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Active shooter thread

Hugo Stiglitz

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10 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Well there has been discussions going back years on this board and the predecessors where this issue of under prosecution of these specific types of cases has been raised. Some posters think that gun laws should be enforced aggressively. 

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2 hours ago, MrBig said:

I know this country is deeply divided on guns. And I agree that gun control advocates need to take every inch they can get when it comes to changing gun accessibility laws. What MM is doing is using his voice in a genuine way to move people in the direction of promoting reasonable gun laws. Something is better than nothing. 

But it’s pretty fucking sick that in one decade we’ve had nearly 40 elementary school aged children and 8 teachers killed by shooters with an AR-15 type of weapon (Sandy Hook & Uvalde) and all we can do is beg to raise the age to buy these weapons to 21. An outright ban is out of the question and will never happen. 

After Vegas, the future of our country was clear to me as it relates to gun control. 1000+ bullets, 60 people dead, 411 injured. Those numbers are staggering. If that episode didnt force people to acknowledge the insanity of these weapons being readily available to civilians, nothing will. that crazy motherfucker had like a dozen AR-15's in his room. 5 years later, the next Richard Paddock could easily do it again. If a persons background is clean, nothing will stop them from buying 20 AR-15's today. Its just the cost of doing business in the good ole USA

Immediately following Columbine, Sandy Hook, Va Tech, Vegas, Aurora, Orlando, etc... I heard pleas every bit as impassioned. Maybe not delivered with the polish of an academy award winning actor, but the message was essentially the same. And we're still in the starting blocks, nothing changes. We can beg all we want, but the GOP doesnt give one single, solitary, fuck. 

The identity of the party is now increasingly built on this issue. The GOP voting block would rather live in a world where a Uvalde happens every single goddamn day, then live in a world where they cant own AR-15's. Their elected officials know that. Concessions would be seen as weakness, and I can promise you those fucksticks wont do anything that could even remotely be viewed as weak. You wont find 10 votes in the Senate to make a difference. We'll probably get some watered down red flag laws riddled with loopholes, more money to harden schools, and maybe an extra waiting period. That's it.  

As "sickened" as everyone is today, in 3 months with gas at $6/gal, inflation still rising, and a recession, the GOP is going to strengthen their numbers in DC. They know that. They have no reason to give an inch here, because 20-30 years of precedent tells them that all they have to do is just wait it out for a month or two when they can change the narrative. The only way this ever changes is in the voting booth and while there may be thousands directly affected by the tragedy in Uvalde, there will be hundreds of millions directly affected by the economy.  Sadly this incident wont drive much voting behavior come November. 


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2 hours ago, Satchel said:

Can you quote me saying I want to eliminate all firearms?

Yup. I went down the different calibers after reading your post. Every popular caliber was developed for the  military; 9 mm, 45, 223, etc. So thought maybe before reading that you were more moderate and were  limiting to only banning things the military uses. But you are for an all out ban. Which tracks with the banning what the military uses as they use everything.  Got it.

I am for the record a gun toting, multi- AR owning person who does not believe anything should be banned. I came here to read different views. And so I have. No offense meant and non taken by the rants. 

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8 minutes ago, Alien Octopus said:

Yup. I went down the different calibers after reading your post. Every popular caliber was developed for the  military; 9 mm, 45, 223, etc. So thought maybe before reading that you were more moderate and were  limiting to only banning things the military uses. But you are for an all out ban. Which tracks with the banning what the military uses as they use everything.  Got it.

I am for the record a gun toting, multi- AR owning person who does not believe anything should be banned. I came here to read different views. And so I have. No offense meant and non taken by the rants. 

And you get a rocket launcher and you get a javelin and you get a RPG

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43 minutes ago, Alien Octopus said:

Yup. I went down the different calibers after reading your post. Every popular caliber was developed for the  military; 9 mm, 45, 223, etc. So thought maybe before reading that you were more moderate and were  limiting to only banning things the military uses. But you are for an all out ban. Which tracks with the banning what the military uses as they use everything.  Got it.

