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Active shooter thread

Hugo Stiglitz

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16 hours ago, pyrohornIII said:

Colorado right?  One kid is a Packers' fan, another a Raider.  Not a Bronco in sight.  I wonder how her constituency gets along with that lack of loyalty? 

Not any college logo in sight.  But then those who vote for her can't even spell college or university, so no surprise there.


One kid has a Gators hoodie on, but with some weird white-camo logo.

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WaPo: Formative years in San Antonio. Changed his name from Nicholas Brink to Aldrich due to online bullying. LDS Church membership. 


But records from Aldrich’s past as Nicholas Brink offer some insight into his formative years.

Brink was born in 2000 as the only son of Aaron and Laura (nee Voepel) Brink, of Orange, Calif., and a year later, in July 2001, the couple separated. Their divorce was finalized in September 2001, court records showed. Brink’s maternal grandfather is state Rep. Randy Voepel, a Republican assemblyman who in the past has aligned himself with the tea party movement and spoken in favor of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Voepel lost his seat in November after a redistricting change altered his Riverside County district.

The family was living in San Antonio at the time of Laura Voepel’s arrest on arson-related charges in 2012. The case wound its way through a Texas court for several years, and according to court records, the defendant was ordered to undergo psychological evaluations and mandatory drug testing. Her trial resulted in the dismissal of the arson charge but she was found guilty on a lesser charge of criminal mischief.

The YouTube account under Brink’s name was opened in 2010, with a note to viewers of the channel that read, “wazzap guys, please help and subscribe.” The crude animation with the “Asian homosexual” label was added in 2012. The video received more than 300 views.

The online bullying incident that targeted Brink included photos of the then-15-year-old youth posted to a Wikipedia-like website, along with a fictitious biography riddled with insults and ridicule.

Months later, on April 28, 2016, a petition was filed in a Bexar County, Tex., court requesting a legal name change for the young man. The formal order, issued a week later, appeared under the simple heading: “Nicholas F. Brink to Anderson L. Aldrich.”


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On 11/21/2022 at 4:06 PM, Satchel said:

I’d bet good money Lauren Boebert has never regularly taken her children to church.

The prayers thing suggests this:



But I think we can all be pretty sure once "T&P" has been typed, that's the last time anyone thinks or prays about whatever they're talking about.

Just more phony empathy from people like Boebert who doesn't give a red fuck.

Edited by RomaVicta
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47 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

I knew this was connected to Hunter Biden

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6 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:


And y’all know that place was probably packed - even at this hour - with folks getting stuff for Thanksgiving.

America is fucking broken.

And just like that, Thanksgiving will never be the same for the affected families. How much longer can we go on like this? 

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On 11/21/2022 at 4:31 PM, henrygandorf said:

it's always been this way.  you think politicians started being pieces of shit in 2015?  social media is the missing data point. 

I apparently shared this SBC speech three years ago yesterday and it popped up in my FB memories today. Here's a shorter version of his speech, which was really fucking good.


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1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

i don't know what was behind this one.  i heard a walmart manager walked into the breakroom and killed 10 employees.  no idea how accurate that is.  don't know why he did it, assuming some sort of mental illness, he snapped, he hated his job, who knows what else.  i don't know anything about the employees' race, gender, sexual preferences, religion, or anything else that might play into the idea that he was driven or motivated by incendiary hate speech coming from someplace. 

i do know that he used a gun and 10 people are dead.  no idea where or how he got the gun, but they probably sell them there along with ammo.  probably wasn't very hard.

the hill that says guns are the root problem with gun violence?  i guess i'll just sit quietly while y'all prove me wrong.

there's a bunch of problems in the world, but the main cause of gun violence is also the main way to stop it (or slow it down) - gun access.

it's like we're playing a football game and they have 11 on the field and we have 9.  instead of just putting our last two on the field to make it fair, we have a bunch of people in here arguing that hey, maybe a zone could work.  actually, man might not be that bad.  stop obfuscating when the answer right in front of you.

it's the guns.  not sure why that bothers you (and others) so much.

Life can be a fucking bitch. Even in America where we have it better than most other places on the planet. Life can also be very unfair. A sexy woman can post a picture of her in her underwear ( no nudity) and rake in thousands of dollars from fat lonely losers on only fans while guys like the shooter scratch and claw for a meager 1000 bucks every 2 weeks from a company whose run by spoiled children.

not defending the shooter in anyway, just trying to make the point that some people have it really rough in this country. 

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7 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

i don't know what was behind this one.  i heard a walmart manager walked into the breakroom and killed 10 employees.  no idea how accurate that is.  don't know why he did it, assuming some sort of mental illness, he snapped, he hated his job, who knows what else.  i don't know anything about the employees' race, gender, sexual preferences, religion, or anything else that might play into the idea that he was driven or motivated by incendiary hate speech coming from someplace. 

i do know that he used a gun and 10 people are dead.  no idea where or how he got the gun, but they probably sell them there along with ammo.  probably wasn't very hard.

the hill that says guns are the root problem with gun violence?  i guess i'll just sit quietly while y'all prove me wrong.

there's a bunch of problems in the world, but the main cause of gun violence is also the main way to stop it (or slow it down) - gun access.

it's like we're playing a football game and they have 11 on the field and we have 9.  instead of just putting our last two on the field to make it fair, we have a bunch of people in here arguing that hey, maybe a zone could work.  actually, man might not be that bad.  stop obfuscating when the answer right in front of you.

it's the guns.  not sure why that bothers you (and others) so much.

