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Unfortunately, schools will have to stop being soft targets.  All predators rely on the ability to hunt/hurt with little chance of getting hurt.  Look at all predators in the animal kingdom and they feed on the young, weak and old.  They will go out of their way to avoid confrontation with a similarly matched foe(pussy exception, it makes everything act crazy).  Same with almost all mass shootings.  Parkland, Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs, Las Vegas, New Zealand, Columbine(to an extent) all were soft targets with easy access points and little/no resistance.  A poorly trained school resource officer is not going to protect a campus.

To be come a hard target, schools will have to go to controlled access points, metal detectors and security guards at the entrance to stop a threat.

Rounding up the semi-autos is a noble idea, but will not happen in my lifetime.  Hardening the schools can happen now.  Greater communication in the system about potential issues with students that are exhibiting irrational behavior(all school shootings) can be improved.   Make lethal consequences a realistic possibllity at the schools and these types of activities will cease.  

  • Like 1
48 minutes ago, Enchubben said:

I think most republicans don’t see guns as the cause of the mass shootings, but rather as the outlet or tool to accomplish their feat.

Personally I think more resources need to be spent to identify the root cause of why these things happen and how to identify those individuals and get them help prior to an incident. 

Im surprised there hasn’t been more of an effort to reduce violent video games, movie and tv content for younger kids. I’d be supportive of that even as a conservative that typically likes less government and regulation.

If you'd like to waste money on studies, why not examine why kids in every country play violent video games and watch violent movies, but in only one country do they then go shoot up schools. 

19 minutes ago, Gladeite said:

Unfortunately, schools will have to stop being soft targets.  All predators rely on the ability to hunt/hurt with little chance of getting hurt.  Look at all predators in the animal kingdom and they feed on the young, weak and old.  They will go out of their way to avoid confrontation with a similarly matched foe(pussy exception, it makes everything act crazy).  Same with almost all mass shootings.  Parkland, Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs, Las Vegas, New Zealand, Columbine(to an extent) all were soft targets with easy access points and little/no resistance.  A poorly trained school resource officer is not going to protect a campus.

To be come a hard target, schools will have to go to controlled access points, metal detectors and security guards at the entrance to stop a threat.

Rounding up the semi-autos is a noble idea, but will not happen in my lifetime.  Hardening the schools can happen now.  Greater communication in the system about potential issues with students that are exhibiting irrational behavior(all school shootings) can be improved.   Make lethal consequences a realistic possibllity at the schools and these types of activities will cease.  

Stop gun violence with more guns. Turn schools into heavily armed fortresses.


  • Like 1
30 minutes ago, Zepol87 said:

You can't be fucking serious

I am dead serious.  There is actual data on this shit.  Schools are far, far more safer than they used to be.  But social media and 24 hour news has created a perception that schools are more dangerous now.  Schools are safer for kids.  Society is safer for kids.  There has never been a safer time for a kid than right now.  Fears of school shootings and other on-campus violence have increased, as the rate of violence in schools has decreased.






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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Enchubben said:

I think most republicans don’t see guns as the cause of the mass shootings, but rather as the outlet or tool to accomplish their feat.

Right.  That's what the gun control people are saying, too.  Literally no one is saying that guns are causing these shootings.

The point, which has been made thousands of times, is that easy access to guns empowers certain people to do something awful.  It's one thing to shoot a person from 10 or 20 feet   It's another thing entirely to beat a person to death with a bat or stab them with a knife.  Many people have the stomach for the former, but not the latter.  And it's easier for a group of people to subdue someone with a bat or knife than to subdue someone with an AR-15.

And if someone does decide to shoot into a crowd, he can do a lot more damage with high-capacity mags than with a basic hunting rifle, which almost no one is in favor of banning.  Etc.

No one is saying guns are causing these shootings, but there would be fewer of them and there would be fewer causalities if military-grade guns couldn't be bought at fucking Academy.  Fix that, then we can talk about fixing the underlying mental health issues.

And I think Republicans DO hear these arguments and understand them.  I think they just don't give a shit.  And they ought to be fucking ashamed of themselves.

Edited by TexArcher
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
On 3/21/2019 at 11:54 AM, Hank Kingsley said:

It's just common sense. 

