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Active shooter thread

Hugo Stiglitz

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I’ve seen more than a few people argue that current Brazil is a vision of America’s future. 

I’m starting to smell a sock.

Brazil is a violent country with many societal problems. I’m not suggesting it’s the model. But since we insist on loving guns more than children’s lives, let’s fortify the schools. It’s fucking sad, but here we are.
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17 minutes ago, TexasEd said:

Sandy Hook references been made?

Killed Grandma, Maybe Mom was a teacher

Killed the Kids in mom's classroom?




Next thing will be that fat fucker from InfoWars calling this a conspiracy.


depends if there's a dollar in it for fat fuck Alex Jones.  

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56 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

Nothing happened after Sandy Hook where a bunch of white kids were gunned down. Definitely nothing will happen after a bunch of brown kids in Uvalde we’re killed. Republicans, ladies and gentlemen 

You're wrong about those Republicans. The killer was Hispanic, so I'm sure they'll work extra hard to limit the number of brown folks. 

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5 minutes ago, Hookah Horns said:

You're wrong about those Republicans. The killer was Hispanic, so I'm sure they'll work extra hard to limit the number of brown folks. 

Because we're living in a simulation, I'm expecting to learn that shooter was undocumented so we can scream and fight about strengthening the boarder vs. passing firearm legislation until we move on to the next issue.

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I’m so angry right now. I don’t even know how to express it. I want to cry. It’s this helpless anger because you know it doesn’t even fucking matter. And nothing will fucking change. But I don’t think I’m the only one with this simmering anger towards the GQP and the state of things

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Also on this fucking gun lunacy— gun control has a deep history in the parts of the country that are today the most free wheeling with their gun laws: the south and west.  Sensibly, towns all over those states and territories prohibited carrying weapons in town, and made non-residents check their guns.  They channeled and controlled the cultish Scots-Irish love of violence that had always defined the people here rather than deifying it. Turns out, telling the bad guy he can’t have a gun in town works better than giving all the good guys guns, too. Who guessed? 

I mean, it’s in all the fucking cowboy movies that these assholes claim to love, it’s not like it’s obscure academic trivia. Our state’s anything goes attitude is the liberal/radical stance. 

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I fucking suck for not doing anything about this. Making children less safe so we can have our right to bear arms. Marking so many deaths and feeling helpless. I did this by doing nothing but reading about it and shaking my head! FUCK THAT!!!

I want the people in this sick boy's life to be held accountable. If they are alive, put them in jail. If they are dead, take their estate and pay it to the victims. You don't get to raise a mentally ill person with needs that you don't do enough to address and not bear the brunt of responsibility! GET THE FUCKING HELP NEEDED. Fuck shielding these families from public humiliation and accountability. MAKE THEM PAY!!!

There are a lot of mentally ill people who would never do anything like this but we know enough now to have a profile of those who might and how they might be acting before something happens. Create awareness and make people know they are accountable for their sick child's actions 100% if they act on their sick ideations. This is where we are at. This is what is needed since we won't stop worshiping the second amendment and putting guns on a pedestal. 


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44 minutes ago, Snake Diggity said:

3 common threads to these incidents:

1. Mentally ill person with a fuckton of warning signs.

2. That mentally ill person having access to firearms.

3. The armed mentally ill person being able to gain access to the school.

American society needs to address all 3.  That dude shouldn’t have been able to post violent shit on social media without somebody following up with authorities.  That dude should not have been able to get ahold of guns or ammo.  That school should have been locked.

The firearm industry should be treated with the heavy hand of both the automobile and cigarette industries.

I’m not an expert, but I’d argue there’s a difference between being mentally ill and having traumatic experiences.  People cannot get in the business of conflating the 2. 

You can have some sort of traumatic experience that causes you to act out your anger in a way like this, and that doesn’t mean you’re mentally ill. 


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24 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:

I don’t disagree. But half this country is not interested in programs that address mental health because muh taxes!!!

Are we sure on that? I feel like the vast majority of people would love our taxes to go to something obviously needed and wanted like mental health.  The problem is not the amount of taxes we pay but where those taxes are being spent.  We want to get rid of semi-automatic weapons for the public while equipping our military hypersonic missiles that cost over $100M a piece, fighters that cost over $150M each and load them up with $7M of missiles (8 total missiles).  The money is there, it's always been there.

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wait what? Listening right now to CNN interview with officer at the scene:

- gunman was being pursued by cops when gunman crashed pickup into a ditch and then got into the school.  

- school already had armed guards on duty

- gunman proceeded to kill 18 kids + 2 teachers. 

wtf, the cops couldn't prevent this?  details are murky.. clear this up. 

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I get it, guns huge part of the issue here but dammit how did we as a society get to a place where people even think of "oh I'm going to kill my grandmother and then go shoot up random school kids."  You can take away all the guns (please do) but we are still so fucked up of a society I'm not sure it matters.  We need way more than gun control but since we won't even talk with each other we can't even get that past to move on to the other pieces.

Guess what? We could do mental health AND common sense gun control.

