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Trivia/History thread

Beau Vine

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11 hours ago, WBT said:

Sam Crawford?

good guess but no.

I will add the one no one will get Snuffy Stirnweiss 1945 Yankees led AL with .309 and 33 SB's.  so him, cobb, wagner, altuve, turner, robinson, and...

This is a post 1900 list.  Billy Hamilton apparently did it in 1891.

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In the game played on the "Field of Dreams", how did Archibald "Moonlight" Graham, then a 27 year old outfielder for the New York Giants, recognize Gil Hodges?  A player who would not be born until 1924?  

Edited by YGIFS
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So I told him to stick it!!!

I love that movie for so many reasons, was just always weird to me that Graham as a young player would recognize players that hadn't been born yet when he played IRL.  He was a real player.  

Anyway, two related trivia questions:

1.  What hall of famer has the shortest surname? 

2.  Who was the last pitcher to finish in his league's Top 10 list for home runs hit?  

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17 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

So I told him to stick it!!!

I love that movie for so many reasons, was just always weird to me that Graham as a young player would recognize players that hadn't been born yet when he played IRL.  He was a real player.  

Anyway, two related trivia questions:

1.  What hall of famer has the shortest surname? 

2.  Who was the last pitcher to finish in his league's Top 10 list for home runs hit?  

Mel Ott? 



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Yes.  And then, shit...I forgot to type "prior to Ohtani.  Dammit.  I'm dumb.  delete everything, simulation is failing us. 

Prior to Ohtani, who was the last pitcher (and yeah, big hint...it was an AL guy) to finish Top 10 in HR's.  It can be a two-way player, but obviously there's only a handful of those all-time, but there were guys used as pinch-hitters when they weren't on the mound that day. 

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5 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

Yes.  And then, shit...I forgot to type "prior to Ohtani.  Dammit.  I'm dumb.  delete everything, simulation is failing us. 

Prior to Ohtani, who was the last pitcher (and yeah, big hint...it was an AL guy) to finish Top 10 in HR's.  It can be a two-way player, but obviously there's only a handful of those all-time, but there were guys used as pinch-hitters when they weren't on the mound that day. 

Probably Babe Ruth then.


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Keep in mind the scoring nuances of baseball.  Just because you pitch sometimes doesn't mean your homer that day counts as a pitcher.  You have to be slated as the "1" spot on the lineup card or the pinch hitter for the "1" spot.  Playing OF or DH that day, when you're not on the mound, those HR's don't count as "pitcher" even if you pitch 30 games that season.  

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1 hour ago, YGIFS said:
So I told him to stick it!!!
I love that movie for so many reasons, was just always weird to me that Graham as a young player would recognize players that hadn't been born yet when he played IRL.  He was a real player.  
Anyway, two related trivia questions:
1.  What hall of famer has the shortest surname? 
2.  Who was the last pitcher to finish in his league's Top 10 list for home runs hit?  

1. Mel Ott and this guy:

( If I wanted to be a pedantic asshole, Saduhau Oh.)

2.  Wes Ferrell?

Edited by Beau Vine
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  • 3 weeks later...

Not a trivia question, just something really interesting that I saw in a book I'm reading...

In 1939, the AL owners passed a rule prohibiting teams from trading or selling players to the defending pennant winner unless they had already declared waivers.  This rule was instituted in an attempt to disadvantage the Yankees, who had won 4 pennants in a row.  It kind of worked -- the 1940 Yankees were very pitching-thin (and missing Gehrig) and finished in 3rd place, behind Detroit.  But then in 1941, the Tigers were the ones who got screwed when several stars had down years due to age and Hank Greenberg got drafted into WWII.  By the 1941 ASG, the owners had already voted to rescind the rule.


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It really is remarkable how much bullshit players had to put up with until Curt Flood had enough.  

Somebody settle a debate.  The old trivia question "How many ways are there to reach first base?" Some schools of thought say 7, some say 9.  Both blend intentional walks with standard BB.  But there's a couple of controversial overlaps.

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13 hours ago, YGIFS said:

It really is remarkable how much bullshit players had to put up with until Curt Flood had enough.  

Somebody settle a debate.  The old trivia question "How many ways are there to reach first base?" Some schools of thought say 7, some say 9.  Both blend intentional walks with standard BB.  But there's a couple of controversial overlaps.

walk, hbp, catcher interference, hit, error, drop 3rd strike, FC, fielder interference, batted ball hits runner.

the catcher interference and fielder interference can be considered the same.  also, the batter gets awarded a hit when ball hits runner so really the same.

