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The destruction of America's public education system


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51 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Well, you see, for starters Noah’s son Ham was cursed and that’s where black people come from. 

The way I remember it was Abel worked hard all summer harvesting his crops, while Cain just played in the field. Then when Winter came, Abel had all the nuts; Cain had no nuts, so he killed him.

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42 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

The way I remember it was Abel worked hard all summer harvesting his crops, while Cain just played in the field. Then when Winter came, Abel had all the nuts; Cain had no nuts, so he killed him.

If anyone has nuts it was Cain. He was a farmer. Abel was a shepherd. God favored Abel’s sacrifices of meat over Cain’s plant offerings and that’s why Cain killed Abel.

The moral of the story is that God hates vegans. 

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