To this day, I vaguely remember one tornado drill in elementary school because it was a bit scary. Active shooter drills? They would be pierced into my brain. Kids with high anxiety levels will most likely be significantly affected by shooter drills. It will encourage more isolation and disassociation from society. 

But apparently we can't do anything about guns, because the real problem is "mental illness". Then, we'll just cause more mental illness in children dealing with active shooter drills during the most formative years of their life. 

It's all worth it though. Could you imagine if people weren't given the fun opportunity to do this anymore?




"Mental illness" is a canard.  Irrespective of the lack of a sufficient causal link from the vast majority of these shootings to mental illness we're unwilling to spend the huge sums it would cost to cause meaningful impact.  Indeed, there is more of a causal link between those who regularly vote to protect gun rights and those who vote to reduce funding and availability of treatment for mental illness.

Edited by DDD Dad
5 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

"Mental illness" is a canard.  Irrespective of the lack of a sufficient causal link between the vast majority of these shootings to mental illness we're unwilling to spend the huge sums it would cost to cause meaningful impact.  Indeed, there is more of a causal link between those who regularly vote to protect gun rights and those who vote to reduce funding and availability of treatment for mental illness.

"Mental illness" is a sign of WEAKNESS! You know what's a sign of STRENGTH? Jogging with a pistol.

  • Haha 2
7 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

"Mental illness" is a canard.  Irrespective of the lack of a sufficient causal link between the vast majority of these shootings to mental illness we're unwilling to spend the huge sums it would cost to cause meaningful impact.  Indeed, there is more of a causal link between those who regularly vote to protect gun rights and those who vote to reduce funding and availability of treatment for mental illness.

I’ve yet to see a single piece of federal legislation that addresses mental illness funding and availability, yet it’s always their talking point. In fact, isn’t disrupting ACA going to reduce folks’ ability to acquire counseling and/or medication?

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I’m still the most worried about a teenage male incel having a bad day and getting ahold of his dad’s AR.  I wish people with these weapons would spend as much time and money on trigger locks and other precautionary measures as they do fighting against background checks.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, NoRagrets said:

In fact, isn’t disrupting ACA going to reduce folks’ ability to acquire counseling and/or medication?

Of course.  But Republicans don't care about mental illness anymore than they care about school children.  They care about gun rights, building a wall to keep the browns out, and making abortion illegal.  And that is all.

  • Like 2
2 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

Of course.  But Republicans don't care about mental illness anymore than they care about school children.  They care about gun rights, building a wall to keep the browns out, and making abortion illegal.  And that is all.

They care about owning the libs.  That's it.  Every single one of their core issues would flip in a heartbeat if the Democrat position changed.

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Having a poorly trained school resource officer on campus is not a deterrent.  Even a highly trained one is problematic due to the extreme levels of boredom that come with the job.  Being at the right place at the right time (Columbine), stress induced panic(Parkland) are contributing factors of resource officer ineffectiveness.

You will not be able to get rid of guns effectively.  Too much resistance, too hard to control/monitor in a country the size of the U.S.

Mental health is a huge issue.   There were huge warning signs available for almost all of the school related mass shootings.  There are studies that show that first person shooter games also have an effect on the development of the brain.  These young boys are desensitized to shooting/killing.  

Schools do not have to be armed fortresses, but restricted and controlled access that eliminates the possibility of a shooter gaining access to the students along with deadly consequences of attempting this action will stop it.

Col. Dave Grossman has an excellent seminar on school shootings and a book that is worth the read:  Assassination Generation: Video Games, Aggression and the Psychology of Killing.

I spend quite a bit of time in the security arena and always looking for ways to stop this type of insanity.  



  • Like 1
2 hours ago, GSU&UT said:

Fuck yes, let's raise those taxes and get universal healthcare with access to mental health professionals. 

Second, you literally just made the 80s/90s Tipper Gore argument that the media is to blame and literally not the weapons themselves that are designed to kill. Fascinating

I've yet to see a flock of guns running around aimlessly shooting themselves at people.  

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

I've yet to see a flock of guns running around aimlessly shooting themselves at people.  

Yep, what we need to do is site every single person down in front of a psychiatrist for months on end before they're allowed to purchase a gun. That way all you "guns don't kill people" knuckle-draggers can finally make that argument.

