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Anne Heche -- bad car accident


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19 hours ago, Texzilla58 said:

I had a coworker who got bit by a brown recluse and she had to have most of the flesh on her leg debrided from mid thigh down. She described it thoroughly and it’s nightmare fuel.

My wife’s brother was accidentally set on fire by her father squiring lighter fluid on a slow fire when he was 5. 2nd and 3rd over his torso and up his neck, fortunately not much on his face. All in front of my then his family including his 10 yr old sister. They lived in the country in west Tennessee and drove him to the county hospital. They wanted to helivac him to a top class pediatric burn unit in Memphis but my fucktard father in law wanted him treated at the small town hospital so he didn’t have to travel. My wife was in the room while they debrided his burns and it rips my guts up when she talks about his screams and torment. It was a ptsd moment for both kids, it wrecked the family in guilt and anger. I fear burns like nothing else.

I feel for Anne Heche as she took her twisted messed up life and just destroyed it. Her family has to continue to deal with her shit, her addictions, her mental illness. Unrepentant addicts and uncooperative mental cases leave a trainwreck behind them.

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That poor kid. I was in my 30s and had given birth twice so I wasn't a total stranger to pain, but I can't imagine going through that as a child. Then the aftermath is unpleasant, too - for me, the debrided areas kept getting infected despite the silver cream and oral antibiotics, and the pain was still significant. I couldn't even clean them or apply topical meds without taking Vicodin 30 minutes before unwrapping the bandages. I'd lose my mind if my child had to go through that, especially over a large part of their body.

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On 8/6/2022 at 6:07 PM, trauma babe said:

There is no worse way to live or die.

Yep.  It's terrible.  If y'all ever want to have a gut check, go visit the Shriners' Hospital in Galveston and visit with the child burn victims.  One of the main reasons I'm so active in fundraising for them.  

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21 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

I did a six week elective rotation in the burn unit at Parkland as a third year med student. Mostly little kids, old people, and the mentally ill. We took almost everyone to the OR for debridement because of how painful it is. I got really good at placing lines and taking skin grafts. This was years ago so I'm assuming artificial skin, xenografts etc are better but we were taught TBSA %full thickness + age = mortality rate

Worst case I saw was a 20 something Park Cities guy, black sheep of family who got in huge fight with his parents at thanksgiving family dinner. He went to garage, doused himself with gasoline and lit himself on fire. Had 85% TBSA burns and was still alive and 200+ days later when my rotation started. Mental status was normal except he was constantly doped up on morphine. He would just stare at us when we went in to change dressings or replace central lines. Had no lips. Amazingly had eyelids. His parents kept his room filled with fresh flowers. That smell of flowers mixed with pseudomonas was something that stayed with me for a long fucking time.  I've seen some fucked up shit -- though I'm sure a lot less than you -- but smells have always affected me more than sights

Smell is the main memory invoker from what I have read.  

I had to have surgery on my right hand when I was in first grade as a result from an accident.  Anyway, back during that time they used ether as the knock out agent.

To this day(50 plus years later), when I smell ether, I go back to my first memory after waking up from surgery which is me sitting up on a gurney and getting wheeled back to my room after post op.  

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1 hour ago, Trey3216 said:

go visit the Shriners' Hospital in Galveston and visit with the child burn victims

GIF by Zack Kantor

1 hour ago, Nole-4-Life said:

She looked pretty good in a shitty flick called Spread where she was a rich chick and Ashton Kutcher was her boy toy. Lotsa nudity.

Spread (2009) - IMDb


She is literally hotter now.

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1 hour ago, Sawbonz said:

I did a six week elective rotation in the burn unit at Parkland as a third year med student. Mostly little kids, old people, and the mentally ill. We took almost everyone to the OR for debridement because of how painful it is. I got really good at placing lines and taking skin grafts. This was years ago so I'm assuming artificial skin, xenografts etc are better but we were taught TBSA %full thickness + age = mortality rate

Worst case I saw was a 20 something Park Cities guy, black sheep of family who got in huge fight with his parents at thanksgiving family dinner. He went to garage, doused himself with gasoline and lit himself on fire. Had 85% TBSA burns and was still alive and 200+ days later when my rotation started. Mental status was normal except he was constantly doped up on morphine. He would just stare at us when we went in to change dressings or replace central lines. Had no lips. Amazingly had eyelids. His parents kept his room filled with fresh flowers. That smell of flowers mixed with pseudomonas was something that stayed with me for a long fucking time.  I've seen some fucked up shit -- though I'm sure a lot less than you -- but smells have always affected me more than sights

I will never, ever forget the smell of failed and rotting skin grafts mixed with infections and peppermint oil. Seared into my memory.

