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10 hours ago, LonghornGoodfella said:

What spy said. Better to get more plates and have a chance to eat more, to win. Now if you can't eat shit, you're fucked either way. 

Yeah not the best episode. Like i was saying, i'm getting sick of the new blood aka Big brother taking over all the airtime. I guess that's where they are headed. I heard that the crazy gay hispanic dude from BB that won who beat the pots and pans in the house is going to be on the next challenge. Gag. 

On another note, i read an interesting article today about CT's wedding this past weekend. Apparently it was filmed by MTV for a special and only a few challenge members got paid to attend. The others that did get invited that were not going to be paid didn't go because they didn't want to be filmed without getting money. Stupid. But i did read that CT didn't invite Bananas. Apparently he went on Derrick's podcast and dropped a bomb that CT fucked some stripper bitch lol. Oh Johnny, do you want to awake the giant and get backpacked in real life. Dumbass. 


The producers want known brands (no matter how small) in hopes of getting more eyeballs to their shows. The reality tv crossover is massive on all shows, channels, etc. and isn't going to stop. I do agree it's rather annoying to have people that have no link to even MTV let alone going back to the original Real World vs. Road Rules challenges franchise but it is what it is.

Social media has made it even worse as the great majority of those that go on these shows don't really give two shits about winning (although it's a nice bonus) they want to make stay on each show as long as they possibly can (more exposure) and make a scene or do something crazy that will be a good clip to market you for the next reality show or get you noticed on social media to get paid gigs. 

As for CT's wedding, again I can't say that I blame them if they are paying some of the cast to show up I sure as hell wouldn't go without getting paid, it's the only bargaining chip they have. 


Posted (edited)

Yeah I totally get that Hoffa. Paulie is a good example. He’s popping off at the mouth enough like a little dog and making enemies so he guarantees he gets invited to many more seasons of the show. I just don’t like it. 

I mean if the are going to go the reality Star world, why not bring in some Survivor guys like Malcolm, Tyson, or Parvati who are real badasses who could wreck shop out of the gate. Instead we get these BB or AYTO pussies who bring nothing to the game but bullshit drama. 

Edited by LonghornGoodfella
1 hour ago, LonghornGoodfella said:

Yeah I totally get that Hoffa. Paulie is a good example. He’s popping off at the mouth enough like a little dog and making enemies so he guarantees he gets invited to many more seasons of the show. I just don’t like it. 

I mean if the are going to go the reality Star world, why not bring in some Survivor guys like Malcolm, Tyson, or Parvati who are real badasses who could wreck shop out of the gate. Instead we get these BB or AYTO pussies who bring nothing to the game but bullshit drama. 

I actually like it.  Since they don't make RR anymore and RW is pretty rare, they've got to get the new blood from somewhere.  Instead of bringing in a batch of fresh meat, and those people were probably just people who didn't quite make the cut for the RW, I like adding the Big Brother people.  It helps that I'm a BB fan so I know the people they are bringing in.  I watch that shitshow Are You The One too, so I guess that applies as well.  My problem with it is the people they are bringing in from those two shows suck for the most part.  Jozea and Dayvonne are beyond worthless, though Day laughing in Derek's face when he tried to polidick her was pretty fucking awesome.   I think in the long run, Paulie will be a good addition for the drama he will bring.  Natalie's tits are a nice addition.  If they bring Josh for BB in I'm going to puke.  Might as well force Paul from BB on us too.   


so honestly, all this screaming and yelling for such petty fucking reasons, is really turning me off on the show.  Ive watched the damn thing for close to 15 years, but this, this new idiocy of just letting the new girls scream at their perceived threat is becoming overly tiresome. 

And I am pretty sure that social media is the reason for this shit.   these idiots all need as many followers as possible to validate their lives, so the only way they know how to do it, is by getting more airtime, while being gaping vaginas. 

getting back to the game,  right now, the biggest threats to Tony and Bananas are  Kyle & Brad  and weirdly enough, Shashley & Hunter (if those 2 idiots can get over the fact that Shashley "lied").   

what Johnny has to figure out is how to get rid of at least one of the gaping vaginas group, by having 1 of the lavenders turn on the other.

Zach & Amanda are totally neutral, since Amanda wants johnny gone. and Zach desperately wants to vote in one of the lavender group.   so they will vote for D &J again, and I guess hope that everyone else votes for them as well.... and then let those 2 idiots choose their opponents for the THIRD time.... and I guess  "hope" they dont get picked


although truthfully D&J are so fucking weak that anyone they pick they will lose to again. 

On 9/18/2018 at 10:24 PM, AUS-97HORN said:

so honestly, all this screaming and yelling for such petty fucking reasons, is really turning me off on the show.  Ive watched the damn thing for close to 15 years, but this, this new idiocy of just letting the new girls scream at their perceived threat is becoming overly tiresome. 