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, GSU&UT said:

Schools are safer than 25 years ago, meanwhile kids experience trauma when they go through events like this and trauma at a young age is going to lead to some severe problems later in life.

I still remember this story immediately after Parkland where the surviving kids were getting help, through twitter, from other school shooting survivors around the country. It was such a surreal moment. A lot of these kids, their families, and even the larger community as a whole never really recover from the trauma. 

48 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

I've yet to see a flock of guns running around aimlessly shooting themselves at people.  

I've yet to see vials of biological weapons running around aimlessly infecting people.  So obviously every American should have access to biological weapons to defend his/her home.

Posted (edited)
49 minutes ago, Skyline said:

I still remember this story immediately after Parkland where the surviving kids were getting help, through twitter, from other school shooting survivors around the country. It was such a surreal moment. A lot of these kids, their families, and even the larger community as a whole never really recover from the trauma. 

There have been a few suicides from kids that were at school on that day. It's so heartbreaking.


17 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

I've yet to see vials of biological weapons running around aimlessly infecting people.  So obviously every American should have access to biological weapons to defend his/her home.


Edited by GSU&UT
1 hour ago, Trey3216 said:

I've yet to see a flock of guns running around aimlessly shooting themselves at people.  

I've yet to see an unarmed person running around shooting anyone. 

  • Like 2
I’m still the most worried about a teenage male incel having a bad day and getting ahold of his dad’s AR.  I wish people with these weapons would spend as much time and money on trigger locks and other precautionary measures as they do fighting against background checks.


I worry about my kids or myself - I work in a hospital & my office would be the first one after coming through the main entrance, with no back door - getting killed or hurt by a rage full, gun slinging incel than I do getting killed by an Islamic terrorist.


More of our kids get killed and hurt by shots fired from a disaffected young white male than they do by a Muslims but which one does the right fear monger?

3 hours ago, Gladeite said:

Greater communication in the system about potential issues with students that are exhibiting irrational behavior(all school shootings) can be improved.   Make lethal consequences a realistic possibllity at the schools and these types of activities will cease.  

GOP: Hardening these schools will cost a lot more money, so we will have to take it from the schools' budgets, and may have to close a bunch of public schools to pay to harden the other schools.  WIN!

Seriously, my wife taught for a long time, and still works within education, and still goes through the lockdowns/drills, as does my kindergartner.   My kindergartner is already asking us about the lockdowns/drills, and how the fuck do you tell a 6 year-old that "hey, you have to practice this, because somebody may come into your classroom and kill you."

I know that some fucking idiot on his cellphone blowing through a red light or stop sign is more dangerous to my family than a school shooter, but the fucking morons who pull the "oh the schools are safer than people think" can go pound sand.  Most of them don't have little kids asking about school shootings or why they have to go through drills/lockdowns.

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The day is coming where the GOP/NRA are going to lose the war, all because they aren't willing to give up a few battles.

In my lifetime, for a decade of my adult life, we've had the Assault Weapons Ban, and it was challenged a shitload of times in court.  Way too many younger folks aren't old enough to remember that, and they scoff at the idea of such a thing.

But we are going to get somebody live-streaming the shooting-up of a school (already had it for a mosque), and that video will be out there, where little kids are crying for their lives as they are gunned down, and the Dems will be able to push through something far stronger than the AWB, or they will get in office and then push it through.

All because the GOP and NRA aren't willing to make a few small concessions, and aren't willing to push through a comprehensive reform of the mental health system (not that it really exists).

  • Like 2

If Sandy Hook couldn't bring change I don't think anything will. Including video. 

It's going to have to start happening much more often and it's going to have to start happening at elite boarding/prep schools where the children of lawmakers go before anything major changes. 

4 minutes ago, Hawndoh said:

If Sandy Hook couldn't bring change I don't think anything will. Including video. 

It's going to have to start happening much more often and it's going to have to start happening at elite boarding/prep schools where the children of lawmakers go before anything major changes. 

GOP had the power to shutdown any legislation after Sandy Hook.  There will be a point where they won't be able to.

Parkland woke a lot of people up.

You get a video out there of little kids being slaughtered, you will get legislation.  And the Dems will go in hard and dry.