I am for the record a gun toting, multi- AR owning person who does not believe anything should be banned. I came here to read different views. And so I have. No offense meant and non taken by the rants. 

You sure about that Clark?

No restrictions at all? Just go on down to Billy Badass' Tanks and Artillery?

It's not the round development. 30-40 Krag with the side door load was for the military. Ain't nobody shooting up a church or synagogue or school or grocery store with a bolt action. .303,  I can honestly say I have not one time ever heard it mentioned in the press releases in any of these events. 

You can buy a fully operational tank. It requires slightly less paperwork than a standard Walgreens receipt. If you go through the process you can go buy a tank just like Buzbee. Park it in your front yard just like him too.

Reasonable regulations?

Hell, they wanna be able to get dynamite and a Thompson at the Ace Hardware.

Like the good old days!


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I appreciate what MM had to say - even though he’s still stupidly trying to walk the middle and futilely trying to get republicans onboard - but all this nonsense about him running for office????


No more actors/reality television people/techbros with less than zero political abilities - no matter what side their on.

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6 hours ago, Blotto said:

…You wont find 10 votes in the Senate to make a difference…

…The only way this ever changes is in the voting booth…


some of those who work forces gets quoted around here quite a bit. more often than not, when i read these cr threads i hear zack saying the structure is set you’ll never change it with a ballot pull. 

he was right 25 years ago and he’s right today. 


On 6/5/2022 at 2:27 PM, Neonmoon said:

Nothing ever happens because Wyoming having the same amount of senators as California is the dumbest fucking idea ever. 


On 6/5/2022 at 3:08 PM, Red Five said:

The Dakotas have 1.6 million people combined. California has 39 million. The Dakotas have twice as many senators as California. 

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6 hours ago, Anastasis said:

Well there has been discussions going back years on this board and the predecessors where this issue of under prosecution of these specific types of cases has been raised. Some posters think that gun laws should be enforced aggressively. 

Nobody fucking cares what happens to hunter Biden. Fucking execute him if you have to. Be better. 

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1 hour ago, 956 Worldwide said:

When you read in the Bible about mourning and repentance, about putting on sackcloth, or about Job’s friends tearing robes and throwing dust on their head and sitting on the ground without a word— this is a sane and appropriate response to something like this. It’s what Americans need to do, and then to reflect on what sort of world we have built. 

The Bible also says this, which seems fitting under the circumstances:

Leviticus 26:29
You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters.

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6 hours ago, cactusflinthead said:

You sure about that Clark?

No restrictions at all? Just go on down to Billy Badass' Tanks and Artillery?

It's not the round development. 30-40 Krag with the side door load was for the military. Ain't nobody shooting up a church or synagogue or school or grocery store with a bolt action. .303,  I can honestly say I have not one time ever heard it mentioned in the press releases in any of these events. 

You can buy a fully operational tank. It requires slightly less paperwork than a standard Walgreens receipt. If you go through the process you can go buy a tank just like Buzbee. Park it in your front yard just like him too.

Reasonable regulations?

Hell, they wanna be able to get dynamite and a Thompson at the Ace Hardware.

Like the good old days!


There was a guy you might of heard of who in fact used several bolt actions for a pretty famous mass killing that took place on top of the tower. Look into it , Clark.

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11 minutes ago, Alien Octopus said:

There was a guy you might of heard of who in fact used several bolt actions for a pretty famous mass killing that took place on top of the tower. Look into it , Clark.

Imagine how much more damage he could’ve inflicted if he’d had an AR-15. You’re making some weak ass arguments. 

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26 minutes ago, Alien Octopus said:

There was a guy you might of heard of who in fact used several bolt actions for a pretty famous mass killing that took place on top of the tower. Look into it , Clark.

The point of gun safety laws isn't to make shootings impossible, it's to make them more difficult and less probable. Whitman was a trained marine. The recent slate of mass shootings, particular school ones, are being done by young males with no military background. They are empowered with powerful weaponry that makes killing a lot of people in short amount of time a lot easier. We need more regulation of the sale of all types of firearms. And for certain firearms we need even heavier restrictions. Personally, I don't think an outright ban is necessary. But in lieu of people like yourself agreeing to reasonable alternatives, it may be only path we can pursue. 

