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Texas knows they have to move their visitor section for the SEC and already has a plan

Posted on 6/27/22 at 9:28 pm
I just thought this was hilarious and poetic justice for LSU fans(and Bama fans after this year), but I was talking to my friend who goes to UT Austin, and he was telling me that a bunch of the students found out their student section was moving for this upcoming football season and were confused as to why, as apparently this is the 3rd time Texas has moved the students going back to 2015. I thought it had something to do with their upcoming move to the SEC, and when I googled it, nothing came up at first. I then used verbatim and the search by date options, and I found this interview from the Longhorn network and there’s also a newsletter they sent out in February for season ticket renewals(but I’m not including that), and it turns out I was very much correct. The link to the interview of Texas’ AD is here:  Longhorn Network Townhall Texas’ athletic director in the YouTube link specifically says at 38:05 and 43:30 that they will be relocating the visitors section/visiting band to the lower bowl of DKR for the SEC move and they also had to go ahead and move the student section for 2022 and beyond in preparation for the move to get everything in order, give themselves time to adjust, and to help the season ticket holders affected relocate to other seats over the next few years(they apparently kicked out and moved 10 entire sections of season ticket holders in sections 16-26 of DKR in February of this year.) Their AD is actually misquoting the number, because it’s 2000, not 2500 according to the bylaws. Or maybe the SEC is punishing Texas for what they did to LSU and what they’re likely gonna do to Alabama this year, and will make them have 2500 seats for a few seasons lol.  
I think it’s absolutely hilarious Texas is being forced to move it. They aren’t special and weren’t going to be allowed to evade the SEC bylaws on visiting teams getting a minimum of 2k seats in the lower bowl(1k of which must be in a contiguous block according to SEC bylaws) and the student section cannot be within the 30 yard lines if it’s within 25 rows from the field and behind the visiting bench. The SEC denied A&M a waiver on this exact thing when they first entered the league. Oklahoma will have to make similar adjustments, but they never moved the visiting band/visitors section from the lower bowl, so props to them. Texas’ student section for 2018-2021 extended to the 40 yard line directly behind the visiting bench, so they had to move it, and the Longhorn band with it. I imagine Texas is holding 2k single-game tickets only in preparation for the move to the SEC in sections 31 & 32 for the SEC visitors’ section, where it has historically been at DKR according to my friend. 
They aren’t moving the visitors section until they join the SEC, since they won’t be getting the same reciprocity from the other Big 12 schools(in fact, it was apparently OK State, Texas Tech, and TCU doing it first that made Texas do it beginning in 2018.) There is no rule on placement of the visitors section in the Big 12, except for the requirement of 3850 seats to the visiting team according to their bylaws. Here’s Texas’ new DKR season ticket map, and like I mentioned, it appears they’re gonna be putting the SEC mandated visitors section/visiting band in portions of sections 31 & 32 when they join, where their student section was in the last few years:  DKR 2022 Seating Map 
And a question for Bama fans, do y’all wanna be petty in 2023 and put Texas in the upper deck, even though they’re planning on moving it? Apparently the Bama-Texas contract calls for 5k tickets to the visiting team. It will be interesting to see what Texas does this season, knowing they fully could put Bama fans in the lower bowl. And it will be interesting to see what Bama does in response in 2023.
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