31 minutes ago, Hawndoh said:

If Sandy Hook couldn't bring change I don't think anything will. Including video. 

It's going to have to start happening much more often and it's going to have to start happening at elite boarding/prep schools where the children of lawmakers go before anything major changes. 

Guns as a topic really bring out the nihilist in me. You can visit gun forums and some of the gun related subreddits, and a lot of them dislike the NRA for being too soft. I don't see the needle moving anytime soon. 

Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Skyline said:

Guns as a topic really bring out the nihilist in me. You can visit gun forums and some of the gun related subreddits, and a lot of them dislike the NRA for being too soft. I don't see the needle moving anytime soon. 

If the gun nuts are so committed to their cause, why isn’t there a significant movement to make fully automatic weapons as legal as hunting rifles?  

Because they really don’t give a shit.  If the government put the same restrictions on semiautomatic rifles as they do fully automatic ones, I’m sure everyone would get over it eventually.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
11 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

What's it going to take, America?

How many is too many?


these kids who have grown up in lockdown drills are going to be the most active voting youngster generation in possibly forever, is my guess. in about 10 years, shit is going to shift, imo. they are active, smart, and tired of the old white man bullshit.

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

these kids who have grown up in lockdown drills are going to be the most active voting youngster generation in possibly forever, is my guess. in about 10 years, shit is going to shift, imo. they are active, smart, and tired of the old white man bullshit.

Just gotta make sure your party’s messaging reaches them first.  Hook ‘em while they’re young, like the tobacco industry and Catholicism. 

1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

Columbine was a formative event and a focal point.

That one was unique on many levels.  It was pre-9/11 and one of the shooters daydreamed and wrote in his journal about flying a plane into the Twin Towers.  Also, there were multiple shooters which is extremely rare.  It also happened before Facebook, social media, and everyone having cellphones. 


And do they?


Or do they get covered more because the media loves to hype a connection to Columbine.


I don’t mean to sound callous but it’s reality - one student died. Off the top of my head that’s happened twice in Birmingham and once just outside of Huntsville THIS YEAR but those incidents didn’t make a news splash.


Seriously, anything less than double digit DEATHS doesn’t even merit breaking news any longer UNLESS there’s another angle; like a connection to Columbine.


  • Like 1
1 hour ago, hayden_horn said:

 mom is a fucking champ.

Not to mention the daughter correcting her spelling in the middle of a shooting. Mom's doing a good job.



so how long before the next democratic president says fuck it and declares a national emergency to get all the fucking guns?

this shit is way scarier than all the bad hombres.

8 hours ago, Gladeite said:

Unfortunately, schools will have to stop being soft targets.  All predators rely on the ability to hunt/hurt with little chance of getting hurt.  Look at all predators in the animal kingdom and they feed on the young, weak and old.  They will go out of their way to avoid confrontation with a similarly matched foe(pussy exception, it makes everything act crazy).  Same with almost all mass shootings.  Parkland, Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs, Las Vegas, New Zealand, Columbine(to an extent) all were soft targets with easy access points and little/no resistance.  A poorly trained school resource officer is not going to protect a campus.

To be come a hard target, schools will have to go to controlled access points, metal detectors and security guards at the entrance to stop a threat.

Rounding up the semi-autos is a noble idea, but will not happen in my lifetime.  Hardening the schools can happen now.  Greater communication in the system about potential issues with students that are exhibiting irrational behavior(all school shootings) can be improved.   Make lethal consequences a realistic possibllity at the schools and these types of activities will cease.  

So, make schools more like military bases or prisons and we're good?  

Or you could take guns (particularly ones made for the military) away from crazy people.  Just a thought.

  • Like 2
Just now, henrygandorf said:

so how long before the next democratic president says fuck it and declares a national emergency to get all the fucking guns?

this shit is way scarier than all the bad hombres.

This post does not seem to be particularly well thought out.

1 hour ago, hayden_horn said:

jesus christ. mom is a fucking champ.


Wow.  Reading that feels like getting kicked in the stomach.  What a stellar woman -- pumping out positivity and affection while she's being broken in half.

Just now, 4th&Five said:

A generation of kids with PTSD. Best country in the world but can’t solve a problem nobody else has. 


i saw that.  insane.  kid looked 10 and had no fear.

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