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42 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Imagine how much more damage he could’ve inflicted if he’d had an AR-15. You’re making some weak ass arguments. 

Imagine what he could of done if he had  the Star Wars Death Star or a nasty spell from Harry Potter, just imagine.  Oh wait that is make believe. Like your straw man.


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1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

Waiting for Anastasis so I can know what the worst take on this is.

Well the NRA can go fuck themselves is one take as far as I am concerned. But you will have to post the details of the bills that were being voted on if you want a discussion of the legislation. 

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1 hour ago, Alien Octopus said:

There was a guy you might of heard of who in fact used several bolt actions for a pretty famous mass killing that took place on top of the tower. Look into it , Clark.

That’s like saying anyone can kill someone with a baseball because Aroldis Chapman can  throw a pitch 105 MPH. Whitman scored as one of the top sharpshooters in his class at the Marine Corps. There are uniquely talented people out there, most are not like them. 

I’ve said this before, but as far as mass shootings go Whitman and the Dallas police shooter are the only 2 that demonstrated actual skill in their killings. Everyone else was solely just a psycho with a gun and was still able to do tons of damage. 

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2 hours ago, Dahobbs said:

Nobody fucking cares what happens to hunter Biden. Fucking execute him if you have to. Be better. 

Just providing the context to the excerpt of RJ's comments were tweeted about and posted here.  I figure most of the posters here did not know that he was referring to lying on a 4473, which has been a topic of inadequate enforcement of gun laws in these discussions for a while. 

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14 minutes ago, Helobious said:

I’ve said this before, but as far as mass shootings go Whitman and the Dallas police shooter are the only 2 that demonstrated actual skill in their killings. 

How are the nation's police forces not calling for changes on these weapons? Even if police skew more conservative/right-wing, you'd think that having to be out in public on a day-to-day basis with these weapons around would overcome any sort of political bias to say "Hey, I just saw five officers killed in Dallas with an assault rifle. Get those things off the streets." or "Hey, I just had to enter a classroom with 19 dead fourth-graders and 2 teachers and I will never get that image out of my head."

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8 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

How are the nation's police forces not calling for changes on these weapons? Even if police skew more conservative/right-wing, you'd think that having to be out in public on a day-to-day basis with these weapons around would overcome any sort of political bias to say "Hey, I just saw five officers killed in Dallas with an assault rifle. Get those things off the streets." or "Hey, I just had to enter a classroom with 19 dead fourth-graders and 2 teachers and I will never get that image out of my head."

They only “Skew” conservative eh? 

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11 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

How are the nation's police forces not calling for changes on these weapons? Even if police skew more conservative/right-wing, you'd think that having to be out in public on a day-to-day basis with these weapons around would overcome any sort of political bias to say "Hey, I just saw five officers killed in Dallas with an assault rifle. Get those things off the streets." or "Hey, I just had to enter a classroom with 19 dead fourth-graders and 2 teachers and I will never get that image out of my head."

I have no idea why the police aren't more concerned about this.  But as one example, they saw a chubby kid barely out of puberty walking around a tense situation in Kenosha carrying an assault rifle and I don't think they batted an eye.  Shit, they probably though he was one of the "good guys with guns."


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Just now, South Austin said:

I have no idea why the police aren't more concerned about this.  But as one example, they saw a chubby kid barely out of puberty walking around a tense situation in Kenosha carrying an assault rifle and I don't think they batted an eye.  Shit, they probably though he was one of the "good guys with guns."


Hey hey hey now, he may have broken the law by paying someone to lie on a 4473 and make a straw purchase for him so he could cosplay as a brownshirt as a 17 year old minor, but he's just a good white boy redass aggy so let's give him a pass yeah?