IMO the answer is really 7.

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  • 4 months later...

Here' a cool one that I'm having trouble believing -- what was the first team to win a World Series without an eventual Hall of Famer on their WS roster?



The answer is the Dodgers, but I'll leave the year to figure out.  The Dodgers also had the second team to accomplish the feat.


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29 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

Here' a cool one that I'm having trouble believing -- what was the first team to win a World Series without an eventual Hall of Famer on their WS roster?


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The answer is the Dodgers, but I'll leave the year to figure out.  The Dodgers also had the second team to accomplish the feat.



Gotta be 1981. Those were some scrappy teams Lasorda put together.


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The crazy thing is that if you had a time machine take you back to the early 80s and told baseball fans that not only would Garvey not get voted into the HoF, he wouldn't even be close, everyone would think you were crazy.  The Dodgers had a ton of Hall of Very Good types.   BTW, the 1988 Dodgers were the 2nd team (Sutton was released in August).   Next would be the 2002 Angels and the 2005 White Sox (Frank Thomas was hurt in 2005).


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On 10/20/2022 at 9:42 PM, dcar00 said:

walk, hbp, catcher interference, hit, error, drop 3rd strike, FC, fielder interference, batted ball hits runner.

the catcher interference and fielder interference can be considered the same.  also, the batter gets awarded a hit when ball hits runner so really the same.

IMO the answer is really 7.

I Googled this out of curiosity, and I can't say I'm surprised that there are up to 23 ways depending on how to count it. 23 is particularly creative:

1. walk
2. intentional walk
3. hit by pitch
4. dropped 3rd strike
5. failure to deliver pitch in 20 seconds
6. catcher interference
7. fielder interference
8. spectator interference
9. fan obstruction
10. fair ball hits ump
11. fair ball hits runner
12. fielder obstructs runner
13. pinch-runner
14. fielder's choice
15. force out at another base
16. preceding runner put-out allows batter to reach first
17. sac bunt fails to advance runner
18. sacrifice fly dropped
19. runner called out on appeal
20. error
21. four illegal pitches
22. single
23. game suspended with runner on first, that player is traded prior to the makeup; new player is



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3 minutes ago, Dutchrudder said:

14. fielder's choice
15. force out at another base
16. preceding runner put-out allows batter to reach first
17. sac bunt fails to advance runner

These are all the same thing.  


18. sacrifice fly dropped
20. error

Same thing.


1. walk
21. four illegal pitches

Same thing.


11. fair ball hits runner
22. single

You know.

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20 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:
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The crazy thing is that if you had a time machine take you back to the early 80s and told baseball fans that not only would Garvey not get voted into the HoF, he wouldn't even be close, everyone would think you were crazy.  The Dodgers had a ton of Hall of Very Good types.   BTW, the 1988 Dodgers were the 2nd team (Sutton was released in August).   Next would be the 2002 Angels and the 2005 White Sox (Frank Thomas was hurt in 2005).



Sutton was the one I wasn't sure about. I know he was there for the late 70's run but couldn't remember if he was there in 81. And those where the glory years for baseball for me. I still find it hard to believe that Garvey and Munson aren't in the hall. They were on the cover of Baseball Digest every other month!


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3 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

These are all the same thing.  

Same thing.

Same thing.

You know.

and a fair ball that hits an ump is ruled a hit so it is covered under that.

spectator interference can only get a batter called out, otherwise it is a hit.

pinch runner was not the batter.  the question was the number of ways a batter can get to first base.

whoever made that list is an idoit...

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4 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

Here' a cool one that I'm having trouble believing -- what was the first team to win a World Series without an eventual Hall of Famer on their WS roster?


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The answer is the Dodgers, but I'll leave the year to figure out.  The Dodgers also had the second team to accomplish the feat.


I was going to say the Florida Marlins but forgot about pudge...

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1 hour ago, Beau Vine said:

Saw this in BP and it cracked me up -- there are currently 8 guys in MLB who have been with their current organizations since at least 2008.

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Votto, Kershaw, Waino, Altuve, Crawford, Sal Perez, Cabrera, and... ????

Who's the 8th one?

Forrest Whitley? Sorry @Wulaw Horn. It had to be done.

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6 hours ago, WBT said:
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Does Blackmon count?  Drafted in 08.

Greinke and Cutch are back with their teams from 08.


8 guys in MLB who have been with their current organizations since at least 2008

I guess Blackmon is not counted because he didn't start '08 with the Rockies' org.

I'm waiting for @Helobious to tell us dude #8.

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