But we won’t.
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Are we sure on that? I feel like the vast majority of people would love our taxes to go to something obviously needed and wanted like mental health.  The problem is not the amount of taxes we pay but where those taxes are being spent.  We want to get rid of semi-automatic weapons for the public while equipping our military hypersonic missiles that cost over $100M a piece, fighters that cost over $150M each and load them up with $7M of missiles (8 total missiles).  The money is there, it's always been there.

Are you familiar with fattyflattie?
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Just now, SimonBolivar said:

Hard to go against an AR and body armor with a handgun.

That can't be right, because Ted Cruz said we know from experience that armed cops on campus are the best way to protect kids.

So, your statement, as logical as it sounds, must be incorrect.

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7 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

I fucking suck for not doing anything about this. Making children less safe so we can have our right to bear arms. Marking so many deaths and feeling helpless. I did this by doing nothing but reading about it and shaking my head! FUCK THAT!!!

I want the people in this sick boy's life to be held accountable. If they are alive, put them in jail. If they are dead, take their estate and pay it to the victims. You don't get to raise a mentally ill person with needs that you don't do enough to address and not bear the brunt of responsibility! GET THE FUCKING HELP NEEDED. Fuck shielding these families from public humiliation and accountability. MAKE THEM PAY!!!

There are a lot of mentally ill people who would never do anything like this but we know enough now to have a profile of those who might and how they might be acting before something happens. Create awareness and make people know they are accountable for their sick child's actions 100% if they act on their sick ideations. This is where we are at. This is what is needed since we won't stop worshiping the second amendment and putting guns on a pedestal. 


This is an understandable but ultimately regressive and dark way of responding.  Living with a family member with mental health issues is a tremendous burden for the most well-positioned among us, it creates its own mental health issues. On everything from care and treatment to the ease of acquiring weapons, we make it harder for families to do the right thing. Then we punish them for that? 

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2 minutes ago, Red Five said:

18 year old HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT can legally purchase the weapons to do this. Can't buy a beer though. Can't buy Copenhagen in some states at 18 (learned that the hard way). Also can't rent a car. 

21 nationwide for tobacco now.

Edited by SimonBolivar
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Yup, it's about how far against their principles the other side is willing to go without becoming the thing they're fighting. That's the finesse. And we ain't fucking there

I’m so angry right now. I don’t even know how to express it. I want to cry. It’s this helpless anger because you know it doesn’t even fucking matter. And nothing will fucking change. But I don’t think I’m the only one with this simmering anger towards the GQP and the state of things

This won’t change until people who are not aligned with the GQP and NRA death cults take violent action against same.
I don’t want it to be that way. I’m not suggesting any such actions. I’m just observing that the dynamic, a tyranny of the minority death cult, will never change or accept removal from power by peaceful means. They have already told us loud and clear that the only way that regime change can occur is by violent action. They are going to follow their own rules.
This only ends in civil war. It can’t end any other way. Because that’s how they want it to be. Unfuckingbelievable, that we would flush away this Republic at the hands of a nihilist death cult, but here we are.
This fucking place.
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3 minutes ago, Red Five said:

18 year old HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT can legally purchase the weapons to do this. Can't buy a beer though. Can't buy Copenhagen in some states at 18 (learned that the hard way). Also can't rent a car. 

It's easier for me to buy bullets than antihistamines. I don't need an ID. I don't have to sign for them and I can buy a truckload if I want. 

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25 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

Of course MTG had to say something


Well, she did hit the 3 main talking points: 1) must just be mental issues 2) no gun control 3) thoughts and prayers/god

Edited by OU Sucks
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Just now, OU Sucks said:

Well, she did hit the 3 main talking points: 1) mental issues 2) no gun control 3) thoughts and prayers/god

4). And don’t take your meds.

Had to get that one in there, just to show that she’s not in lockstep with the RINOS who support things like evidence based psychiatric treatment.  

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59 minutes ago, Foosters said:

California tried that. Liberal 9th circuit just struck it down as violative of the 2nd.

Only hope in pulling country back from Christofacism is packing SCOTUS. Good luck.

Maybe dumb Q. How does this sort of relatively minor decision on the 2A affect the arrival time of christofacism?

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3 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:

Holy shit. I’m tearing up. I just asked my 7 year old daughter if they do lock down drills (I know they do). She said they do and they are supposed to hide behind the cabinets. Seriously, you fucking right wing but jobs, that’s ok with you??? Fuck this world.

But don’t fucking dare make kids wear a mask!!!

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7 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

This is an understandable but ultimately regressive and dark way of responding.  Living with a family member with mental health issues is a tremendous burden for the most well-positioned among us, it creates its own mental health issues. On everything from care and treatment to the ease of acquiring weapons, we make it harder for families to do the right thing. Then we punish them for that? 

We aren't going to do anything about the ease of acquiring weapons. That has been established as fact. The only deterrence is to make it harder on the families of the shooters. That is all that we are left with. They do have a tremendous burden for dealing with such a family member, but if they know that they have to seek the help or get in a shitload of trouble then that will maybe make a difference in getting them to deal with those with sick ideations in a meaningful way. IF they are getting help then maybe they prevent all the pain. Since we won't do anything about the ease of acquiring weapons, then this is all there is left to us. 

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