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33 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

How are the nation's police forces not calling for changes on these weapons? Even if police skew more conservative/right-wing, you'd think that having to be out in public on a day-to-day basis with these weapons around would overcome any sort of political bias to say "Hey, I just saw five officers killed in Dallas with an assault rifle. Get those things off the streets." or "Hey, I just had to enter a classroom with 19 dead fourth-graders and 2 teachers and I will never get that image out of my head."

Because the vast majority of them buy into the masturbatory fantasy of an army of Y'all Qaeda overthrowing the duly elected government and installing a new fascist state where the cops are treated like the gods that they think they are.  And a mob with AR-15s is part of that fantasy for them.  It's not much more complicated than that.

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25 minutes ago, South Austin said:

I have no idea why the police aren't more concerned about this.  But as one example, they saw a chubby kid barely out of puberty walking around a tense situation in Kenosha carrying an assault rifle and I don't think they batted an eye.  Shit, they probably though he was one of the "good guys with guns."


Prior to the shooting, cops thanked him and gave him a bottle of water.


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1 hour ago, Alien Octopus said:

Imagine what he could of done if he had  the Star Wars Death Star or a nasty spell from Harry Potter, just imagine.  Oh wait that is make believe. Like your straw man.

So hard to argue with this airtight logic.

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1 minute ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Ah yes.  Forgot that.  I guess the guys on the Kenosha police force can use their keen observation skillz to tell a good guy openly carrying a high-powered assault rifle from somebody who's about to snap and shoot up a crowd.

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Lawmakers debating gun control in DC will today see video of a a fourth-grader who survived the Uvalde shooting by smearing the blood of one of her classmates on her body to appear like she was already shot and dead.



Amid new pressure for gun control on Capitol Hill, lawmakers on Wednesday will hear what's expected to be dramatic testimony from a fourth grader trapped in a Texas classroom for more than an hour as a gunman killed 19 of her classmates and two of her teachers.

Miah Cerrillo, who emotionally described to CNN smearing herself with her classmate's blood and playing dead as the Uvalde rampage unfolded, is expected to describe the horror she experienced to the House Oversight Committee in a recorded video.

But Cerrillo will no longer be in the room when the video is played. Her father will appear in her place and will introduce her video statement.

"The Committee has been in close contact with Miah, her family, and her pediatrician and has been prioritizing her safety and comfort first and foremost. Her decision to record her story and share it with the American people is courageous – and I hope all Members open their hearts and minds to what she has to say," chair Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., said in a statement. "Miah, her family, and her pediatrician have made the decision to have her not appear in person, and she will be represented by her father who will introduce her recorded testimony."

The committee also will hear from other families traumatized by the massacres in Uvalde and in Buffalo, New York, that killed a total of 31 people just 10 days apart.


Also testifying are Felix Rubio and Kimberly Rubio, the parents of Lexi Rubio, a 10-year-old girl killed in Uvalde; Zeneta Everhart, the mother of Buffalo shooting survivor Zaire Goodman, who was shot in the neck while working at the store; and Roy Guerrero, a Uvalde pediatrician who treated the victims.

Felix and Kimberly Rubio, who lost their daughter Alexandria "Lexi" Rubio in the Texas School shooting, did an interview with Maria Elena Salinas.

ABC News

Guerrero told ABC News' Mireya Villarreal and James Scholz on the eve of his testimony that the community is "strong" but they need more than "thoughts and prayers."

"We need people to step up," he said. "We need this to stop, basically. And I figured that if I didn't take that step forward and take that initiative, I'd just kind of be sitting back doing nothing and not reaching my full potential with my obligation to these children. "

A second panel appearing before the House committee Wednesday includes various officials and advocacy group leaders: Buffalo police commissioner Joseph Gramaglia; Greg Jackson, Jr., the executive director of the Community Justice Action Fund; Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association; and Nick Suplina, senior vice president for law and policy at Everytown for Gun Safety.

Students escape through a window during the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School, May 24, 2022, in Uvalde, Texas.

Pete Luna/Uvalde Leader-News

ABC News Congressional Correspondent Rachel Scott spoke exclusively with Maloney on the eve of the committee's hearing on the gun violence epidemic.