My last year in the ICU, we had five self-immolations. One was with us for nine months and "survived" enough to leave the hospital, but their life is utterly destroyed and they've probably killed themselves or at least made another attempt since then. The other lasted about seven months before our trauma attending finally said: "What are we even doing here?", after almost a hundred trips to the OR, more than a thousand total units of blood products, and millions of dollars in care. A hunk of decaying hamburger peppered with tubes and devices, and they looked a little bit like a person if you squinted hard enough. 

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On 8/5/2022 at 8:44 PM, Nicole44 said:

Her car before the fire in first picture. She had rammed into a parking garage at an apt complex and people tried to get her out of the car. And she sped away and crashed into a house and her car burst into flames. The ring camera in my other post shows how fast she was going and if you watch with sound you can hear the crash after her car speeds by. Very damn close to reminding me of the crash with Paul Walker of the Fast and Furious fame.





Show me the carfax....

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On 8/6/2022 at 9:32 PM, Deej said:

She was in the horrible remake of Psycho, with Vince Vaughn. 



She is good in every movie I've seen her in. It's the movies that weren't very good. She was good in Wag the Dog, too, which is another solid movie. She had a short-lived series, Men in Trees, which was pretty good. 

As for the accident, I've allowed my imagination to go where I would have rather restrained it. She is reported to be heavily burned. The photo of her crawling on the stretcher showed just about no burns that I could see on her back. Then there is the melted windshield and the amount of time it took to get her out of the car.


I assume the horrible burns are to her front side, and she had to sit facing the flames. 





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On 8/7/2022 at 10:48 AM, Nice Guy Eddie said:

We all have our good and bad days. I imagine those with mental health or substance abuse can have some really bad days. It can’t be easy if you also have to deal with paparazzi looking to catch you looking horrible or acting weird. That would seem to amplify your bad days.

The public seems to simultaneously support and gawk at famous people with mental health issues. 

Really good post. 

When Michael Jackson was on trial, the streets were lined with people proclaiming him to be perfectly normal as he drove by in his uniform and extensively altered face. He regularly had children over to his house for unsupervised overnight stays when he would sometimes get in bed with them. Even if nothing sexual occured, this is weird, mentally ill fucking shit.

We all watched it in plain sight. We watch and do nothing about the public meltdowns of persons who gain fame as children or adolescents and struggle greatly transitioning into adulthood. As you describe, multiple cameras are their for every unfortunae moment providing grist for the tut-tutting public who laugh at or scorn the fall.


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She looked pretty good in a shitty flick called Spread where she was a rich chick and Ashton Kutcher was her boy toy. Lotsa nudity.

Damn, she’s 39 or 40 in that photo too.

I always thought she was sexy. Sad story about her life and this latest chapter. Wishing the best for her.
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8 hours ago, austingirl said:

That poor kid. I was in my 30s and had given birth twice so I wasn't a total stranger to pain, but I can't imagine going through that as a child. Then the aftermath is unpleasant, too - for me, the debrided areas kept getting infected despite the silver cream and oral antibiotics, and the pain was still significant. I couldn't even clean them or apply topical meds without taking Vicodin 30 minutes before unwrapping the bandages. I'd lose my mind if my child had to go through that, especially over a large part of their body.


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9 minutes ago, Surly Bevo said:

Fire didn't really even have to touch her much.  Based on the looks of the car assuming she was still sitting face forward in the seat it was like she was on a vertical rotisserie....that wasn't turning.  

Bad Shawarma...

I would have to be eating a rotisserie chicken as I read that. It was from Costco, so it probably weighed more than Anne. 

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That poor kid. I was in my 30s and had given birth twice so I wasn't a total stranger to pain, but I can't imagine going through that as a child. Then the aftermath is unpleasant, too - for me, the debrided areas kept getting infected despite the silver cream and oral antibiotics, and the pain was still significant. I couldn't even clean them or apply topical meds without taking Vicodin 30 minutes before unwrapping the bandages. I'd lose my mind if my child had to go through that, especially over a large part of their body.