This episode definitely helped clear up who the horrible people are and who the decent humans are.  The Lavender Losers are some pretty disgusting people. Except maybe Sylvia.  I didn't see her wading knee deep into that fray, but I might be wrong.  Amanda and Ashley may be two of the worst people ever to be on The Challenge.  And Natalie definitely came out the winner in her talk with Kayleigh.  


Yeah, laughing about someone tossing your shit is quite a bit less of a thing than what Kayleigh did. I hope the fucking light bulb came on when she saw the episode, but I highly fucking doubt it.  


Just got around to catching the episode and agree with the above on Amanda being an ugly ass loud mouthed white trash bitch that needs to go away. I know the talent pool isn't too great this season, but damn Joss wtf. Fuck this lavender girl and Shane shit taking up 45 minutes of the show. 

If i'm the producer, they need to do a revenge of the nerds challenge riding the tricycle around the track and chugging a beer after each lap with the Chinese music playing. 18 laps. That shit would be funny. But the Rogan fear factor eating challenge is an annual pop up each season. 


overall just an amazingly bad strategy episode by Tony & Bananas.   Once its a 3 way tie, since J&T know they voted Nelson & shane,  and because we already saw that the tiebreaker decision meant whoever was picked, was going to pick WHOEVER they wanted,   B&T should have known the other 2 teams  with votes were the ones they needed to pick,   and since I doubt they would have picked Zach & amanda,  that meant Jozea & DeVonne would have been their choice. 

doing that would have meant J&D would have had to choose between whoever voted for them, (obviously tony & Bananas dont know who voted for those 2 teams, but they knew damn well it probably wasnt Kyle & Brad or Z & Amanda,)

And it ended up that Z& Amanda  & Joss & sylvia had voted for J & D.    at that point  it really doesnt matter who  J&D pick, because  I sadly think J&D would have beat either of the teams., and if not, who cares, cause they would have gone back to the redemption house again.


and I swear to God, if these cocksucking producers allow  Cory & Devin to ENTER the challenge if they eliminate someone, like Hunter & Shashley did, its way too late in the fucking game to give those assholes a shot at winning the Million dollars.  There are only 6  "live" teams left at this point, with one redeption team coming back.

you know the final 4 teams are going to have the chance to win the Mill.... so if they let Devin & cory step in here, even if they win their spot, its total fucking bullshit. 


On 9/18/2018 at 10:24 PM, AUS-97HORN said:

so honestly, all this screaming and yelling for such petty fucking reasons, is really turning me off on the show.  Ive watched the damn thing for close to 15 years, but this, this new idiocy of just letting the new girls scream at their perceived threat is becoming overly tiresome. 

And I am pretty sure that social media is the reason for this shit.   these idiots all need as many followers as possible to validate their lives, so the only way they know how to do it, is by getting more airtime, while being gaping vaginas. 



They don't need followers to validate their lives. They need the followers to make money. The great majority of those that go on the challenge don't have real jobs they are "social media influencers" or whatever the fucking term is where you take a selfie every couple of hours to sell the shitty lipstick or whatever else they can shill for money.   

Sadly yelling and making an ass of yourself gets you more followers than just being a normal person and also gives you a better chance of being asked back on the next season. 

Crazy = Money


I like how Brad and Kyle are butt hurt and now after Shame and Nelson. They didn’t backdoor a vote on them. They straight up challenged them like men and won. I hate all the pussies that get pissed when they don’t get to go to the final without having to face an elimination.

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  • Like 2

yep I had intended to say that the Kyle Brad bitching didnt make much sense, I just have to assume Kyle and Brad *HAD* to be fronting for the cameras.

I did LOL at Kyle complaining that Shane & Nelson didnt go after them in a physical challenge.... uh.... not sure how the fuck we describe the treadmill challenge, but it was a hell of a lot more physical with strategy than being a puzzle challenge.   And you fucks got WORKED by the other 2.  

Posted (edited)

Besides being athletic beasts, the other big difference between your CT/Landon/Darrell/Derrick group and your Brad/Kyle/Tony/Bananas group is the simple minded and insecure nature of the second group. The first group pretty much accepts the game for what it is and takes it in stride like men. Even some lesser players like Leroy and Hunter do the same. What separates those guys from the rest is how offended they get whenever they get nominated or actually lose at something. Instead of just charging it to the game they hurt and embarrassed and take it all personal. It's laughable.

Edited by Goo Punch
Posted (edited)

MTV needs to drop some bread next year to bring back an all star cast- Laurel, Emily, Sarah, Jenna, Cara, Nicole, and maybe even Louise or Brooke Hogan from the celebrity edition. Then get Darrell, CT, Bananas, Derrick, Leroy, Joss, Zach, Abram, Wes, Jordan, etc. Offer every one of them a fat check for just showing up and incentivize them with something that's the equivalent of a "game check" for surviving each round. Then bring back the prizes for winning challenges, and finally, go back to the old school days of the challenge and ramp up the physicality and the 1v1 nature that so many of the challenges and eliminations used to have. The clock is ticking on this sort of event happening, and before we know it all of these people will be moved on from this show and we'll be left with AYTO rejects and Lavender Losers.