"It will break your heart to hear their stories and to know that it's senseless and that it could be prevented," Maloney, D-N.Y., told Scott Tuesday evening in a preview of what to expect today when survivors and families testify.

Maloney said the survivors and families reached out to her committee and insisted on traveling to the nation's capital to share their experiences just mere weeks after witnessing horror -- hoping to change the hearts and minds of lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

"They wanted to tell their stories. They're hoping that their stories will change the minds of some of the members of Congress so that we can find solutions," Maloney said.

"We were saying maybe it would be too difficult," she said, referring to Miah Cerrillo, of someone so young wanting to testify before Congress. "But she felt strongly and her parents supported her wish that she be able to testify and tell her story."

MORE: Why gun control efforts in Congress have mostly failed for 30 years: TIMELINE

"She felt very, very strongly that her story -- she didn't want the loss of her teachers, the loss of her friends, but also the quick thinking that she had to play dead to smear blood all over herself to save her life. It's an incredible story," Maloney added.

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The hearing comes as negotiations continue on gun control. A bipartisan group of lawmakers, led by Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut and Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, are trying to reach a compromise this week on incremental measures like expanded background checks, incentives for states to implement red flag laws and funding for mental health programs.

Senate Democrats are looking for at least 10 Republican votes to get to the 60 needed to overcome a filibuster. If they don't reach that mark, they risk continuing a 30-year trend of inaction on gun reform even in the wake of such tragedies as Sandy Hook, Las Vegas and Parkland.

Murphy provided an update on the talks during an appearance on "The View" on Tuesday, stating he's never seen this much public pressure for elected officials to act and he's hopeful Republicans are "picking up this sense of urgency."

MORE: Sen. Chris Murphy gives Biden update on Senate gun reform talks

"While we are very different in our views, we do both agree that we are not willing to do anything that compromises people's Second Amendment rights," Murphy said. "We are focusing on keeping weapons out of the hands of dangerous people."

President Joe Biden made an impassioned plea last week for more, including a ban on assault weapons like the AR-15 used in the Uvalde shooting, but most Republicans in Congress remain opposed to any gun restrictions.

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"We spent hours with hundreds of family members who were broken, whose lives will never be the same," Biden said in an address from the White House. "They had one message for all of us. Do something."

Maloney said she feels there is a new air of urgency to get gun control legislation on Biden's desk in light of the Uvalde mass shooting, and she's hopeful Republicans will change their minds when they hear the witnesses speak firsthand.

"Absolutely, there's a sense of urgency, and tomorrow we will be debating gun safety laws on the floor and voting. So, hopefully, their testimony will have an impact on the votes of these members of Congress," Maloney said Tuesday.

In a letter to Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the House will vote Wednesday afternoon on the Protect Our Kids Act, the gun control package assembled after the mass shootings in New York and Texas.

In all, 19 young children and two teachers were killed by a gunman wielding an AR-15-style assault weapon at Robb Elementary School on May 24. Funerals for the victims are continuing until June 25.

In Buffalo, 10 Black people were fatally shot in a Tops grocery store on May 14. The Department of Justice is investigating the shooting as a "hate crime and an act of racially-motivated violent extremism."

Buffalo Police secure the scene of a mass shooting at a Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo, N.Y., May 14, 2022.

John Normile/Getty Images

MORE: Son of Buffalo shooting victim to senators in hearing on domestic terrorism: 'What are you doing?'

On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee heard from the son of one of the Buffalo victims as part of a hearing on domestic terrorism.

Garnell Whitfield Jr., the oldest son of Ruth Whitfield, and 86-year-old woman killed in the shooting, held back tears as he urged lawmakers to take action or "yield their positions" in Congress.

"You expect us to continue to just forgive and forget over and over again. And what are you doing?" he said. "You're elected to protect us, to protect our way of life."


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28 minutes ago, Captainant said:

Hey hey hey now, he may have broken the law by paying someone to lie on a 4473 and make a straw purchase for him so he could cosplay as a brownshirt as a 17 year old minor, but he's just a good white boy redass aggy so let's give him a pass yeah?

