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I backed it in kickstarter purely out of nostalgia. Looks to be a ton of fun. You lose when your merc company goes bankrupt and it has a story but you don't have to do it. There are random procedurally contracts you can play forever


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I backed on Kickstarter. I used to run a campaign of the tabletop game and have had the opportunity to play this at PAX East and south a couple of times. The devs get it and love the franchise and it's a really faithful adaptation and reproduction of the tabletop experience. I'm psyched for the release next month

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7 hours ago, elfenix said:

re: 3rd video:

isn't mechwarrior set in the battletech universe and not the other way around?



Eh, MechWarrior is based on the tabletop game battletech. They inhabit the same canonical universe though. The games have generally been post-clan invasion but there's a ton of good stories and fiction during the 3rd succession wars (3020-25)

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14 hours ago, The Other White Meat said:

I backed this on Kickstarter but am far more excited to hear about MW5. I played the hell out of 4 and Mercenaries.

I really REALLY hope that piranha games doesn't fuck up MW5. I used to play the shit out of MWO until they failed to deliver any features besides more paid mechs and monetizations.

Although they also had some real issues with weapon balance as you are effectively able to put all of your shots on the exact same pixel every time easy peasy. And since they're using tabletop as the basis for weapon damage... it gets out of hand real fast and people were building some monstrosities in the mechlab that were absolutely OP. I haven't followed the game much in the last couple years but I really hope they did away with ghost heat and all of the fuckery they resorted to in attempting to balance their multiplayer

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I remember as a kid my new best friend played D&D with his dad and other friends but I could never get into it...

then one sleepover his dad introduced us to battletech (maybe even battledroids or something like that) and I was hooked for a good while.  

I was terrible at the board game but it was super fun. 

Always loved the Phoenix Hawk especially with robotech cartoons, the maurader, titan and another mech that was like the warhammer but I'm drawing a blank.

was always into mechwarrior games back in the day and always wanted to use a timberwolf for some reason.

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On 3/27/2018 at 9:19 AM, Captainant said:

I really REALLY hope that piranha games doesn't fuck up MW5. I used to play the shit out of MWO until they failed to deliver any features besides more paid mechs and monetizations.

Although they also had some real issues with weapon balance as you are effectively able to put all of your shots on the exact same pixel every time easy peasy. And since they're using tabletop as the basis for weapon damage... it gets out of hand real fast and people were building some monstrosities in the mechlab that were absolutely OP. I haven't followed the game much in the last couple years but I really hope they did away with ghost heat and all of the fuckery they resorted to in attempting to balance their multiplayer

Since I'm a masochist (and because I love Mechwarrior) I'm still playing MWO.

Basically the game is just "Hey, here's a new mech" every month.  Skill tree last summer was abysmal.  Faction warfare is a joke. 

They're about to release Solaris and I'm hoping that pans out, but I'm not going to hold my breath.  They're pretty much just milking the whales in MWO until they get MW5 finished.

The very first PC game I ever played was MW2.  My parents got me my own PC and there was a binder of games that came with the computer.  I saw the Timby on the front with all the flames and thought it looked cool.  A few cutscenes later and I was hooked.  Not gonna lie.  I still listen to the soundtrack from that game. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dumped a shitload of time into battletech over the weekend while my fiance is doing finals study - this game scratches the itch of playing a long-running tabletop campaign and the aspects of managing a merc company in between missions (mech repair and refitting, pilot training and health, system travel to contracts) are really deep and interesting. There are definitely some performance issues for the game as it's built in unity but I hope it'll get more stable/faster with time.

I'm playing it mostly as just a campaign game right now, but I'd imagine it's a fantastic way to play battletech online. They did an excellent job adapting the rules to a computer game and tweaking things where it doesn't quite make sense to carry over the old TT rules. If you're in to the tabletop game, you will absolutely be into this game and I'd strongly recommend it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Fun game. A little buggy at launch, but for the most part. Finished the campaign and will wait on a second play through until they release of the free quality of life updates references in their most recent AMA on reddit.


If you are an old school BT player, this will scratch the itch a bit, but I would probably wait a few months if you have not purchased it yet until the modding community and HBS provides a few tweaks. 

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  • 4 years later...

I Kickstarted this but, for whatever reason despite TB tactics being my favorite genre of PC game, never played it until recently.  Man, what a great game.  Played the campaign and started a career, that mode is even more fun IMO.  On Steam, the base game is on sale right now for 75% and the Season Pass (3 DLCs) is 50% off.

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14 hours ago, Hozz said:

I Kickstarted this but, for whatever reason despite TB tactics being my favorite genre of PC game, never played it until recently.  Man, what a great game.  Played the campaign and started a career, that mode is even more fun IMO.  On Steam, the base game is on sale right now for 75% and the Season Pass (3 DLCs) is 50% off.

You should check out RogueTech or BT:Advanced if you want more depth. RT is damn near every rule from the total war ruleset and the mod scene is still extremely active for battletech

I used to play the tabletop game with my dad, and ran some campaigns with buddies a while ago - it's a really fun setting

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i played the shit out of this last month.  just running around with a star league lance blowing up shit and buying every piece of a star league mech i can find.   i guess i should complete the campaign at some point

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I did not finish the campaign but I got to the last mission.  It said to have 2 full lances and that seemed like a slog so I just started a career and have been having a blast.  I am to the point where I am trying to collect all the star league mechs I can find.  So far I only have 2, Bull Shark and Warhammer.

I am aware of the active mod community, apparently there are multiple comprehensive ones.  The two you mentioned and something called BEX?  Also there is an entirely new mod campaign out there too.  Right now the base game is enough for me, if I decide to start another career I will install one of the mods.  I generally don't play any game multiple times though, but I already have like 70 hours into this and am still going.

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On 3/19/2023 at 10:35 AM, Hozz said:

I am aware of the active mod community, apparently there are multiple comprehensive ones.  The two you mentioned and something called BEX?  Also there is an entirely new mod campaign out there too.  Right now the base game is enough for me, if I decide to start another career I will install one of the mods.  I generally don't play any game multiple times though, but I already have like 70 hours into this and am still going

The mods for battletech really do quite alot to overhaul the game - with BEX and RogueTech (mod bundles that compile and balance many different mods for rules and units) you can salvage and command vehicles, the mechbay gets completely overhauled and you have a massive depth of customizability, and there's entire new flashpoints and campaign storylines! 

If you're a big stompy robot nerd and know the Inner Sphere lore, they do a pretty excellent job of keeping everything in flavor with the universe too. I really enjoy RogueTech, it's my go-to distraction since it's turn based and I can walk away or tab out whenever and come back later no problem. 


If you do end up starting a new career, I'd recommend checking out BEX or BTA as good first jump mods. In contrast, RogueTech is brutally punishing and getting your shit blown up and restarting is kind of the point. It's a rogue-like battletech 

Edit: Link to RogueTech wiki, BTA wiki, BEX page

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finished my career and then played a fair bit after that.  Got all the rare mechs, messed around with a lot of builds.  Great game but I think I am done with it unless I hit a rut and run out of stuff to play from my backlog (unlikely).  I got 112 hours in it according to Steam, that is a lot for me.  I would love to see them do a sequel.  All the HBS games I have played I have enjoyed and I am looking forward to their next release, The Lamplighters League.

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