Edited by Goo Punch
2 hours ago, Drew said:

Agreed...how you going to be mad when they called you out in front of you like real men.


Jesus a bunch of pussies on that show.

Did anyone notice when they got to the Redemption house and Kyle started talking about Pauley?  He was basically saying if he comes at us, we're going to kick his ass.  He never once said me or I.  It was always "us".  Him and Brad.  I think I heard him say we or us 6 times.  He's quite the badass.  Motherfucker, you better not come at me or I'll have Brad fight you while I dance in a circle around you two and wait for an opportunity to kick you when you aren't looking.  


Here's a link to a podcast with Bananas where he basically calls all the new people a bunch of pussies:


  • Like 1

Is it weird that I'm actually rooting for Jozea and Davon to keep going solely because they've been picked on only because they're new and in the words of Zack "I don't know you".  They're fighters too, which I didn't expect in the beginning.


They have no shot at actually winning, but I'm pulling for them more than some of the vets for sure.

Is it weird that I'm actually rooting for Jozea and Davon to keep going solely because they've been picked on only because they're new and in the words of Zack "I don't know you".  They're fighters too, which I didn't expect in the beginning.
They have no shot at actually winning, but I'm pulling for them more than some of the vets for sure.

Yep. Which is weird because I hated them on BB. Her laughing in Derek’s face when he tried to polidick her won me over.
  • Like 1

I didn't see Big Brother, but I saw Champs for Stars with Jozea and did not like him at all.


I hated Ashley in that too, and she's still sticking around in this show.


The preview kind of let the cat out of the bag that it looks like Zach & Amanda fought again, and couldnt decide on who to vote for in the secret ballot (again) so they voted for Jozea & Devonnne (again). 

But, reading the preview tea leaves, I am pretty sure, Johnny & Tony end up tied with them and Amanda seeing her chance, in the tiebreaker, yells out Johnny's name, leaving Zach to either agree with her, or refuse, causing some sort of producer induced statement that either Z& Amanda agree, or they get tossed in the challenge instead?

So it could still be Johnny & Tony going in if Zach caves, or J & D going back in for the 4th time.

2 hours ago, Drew said:

I didn't see Big Brother, but I saw Champs for Stars with Jozea and did not like him at all.


I hated Ashley in that too, and she's still sticking around in this show.

He was so much worse on BB.  He formed a little alliance the first few days and was convinced he was personally running the house.  Called himself the Messiah or something like that.  The booted him out on day 9.  

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, spystud13 said:

You watch a lot of reality shows. 

Bachelor in Paradise

The Bachelor

The Challenge

Are You The One

Jersey Shore

Amazing Race

Big Brother

KUWTK  (not saying the full name out of shame - wife makes me watch it!)


Hell's Kitchen


The Apprentice

also some food shows on the Food Network and some Home Remodeling shows, but that's more like reruns.  I'm leaving some off that didn't make it too, but in my defense, there are no shows about Housewives, Dancing, Singing, Teen Moms, Toddlers wearing Tiaras, or Little People living their lives.  Or big people for the most part.  Other than the Show That Shant  Be Named, I prefer a little competition to my Reality.  


So in closing, yeah, I watch too many reality shows.  But I could be worse!  


i dont mind the Zach & Amanda idiocy,   Zach threw his dick on the table, and Amanda couldnt swallow her pride to pick one of her friends.   although, pure idiocy by both of them to give up a real chance to win $1M

Its total fucking HORSESHIT that Corey & Devon are allowed to walk into the show with SIX fucking teams left (7 once the redemption shit is done), when 4 teams are going to the final.  These fucks have done NOTHING to earn the right to walk into the show this late and get a chance to win.   Neither of them has won the challenge, Cory finished 2 & 3 once.  Devin finished 3rd once.    Congrats.... you get a huge chance to get to final of a $1M prize challenge without having to have risked anything for EIGHT entire elimination challenges this season?

They had to beat one legit team in Zach & Amanda, and then got to beat up the layups of D & J.   

  • Like 2
42 minutes ago, AUS-97HORN said:

i dont mind the Zach & Amanda idiocy,   Zach threw his dick on the table, and Amanda couldnt swallow her pride to pick one of her friends.   although, pure idiocy by both of them to give up a real chance to win $1M

Its total fucking HORSESHIT that Corey & Devon are allowed to walk into the show with SIX fucking teams left (7 once the redemption shit is done), when 4 teams are going to the final.  These fucks have done NOTHING to earn the right to walk into the show this late and get a chance to win.   Neither of them has won the challenge, Cory finished 2 & 3 once.  Devin finished 3rd once.    Congrats.... you get a huge chance to get to final of a $1M prize challenge without having to have risked anything for EIGHT entire elimination challenges this season?

They had to beat one legit team in Zach & Amanda, and then got to beat up the layups of D & J.   

All of this. What the fuck? 

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