That was one of the rare cases that was actually prosecuted.  The felony counts were pled off and he got a county citation that came with a $2000 fine. Should have got 10 years and the felonies stuck on his record. We should be making examples of people that break federal firearms laws. 

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1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

That was one of the rare cases that was actually prosecuted.  The felony counts were pled off and he got a county citation that came with a $2000 fine. Should have got 10 years and the felonies stuck on his record. We should be making examples of people that break federal firearms laws. 


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3 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

That was one of the rare cases that was actually prosecuted.  The felony counts were pled off and he got a county citation that came with a $2000 fine. Should have got 10 years and the felonies stuck on his record. We should be making examples of people that break federal firearms laws. 

That's quite the revisionist history - they added the charge against the buyer so they could drop it with a plea deal, but didn't even bother pressing charges against rittenhouse for conspiring to commit a felony, and participating in a straw man FFL sale.

It's almost like we don't tend to make examples of people who are white and supporting the police. Weird, huh?

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9 minutes ago, Captainant said:

That's quite the revisionist history - they added the charge against the buyer so they could drop it with a plea deal, but didn't even bother pressing charges against rittenhouse for conspiring to commit a felony, and participating in a straw man FFL sale.

It's almost like we don't tend to make examples of people who are white and supporting the police. Weird, huh?

I was under the impression most 4473 crimes aren't pursued because of low conviction rates because it's extremely difficult to prove someone knowingly and willingly made a false statement. ATF investigated like 13k cases in 2017 to get 12 convictions? Maybe they just mail in the investigations. Some states appear to be taking over these investigations and getting a lot more convictions. Of course Texas is not among them.


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Imagine what he could of done if he had  the Star Wars Death Star or a nasty spell from Harry Potter, just imagine.  Oh wait that is make believe. Like your straw man.

Your crass “jokes”, for lack of a better word, are quite telling. You really don’t fucking care that CHILDREN were just murdered. Your lack of compassion and basic human decency is appalling.

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29 minutes ago, C-Man said:

Lawmakers debating gun control in DC will today see video of a a fourth-grader who survived the Uvalde shooting by smearing the blood of one of her classmates on her body to appear like she was already shot and dead.




I anxiously await the talking points on this.  I suspect that my sentence above is closer to what they will be than a talking point of "this is unacceptable, and we must take decisive action to protect all of our schoolchildren from ever experiencing a trauma like this."  You know I'm right.

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The conspiracies have already hit social media platforms. No one is crying and green screens and parents just standing around… etc etc

These people pushing the Sandy Hook was a hoax should be held accountable in some way.

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10 hours ago, Alien Octopus said:

Yup. I went down the different calibers after reading your post. Every popular caliber was developed for the  military; 9 mm, 45, 223, etc. So thought maybe before reading that you were more moderate and were  limiting to only banning things the military uses. But you are for an all out ban. Which tracks with the banning what the military uses as they use everything.  Got it.

I am for the record a gun toting, multi- AR owning person who does not believe anything should be banned. I came here to read different views. And so I have. No offense meant and non taken by the rants. 

LOL.  Full auto for everyone!  You are the problem.  Nothing is sensible to you.  

I need my 100 round clip!  


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21 minutes ago, B00M said:

I was under the impression most 4473 crimes aren't pursued because of low conviction rates because it's extremely difficult to prove someone knowingly and willingly made a false statement. ATF investigated like 13k cases in 2017 to get 12 convictions? Maybe they just mail in the investigations. Some states appear to be taking over these investigations and getting a lot more convictions. Of course Texas is not among them.

I agree - and in my view is a strong argument for additional laws that are actually prosecutable. However in the rittenhouse trial, both him and his buyer admitted under oath to the material elements of a straw man transaction - including the reasoning of his 18yo buddy doing it because kyle was too young to buy it himself.

Nevermind that the court used a poorly written state law - their minors in possession of long guns statute - to defuse a federal law. The judge's argument was that "well since we can't charge rittenhouse for illegally possessing a gun, that means the straw purchase is not prosecutable". Which is horseshit. 

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