I’m sorry you went through it. My wife could not tell me the whole story until we’d been married over 20 years. She saw him consumed by fire, her father loading him in the car screaming, riding to the hospital for a 20 mile drive. Why the nurses didn’t pull her out I don’t know. Why her grandparents who lived next door didn’t come get her.

I can’t imagine the pain and torture my BiL went through at 5. My wife’s trauma of being witness to it really hammered her development. The parents stayed together in a war of guilt, blame, anger. My wife went from a good student to an indifferent one, went wild, married at 16 to escape. The family got no counsel or support from the hospital, their jobs, family, church. Just terrible.
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21 hours ago, BonzoMontreaux said:

Smell is the main memory invoker from what I have read.  

I had to have surgery on my right hand when I was in first grade as a result from an accident.  Anyway, back during that time they used ether as the knock out agent.

To this day(50 plus years later), when I smell ether, I go back to my first memory after waking up from surgery which is me sitting up on a gurney and getting wheeled back to my room after post op.  

We’ve started to use Ketamine prehospital for significant burns rather than some of the traditional opioids. What pain it doesn’t take away is at least forgotten with the right dose. These are some of the worst scenes I’ve had to deal with in my career. Terrible.

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8 minutes ago, SuckitKevin said:

We’ve started to use Ketamine prehospital for significant burns rather than some of the traditional opioids. What pain it doesn’t take away is at least forgotten with the right dose. These are some of the worst scenes I’ve had to deal with in my career. Terrible.

In Richard Pryor's 'Live on Sunset' he gives an account of being on fire and the recovery process.  It is well done and of course hilarious but at the same time you know it is something you never want to go through.   He talks about how at first, he could not really feel anything and how the nurses kept coming in and telling him we was going to get better and get "washed" and he follows that up with the process of getting washed.  He said basically as soon as they made that first scrub he was begging them to stop.


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40 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile

And you may find yourself in a beautiful house


And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"


And for the encore:

Ah, all wet
Hey, you might need a raincoat
Dreams walking in broad daylight
365 degrees
Burning down the house

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On 8/8/2022 at 4:31 PM, Buzzrock said:

Damn, she’s 39 or 40 in that photo too.

I always thought she was sexy. Sad story about her life and this latest chapter. Wishing the best for her.

Same, I always thought she was pretty hot. Looks like a rich man's Sandy Duncan. 

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On 8/5/2022 at 10:12 PM, atomheartbevo said:



Images from SkyFOX appear to show Anne Heche trying to get out of the gurney she was placed in.


Is this confirmed, or was she instructed to not lay back in order to keep the burn goo on her back from melding with the stretcher?


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On 8/7/2022 at 5:12 AM, TwiceHorn said:

Yeah, it was actually a thing for a while, now mostly discredited.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_memory_syndrome

I don't think we have enough information to state whether she was a victim of that, or of actual abuse.

I got stuck watching an episode of Sally Jesse Raphael--doctor's office waiting room or some such.  Definitely not something I watched from home on purpose.

She had a psychiatrist on, and he was addressing what had become a sensation in recent years prior to that:  All the "repressed memories" that people were "uncovering" in therapy.  And naturally, all those suppressed memories were of horrible abuse in one way or the other.  He was arguing that severely traumatic experiences are actually seared into the conscious memory as well the unconscious, and that the therapists uncovering these repressed memories were guilty of doing unfathomable damage.

She got really taken back, defensive even, and she insisted to him that she'd had a string of therapists on her show who had assured her of the valid scientific basis behind repressed traumatic memories.  His response was golden.

"They're bullshit.  There's really no such thing, generally speaking."

She just would not have it.  I think the intervening years have validated his position and made her look like a bigger idiot than she already did.  It's beyond fascinating, the way we insist on clinging to a belief because of our emotional attachment to it, and no amount of evidence to the contrary will dissuade us.

People mock religion and religious beliefs (understandably so, in a great many cases) but they're just one example of the way people in general rationalize away anything that opposes their belief system.  In that respect, everybody's religious to some degree.

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