of the SEC culture, that is repeatedly spoken out loud in Birmingham and around the conference, and it's how the conference is structured, including financially. Everyone gets an even share, an even voice, and can leave whenever they want (paraphrase from a Slive quote back in the day). Sanke is the hand picked successor and was his deputy for years, so consistent leadership for decades. There is a reason that a regional conference that was one of many has become the best in the land aligned with the biggest broadcaster in the space.

Put another way, imagine what it takes to keep the current schools in the SEC in line, off each other's throats, out of the NCAA sights (better than in the past), and keep that money tree growing...it ain't with a soft commissioner doing the bidding of one or two.

Hopefully UT leadership will be smarter and more gracious than message board fans. They usually are. Which is why this move makes some sense.

As far as (probably jokes) about SEC HQ in Dallas. ATL made a real run at getting the SEC to move and made a whole hell of a lot of sense. HQ still in Birmingham.

We will not be moving the center of gravity for SEC as much as many of us think we might, or at all.

P.S. The post comes as close as I will ever get to the SEC chant. Despite the above, I find that kind of weird.
P.P.S. I have very small dated insight that makes the above read like I'm all for this move...even after days of this sinking in, it's still not my first or second choice. But if we do go to the SEC, it's a damn well run conference.
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