I would take away all guns today if I had the power. No one has that power though. It’s not an option. 

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9 hours ago, safe sex said:

Like...this feels like some bullshit the fucking murderous troll is telling his lawyers and they have to go with, correct?

ETA: negging HB just because

My first question is, “Since when?” Okay, I’m told that his lawyers are saying it. My second question is, “What does his social media say?” Then, “What do his family and friends say?”

I’ve heard it reported that he’s not cooperating with investigators. This person obviously has some issues. It’s going to take some time to get it all sorted out. Obviously the people who are ignorant, fearful, intolerant, and hateful of members of the LBGTQ community, and support people who preach hateful things about them, would like nothing more than for the shooter to turn out to be a member of that community. That would change nothing, of course, but in their ignorant minds it would justify their fear and hate.

Even if the shooter does turn out to be non-bianary and it’s not just a dodge by the defense team, we don’t know what the motive was. Perhaps murder-suicide was the goal. One of the affects of telling people who are different that they’re deviant and dangerous and evil is that they might believe you. How many people listen to the hate speech and are driven to suicide as a result of their own self-loathing because they’ve allowed someone else to convince them that they should hate who they are?

There’s still a lot we don’t know. The shooter is supposed to appear in court (remotely) today but I doubt we’ll get any answers until later.

Meanwhile we have another shooting in Virginia to talk and ultimately do nothing about. 

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9 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

must be the hate-speech.

You really just don’t get it and that’s unfortunate. I don’t want to waste my time trying to explain the self-evident for you. But perhaps you could explain for us the effect that the excess of guns in America had on Paul Pelosi getting his skull bashed in with a hammer.

Edited by WhatTheBuck
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24 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

Well there been a mass shooting pretty much every day this month so…


The notable ones 

UVA 11/13

Colorado Springs 11/19

Chesapeake 11/22 

3 in 10 days.  Good work America.

1 minute ago, WhatTheBuck said:

You really just don’t get it and that’s unfortunate. I don’t want to waste my time trying to explain the self-evident for you. But perhaps you could explain for us the affect that the excess of guns in America had on Paul Pelosi getting his skull bashed in with a hammer.

I just don't see why it's so hard to say that it's both.  It's clearly both.  I would get rid of all guns and republicans if I were Thanos.

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getting rid of all the hate-speech is equally impossible. right now. but over time, controlling the guns is way more realistic. 

But think about the social phenomenon that is gun fetishization and mass shootings…the spike in both of those is a recent phenomenon, like over the past generation. It only took 25-30 years to turn into this. What happened can un-happen.
I’d suggest that mass shooting gun violence and the gun fetish are symptoms of much broader and deeper social issues: deep unhappiness (so you find your identity and happiness in guns), frustration and isolation (so you take out your pain on society), demonization and dehumanizing everyone but your group and calling them a threat to your existence (leading to targeted mass shootings), etc.
TLDR; in the 80s, we had guns. We just didn’t view them as props, central to our identity, or tools to inflict our rage on society or the “other.” We have become broken. And gun culture and violence is but the most dramatic symptom of our brokenness.
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1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

You really just don’t get it and that’s unfortunate. I don’t want to waste my time trying to explain the self-evident for you. But perhaps you could explain for us the effect that the excess of guns in America had on Paul Pelosi getting his skull bashed in with a hammer.

when did i say hate speech wasn’t a problem at all?  when did i say guns had anything to do with paul pelosi?

you’re being willfully obtuse just to prove that guns aren’t the only problem in america, a claim that literally no person is making. 

whenever there’s a mass shooting, you don’t need to look any further than the guns. don’t overcomplicate things, it’s the consistent common thread here.

not mental health, not hate-speech, not right wing fuckery - guns. 

it’s like arguing universal healthcare. seems impossible in this country but other countries do it. other countries have strict gun laws, why can’t we?

other countries also have mental illness and hate-speech, but not daily mass shootings.  until you can convince me that (1) fixing the gun access problem is logistically impossible or (2) guns aren’t the root problem in gun violence, i will continue to “not get it”. 

sorry that bothers you. 

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3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

But think about the social phenomenon that is gun fetishization and mass shootings…the spike in both of those is a recent phenomenon, like over the past generation. It only took 25-30 years to turn into this. What happened can un-happen.
I’d suggest that mass shooting gun violence and the gun fetish are symptoms of much broader and deeper social issues: deep unhappiness (so you find your identity and happiness in guns), frustration and isolation (so you take out your pain on society), demonization and dehumanizing everyone but your group and calling them a threat to your existence (leading to targeted mass shootings), etc.
TLDR; in the 80s, we had guns. We just didn’t view them as props, central to our identity, or tools to inflict our rage on society or the “other.” We have become broken. And gun culture and violence is but the most dramatic symptom of our brokenness.

there were plenty of school shootings in the 80’s and 90’s, we just didn’t have the internet and social media to go along with them, or fox news to radicalize people or moron congressmen’s gun-centric xmas cards on display. 

there was an assault weapons ban. recently. laws exist in other countries right now. not sure waiting for hate and violent intent to un-happen in this country is realistic given our long and glorious history with it. 

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