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Realignment talk not going away

The Tower

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32 minutes ago, DFW Horn said:

Isn't Swaim terminally ill? If so, what malady is affecting him? Whatever it is has further deteriorated his cognitive function.

How often was this sumbitch right about anything?

I guess this is accurate. It was on his Twitter feed:


I haven't advertised this, but 57 years after doctors in Columbus, Ohio told my parents that I probably wouldn't live to 20, they apparently were only off by 41-plus years. I'm going into hospice soon, but really don't know exactly how long I have...so will compete until the day I go home. I'm now on a ventilator 23-plus hours daily in bed (why I have so much time to post on social media and watch sports ), but very comfortable at this point and enjoying my family.
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